• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 4,374 Views, 140 Comments

Pull Me Through - NightsongWrites

Twilight meets her first transdimensional pen pal, and the two share letters back and forth across space and time. And when things escalate... just how much will things change? Between them, and their worlds.

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Chapter 9- Princes

Dear Journal,

Miss Celeste thought I should start writing a journal. Not a diary. I don’t know why James keeps calling his a diary. That’s for girls! We’re 15 and 13 for crying out loud. Teenagers! Journal. Not a diary.

Anyway! Miss Celeste and Miss Diana came by again today. It was awesome! All the other kids are so jealous of me and James; Miss Celeste is beautiful and kind, and she always brings us some kind of gift. This journal was one of them, actually. Last week, she got me a cool leather jacket, and Miss Diana gave James a painting kit. I’m glad. He was really sad when the teachers took the last one away.

I really hate it here. Like, it was better when we were little. I remember the teachers being nicer, and we got treats sometimes. Now, they just want us to learn. Learn, learn, learn, and behave. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of being quiet, I’m sick of writing only what they want, I’m sick of the paddle.

I want a home.


Dear Diary,

Today was awesome! Miss Diana and Miss Celeste came to see us. Miss Celeste even told Mrs. Wilkerson off when she said Kenneth needed to be punished for talking back.
“Children deserve to have a voice too.”

Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mrs. Wilkerson quiet like that. I really hope they don’t ban them from coming to see us. I really think they might be the ones. I know I’ve said that about adults before, like Polly or Mr. Hamilton, but…

Kenneth said mom and dad would want us to be strong. But it’s really hard to not cry some nights. They won’t us share the bed anymore, and I’m so cold, and so lonely… heh, Jimmy would call me a faggot if he saw this.

Too bad. I just wanna see them again.


Dear Journal,

They came back again! And only after a week this time! Miss Diana set us both down in the private room, and told us stories. Kind of… girly stories, but it had magic, and the teachers never let us talk about that. They did that whole ‘burn the Harry Potter books’ march when those came back, and took my copy. I liked that story too…

These stories had ponies in it too, but not those prissy ones that the girls like. These were pegasi fighting griffons and acting like knights, or unicorn magicians making mountains hover in the air! It was like Miss Celeste was really there! Miss Diana was crying when they talked about this Nightmare Moon and… well, I hugged her. She looked so sad and lonely, and I knew how that felt. She was warm, and when she hugged me back…

Stupid tear drops. Sorry journal. I gotta go to sleep before the teachers see this.


Dear Diary,

This isn’t fair! Why can’t I paint what I want? Why can’t I do anything I want? It isn’t fair! Who cares if my painting was kinda girly? Even when it wasn’t. Sure, it had a pony. Fine, it was a mare. But who the hell- yeah, HELL- cares! It was a knight. Like in Miss Diana’s story about the brave ponies who defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Luna. The six brave knights who risked everything for their friends and princess. Who won!

Why can’t I dream? Why can’t I just paint and smile and be happy once in my fucking life? I’m not letting them take the next one. If they try to, I’m gonna break it in Mrs. Wilkerson’s fat face. These are my dreams.

Why can’t knights come save me and Kenneth?


Dear Journal,

Me and James made pony names for ourselves today. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but James was really excited about it, and… well, I did think of a cool name.


Neat, huh? It sounds like one of the great knights right out of Miss Celeste’s stories. I hope she likes it. They’re coming back in a few days. I really think they might take us home this time. They sure do talk with the teachers a lot. I don’t think Mrs. Wilkerson likes them though. I heard her call them dykes behind their backs, and I’m pretty sure Miss Diana heard her. She’s such a… a… I’m really not supposed to say this, but she’s a total bitch.

I really gotta hide this journal now.

Dear Diary,

Something is going on. Something really bad. The teachers don’t talk to me and Solaris much anymore, and they keep bringing in some pastor friend of theirs, and a social worker. They keeps asking us the same questions: what do Miss Diana and Miss Celeste talk about? Do they seem close? Do they hug? It’s all really, really weird, and I’m afraid.

Miss Celeste said they were going to make their final decision before they came here tonight, during the evening visiting. I want to go home with them. God I want to go home with them so badly. They’re amazing. Miss Diana is so mysterious, and calm, and she loves all my paintings and drawings…

And Solaris is always so happy when he and Miss Celeste talk about history, or this cool pony world. It’s like she believes it really exists, and sometimes… I kind of do too. All the new stories- the ones about Twilight Sparkle and her friends- are really fun and, even though they aren’t quite as cool as the stories about the knights and stuff, it’s still sounds so much better than here.

Please God, can we go home with them?


James- no, Argent, he was FIRM on that- looked up in surprise as he heard a door creak open down the hall. All the walls and doors were really, really thin, so one could practically hear every conversation that went on in the orphanage. Quickly tucking his journal underneath his pillow, Argent slid down out of his bunk, landing with a quiet ease he had perfected. Still, it had never been enough to fool Kenneth. Solaris. Right!

“James?” he mumbled sleepily, sitting up and frowning as he brushed his reddish-golden hair out of his eyes, “What’s up?”

“I think Miss Celeste and Miss Diana are here!” Argent replied cheerfully, smirking a bit, “You fell asleep?”

Red lit up Solaris’ pale cheeks, and he glared at his darker-haired brother, “Oh shut up. Caffeine crash. Come on, let’s go see them!”

“Get OUT!”

Both boys froze, mid-standing, as Mrs. Wilkerson’s high-pitched voice hissed through the orphanage; James’ blood ran cold. Nononono…

“Excuse me?” That was Miss Celeste’s voice, cool and calm, but with a definite note of surprise to the end, “This was our scheduled visit time, was it not?”

“It’s been cancelled,” a deeper, male voice replied, and Argent heard a small growl from Solaris, beneath his own growing despair, “As will any further contact with the boys. You’re banned from these grounds.”

“For what reason?!” That was Diana’s voice, younger and sharper; it was ice-like now, a cold fury resonating throughout, “We have been nothing but cordial, and the boys mean-”

“We have reason to believe both of you are nothing but perverts,” Wilkerson interrupted sharply, a smug note ringing out; Argent could practically see her drawing up her toad-like body, “Here to drag the boys into your den of iniquity. I will not give any of my children to a pair of dykes.”

Argent felt a swish of air, and their door slammed open as Solaris charged out, fists clenched tightly.


Solaris had never yelled in his life. The orphanage had a strict volume rule, and the one time Solaris had raised his voice, it had cost him a massive paddling that left sitting down a terrible chore for several days. But this was different. This wasn’t Mrs. Wilkerson not liking his answer to a question on the test, or his tone of voice. They had told Miss Celeste and Miss Diana- his and Argent’s possibly one chance at real family, the women who had made them both smile and laugh and dream again- to leave them forever. And insulted them.

At fifteen, Solarius was fairly tall and well-built, at least coming up to Mrs. Wilkerson’s fat shoulders. Beside her stood the social worker- a larger man in his mid-forties, with hard hazel eyes and a blonde buzzcut. He gazed at Solaris in surprise as the young boy stood defiantly in front of Wilkerson, chin tilted up to her. Mrs. Wilkerson’s eyes, both a deep brown, were now blazing in white-hot anger.

“What did you say to me?” she whispered tightly, their gazes locked.

Steeling himself, Solaris bared his teeth a bit as he spoke, “I said to l-leave them alone, they’re ama-”


The older woman’s hand was faster than Solaris thought, and fire lanced up his face at the impact, sending him staggering to the ground, tears welling in his eyes.


Argent was smaller than Solaris, but he had always been a bit of a firebrand. Running full tilt down the hallway, he would have bowled Wilkerson right over, had the social worker not stepped in his way, arms outstretched to-


A force struck the social worker in the side, sending him careening into the orphanage wall with a dull boom, silver light curling tightly about his arms and legs and pinning him in place. Mrs. Wilkerson, her hand raised for another slap, squealed like a pig as a golden light struck her in the chest, sending her skidding down the smooth linoleum floor. Silver and fiery red light lit up the walls and floor around Solaris, and it took a great effort of will not to stare at the unconscious body of Mrs. Wilkerson, and turn around.

Miss Celeste was glowing softly; her hair, usually a soft blonde, had seemed to take on a ruddier, redder hue, billowing lightly in an invisible breeze. Her ever-present business suit seemed to be slowly changing, growing more golden and metallic, like armor plates. Her eyes had always been a little strange to Solaris- they were light pink and… somehow he knew now that they weren’t contacts. Those amazing, gleaming orbs were oh-so real.

“Are you alright?” she whispered softly, a slim hand reaching out to cup the already swollen skin, “Hold on…”

Warmth surged into Solaris’ body, the pain fading as suddenly as it had come. Despite his shell-shocked mind, Solaris leaned into the touch… then darted forward with a small, unmanly-but-who-cares sob, burying his head against Celeste’s firm stomach.

“Pl-please,” Argent whispered faintly, and Solaris quickly turned his head towards his brother’s voice.

Argent was gently holding onto Miss Diana’s hands, tears tracing their way down his pale cheeks, “P-please take us with you.”

“Of course we are,” Diana replied softly, turning to smile at both boys fondly, “Right, Tia?”

“Of course, sister.”

“Tia?” Solaris mumbled, rubbing his eyes a bit as he looked between them, understanding slowly dawning.

By then, both women seemed to have… transformed. Silver armor lined Diana’s body now, and little wisps of silver light seemed to make up wings on her back. Gazing back at Celeste, Solaris’ eyes widened in awe; golden armor now fully covered the woman, golden-red light forming wide, glorious wings that framed her gloriously.

“C-celestia… and Luna? From the stories?” Argent managed after a few, stunned moments, staring at them both, “But… how…”

“Magic is… probably the safest and easiest answer,” Celestia replied slowly, giving a faint chuckle as she ran her fingers through her billowing hair.

“So… the ponies… the knights?”

“All real,” Luna replied softly, “We know a great many stories, and it was such fun to share our lives with you… you two are such wise, caring children for your age.”

“And you’ve been through far too much,” Celestia added, “Our being human may have been an act… but our love for you both is very real. We’d love nothing more than to take you home. If not…”

She slowly waved a hand, red magic slowly flowing out to cover the orphanage, “We will wipe their memories. They’ll remember none of this. We’ll set aside money for you both, so when you come of age, you can live a good, long life. A life you deserve.”

“But one alone,” Solaris mumbled, exchanging looks with a shaking Argent.

Being stuck, quiet, with just one’s sibling for company often leads to “silent communication.” Of course, the answer both gave each other was a practical, mental scream. But they kept their answers a little more quiet, for the sake of their mother’s.

“Y-yes, ma’am.”


The smiles the Sisters gave the boys were blinding in their intensity and love, powerful arms tugging them close. Solaris gave a small gasp as the energy-wings enfolded him, warmth and power shimmering down his spine and soothing his tense muscles. Turning, Celestia waved her hand at the doorway; instead of leading out onto a dark, rain-slicked street, the threshold glew with a bright, incandescent light. Trembling slightly, Solaris reached out, lightly pressing his palm against the light. It was warm and squishy, like hot jello. One last time, he peeked up at Celestia, taking comfort in her radiant smile. With the hands of their mothers behind them, both boys joined hands… smiled at each other, and stepped through.

Comments ( 38 )

So...total of four now. :pinkiesmile:

...might have been better to have that be it's own tale, maybe? I dunno. :rainbowderp:

You are going somewhere with this I am hoping, maybe? :twilightblush: I hope you don't mind me asking, as I am morbidly, excessively curious. :pinkiehappy:

I squee'd so hard.
I flipping hate orphanages.

Ok, I'm starting to miss the point of this story. I feel like it lacks focus. You just seem to keep adding characters and story lines and dragging me away from the one that was advertised and I was interested in. This storyline is ok but it's not the one I'm interested in. You also still haven't fixed the description of the story to reflect that this isn't just the story of Winters. Further, if you collect six humans and do some random save the world thing I'm probably going to have face meet desk.

5058087 He kinda has a point there. You should at least fix the describtion and add the appropriate character tags. Maybe it would have been better if the other stories were written as sequals to this one instead of being mixed into your original idea to allow more focus on each character... but I still do enjoy this story and im going to read it through to the end^^

so... byootiful :fluttershbad:

So now we have our third, and fourth, characters. I remember you mentioning planning something along these lines. Though one detail bothers me regarding foreshadowing, Solaris, in response to Celestia mentioned a long life, "but one alone", which leads me to question, which one is possibly terminally ill (it was something else you mentioned) but I don't know if you decided to implement it into your story. Guess I'll just have to find out when you post another great chapter.

Comment posted by wildlander84 deleted Sep 26th, 2014

To be honest, I was expecting the third character to be some unfortunate sap that fell down a flight of stairs, and broke through reality when his face hit the freshly waxed linoleum tiles.

I'll still settle for this however. It warmed me heart.

5058200 You do that. Me? I'm done. I normally downvote Ponification with a passion (nearly broke my mouse one time) and continue on. This one, I took a chance on. And for a time, it was good. But now it's just getting bad. I'm done. Downvoting and removing from my favs. This gamble failed utterly. Teach me to read a Ponification story,

5133759 your choice^^

I'm really liking this so far, but its a bit to much "earth sucks yay equestria". Why can't some random person with a decent life find a pony pen pal? I'm not bashing this story, I love it. But its something that's there.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

I love your stories and this one has the most interesting concept so far. This take of humans in Equestria is like nothing I've ever seen and the Octavia story was great. Hope you update this and your other stories too.:heart:

5137341 Well, so far I'm doing people with bad circumstances because I want them to have a reason to go to/stay in Equestria. :pinkiecrazy:

5145925 Thank you so much for the comment! Do you have any requests for something you'd like to see in the story? If I do anymore Pulling In chapters, they will be simple one-shots and beginnings for stories later on. :pinkiecrazy:

I understand, but I think it would be cool if someone went for thebthrilk of adventure, get what I'm saying? Like Daring Do.

5146878 Maybe have something where all the Pulled in characters meet or something. At least Octavia and Michelle. BTW, the concept you made of Octavia sounds like something most likely to do with Lyra. The fact that it's Tavi makes it more interesting.


I thought this was okay at first. It was a pretty logical reason to bring the human into Equestria, and I liked the fact that it was a woman. I would have preferred to keep her human, but whatever.

And then Octavia came in. Why have two characters in the exact same story go through the exact same thing? It takes any uniqueness away from Michelle and makes us have to remember two different storylines that are essentially the same. It ruined the story for me.

I, I forgot to upvote! I've read through this three times, and just now upvote?! What is wrong with me? I also listened to that song and it was beautiful. Still you should do something with a nice guy, like a pin pal but happy, maybe take a pony to earth. neh on second thought don't put a pony on earth

5190756 Thanks for the like! But, I'm not sure if I want to add any more characters in at this point. Octavia and the others may become their own side stories as I focus on Michelle.

On second thought... no. I like these three groups, and will continue to work on all of them. ^____^ And have them meet at some point. ...but no cliched saving the world plots. XD

Not even a little saving the world cliché? Even defusing a complex diplomatic situation or two would suffice. :3
Read up to here in one sitting: you have an interesting style that reads differently from a lot of stories I tend to read on this site. But then again, the stories I read tend to have less female and young male protagonists, more late teen male and a lot at stake from the get-go. Very refreshing, now I think about it.
You touch on harshly real and outright dark subjects in the humans' original lives, before they literally escape to the veritable paradise of Equestria, where they are accepted and cared for as they never were in their own lives. The tonal shift is a little jarring, but the expositionary letters at each character's introduction do a good job of getting the reader up to speed and invested in the protagonists.
The escape from this world to Equestria is an appealing idea, and judging by your latest blog post one that you like to explore. I'll have to get around to reading through a few more of your stories: they seem to cover a few themes I'm partial to.
Good stuff so far!

5343664 Thank you very much for the review! Pull Me Through is a little... unpolished, but I care a good deal about that story. I have nothing against late teen male protagonists, but it's... overdone, honestly. And while Equestria certainly has its dark sides, and lots of saving the world scenarios... why does that need to always focus on the new visitor, you know? They can surely be apart of it, buuuut...


What sstarted out as an interesting and intriguing concept has become this jumbled trainwreck of a notion that this latest chapter just sorta... cements in place. I mean, that first chapter, the snapshot of four years and events via the one sided letters, and the inference of events in Equestria by reading them? Excellent, it gave me extremely high hopes seeing such a thing.

Things were quite interesting, and then it's like your attention span wandered off for a bit, which resulted all of a sudden in Octavia. Ummm... okay? You then started trying to tell two narratives in the same story. It was disconcerting to say the least, especially since there has been zero overlap present between those two narratives, no a hint of bridging them. It'd be like watching a cooking show that is focused on making an alfredo pasta dish, but snippets of how to bake a cake are thrown in.

And now, well... now we get to the true issue here. This latest chapter you have published. This is no longer a story, it's a conglomerate of stories, intertwined yet without any connection, and the result is a tangled mess of words. You need to focus on one of these folks, and stick with it. In this instance, the original idea. It's great, you just lost focus, and as a result turned a great idea into a tangled ball of yarn. It hasssn't hit the point of hopelessness yet, with a bit of work you can untangle it, remove the elements that don't belong, and move forward. I mean, you are doing something that is more like snapshots really, jumping around a bit, but still coherent enough to form a plot. Go back and work with that, remove Octavia and Vinyl, remove this latest chapter, and focus on Michelle and Twilight.

I think if you do that, this will really have a chance to shine. As it stands now though, I couldn't bring myself to recommend it to anyone, even if the fluff present is some good fluff.

yes this a really good story and good detail too

but theres one thing that a story like this puts me off completely to not even look at the story
its because 1 i dont like girl humans im not a sexist i just dont like it my opinion
2 i dont like them turning into pony form when they either go through the portal or teleport there it just something that really pisses me off but nonetheless great story!

Please sir may I have some more?

i wouldnt add anymore characters to this story then qhat you have, but the interactions of these chatacters and things like that would be awesome, looking foreword to it!

i wouldnt add anymore characters to this story then qhat you have, but the interactions of these chatacters and things like that would be awesome, looking foreword to it!

Please continue :):pinkiehappy:

Hmm, we so rarely see Celestia (or Luna, for that matter) get this mad at someone... it's good to see them cut loose on somebody who so desperately deserves it.

When is this one going to update again?

This is really good. It's also pretty good and a nice one-shot. Split it up and you'll have a stronger set of stories, I think.

The way you do the openings is great, though, and there's a lot of warm fuzzies in the immediate aftermath. I like that you pay some service to the sensations of being something else and how jarring that must be. Oh right, your Equestria is also an idyllic poly paradise, to which I have no objections.

Really, the only complaint I can really level is the blending of three separate stories that haven't collided with one another at all (meaning they can unquestionably stand well on their own).

I do wish this updated, great story, lots of feels and giving homes to the despairing. And if made into a story where all 3 groups meet, well cherry on top I suppose. I do love this and hope no-one forgets about it!

Question: Update?

Why did you stop writing most of your stories?

Life, unfortunately. But I am getting back into the swing of things.

Comment posted by Zeprto678 deleted Oct 25th, 2021

this will get updated right?:twilightsmile:

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