• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 24,696 Views, 1,809 Comments

Sweetie's Shadow - Note Sketch

Looking for a way to get over her fear of public speaking, Sweetie Belle borrows an instructional book from Twilight's library to help out. One thing leads to another and some how ends up binding King Sombra to her as her shadow...

  • ...

22. Your Move

"Alright my little ponies." Cherilee said as she placed her chalk down. "Today's lesson is over. Class dismissed!"

At once the clamoring sound of colts and fillies wrapping up their belongings filled the air. The echo of their hooves and a flurry of laughter soon followed as everypony began to be on their way back to the main town. The Cutiemark Crusaders were easily distinguished from all the other from their happy hopping, almost immediately separating from the group to go their own way.

"What you did this morning was so awesome!" Scootaloo said as she finally came to a stop.

"Yeah!" Applebloom agreed. "The look on Diamond Tiara's face when ya showed up on a Minotaur was worth a thousand apples!"

"Maybe more!" Scoots finished as she laughed. "How'd you meet the guy anyway?"

"His name is Iron Wall. And he's a friend of a friend, you know how that goes." Sweetie Belle said in a nervous smile. She didn't want to retell the story of last night's misadventure, more so because her friends would likely be upset for being left out.

"Ya sound like yer sister."

"Do I? I think I sound more like Mister Sombra." Sweetie said as she placed a hoof to her chin. "My sister would probably say something like, 'Oh Darling, don't tell me you didn't expect me to have friends in high places, did you?', or something like that."

Applebloom and Scootaloo both snickered at her impersonation of Rarity. Smiling and bowing at her audience, Sweetie Belle looked over at one of the many trees surrounding them and suddenly remembered something.

"You guys go on ahead." Sweetie said as began to walk off. "I just remembered something I have to do."

"Huh? What's up?" Scootaloo asked after she stopped laughing, raising a curious brow at her friend.

"Nothing big, don't worry about it." She replied, turning around and having a hoof goodbye before galloping away.

"But ya promised we could copy yer homework!" Applebloom shouted. On reflex, she slammed both her fore hooves to her mouth as she felt a leering presence behind her. With a nervous laugh, she slowly turned around to see Cherilee looking down at her with a raised brow and narrowed eyes.

"What she meant to say." Scootaloo said as she began to push her friend away. "Is that we promised we'd compare answers!"

Cherilee humored them and remained quiet as they left, but not without staring them down until they were out of sight. Sweetie Belle let out a soft giggle as she saw her friends make off in a dash. Returning to the matters at hoof, she focused her vision on the tree ahead and continued running.

Jumping and sliding on her hooves, she effortlessly spun and threw her saddle bag off of her just as she came to a stop in a sitting position, her back against the trunk of the tree. She quickly took out a small note book and pencil from the bag that landed next to her and began to jot down a number of things.

"Hiding spot number fifty-one." She said as she wrote.

"Hiding spot?" A voice called out from above her.

"Yeah! I can't believe I didn't think about hiding in a tree! It's like hide and seek 101." Sweetie Belle said as she looked up. High above her on a tree branch laid Sombra. "If we ever get into another fight, wouldn't it be best if I hide while you do the fighting?"

Sombra's hind legs hung loosely to the side of the branch he was on while his fore hooves crossed over it to pillow his chin as he rested. A soft smile was seen stretching on his lips as he glanced at Sweetie Belle whose grin was as large as always. Though he soon grew serious as he noticed the bandage from earlier in the morning.

Clearing his throat and pushing that thought aside, Sombra let himself fall to the side. He used one of his fore hooves to keep himself to hook himself into a more controlled decent. He landed right next to Sweetie Belle and quickly sat down beside her as he peeked at the notebook she had returned her attention to.

"When did you realize I was in the tree?"

"Since you got here." She replied, her eyes glued on the page as she bit down on her pencil.

"De verdad? Have I lost my touch?"

"Nah. No pony else noticed." Sweetie said as she finished her note and began to pack it in her bag again.

"So how did you notice?"

"I just kept my mouth closed and eyes open." She finished with a sly smile.

"You've taken that to heart huh?" Sombra said as he chuckled lightly. He stood up and stretched his back as he waited for her to finish up.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said as she threw her saddle bag over her back. "There's been a lot of things that I wouldn't notice before that I notice now!"

"Like what?"

"Like how Miss Cherilee is always fidgeting with her mane when she's deep in thought, or how Applebloom will bite on her pencil's eraser when she's having trouble with a question. Or or or-"

Sweetie Belle stopped short of her sentence as she felt herself being levitated off the ground. Sombra habitually placed her on his back and began to walk back to town. Sweetie couldn't help but smile wide as she felt the familiar softness of his mane as she grabbed on to him.

"Yes, when you open your eyes to every detail, you start to notice the everyday and mundane as personal quirks of a pony. Soon you'll be able to read them and see a pony for who they really are."

"For who they truly are?"

"I mean to say, you'll be able to see what kind of pony somepony is simply by watching them. You won't even have to speak to them."

"Can you do that?"

"You bet."

"Cool! I wanna learn!"

Once more Sombra chuckled as he felt Sweetie adjust herself so she could throw her fore hoof forward in excitement. Shaking his head with a soft smile, he continued to walk out as she sat down and got comfortable.

"So what did you while I was at school?"

"I discovered a likely thief who has made Ponyville his next target."

"You just can't stay out of trouble can you?" Sweetie teased.

"Not in this town it seems."

"So did you catch him?"

"No. Half way through the investigation I came down with a terrible case of 'this isn't my job' syndrome and left it to Twilight instead." Sombra said as they entered town again. Sombra was almost surprised to see that no pony paid them much mind despite his strange appearance and the filly on his back.

"Well, the afternoon isn't over yet. How are you going to spend the rest of your time off?"

"With you. I hate to say it, but all day today I was half bored to death. Things are more exciting when you're around."

"R-Really?" Sweetie Belle said in surprise. "I thought that you only came to pick me up cause Rarity told you to."

"And since when do I do as Rarity says?"

"Point taken." She finished with a smile. Somehow, the fact Sombra had chosen to remain by her side despite being free to do what he wanted only furthered the point she made to Luna. He cared about her, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Though knowing him, he'd likely never admit it.

Their walk continued. They had no real destination, just aimlessly wondering through town to see what was going on. Though Sombra had already done this earlier, with Sweetie Belle around, things suddenly became more pleasant. Instead of feeling like an outsider who was sneaking around town, he felt it more as a tour with the filly as his guide. Their talks mirrored those of the previous day in Canterlot. Each would make a remark on something and the other would follow up with a question or answer.

Soon, their walk led them to the edge of town. The number of ponies around quickly declined as more and more trees came into view.

"The park is so pretty in the fall here. With the leaves falling and all." Sweetie Belle said as they ventured out to the small outing they called a park. It was nothing more than some paved paths that interconnected. Statues, bird baths, and benches decorated the park and gave it a more lively feel despite its barrenness.

"And what season it is now?"

"Can't you tell? It's spring!"

"The entire year at the Crystal Empire was basically a different variation of the same season. Winter, winter with extra ice, and winter with extra snow. Not much in my memory about spring. Or fall. Definitely not about summer."

"You must have been cold a lot then."

"You get used to it. After all, hardships like that only strengthen you."

"I always just thought hardships meant your life sucked." Sweetie Belle said as she slumped down onto Sombra's head. Her tone and gesture had obvious indications to some event in her past. Sombra thought about asking her but decided against it. Instead, he took a deep breath and peered over at the calm atmosphere around them.

He looked around. He looked for something that might aid him comforting the filly, but the only thing in sight was a statue. His mind clicked and he began to make his way to it as he put this thoughts into words.

"Sweetie Belle. Look here." Sombra said as he placed her on the ground. He gestured to the stone statue so she might perhaps see some value in it. "What do you see?"

"Umm. I see an old statue."

"Look closely. What is it?"

Sweetie Belle looked back and forth between the statue and him. Taking a deep breath, she did was she was accustomed to and began to focus at the object, following Sombra's teachings. She noticed a variety of things. Scratches. Indentions. Mold build up. Even a few cracks.

"It's just an old statue. Nothing special about it. Well, it is pretty. Or was. Time hasn't been kind to it." Sweetie said as she finally looked back to Sombra.

"How long has it been here?"

"If I had to guess, since Ponyville was founded. Like, a hundred moons ago."

"And you think any old stone would have lived this long? Remained still and stoic, keeping its posture like this?"

"Umm." She began as she re-inspected the statue. "Well, it does seem like it's been through some hardships. Is that what you want me to see?"

"What was this statue before it was shaped like this?"

"Just a big rock I guess."

"And somepony began to chisel at it to give it shape, no?"

"Well, yeah."

"So tell me, do you think it was pleasant to have your being chiseled at? Have small parts of you break off repeatedly?"

"No..." Sweetie said as she took a step back, suddenly disturbed at the thought. "That sounds painful..."

"I'm sure it was. Yet the stone endured. It endured the hardship of the chisel. Endured the rasps and riffles afterward. Even after that, endure the polishing and transportation to where we see it today."

"That's...a lot of hardships."

"Yes. Yet here it is. After all those hardships it stand in this park. A beautiful statue. Though time has taken its toll on it, it remains. Had it been the rough stone it was before the hardships it faced, it would not have survived those hundred moons, but because it did, it became stronger."

"So you're saying that even though it went through pain, it now stands stronger because of it?"

"Yes Sweetie Belle." Sombra said as he picked her up. "For you see, in this world, one must take everything that is given to them. Only by knowing sadness can somepony truly appreciate happiness. And only through pain and turmoil will they stand stronger against it next time it comes. To stand ready and face it head on."

He nuzzled her head against his as he said the last line, getting a few giggles from her. The ails she had felt had completely vanished at the affection. Sweetie Belle quickly hugged him tightly before pulling away.

"Whatever you faced yesterday has made you stronger today. Whatever you face today, will make you stronger for tomorrow."

"What if whatever I face today kills me?" She asked, her expression returning to a saddened one. He frowned at her question, but quickly responded.

"I would be there to make sure it doesn't." Sombra said softly.

"Like a parent protecting his child?" Sweetie asked after a short pause, hesitant to use that particular metaphor. Sombra took a moment to look her over. He knew what she was trying to suggest. He wanted to say otherwise, but he didn't. He couldn't. Truth be told, it was probably true anyway.

"Yes. Like a father caring for his daughter." He said as he embraced her once more before putting her down.

She smiled at him. He smiled back. It was a stare that lasted a while. Perhaps too long for Sombra as he soon felt a little embarrassed at Sweetie's happy gaze. Clearing his throat, he looked away and began to think of a way to keep the afternoon going and forget what had just happened.

"We uh, we should probably get going."

"Okay!" Sweetie Belle shouted with a gleeful smile. She quickly turned around and ran off, stopping momentarily to wait for Sombra to follow suit. "Come on, I know of a neat little place here in the park!"


"So you're saying nothing is missing?" Twilight asked as she visited the fourteenth home in Ponyville. Her search had run her dry and had long ago thought it a fool's errand to continue the investigation Sombra had proposed, yet something deep inside her told her to keep going.

"Nope. We checked everything like you asked Princess." The pony said as she walked over to Twilight currently sitting on her couch where she waited for her to finish her inventory. "Why? Did something get stolen?"

"No no, I'm just..." Twilight said as she stood up. Sighing and looking defeated, she began to walk to the mare. "I was just acting on a hunch. I'm glad everything is alright though. I'd hate for somepony to lose something valuable to them."

"Well, I'm happy you cared enough to ask around. All of Ponyville is lucky that we have such a thoughtful Princess in the neighborhood."

"There's Princess Celestia and Princess Luna too you know." Twilight said as she waved a hoof in dismissal, embarrassed by the sudden praise she was getting.

"Yes, except that they live in Canterlot and you live down the block." The mare mused with a smile. Twilight returned the gesture and began to make for the door. She was just moments from opening it and saying goodbye before she heard a colt cry from the second floor.

"Mooooom!" The child shouted as he ran downstairs. "Where's Grandpa's old sword?"

"What dear?" The mare asked as she turned to her kid.

"Grandpa's old sword from when he was a guard at that one thing-a-majig he always goes on about. I told my friends about it and wanted to see it. But I can't find it in the attic anywhere!"

"That's odd." The mare said as she pondered any other places she might have put it by mistake. "Maybe you just missed it or something cause I'm sure I put it there. I just saw it last week."

"Nuh uh! I looked everywhere!" He shouted back, offended his mother would even suggest that as a possibility.

"Excuse me." Twilight interrupted as she stepped closer.


"This sword. Think it would be worth a lot?"

"Why yes. My father was part of an old mercenary group that worked as guards for the rich and powerful long ago. It was custom made for his guild and even among all the guild, it was rare for one of them to get it. That being said, each one that received one of the swords would sooner lose a limb than lose it. Because of its rarity, I'm sure it would be worth a lot."

The mare said as she began to recall all the stories her father used to tell her. Half way through her thoughts she realized what Twilight was truly asking. With a sudden shock of realization, she turned to face her Princess.

"Y-You don't think..."

"I'm...afraid so." Twilight responded with a grimace.


Sweetie Belle finally ended her trot with Sombra close behind. Just a few meters ahead were a group of older ponies all sitting down in pairs playing chess. Each stable was neatly structured as if a class room. Row after row was filled with ponies who remained silent as they moved one of their pieces after another. There were a few spectators, but those were rare and wouldn't stay long.

"This is where I first learned about chess." Sweetie Belle said as she walked closer to the elderly ponies.

"I see." Sombra said as he followed. He briefly glanced at each chess board as they walked between the rows. He could instantly see who would win each game. Unfortunately, there was no real match making involved and most were paired with either a too skilled opponent, or one not skilled enough.

"Hello Mister Cornstalk." Sweetie said as she hopped at one of the tables. The pony's face instantly shined as he saw her walk to him.

"Oh well there little Silly Yell." He said in an old shivering voice.

"It's Sweetie Belle!" She said back in a smile.

"Right right, I'm sorry Chili Smell. My hearing isn't what it used to be."

"Hehe, it's okay." She said with a nervous laugh, forgiving him getting her name wrong once more.

"Hey!" Cornstalk's opponent yelled. "It's your turn. Get on with it, I want my fifteenth win of the day."

"Right, sorry." Cornstalk said, dismissing the pony's aggressive shout. Clearly it was something he and all those around them were used to. "You're always so good at chess."

"Damn right I am. Ain't no pony here that can beat me." He responded, puffing out his chest and wearing a smirk that almost made Sombra break out of his bystander persona.

Sweetie looked over at the board in front of her. Her friend was losing pretty badly, down several pieces, while the enemy was quickly encroaching on his king. Looking back and both between the black and the white pieces, she squinted her eyes as she thought about what Cornstalk's next move should be.

"Mister Cornstalk, everything okay?" She asked as she noticed the hesitance in her friend to make a move.

"Uhhh. Yeah, I think I should just forfeit though. Doesn't seem like I can win."

"Damn right!"

Hearing the other pony boast with such arrogance annoyed Sweetie Belle, making her throw a soft glare at him briefly.

"Then can I take over?" Sweetie asked.

"Take over? It's a losing game girl." The pony shouted.

"I have to agree, this guy is pretty tough. I wouldn't want you to lose because of me." Cornstalk said as he looked over at her. "You sure you want to play?"

"The game's not over until a King falls." Sweetie Belle said with a nod. "Right Mister Sombra?"

"Absolutely." He replied, only fueling her confidence. Hesitantly, Cornstalk stood up and allowed Sweetie to sit down where she immediately began to look over all her options.

Cornstalk went to spectate along with Sombra, though seemed a little guilty about dumping the losing game on Sweetie Belle. As he looked over at the dark stallion, he noticed a smile on his face as his eyes moved back and both across the board. Sweetie made her move. The move Sombra himself would have made in that situation.

"You're going to regret this girl." The boastful pony said as he moved a piece. "I'll teach you not to stick your nose where it don't belong."

Sweetie Belle didn't respond, only smiled as she moved her piece, capturing the enemy bishop.

"While we're on the subject of teaching, perhaps I can teach you some humility." She said with a saucy smile as she gestured at him with his bishop in hoof.

Sombra chuckled as the game went on. Piece by piece, Sweetie Belle slowly turned the tide of the game. Each move she made was the perfect choice and the growing anger from her opponent only made it easier for her. He was getting sloppy.

"What?!" The pony shouted as he slammed his hooves on the table, glaring over at the chess board in front of him. "How did you take my queen?!"

"Cause you left it open." Sweetie replied before making another move. There was now a crowd forming around them. Those that had finished their games were now surrounding them and watching the show.

"Why you..." He began before falling back into his seat. A dastardly smile stretched over his face as he began to plot what to do to 'turn things around'. "I must hoof it to you. You're better than I expected. But you still haven't won."

"Not yet. You still have to make your move." Sweetie Belle said with a smile that only annoyed him further.

Leaning back in his chair, the pony planned on 'accidentally' kicking the leg of the table hard enough to break it. The table would fall over and all the pieces would be knocked out of place. They wouldn't be able to get them back where they were and would have to abandon the game as a tie. Sombra noticed his strange movement and began to back away into the crowd.

Out of the immediate sight of anypony around him, he let out small purple embers from his eyes as he began to use his dark magic. Sweetie's opponent went ahead with his plan and bucked the leg of the table, but to his surprise, it was he who felt pain as his hoof made contact. Screaming out in pain, he fell off his chair to see what had happened.

"What's wrong?" Sombra asked as he stepped forward. "Hit your hoof on something?"

The pony looked over at the table and noticed it was now encased in some kind dark crystal. At the strength he had kicked with, he ended up hurting himself and done absolutely nothing to the table in the process. Sweetie looked over to the side and gasps as she realized what would have happened had the crystal not been there. Exchanging glances with Sombra, he winked at her to tell her everything was alright.

"W-When did that-" The pony said as he placed one of his fore hooves on the table to help balance himself. In doing so, he nudged over one of his pieces into a viable place.

"Oh look." Sombra said as he turned to the board. "It appears he has made his move."

The pony could only look in horror as he saw Sweetie Belle take her opportunity and move her rook into place.

"Checkmate!" She cheered as she threw her hooves up in celebration. The ponies around them all began to stomp their hooves to congratulate her in her victory.

"That was amazing!" One of the spectators said as she stepped closer. "I've never seen anypony make a comeback like that! Can I play you next?"

"No no! Play me next!" Another pony shouted as he jumped up to be seen from out of the crowd. Sweetie Belle was at a loss for words, all the attention was surprising and didn't know what to say. Instead, she looked over at Sombra. She wanted to play but felt bad to leave Sombra waiting longer.

He smiled back at her and opened his mouth to speak, but just as he did, he felt a chilling presence around him. He looked back and narrowed his eyes at the trees around them. There was a light sound of leaves shuffling in the distance that only brought about more concern for him as he looked around.

"Go ahead and play Sweetie Belle." Sombra said as he looked back at her. "I need to go do something really quick."

"Okay!" Sweetie said as she turned to the crowd. "Now who wanted to play?"

Sombra heard dozens of ponies shout out 'me me!' as he walked away. It made him smile at how well Sweetie Belle was being received, but it also meant he had plenty of time to look into what it was he had felt. All he knew for certain is that somepony was trying to spy on him, though he already had a pretty good idea of what to look for.