• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 4,374 Views, 140 Comments

Pull Me Through - NightsongWrites

Twilight meets her first transdimensional pen pal, and the two share letters back and forth across space and time. And when things escalate... just how much will things change? Between them, and their worlds.

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Chapter 8- Lessons and Thoughts

“I AM SO GOING TO DIE!” Michelle wailed, gaping down at the abyss yawning open below her.

“No, you’re not,” Twilight replied patiently, smiling warmly up at Michelle from her place on a cloud below Michelle’s cliffside perch.

After a sizable lunch, provided by Celestia’s amazingly talented cooking staff, Twilight had followed through on her promise to teach Michelle to fly. And the new pegasus had been excited! Very excited, in fact. Till she had seen the “course” Twilight had put together for her. Since Canterlot was built out on a massive platform that jutted out over the open air, Twilight had been able to pull a large group of stray clouds over to form a sort of “floor” beneath their training spot, to about the size of an average house floorplan. Michelle knew that, as a pegasus, the clouds would be yielding, but certainly would not break unless Michelle wanted them to. But it was hard to reconcile that with her still-human brain, that was still screaming “DEATH” in the back of her mind.

“This cloud layer is double-thick,” Twilight explained with a smile, “And I will be here the whole time.”

“As will I!” Trixie exclaimed cheerfully from her spot beside Michelle, looking the cloud layer over, “Mostly as… moral support! But the Great and Powerful Trixie’s magical range is astounding to behold!”

“As is mine,” Twilight snickered out, obviously amused with her marefriend’s antics.

Michelle would have been too, and then would have been shyly blushing as she realized she thought of Trixie and Twilight truly like her girlfriends, buuut… y’know. Mental death screams and all.

“Just spread your wings wide,” Twilight instructed softly, “And give them a few test flaps. Get the proper muscles and thoughts locked in your mind. Close your eyes, if it helps.”

Right. Right. You can do this, Michelle. They believe in you.

Closing her eyes, Michelle slowly spread her wings, getting the feel for each little movement. Focusing on them, she realized just how incredibly dexterous her wings were; if she concentrated hard enough, Michelle could even move each individual primary feather, curling them like fingers. The portal had given her the proper muscles to work them, and strong ones at that; with a test flap, Michelle actually felt herself lift a few inches.

“Good wingpower,” Trixie commented, sounding impressed.

“Good work, Michelle!” Twilight cheered excitedly, and Michelle’s improved ears perked as she heard a few flaps from her marefriend, “I’m going to start circling around the clouds. When I say go, I want you to take a running start, jump at the edge, and flap. Don’t frantic-flap. Keep your eyes on me, and I promise it will all be alright.”

Opening her eyes again, Michelle gasped a bit; Twilight had lit herself up in purple light as she flew in tight circles just a few feet above the cloud floor, giving Michelle a clear goal. She slowly stepped back a few times from the edge of the cliff, doing her best to calm her fluttering heart. She could do this, she could do this, she could-


Blinking, Michelle turned questioningly to the left; Trixie was already moving, her lips pressing firmly to Michelle’s own for a passionate, if achingly short, kiss. A trail of magic caressed her ears, and Michelle’s body quivered at the touch. A playful smile, Trixie broke the kiss with a hum, leaving up to kiss the inside of Michelle’s trembling ear.

“You can do this.”

That… that was a heck of a motivational kiss, yep. A slow grin forming on her lips, Michelle narrowed her eyes as she turned back towards the chasm. Hell, if she could do four years at Brown, discovery an ancient portal spell, and be transported to a magical land of talking, and flying ponies, then by God, with the right parts, she was going to fly! She took off at a sprint, her new legs and hooves digging out divots in the soft turf. The chasm yawned closer, and fear began to spark, but Michelle could see Twilight’s purple gleam, and she steeled herself. And digging her hooves into the lip of the cliff, Michelle leaped.

A lot of it was instinct, she found. Her wings, which Twilight had described as being built more for long flights than the pure speed, flapped down powerfully, catching Michelle’s weight and carrying her several yards. Another flap roared her into the sky, and Michelle let out a high, excited scream. Tilting her wings just so, Michelle giggled happily as she flew in slow, lazy circles.

“I-I’m flying!”

“You’re flying!” Twilight and Trixie yelled back excitedly.


They practiced for several long hours, making sure Michelle got the basics of flight down pat. Twilight was sure that Michelle could do the quick stops and hovers, to start, as they would be doing a lot of that once they reached Cloudsdale and its busy flightlanes. After that, they practiced short dives and landing on the clouds which, to Michelle’s delight, felt like cool, spongy mattresses. It had taken a snickering Twilight quite a few minutes to get her marefriend to stop giggling and rolling about the clouds like an excited puppy. Though Michelle had asked about cloud manipulation, Twilight had held off on that lesson.

“We wanna be sure to teach you that once you’re comfortable with landing, first,” Twilight had explained, “So you don’t accidentally take out a cloud when you’re really trying to land on it. I did that a few times.”

Yeah, that… that would be bad.

Trixie had greeted them both as they landed on solid ground with a firm hug and soft kisses, her tail flicking back and forth excitedly.

“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered softly, grinning widely at the blush that colored the entirety of Michelle’s pale face, “You’re going to love Cloudsdale. I went there on vacation once.”


“Silence, Sparklebutt.”

Michelle blinked, face scrunching in confusion, “Wait… you don’t have wings. How’d you get up there? And walk on the clouds? I thought-”


“Used a simple cloudwalking spell,” Twilight deadpanned, grinning only once Trixie dropped back to four hooves with a pout.

Michelle giggled softly, bringing a hoof to her mouth to hide her smile; unfortunately, the added weight of her still outstretched wing was too much, and with a small eep, the new pegasus toppled onto her side.


It had a been a good day for them all, and Michelle was quite sure it was only going to get better in the coming weeks.


“Oooooh…. ah!”

“Hehe, you make cute noises, Octy.”

“W-well! This is my first time! Be gentle!”

“Yeah, yeah… hehe, let’s try this…”


Octavia was in heaven; draped atop a fold-out table, her head hanging loosely off one side, a goofy smile plastered across her face. Vinyl was gently straddling her back, her firm hooves working their way up and down Octavia’s back, working out years and years of tension that had seemingly followed into Octavia’s new body. The former human had been surprised at the feel of hooves: she had expected something like horse hooves, all hard layers. Instead, pony hooves tended to only have a thin hard layer on the bottom edges to walk on, and another nail-like extension on the outward facing side. The rest of the hoof was shockingly soft and squishy, almost like a marshmallow, and felt amazing on her elongated spine. Vinyl’s magic was slithering along her neck and ears, and every rub and massage there dragged a mewl out of the melted pony.

“You are too cute,” Vinyl whispered playfully, smiling knowingly as a blush shot down Octavia’s neck, “How in the world did you not have the mares crawling all over you?”

She didn’t say a thing about stallions. She had… heard that story. Octavia chuckled softly, gaze focused on the floor as she thought the question over. She had known she was bi for… well, a while now. Quiet nights under the sky, alone with only her thoughts, left Octavia plenty of time for introspection. And during the winter, well, who you spent the nights with for warmth and company didn’t always matter. And at least the women were kinder about it, generally.

“The homeless aren’t usually the… best catches,” Octavia replied after a few minutes, blushing lightly.

Vinyl’s hooves paused for a moment before sliding off Octavia’s back, and the new pony tensed, thinking she may have offended her, or misspoken. Before she could apologize, the gentle warmth of magic wrapped around Octavia’s limbs, gently flipping her body so she faced the ceiling. Smiling softly, Vinyl straddled her barrel carefully, a deep blush coloring her alabaster cheeks.

“Being homeless doesn’t define you,” Vinyl whispered softly, her tender hoof stroking along Octavia’s quivering cheek, “Your music… your mind… your soul is what defines you, Octavia. And you wanna know what I think your definition is?”

Time seemed to slow down for Octavia as Vinyl leaned in, her warm breath washing over her cheek and muzzle. Little portions of Octavia’s brain were practically screaming- this was a pony, a freakin’ pony, wasn’t this bestiality? Some kind of weird, wrong, inter dimensional… thing? Those portions of her brain, of course, were handily smacked down by a veritable tidal wave of want, desperate and powerful. Vinyl cared about Octavia- more than anything ever had, except for her parents. And this was different. Different, and oh-so needed. As Octavia leaned up, the mares’ lips slowly locking, she could swear she felt the Earth- or whatever this planet was- move. It was lightning firing down her spine, and warmth blooming in her lonely heart. Her hooves slowly reached up, one stroking along Vinyl’s ears, while the other was lightly pinned to the table by Vinyl’s left hoof.

Giving a soft mrr, Vinyl turned her head, gently kissing and lapping along the soft fur… before turning back with a playful growl, nibbling lightly on the sensitive skin of Octavia’s neck.

“A-ah!” Octavia breathed, tilting her head aside immediately and trembling in the faint sense of danger and its answering thrill.

“They sure are missing out,” Vinyl whispered softly, grinning slowly at the shy blush and eye-batting that was Octavia’s response, “On a wonderful mare. Just close your eyes. Do you trust me?”

Trust. Octavia had to think on that, honestly. Trust was not something easily given on the streets, and certainly not in Octavia’s situation. She had trusted her family to take care of her when her parents died, and that had most certainly not happened. She had trusted her father’s friend to at least help her out, not to rape her when all she wanted to do was practice the one thing that made her happy. Her other boyfriends, girlfriends, the churches who took her in one day, and shoved her out the next… It took everything in Octavia’s willpower reserves to not break down in tears and confuse Vinyl. Vinyl was the only one who hadn’t broken her trust. Not yet, at least, but… this… felt different. Almost right, in a way.

Sniffling a bit, Octavia managed a shaky smile, and poured all of her trust into Vinyl Scratch as she closed her eyes.

“Y-yes. I do trust you, Vinyl,” she whispered hoarsely, quivering softly beneath her girl-... marefriend’s slender frame.

All was quiet for a moment before Vinyl gently shifted atop Octavia, sliding slowly down her barrel. Her hooves gently pressed on her stomach, and her kisses were almost scorchingly warm and soothing, like massage stones.

“Good,” Vinyl whispered huskily, “Now just hold on, Octy. Let’s go on a ride.”
