• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 1,528 Views, 173 Comments

Blood and Ponies - GreyGuardPony

Everypony believes that the princesses have always ruled over Equestria. But that is wrong. For before there was a world of harmony....there was a World of Darkness.

  • ...


“Tell me Sugar Shine, are you trying to be reckless? Or does foolishness just come naturally to you?”

Sugar Shine peered over his morning paper at his erstwhile ally. The Changeling Queen was wearing one of her many false faces at the moment, this time choosing to appear as frumpy looking unicorn mare with a sour apple coat to match the sour apple expression she wore at the moment.

“I’m surprised that I have to explain the concept of love to you Chrysalis. I will not just leave my wife in that hole!”

The sour frown gave way to an odd half smile as Chrysalis idly paced before the desk. “My dear ‘friend’, I’ve forgotten more about love than you’ve learned so far. But I am concerned that your mind is not focused on our mutual goals. Are you aware that we’ve lost good minions and drones as of late?”

Sugar Shine rolled his eyes. It had been quite the unpleasant surprise to find Chrysalis waiting for him outside his penthouse door. He didn’t need random mares visiting him at his home. Pearl Towers was the home of half of Manehattan’s high society and they loved to gossip and spread muck like pigs in a barn.

Pushing away from his office desk, he crossed the room to its mighty picture window. From here his view of the Manehattan skyline and the city, his city, was unimpeded by the other buildings. The view was a reminder of just how high he had climbed in his life. Once he had been just another sugar merchant, working Manehattan’s docks. Now he had the money and connections that even the self proclaimed Queen of the Changelings came to him.

Said power was on visible display in his home office. A rug imported from Shouma filled the floor, actual golden threads part of its intricate mozaic like weave. Columns mimicking the style of the great temples of Minos supported the roof in the room’s four corners. Art from some of Equestria’s greatest creators filled the walls. He would not be intimidated by his ally.

“I am quite aware. I am also aware that the mare responsible is living in the same building as my wife! You told me!”

“Ahhh, so you were paying attention,” Chrysalis chided. “And there’s an additional wrinkle. My spies tell me that Princess Luna has arrived in the city as well.” She crossed to the window as well, her eyes flashing with emerald light. “One wrong move and the network of drones we’ve been slipping into this city could be exposed! Which is why I want to know why you decided that trying to drag your wife out of a battered mare shelter personally was a good idea! In front of Princess Twilight Sparkle at that!”

“I will not be intimidated from taking back what’s mine by that child!” Sugar Shine snapped. “Princess Celestia was a soft hearted old cow for allowing her to take a position of power in the first place! And just because you are scared of her, doesn’t mean I will be! You have drones! You know where she and that..what did you call it...kindred beast lair? Why not deal with them and be done with it?”

Chrysalis was silent for a moment.

“Perhaps you have a point.” She smiled, catlike as she pulled back from the desk. “A kindred is best dealt with in the daylight, when they are helpless. If we play our cards right, we could have Twilight Sparkle at the same time. Imagine the political power you might be able to have with the Princess of Friendship in your pocket!”

Sugar Shine considered that. While he didn’t think that the young mare was much on her own, the position of a princess carried a certain amount of social power.

“Do you require any assistance from my ponies?”

“Not at all my dear Shine. I’ll handle this. You just keep picking targets among Manehattan’s elite.”

With that, she bobbed her head in a curt nod and headed for the door. Sugar Shine returned to his desk and his paper, satisfied that he had won the argument.

- - - -

That pony is pushing the limits of his usefulness, Chrysalis thought to the drone at her side. He was wearing the form of a young pony, so kindly helping his aging grandmother along. But he isn’t wrong to be worried about that kindred.

Shall we slay the blood sucker my queen? A half dozen drones-

Would be far too obvious. No. With Princess Luna here, we have to step lightly. ...Besides, there might be an opportunity here.

My queen?

Princess Luna’s hatred of kindred will drive her to seek out and attempt to slay that vampire. If we were to pick the battlefield where that fight were to take place…

She could practically taste the excitement that radiated off the drone. Then we could make Equestria pay for what it did to us!

Chrysalis allowed herself a small smile. Such a clever little one. You’ll go far with a mind like that.

Queen and drone walked on, the city oblivious to the monsters in their midst.

- - - -


Twilight was beginning to get thoroughly sick of the drink. She was also pretty sure that she had drained the hotel’s little convenience shop of all its supply. Still, it had been worth it. The sprawling map of arcane formula spread out before her was, in her humble opinion, a thing of beauty!

She was going to transfer Sun’s curse right out of her body!

...She wasn’t sure what she was going to transfer it into yet. ...Or if it would work outside the conceptual, theory stage. But it was a start! She yawned, allowing herself a moment to sink in her chair and close her eyes from the all night work session. Yet, even with that one task behind her, she didn’t want to let herself sleep yet. A thousand half formed thoughts and concerns buzzed through her mind, an annoying swarm of metaphorical bees that just wouldn’t let her mind rest.

Sugar Shine’s obsession with his wife made her worried. Perhaps it was worth writing Princess Celestia? Or was she overthinking things? Seabreeze was an adult after all and had enough presence of mind to seek help and not go running back to him when-

Light washed over her face as the room’s curtains were pulled open. Wincing, she glanced over at the form of Rarity, her white coat almost golden as she was framed by the rising morning sun. Twilight blinked.

“I worked all the way till dawn?”

Rarity glanced over her shoulder. “Oh! I’m sorry darling! I had no idea!”

“Neither did I,” Twilight groaned. “But this was the most difficult bit of magic I’ve had to grapple with since...well...the spell that gave me these.”

She extended her wings to emphasise her point. Rarity giggled, coming over to Twilight’s side. “Hopefully, the results will be just as magical as the last time.” She paused, nervously chewing on her lip. “Twilight...are you sure we’re doing the right thing here?”

“...What do you mean?”

“It’s just...last night Sun admitted to us that she’s killed quite a few people in her day. I’m trying to keep an open mind and not judge...but I just don’t know.”

Twilight frowned, taking a moment to rub at her tired eyes. “That is somewhat concerning, but…” She sighed. It was a thorny question, the question of how far friendship and redemption could go. “Technically, I’m sure that Discord probably caused some deaths back during his original reign. We gave him another chance, even though sometimes I’m not entirely sure he’s really sorry for what he did back then… Sun’s even older than him, has a horrible affliction and her world does sound so very different than ours.”

Rarity gave a wry smile. “So is that the standard by which we judge these days? How long its been since the crime happened? Because neither Sun or Discord’s victims are still alive these days, we’ll give them a pass? ...We didn’t give Sombra another chance.”

“I’m not saying its a perfect system...or that it even is one. But Sun’s world is so far gone, she’s literally the last bit of it left. If she wants to just be a normal mare again, I think we should give her that chance.”

Rarity hummed softly to herself. “Did you ever picture us having to make decisions like this when we set out into the Everfree those years ago?”

“Can’t say that I did,” Twilight said with a wry smile of her own. “I was just trying to fix things in the moment.”

Rarity looked towards the sleeping form of Fluttershy. “I just hope this works out. I think that Fluttershy sees a kindred spirit in Sun. I’d hate to see her get hurt again.”

“Me too Rarity. Me too.”

- - - -

The day dragged on, Manehattan remaining unaware of the forces that were in motion. The ponies of the city worked their jobs or went to school, until the time came for Celestia to lower the sun.

And as it vanished over the horizon, Sun Shang stirred once more.

Her fangs were aching as she woke, a hunger gnawing away at her gut. She snarled, kicking her covers and their attempts to smother her away.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed. “I ate four ponies one night ago! How am I hungry again?”

Maybe she needed to hunt again? Going into a frenzy in the middle of a crowded event would see her finally dead for sure.

“Ugh. No! There is no way I burned through all that blood already!”

It was temptation talking. Pony blood remained delicious in ways that human blood never had been. Maybe it was something about all that sugary sweet kindness they liked to give off that made their blood taste better? Still, she wasn’t going to give into temptation and become some vampire fatty, engorging herself.

Grumbling to herself, she stalked her way downstairs to where Fluttering, Seabreeze and her foals were enjoying dinner. Fang was curled up under the dining table and gave her an evil eye as she stepped into the room.

“Evening, everypony,” Sun said.

Fluttering Posey looked up from her plate and gave Sun a smile. “Good evening! Care to join us?”

“Nah. I really shouldn’t.”

“Please?” Seabreeze asked. “I still haven’t been able to properly thank you for rescuing my daughter.”

“It was nothing...really,” Sun said, shuffling her hooves. “Besides, I have to do a few things before I join Twilight and her friends at the Historical Society.”

“Oh, well, if you already have plans then. I hope that you enjoy yourself,” Seabreeze said.

Sun smiled back. “I plan to try the best I can.”

She headed out into the city, following the same path towards the hotel as last time. Deep Digger and her would meet the others there and move onto the Historical Society. As grumpy as Sun was, she had to admit that she was looking forward to this. It would be nice to do something normal for a night and not skulk around dark alleys or chase ancient conspiracies. She was also looking forward to spending some time with Digger, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy. While she didn’t know a lot about the latter three, they all seemed nice. Especially Fluttershy. That pony just radiated a kind serenity that it was easy to lose one’s self in. And Digger….

Well, after all of this was done, she owed Deep Digger the biggest gift she could possibly track down. She had gone above and beyond anything that Sun could have expected from her and she stayed by Sun’s side even after she had attacked her. She would have been completely lost without that pony’s efforts.

Eventually, she worked her way to the hotel and up to Twilight and company’s room. One knock later and the door swung open to reveal the form of Twilight Sparkle in a simple blue dress of her own. She gave Sun a tired smile.

“Hello Sun. Glad to see you again.”

“You too Twilight. Long day?”

“Something like that. I dug through that book you gave me. I think that I have a spell for your...condition.”

Relief. The sensation flooded through every inch of Sun’s body at those words. “Really? I mean...so fast?”

“Well...like I said, I think I have something. I won’t know for sure until I…,” she drifted off as a mighty yawn interrupted her. “...try it out.”

As eager as Sun was to give Twilight’s spell a try, her exhaustion was evident. So, Sun opted to not push the situation. “Considering that you’re dead on your hooves, are you sure that you want to come to the party?”

Twilight giggled back. “Hehe! Dead on your hooves. Cause you’re a vampire!”

Sun peered past Twilight. “Rarity? Fluttershy? I think your friend needs a nap!”

Rarity joined them at the door, wearing quite the fluffy gown for tonight’s festivities. “Oh, I know! But she’s being so stubborn!”

“Hey! Going out and making friends was my idea. What kind of Princess of Friendship would I be if I didn’t follow up on my own advice!”

“Twilight, you were up all night working on that spell. You need rest.”


Sun sighed. “Then I apologise for this in advance.” Calling upon her reservoir of blood she looked Twilight Sparkle right in the eyes. “You want to go to sleep.

Twilight rocked on her hooves for a moment, before glaring right back at Sun. “...Did you just try to mind control me?”

“...Well, more influence your emotions,” Sun muttered. She raised an eyebrow, looking the bookish pony over again. “But, come on! You need some rest. Rarity, Fluttershy and I will be fine on our own. It’s a museum opening! I’ve been in more dangerous situations walking to the corner diner.”

That last part wasn’t an exaggeration either. There had been an incident at a local diner involving a bunch of gang bangers and some machine guns that had ended….poorly. ...For them. But Twilight sighed, her head slumping.

“Fine. I’ll rest. But tomorrow night when I try out this spell, you and I are going to have a conversation about that...mind thing you just did!”


“Well then,” Rarity said with a charming smile. “Let’s get you into your dress.”

- - - -

Despite everything that had been going on since they found Sun’s sarcophagus, Deep Digger was glad to see that the turn out for the exhibit’s opening. It helped keep a sense of normalness in her mind while she dealt with everything involving Sun. So while waiting for the vampire to arrive, she mingled through the crowds making small talk with the regular visitors and the bigger donors alike.

She had done a few circuits of the three galeries the show was taking place when she spied Sun, Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity was wearing an elegant purple gown that glittered in the light, its skirt puffy and lacy like the layers of a cake. Fluttershy’s outfit was much more simple, being a light powdery blue color with a plain skirt and higher collar.

Sun’s outfit was probably the most striking of the lot. Possibly to counter her pale coat and mane, she was dressed in sheer black fabric. The sleeves on her forelegs came down to her fetlocks, while its plain skirt stopped just a few inches past her hind hocks. The dress also sported a high collar and matching black beret.

Smiling to herself, she trotted over to the trio. “Glad that you managed to make it. Where’s Twilight though?”

“Off to dreamland,” Rarity answered.

“She worked herself to exhaustion coming up with a possible cure for...well...you know,” Fluttershy said, nodding her head towards Sun.

Sun smirked. “We’ll let her sleep, while we enjoy the show.”

“Fair enough. I hope that you’ll all enjoy this display of ancient relics from the far east, as well as our usual galleries.”

“Anything you’d recommend for a pony that’s rather history ignorant?” Sun asked.

“Well, I’d suggest the west gallery. We have a very nice collection on the founding of Equestria. And Radiant Dawn has some of her more elegant pieces in that gallery as well.”

“Sounds good to me. Fluttershy, Rarity, shall we?”

“You two go ahead, I’m going to mingle a bit.”

With that, she vanished into the crowd. Fluttershy and Sun peeled off next, leaving Deep Digger alone for a moment. At least until Far Sight swooped down on her with a pegasus mare in tow. She was a pretty looking one, with a deep blue coat and black mane. Deep Digger smiled at the pair.

“Rare to see you with a pretty mare Far Sight. Did you manage to snag yourself a date for tonight?”

“On the contrary,” the mare answered. “I am here on deadly serious business.”

- - - -

“...and so, the founders of Equestria drove the wendigos away with their bonds of friendship,” Fluttershy finished explaining. “From there, they’d go on to found the nation of Equestria.”

She had been walking Sun through the gallery, explaining the context of the various artifacts on display. Or at least the bits that she knew about directly. Twilight could have probably done a more through job.

Not that Sun seemed to mind. She took in each piece with what seemed like a genuine interest, occasionally throwing in a question of her own. But when they came to the end of gallery and its centerpiece of a marble statue of the founders, she paused with a slight frown.

“I already know from a book I read on the Princesses, that they showed up later to help shepard Equestria along after this lot had passed on. But I noticed that no one seems to know where they really came from, or how they became alicorns.”

“Oh, well...nopony knows. The princesses don’t like to talk about that aspect of their past.”


Sun’s expression turned dower as she stared off into the distance in contemplation. The sudden shift in mood was enough to make Fluttershy concerned that she had trod upon sensitive ground somehow. So, she shifted the subject.

“Can I talk to you something?”

“Sure thing.”

Fluttershy motioned towards another gallery, one not part of the traveling show, with a wing.
Sun followed and once they were a bit away from the other ponies, Fluttershy dove into her question.

“Do you ever have nightmares about your...condition?”

Sun eyed her wearily for a moment before shrugging. “Sometimes. I’ve seen my fair share of horrific things since becoming a vampire. Nightmares are kind of an inevitable side effect of that.”

The length of time that Sun had been asleep flashed through Fluttershy’s mind. It must have crossed her face as well as Sun smiled softly and shook her head.

“If you’re thinking that I had nightmares for centuries while in my stone box...I didn’t. Torpor was just one giant blank of time for me. And honestly, I don’t entirely begrudge them either.”

Fluttershy blinked at that. “What?”

Sun’s gaze wandered over the artifacts, lingering upon a spear that was carried by Commander Hurricane. “They remind me that my sense of morality hasn’t become warped yet. Vampires tend towards the sanguine and becoming rather numb to violence and bloodshed. It’s becomes easier to kill and just not care about who you’re hurting. The fact that I still have bad dreams...well, call it a good sign.”

“I have nightmares too. From my own time as...well I suppose it was almost like a vampire…”

Sun raised an eyebrow and Fluttershy shrunk back slightly. “Well, there was this time where I had the essence of a vampire fruit bat funneled into me. I kept flying around and draining all the apples on my friend’s farm.”

“...And you have nightmares about that?”

“Well...not that. More nightmares about not stopping at apple juice. Of attacking my friends.”

“I have to admit, I have a real hard time picturing you attacking anyone.”

Fluttershy frowned, even as she tried to hide behind her mane all the more. “Well, I almost did! And I wanted to know...how do you handle your nightmares?”

Sun frowned herself, now focusing all of her attention on Fluttershy. “Tell me more about what happened and how you acted during it,” she said, idly waving a hoof for her to continue.

So, Fluttershy did. “I don’t really remember much. But my friends told me that I didn’t do much more than hiss, snarl and go straight for every apple in my path.”

“So, no higher thought? No real choices? Just instinct?”

“I suppose.”

“You do know it’s not your fault then?”

“Well...yes, but I can’t stop myself from thinking back and worrying about what I might have done.”

Sun rubbed the back of her head. “So...when I was kicking around San Francisco as a vampire, I once happened to meet this religious man. I hadn’t been a vampire for longer than a few weeks at that point and I was looking for...answers...salvation...peace,” she trailed off gradually before shrugging. “I was looking for something at any rate. He told me ‘Don’t weep for the past, you’ll be crying all day.’ At a certain point, you have to accept that the past is past and move on. ….Which is probably really stupid sounding coming from the person desperately trying to buck a curse...”

She sighed and shook her head. “Look, I can’t tell you to just up and ignore what happened to you in the past. But you have friends that care about you. You have value. You are loved. They dragged you back from the depths and have stayed right by your side. That? That’s something you can hang onto.”

“Well said Miss Sun.”

Fluttershy blinked, turning towards the entrance of the gallery. An elegant kirin mare approached them with a distinct slink in her step. Her scarlet mane was done up in a bun and held in place with a pair of glittering gold hairpins. The gold of her dress glittered like her emerald scales, while a playful smirk played across her face.

“I’m sorry but...uhh...who are you?” Fluttershy asked.

She opened her mouth to respond, but Sun answered first.

“Ming Xiao,” she snarled, spitting out the name in disgust.

Fluttershy turned her attention back to Sun and instantly recoiled from the vampire. She was glaring at Ming Xiao with an intent that Fluttershy could only describe as murderous, her lips pulled back into a horrible snarl that showed off her fangs.

Ming Xiao nodded. “Yes. It’s been quite a long time Shang.”

“Don’t,” Sun hissed. “Don’t you dare address me like we’re friends, you back stabbing bitch! How many centuries was I in that stone box thanks to you? We were supposed to be partners!”

Ming sighed, turning her gaze to Fluttershy. “If you’ll pardon us, Miss Sun and I have quite a lot to catch up on.”

Fluttershy looked from Ming to Sun and back again. She wasn’t sure what Sun would do to Ming if left alone with her. By her own admittance, Sun was no stranger to violence and if Ming Xiao really had trapped her in that sarcophagus…

But they were already walking off together, heading deeper into the museum. Biting her lip for a moment, Fluttershy did the only thing she could do. She galloped off to find Rarity.

- - - -

“So, care to explain to me how the fuck you’re here?” Sun snarled.

Ming Xiao. Of all the people she had known from her old life, Ming Xiao was probably at the bottom of that list. Admittedly, Prince LaCroix was the absolute bottom of said list, but as she had killed the fucker that was a name she could easily check off.

The casual shrug that Ming gave back just infuriated her all the more. So much so that her inner beast was chomping at the bit to break loose, to tear and rip and break. Gritting her teeth, she shoved the monster back into its box. If she was going to kill Ming Xiao, she wanted to be quite lucid when she did the deed.

Oh and how tempting it was. Ming had lead the way to the lowest levels of the museum, away from every other pony in building.

“It’s been a long and winding path,” Ming answered, maintaining that infuriatingly casual tone and stance. “But the more simple explanation is that I was reborn along with the world after…”

“After what….Gehenna?”

“...Among other things. If I’m being honest it was a regular sample pack of apocalypses that all ravaged the world at once.”

The idea that the earth had faced some end of the world scenario had been sitting in the back of Sun’s mind since she woke up, but the confirmation stung like acid all the same.

“So...what is it that you want? Did you come to finish me off? Was shoving me into the sarcophagus not enough?”

Ming sighed. “I deserve that. But no, I came here to help you.”

“Help me? HELP ME? The whole reason I’m in this crazy horse based world is because of you! You betrayed me after I tore through the LA Camarilla, which you were quite happy to have me do by the way! And you ripped me away from what was left of my family!”

“Sun...you were quite happy to kill as many vampires as you could get your hands on after LaCroix killed your sister. You certainly didn’t have any issues taking my money or resources at the time.”
“Because I thought we were on the same side! I thought we had both come to the agreement that vampires had to end! What happened to helping me become mortal again?”

“At the time, it was a lie,” Ming answered. “I viewed you as so much trash, just like the rest of your kind. But useful trash. Then I was approached by someone else who proposed using you as part of his larger plan. It was an easy choice. At the time. But I’ve had a long, long time to think about my actions. And I wanted to let you know...I’m sorry.”

Sun blinked. “...What?”

“I’m sorry. I wronged you and I’m sorry.”

Anger surged through Sun’s body. “You’re sorry? Oh! I’m so glad that you’re sorry for throwing me into a stone box for centuries, ripping me away from everything I’ve ever known and leaving me as the last of my damn kind in a world of little horses! You did that to me...and you’re FUCKING SORRY!?”


She didn’t even realize that she had made the decision to attack at first. There was only the instinct to unleash her rage upon the person that put here. The corridor turned into a blur as she accelerated to breakneck speed, leaping into the air and bringing her forehooves down on Ming Xiao’s head. Or at least, she tried to.

Ming bent like a reed in the wind, her spine and body twisting in ways that should have been impossible. Even as she twisted about, she swung out with one of her own hooves, the whole limb growing and warping to curve about and strike Sun on the side of the head. The blow knocked Sun off course and her hooves slammed into the ground with a stone shattering crack.

“Sun...I don’t want to fight you. Let me help.”


She kicked off the wall, spinning about and lashing out with kick. Ming’s neck simply stretched to the right like a rubber band, the strike just barely missing her. Ming reared onto her hind hooves, her forelimbs shooting out and unraveling into ribbon like tendrils. Lashing out with her new snake like appendages, Ming’s tendrils wrapped around Sun’s head and body before slamming her against the wall.

“Stop it! I know that you’re angry, but attacking me won’t make you human again!”

“I wouldn’t trust you to help make me human again if you were the last person on earth!” Sun snarled, thrashing in Ming’s grip. “I already have allies!”

“Then let me help them!”

“Fuck. OFF!” Sun roared. Flexing every muscle in her body at once, she flooded her system with blood, putting the strength of steel behind her. She burst from Ming’s grip and launched herself at the kirin with a hiss.

Slamming into Ming, Sun smashed her up against the opposite wall and pressed her right foreleg against Ming’s throat. With her pinned in place Sun unleashed a flurry of punches with her other foreleg, it turning into a blur of pale pink from the Celerity enhanced speed. Ming grunted with each strike, her body shaking with each blow.

Then she detached her head.

The whole thing ripped free, dragging her organs and viscera along with to a wet squelching sound. It was enough to make Sun stumble backwards in shock. Right before Ming reached out with her own internal organs and wrapped around Sun like a bloody anaconda. Then they grew and stretched, engulfing Sun almost entirely, save for her head.

“Enough! Sun, I know that you don’t trust me. But you need my help! If Equestria’s princesses find you, they’ll tear you apart without a second thought! They-”

A blood curdling scream echoed through the hallway. Sun and Ming both looked back down the hallway, where Rarity, Fluttershy and Deep Digger were standing. Judging by the horrified expression on Rarity’s face, she was the one who had screamed. Immediately, Ming recoiled from Sun, snaking back into her body with an embarrassed expression.

“I can explain!”

“Explain? Explain why you’re some kind of organ based monster, attacking someone and ruining a dress that I put many hours of work into?” Rarity shrieked.

Rarity’s sheer incredulity was enough to punch through Sun’s anger. “...Seriously? Out of all of that, it’s the dress that’s the worst part of it?”

Rarity huffed. “I worked hard on it! Do you have any idea how badly blood stains?”

“...Actually, yes, I do.”

Fluttershy took the opportunity to glare at Ming Xiao. “Why were you attacking Sun?”

“In my defense, she swung first,” Ming answered with a slight huff of her own. “But I suggest that we have this conversation elsewhere. If the any of the princesses-”

“And just what would the princesses do, little kuei-jin?”

Ming winced as everypony now looked at the opposite end of the hall.

Princess Luna was stalking towards them, massive glittering silver sword held casually in her magic. Her eyes were locked firmly on Sun, while a gleeful smile played across her lips.

“Greetings, leech.”

Author's Note:

Sun is in sooooo much trouble right now!