• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Luna the Matchmaker - dlazerous

Princess Luna plays matchmaker for the ponies holding the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Wings of Light and Magic

Luna the Matchmaker
Chapter 5 "Wings of Light and Magic"
By Steven Little
My Little Pony is © Hasbro

Luna stretched luxuriously in the bed she shared with Twilight Sparkle. For the first time in days her dreams had not been plagued by images of horror. Since the expulsion of Nightmare Moon she felt revitalized and it was all thanks to the lavender unicorn. Luna reached out to embrace the pony she loved but found the other side of the bed empty. She sat up and looked around. The room with wall to wall book shelves had not changed since the night before. "Twilight?" She called out, receiving no response in return.

'Where did she go?' She asked herself. 'She must be downstairs making breakfast or something; I'm sure that must be it, she just didn't want to wake me.' Princess Luna got up from the bed and started her way down the stairs when she heard the sound of running water from the bathroom. 'Ah, she just taking a shower, pity she didn't invite me.' She was about to go back to the bedroom when she detected another sound partially muffled by the water. Pressing her ear against the door she could hear it more clearly. Beneath the sound of rushing water she could hear crying. Luna quietly opened the door and let herself in, rationalizing that helping the pony she loved was much more important than worrying about her privacy. The light given off by numerous candles lit the entire room in a white glow. As she walked through the billowing steam in the bathroom, she gradually made out the shape of Twilight lying against the back of the tub allowing the warm water to spray against her back. She was faced away from her but Luna could hear her sobbing uncontrollably.

Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Twilight, why are you crying? Did you slip and hurt yourself?"

"Luna!" Twilight gasped in shock. "What are you doing here, I though you were still asleep."

"I was but then I woke and found you missing. Are you hurt?" She asked.

"No, no I didn't slip or anything."

Than why are you crying? If it was something I did, I'm sorry." Luna apologized.

Twilight sat up in the tub, wiping the tears from her eyes. "No, please don't be sorry it wasn't anything you did. It's, it's, I'm sorry you weren't supposed to hear me."

Luna crawled into the back of the tub and sat next to her under the cascading water, hugging her tightly. "Please talk to me Twilight. What's bothering you?"

"When I was fighting Nightmare Moon, I lost control, I was so enraged by her that I let my anger take over."

"It's alright dear, Celestia told me everything that happened while you were saying goodnight to the others." Luna explained.

Twilight pushed herself away and looked into the her eyes. "You don't understand Luna. I let it take over; I didn't even try to fight it. I wanted Nightmare Moon to pay for what she did. I wanted her to suffer. I wanted her death to be slow and painful." She cried. "I'm a monster!"

"You are not a monster Twilight Sparkle. You were protecting me, something I am eternally grateful for. In the end, you came to your senses and did what needed to be done. Then you returned the borrowed power back to the ponies that offered it." Luna told her. "Those are not the acts of a monster."

"But what happens if I slip like that again?" She asked. "What if I hurt you again? I don't think I could live with myself if that happened."

"Twilight, look at me." The lavender unicorn turned her face toward her. Luna placed a hoof under her chin and lifted her face so she could look into the violet eyes of the pony she loved. "I was injured by Nightmare Moon, not you; and you weren't yourself at the time either. You had more magical energy running through you than your body was ever meant to handle and it was affecting your judgment. You weren't really in control at all. Not until just before the end. Celestia still doesn't know what finally snapped you out of it but if you hadn't given up some of that power, it could have killed you." Luna hugged her tightly. "Please, do not fret over this any longer. The nightmare is finally over. I'm finally free of that nightmare and it's you I have to thank for that."

"Are you sure? I mean if there was even a chance of regaining your immortality…"

Luna cut her off before she could finish her question. "Twilight; please close your eyes. I want you to try to visualize my night sky. Can you see it?" She asked.

"Yes." She said with a slight smile on her face. Twilight always loved the night sky. She marveled at the beautiful moon and the mosaic of stars that stretched across the vastness of the sky. "I can see it all as clearly as if it were real."

"Good." Luna whispered in her ear. "I want you to look up at the stars and count them."

"But there are so many. It would take a lifetime to count them all." She said.

"I know and when you finally have counted them all then you will know exactly how much I love you, whether I'm immortal or not." Small tears started to escape from beneath Twilight's eyelids, each coursing a path down her water soaked face. Luna shifted her position so that her back was lying against the back of the tub. She leaned up and kissed Twilight's water drenched cheek. Her eyes shot open as the Princess's lips touched her cheek. The sight before her was enough to take her breath away. Luna lay there, lounging against the back of the tub looking up at her through half close eyes, a small smile on her face. Her mane was drenched and plastered against the porcelain tub. The fur of her coat as well was slick and glistening in the candlelight of the bathroom.

Twilight leaned down and softly kissed her lips. Luna wrapped her forelegs around her and pulled her close. The lavender unicorn kissed her nose then her face, between the eyes. She kissed and nuzzled her way to the base of Luna's horn. Her now unicorn lover gasped at the intimate contact. Twilight kissed the horn's seat then ran her tongue up the pointed tip, dragging her teeth along its spiral groove. Luna hugged her unicorn lover tightly, nuzzling and biting at the fur on her chest. The vibration of Twilight’s teeth being dragged along her horn sent a soft but exhilarating shudder down her spine that happily settled between her haunches. The passionate unicorn slid her water-slicked body down and kissed her lover passionately.

The movements of the two ponies knocked over a container of body wash from one of the shelves above them. The bottle's cap popped off and poured down its contents all over Twilight's right shoulder and back. The soap oozed its way down her back and between the two ponies ending up in the tub, causing a cloud of bubbles to form. The kiss ended briefly. "Oh Twilight, you have no idea how many times I've dreamed of this."

"I know. I don't know how I know but I do." She said lightly biting her cheek. "I've wanted to be with you for so long." Luna pulled her back into the kiss again, letting her tongue slip into Twilight's mouth. Their hooves were everywhere, rubbing, caressing, touching, and exploring every inch of each other’s body.

Twilight had finished drying off from her shower and wandered downstairs. The main area of the library was just that, a library. On the north wall was a small fireplace but the rest of the walls were covered in bookshelves from the floor to the ceiling. The west portion of the room had a small broad staircase leading to a large area with a table and stools. This portion of the library was called the nook and was backed by a large bay window. This spot was where ponies could have a snack while they read or give them room to spread out while studying. The center of the room had a large sunken area where the main reading table was located. The pit, as it was called, was lined with couches around its perimeter. The east wall had a door that led off to the upstairs living quarters and another that led to the kitchen and first floor bathroom. "I wonder what Luna would like for breakfast?" She asked herself aloud, stepping down into the pit.

"I don't know, I think I'll start with a hoof full of flank and a side of kiss me now." She said tackling Twilight to one of the couches and kissing her deeply.

The front door burst open and an irrepressible ball of energy galloped into the library, catching Luna lying atop Twilight, mid kiss. "Anty Twiwhite, Anty Twiwhite!" Shouted a young light blue unicorn filly with a violet mane.

"Tootsie Flute. What are you doing here?" She asked as Luna scrambled to get off of her.

"You pomised I could half a new stowy book today."

"A new story book? Oh honey I'm sorry. I completely forgot." In the background Twilight could hear the foals parents looking for her. "Lyra, Bonbon; she's in here." The two mares walked into the library and down into the pit, each putting a hoof on their daughter.

"Sorry Twilight, she got away from us again." Lyra explained.

"Princess Luna!" The two visiting mares gasped as they noticed the other mare on the couch. They knelt down before the Princess quickly.

Luna put her left front hoof against her forehead. "No, please get up. It's to early for this."

"Luna this is Lyra, Bonbon and my goddaughter Tootsie Flute."

"I didn't know you were a godmother." Luna smiled down at the young filly. "And what a pretty goddaughter you have too."

"She's our little miracle." Bonbon said.

Twilight looked down at the young filly. "Tootsie, you need to stop running all over the place or you'll get your horn stuck in the wall again."

"Twice last night and once this morning." Bonbon informed her.

"Oh you poor thing. I tell you what. If you promise to be good, do what your mommies tell you, and don't run off without them anymore I'll let you have a new story book."

"I pomise Anty. I be good and do what mommies say."

"And?" Twilight asked.

"And I pomise I not run off no more."

Lyra noticed how close Luna was sitting to Twilight. She was practically cuddling with her. "Princess Luna, if you don't mind me asking, what brings you to Ponyville?"

"I came here to be with Twilight." She said in her matter of fact way.

Both of the visiting mares were lost for words for a moment. "Does this mean that you and Twilight are, together?" Bonbon asked.

Luna nuzzled against Twilight's cheek. "Yeah, we are." Twilight said smiling.

"I knew it!" Lyra declared triumphantly.

"This is so exciting!" Bonbon said.

Luna realized now that Lyra and Bonbon were a couple. "If you don't mind me asking, how long ago did you adopt Tootsie Flute?"

"We didn't adopt her, she's ours. I carried her and Lyra was her sire." Bonbon explained.

"But you're both mares. I know I've been gone for a thousand years but the facts of life don't change."

"Twilight helped us using a spell of hers." Lyra told her.

Twilight blushed. "I'll tell you about it later." She said sheepishly. Lyra had a mischievous look in her eye. Prancing around the center table, she started whispering in Luna's left ear.

Luna listened intently until Lyra had finished. "Twilight? You and I have a lot to discuss."

"Okay, out. Both of you lets go." Twilight said as she grabbed a storybook from the shelf and ushered the three visitors from the library. Looking back over her shoulder she called to Luna. "Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." After a short while Twilight came back inside and flopped back down on the couch. "I love that little filly but it's way too early to deal with that much energy."

"Speaking of energy." Luna said lightly kissing Twilight's lips. "You were amazing."

Twilight kissed her back. "You weren't half bad yourself." The two ponies lingered in each others embrace until Twilight slowly disentangled herself and rolled off the couch. "I can't tell you how much I'd love to stay here like this all day but there's some things I need to do. But first I think both of us could use some breakfast."

The meal was nice and before long they were lounging in the main room of the library. Twilight was reading over a small stack of books while Luna sprawled on the floor next to her reading a particular large black book. She flipped through the pages, her face growing redder and redder after reading each spell. "Oh, I didn't know you could do that with a horn. I'll have to come back to that later." She said. She continued to flip through the pages until she found the one she was looking for. "Is this the spell you used?"

Twilight jotted down some notes then looked over to Luna's book. "Yes, that's the one."

"But this doesn't saying anything about changing a mare's gender."

"No, it wouldn't. I changed the spell to do what I needed. Turn to the next page."

Flipping the page, Luna read a spell the looked very much like the previous spell but key changes were made in several places. "Most unicorns can't do that. How were you able to accomplish this?"

"Well, after studying the spell for a while I realized how it utilized the magic to bring about the desired effect. Once I understood that I used to original spell as a template for the one I cast on Lyra and Bonbon." She informed her. "There were a few complications though."

"What sort of complications?"

"Well, shortly after her birth, Tootsie Flute began to age rapidly. I still don't know what the exact cause was, but after about a week I was able to stop it before it went any further." Twilight explained.

"How old is the little dear?" Luna asked.

"She's only about a year and half old."

"That can't be true." Luna said, shocked. "She had to be at least seven or eight years old."

"I promise you, she's only one and a half. The way she talks isn't a coincidence; she hasn't learned to pronounce some sounds correctly yet. In a few years, when her mind catches up with her body, she should be fine. Until then she's made good friends with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. They know about her condition and I'm sure they wouldn't allow her to come to any trouble." There was a rather hard knock at the door. "Come in." Twilight called out.

A fairly grumpy looking Scootaloo walked into the library with her pack practically dragging on the ground behind her. Luna hastily hid the book under Twilight's sofa. "Good morning dear, how are you?" Luna asked her.

"Fine." She huffed.

"What's the matter Scootaloo?" The Princess pried.

"You sent Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle on a Super Secret Cutie Mark Crusader Princess Mission and not me!" She cried.

Luna wrapped her right foreleg around the sad filly. "Scootaloo, I sent them because their missions called for stealth and silence. That's not you. You're different. You're more like Rainbow Dash, you're a mare of action!"

"Yeah!" She said, drying her tears.

"That's why I saved a super secret mission just for you."

"You did?" She asked excited.

"Yes, now listen closely. At exactly six tonight, the train from Appleoosa will arrive. On this train is a very special pony by the name of Braeburn. You remember him don't you?"

"Yeah, that's the guy Pinkie likes isn't it?"

"Correct. I'm not sure if you've ever seen him but you'll know him by his yellow coat and amber mane. He wears a brown vest and brown hat; his cutie mark is single red apple. Now, I need Pinkie Pie there when he gets off the train. Tell her that's it's really important and that I need her to be there. Don't tell her who it is though. We don't want to ruin the surprise now do we? Stay there, watch what happens then report back to me."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Scootaloo, where are Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle? You three normally go everywhere together." Twilight asked her.

"Oh, they got grounded for spying on Applejack and Fluttershy. They gave me their reports to give to you Princess Luna." Scootaloo pulled to scrolls out of her pack and gave them to Luna.

"Thank you dear now run along and remember, have Pinkie on the platform at six sharp."

"Yes Princess and thank you. You can count on me!" Scootaloo ran out of the library to prepare for her mission.

Luna grabbed the first scroll with her magic. "Did you want to hear this or did you want to get back to studying whatever it is you're studying and wont tell me about?"

Twilight closed her book and lay next to Luna. "I can take a break. Go ahead and read them out loud." Luna unbound the scroll and began to read aloud.

""First Report of Cutie Mark Crusader Apple Bloom.

Princess Luna. After I left your room I found Fluttershy talking to Twilight Sparkle. I told Fluttershy exactly what you said. Big Macintosh was sick and needs Fluttershy's help. Fluttershy asked, "If he's so sick why doesn't he go see a doctor?"

I told her that he hates doctors and is really stubborn.

Then she said. "Oh dear. You'd better take me to him right away." When we got out of the library she told me to get on her back and we flew all the way back to the farm. It was so much fun. When we got to the house I took her straight to my brothers room. While she went in, I ran into the closet down the hall. There was a board in the closet that had a gap in it that let me look into Big Macintosh's room. I found it once when I was playing hide and seek. I used it to watch for the pony that was seeking, that way I could move before they found me. I know it's cheating and I shouldn't but please don't tell anypony. Anyway, I sat there in the closet and watched what happened.

Brother was surprised. He asked "Fluttershy what are you doing here?" Fluttershy walked into the room and sat next to my brother's bed. She told him that I said he was really sick. "I'm not sick." He told her. Then he let out a really loud fart. I couldn't believe it. It was so funny. Then he apologized to Fluttershy. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," she told him. You can't help it." She walked over to his window, opened it and then walked back to his bed and sat down. "Why don't you feel well?" She asked him.

"I just got into some bad apples, that's all." He told her.

"Oh dear, you should really stay in bed then and get plenty of rest. Would you like me to make you some soup?" Fluttershy asked him.

My brother tried to sit up in bed. "I don't need some nursemaid looking after me." It looked like he was getting mad at her.

Fluttershy pushed him back down on the bed. It was kinda' scary when she talked to him. She said, "Now you look here mister. You're acting like a stubborn little colt. You're sick and whether you like it or not, you need rest and good wholesome food. You got that?" I never saw Fluttershy use The Stare on another pony before.

When my brother could talk again all he said was, "Yes'm."

"Good. Now how about that soup?"

"Yes please." Fluttershy went down to the kitchen to make food. I watched my brother after she left. He had a really silly grin on his face. When Fluttershy came back, Big Macintosh made sure he wasn't grinning any more. What a silly pony. Fluttershy made sure he ate all his soup then took the bowl back to the kitchen.

When she got back she sat by his bed again and asked. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yes, a little." He told her.

Fluttershy smiled. "That's good. I'm going to go and let you get some sleep then." Before she could make it to the door my brother called out to her.

"Uhm Fluttershy, could you maybe stay a while and talk with me? I think that would make me feel even better."

She said that she would be happy to and walked back over to the bed. They talked about the pretty normal stuff. How's the farm doing? How's Granny Smith? Any interesting new animals show up at the cottage? It was all pretty boring. I could tell big brother was working himself up to something. Then he finally got up the nerve to ask her. "Are you seeing anypony Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy's face turned as pink as her hair. "No, I'm not, I mean I see ponies all the time but not what you mean." Macintosh put his left front hoof on her right.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer if you don't want."

"No, I'm not dating anyone if that's what you mean. I'm not really into going out to places. I much prefer to stay at home with my animals or go do something with the girls. I'm not good in intimate settings."

"I think a night at home sounds perfect. You're more lovely than you give yourself credit." He lifted her right front hoof with his left and kissed it gently. Fluttershy blushed a lot. Who knew big brother could be so romantic. That's when they really started talking about what they like and dislike, favorites of this and that. They were laughing a lot.""

"The report seems to trail off after that." Luna said. "At the bottom of the page there's a message written in a flowery script." ""Thank you. Yours always, Fluttershy.""

"Oh that was so darling." Twilight remarked. "I guess they found Apple Bloom sleeping in the closet. Well, this explains why Fluttershy was so fierce during the battle with Nightmare Moon."

"I don't follow. What does that have to do with it?"

"When you make friends with Fluttershy, it's for keeps. She's normally very shy and withdrawn but when her friends are threatened, she can become a force of nature unto herself. You should have seen her stare down a full grown dragon."

"Wow. I'm glad she's on my side." Luna reflected. "Well, there's one more scroll do you have time?"

"Sure. I'd like to know how Applejack's date with Caramel went." Luna opened the other scroll and began to read.

""First Report of Cutie Mark Crusader Sweetie Belle.

I followed Applejack to the Sunflower Café and waited in some bushes. She seemed a little bored until Caramel showed up wearing a black stetson hat with a red band. In his mouth was a beautiful bouquet of red tulips. He carefully put them down in front of Applejack. "Howdy Caramel, are these for me?" She asked.

"Yeah. Rose over at the flower shop said you really liked tulips."

"She's right, I do like tulips. Thank you kindly. I like your hat, you should wear it more often."

"Thanks. I don't normally ware it but for special occasions and I couldn't think of a more special one than tonight."

Applejack smiled and smelled her flowers. "No pony ever gave me flowers before."

"I'm happy that I could be the first than." Caramel was playing it smooth. I don't know if Applejack realized that but they went to the table, Applejack set her bouquet to the side and ran through the menu. Not being overly fussy with what she ate. She ordered some apple fries and waited for Caramel to order. He finally decided on a clover and wild mustard salad. The ate there food in near silence. Neither was over given to talking over food. After they finished the real date seemed to start.

"How you like working on the farm so far? You've been with us for what, four, five years?"

"I've worked there for eight years. And I like it just fine. Plenty of fresh air and good exercise."

"Eight years? Wow. I could have sworn it was less than that. I 'm happy you like it here." Applejack seemed to be hesitating. I could tell she wanted to ask him something but couldn't quite get it out. I wonder if her brother is like this?

"Everything alright Applejack?" Caramel asked her.

"I was just thinking about something a good friend said to me. Do I intimidate you Caramel?"

"A little, yeah. I mean you're tough and not all froo froo like some of those other mares. You're not afraid to get your hooves dirty and I think you'd ruff up anyone who you think might hurt any member of your family. I think that's why I'm attracted to you."

Applejack started blushing. "You're perhaps the first boy to ever say that. Most stallions like the froo froo ponies. I just can't understand that." The conversation went on like this for a while. The night was dragging on when the café closed I followed them for a while back toward the farm. I overheard Applejack offer to walk Caramel back over to the bunk house where he was staying.""

"Well, what happened next?" Twilight asked her.

"I don't know, the report stops there." Luna said. I should really go over to Applejack's and Rarity's. The girls shouldn't be punished because of something I asked them to do. Will you be okay by yourself for a while?"

Twilight looked at her from behind her pile of books. I think I'll be fine."

"Twilight just please don't study too much and make yourself tired okay?" She asked as she walked out the door.

Luna took her time walking to Rarity's dress shop. She had always flown everywhere she needed to go. It was nice to slow down and appreciate the day. Walking through the town square, ponies would nod respectfully as she passed by. In the distance she saw Lyra and Bonbon talking to a gray mare with a yellow mane. She waved to them and smiled as the cheerfully waved back. 'So this is what it's like to be like everypony else. No pressures of court, no one bowing or scraping in front of you. It's nice.' She told herself. Turning her head she looked along her back where her wings once were. Even though she had told Twilight not to worry, she still missed her wings.

Finally reaching the boutique, she walked inside and bumped into Spike. "Oh, Spike I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. How are you this afternoon?"

"I'm doing fine Luna, thanks for asking. What brings you over this way?"

"I came to talk to you about Sweetie Belle. It's my understanding that she's been grounded for spying on Applejack's date last night."

"Yeah. Rarity wasn't happy when she heard about it and sent her to her room."

"I see. Well, I feel it's not right that she be punished for something I asked her to do."

"Something you asked her to do? I don't understand." Spike said.

"I was the one who asked her to spy on Applejack. I was hurt and I wanted to make sure her date went alright." Luna informed him.

"Really?" He asked. "She told us something like that but we thought she was playing another one of her Cutie Mark Crusader games. I'll go tell her she can go out and play. Thanks for coming over and letting me know. I'll talk to Rarity when she gets up from her nap with Garnet."

"Thanks Spike for understanding." Luna left the boutique and headed down the road and out of town toward Sweet Apple Acres Farm.

The Princess took her time walking to the apple farm. She loved the feeling of her sister sun as it's warmth soaked into her dark purple fur. A leisurely stroll down the road by herself was something she was unaccustomed to. The apple farm in question was less than a mile outside of town, so it didn't take long at all for her to walk the distance. Luna approached the house and gently knocked. A crestfallen young filly with a red bow answered the door. "Little Apple Bloom. Just the filly I wanted to see."

"Princess Luna! Why are you here?" She asked a little confused.

The Princess smiled at her. "You Cutie Mark Crusaders are my own little personal guards. You remember when I first came here, what I said to you three? I meant it. With that in mind, I can't very well let my captain get punished for following orders now can I?" Luna walked into the Apple family home, finding Applejack in the living room reading a book before dinner.

"Luna. What brings you around these parts?" Applejack asked.

"I've come to talk to you on a topic of some importance. It seems the captain of my junior personal guard has been wrongfully imprisoned. Can you please assist me in this matter?"

"Beg pardon'?" Apple Bloom came marching up next to the Princess and stood at attention. "I get you're meanin'."

"What does my captain stand accused of?"

"Captain Apple Bloom stands accused of spyin' and has been incarcerated in her room for the next two days."

"I must insist that you release her at once. I pledge to you that she was only following the orders of her Princess."

"When you put it like that." Applejack said looking down to her sister. "I will carry out your request immediately. Captain Apple Bloom. You are released from your confinement. Now go outside and play.

"Yay! Thank you Princess Luna!" Luna and Applejack fell into a fit of laughter.

"She really does look up to you Princess."

"Yes but look in her eyes. She may look up to me but that's only because I'm most likely the only pony outside her family that treats her and her two friends like they're vitally important. Yes, she may look up to me but you're her sister, she idolizes you." The clock on the wall had just finished striking six in the evening. "You might want to step back Applejack."

"Why would I want to do that?"

Luna smiled. "Five, four, three, two, one."

Pinkie Pie came screaming into the farmhouse. She ran right for the Princess and gave a hug that could easily have broken a rib. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Party, my place, two hours, don't be late. All our friends are invited!" As fast as she appeared, she was gone.

"Looks like Braeburn showed up finally. I s'pose I should tell Caramel to make room in the bunkhouse. It's good for him to have some company out there instead of bein' by himself all the time."

"I heard he wasn't alone the other night." Luna said smiling.

Applejack blushed with embarrassment. "About that."

"I'm sorry Applejack. I just wanted to make sure everything went okay for you. I was too injured to check on you myself so I deployed my little Crusaders. I should be getting back to Twilight at the library. I don't like the thought of her being alone after what happened yesterday. I'm sure it was more draining on her than she lets on."

"You really do love her don't you?" Applejack asked.

"More than anything you can imagine but I'm worried about her."

"Nothin' serious I hope." Applejack said.

"She's has some guilt issues we need to work through. Has she been like this before?" Luna asked her.

"A few times. She obsesses over things from time to time. One time she thought she was late writing a friendship report to your sister and in the end she used a, I think it's called a want it need it spell. Not sure but I think that's what it was."

"She really did that? I thought Tia was exaggerating. That's a forbidden spell because it negates free will. She's not even supposed to know it."

"I don't know how she knew it but she used it. Got the whole town ruffin' each other up pretty good too. Princess Celestia had to step in to fix things." Applejack said.

"I remember, my sister was not happy that evening. Oh my, I really should get back to Twilight. Thanks for understanding about Apple Bloom; I'll see you at the party.

Back at the library, Twilight was putting the finishing touches on her studies when Luna came in the door. "Ah there you are. Did Pinkie find you?"

"Yes, and I have the bruised ribs to prove it. Sorry I wasn't back earlier. I stopped to talk to Lyra and Bonbon." Luna apologized.

"It's alright. Luna if you don't mind, there's something upstairs I wanted to show you."

"Sure Twilight what did you want to show me?"

"It's a surprise. Go ahead and wait in the bedroom and I'll be right there." The lavender unicorn told her.

Luna sat patiently on the bed waiting for Twilight, when she poked her head around the corner of the staircase. "Oh hey, there you are. What did you want to show me?"

Twilight slowly walked into the room her legs graced by a set of light purple silk socks. Luna was speechless. "Do you like them Princess?" She asked. The former alicorn stared at the unicorn, her mouth hanging open slightly. "I know I'm not as pretty as other ponies but I hope these make up for it."

Luna shook her head to clear the naughty images from her mind. "What are you talking about?"

Twilight fidgeted next to Luna. "It's just, you're so beautiful and I'm so plain. I just want to be pretty for you." She said, her socks starting to sag down around her legs.

Luna walked up and kissed her little lavender unicorn. "Twilight, you are the most beautiful unicorn I've ever met. You don't need socks, or makeup, or fancy shampoos and perfumes to make yourself attractive to me. I love you just the way you are." Luna said giving her a light kiss on the nose. "Come on, the party starts in half an hour and you don't want to be late do you? I don't think Pinkie would understand."

"Sure thing, let me get rid of these then before we go." Twilight said.

"Oh no, don't do that Twilight. I said you didn't need them to look pretty but you still look great in them."

The lavender unicorn blushed. "Okay. Well then, let me put them away. I just need to grab something else then we can go." While Luna walked down stairs, Twilight grabbed a scroll from her dresser and tucked it into her mane, hiding it from view. They trotted out of the library and walked together to Sugar Cube Corner. They could hear the music from the end of the block. "Pinkie must be going all out tonight."

"She has reason to. Braeburn's here and I have a feeling he won't be leaving." They walked into the store to find all their friends there. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Garnet, Spike, Fluttershy, Caramel, Lyra, Bonbon, Tootsie Flute, Dinky, Ditzy, Dr. Whooves, Rainbow Dash, and Soarin. Pinkie was bouncing around the room wearing Braeburn's hat. Braeburn was talking with his cousin's Applejack and Macintosh.

"We sure are glad you're here Braeburn. I know it must have been hard to leave Appleoosa." Applejack said.

"Yes, it was hard but when family needs help you don't ask questions you go." He said smiling watching Pinkie. "Of course there are some other benefits to the move."

Big Macintosh ruffled his mane. "You've got your hooves full with that one." Luna continued to walk through the party. So many happy ponies she couldn't help but have her spirits lifted as well. Lyra and Bonbon waved her over.

"Lyra, Bonbon, how are you tonight?" She asked.

"We're doing fine. We wanted you to meet our friends. This is Ditzy and her Daughter Dinky and this is Ditzy's friend Dr. Whooves. The Doctor actually delivered Tootsie Flute.

"Well, I wasn't given much of a choice about it now was I. I keep telling you ponies I'm not a medical doctor but no one listens."

"I'm pleased to meet you all." Luna said smiling.

Scootaloo came rushing up to Luna. "Princess I got that report for you!"

Luna took the scroll and read through it quickly. "Well done Crusader." Scootaloo smiled and ran back to be with her friends.

"What did it say? Twilight asked.

"Lets just say, Scootaloo needs to work on her writing because saying Pinkie was being mushy, doesn't quite cover the information I would have liked to get."

"She looks happy enough." Twilight said pointing to where Pinkie was standing next to Braeburn.

Luna used her magic to lightly tap a glass of punch to get everyone's attention. "I just wanted to say thank you to Pinkie for throwing such a wonderful party and I wanted to raise a toast to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony for without them I would not be here today." There was a resounding cheer.

"Twernt' nuthin' Princess." Applejack could be heard saying.

"The last few days have been very memorable for me. And there is something I want to say. Over the years, the six of you have learned a lot about friendship but this week I hope I was able to help you learn something about love. Just like friendship contains the Elements of Harmony. Love is comprised of it's own elements." She looked to each of her new friends in turn. "Initiative, to go after the things you want. Courage, to accept love offered to you and to offer it back. Empathy, for another despite any embarrassment it may cause you, and sincerity in your emotions for that special somepony in your life. Enthusiasm is absolutely necessary in any loving relationship." Luna could see Pinkie nuzzling with Braeburn in the back. Luna smiled; Pinkie was still wearing that brown hat of his. The smile faded from her lips as she looked along her back then she gazed into the welcoming eyes of her own lover. "Finally, at any time you may be called upon to Sacrifice to protect the one you love. Initiative, Courage, Empathy, Sincerity, Enthusiasm and the willingness to Sacrifice, they are the elements of love and without them it cannot take hold and thrive."

As the evening wore on, Luna found herself feeling down more and more. She slipped out the back door and wandered the streets towards a hill she could see on the north side of town. She didn't know how long she sat there until Twilight sat down next to her. "Two bits for your thoughts."

"I'm sorry Twilight. I just needed some air."

"What's wrong Luna?" Twilight asked concerned.

"I can't hide anything from you can I? I'm sorry Twilight. I know I said that I didn't mind loosing my wings but it feels like a part of me has been ripped away. I know they're gone but I can still feel them. I miss them."

I know the feeling. Ever since I gave Rainbow Dash her wings back after fighting Nightmare Moon, I've felt something missing. I can still remember the feeling of every feather, the feeling of moving through the air. I can only imagine how you must feel having been born with them, it must be so much worse. But, it's good you can still feel them, it'll make things easier."

"What are you talking about? How can that be good?" Twilight reached into her mane and pulled out the scroll she stashed there earlier. Unraveling it, she held it up for Luna to read. "How to give Luna her wings back. Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes. I felt absolutely horrible about what happened. I wanted so bad to help. I used an existing spell and altered it to give you wings close to what you used to have. They won't be exact but it'll be close. Even better the spell lasts for six months instead of three days and you'll be able to do what every other pegasus pony can do. But I'll need your help to cast it, it requires a lot of energy."

"I'll do what I can." Luna lowered her head and touched her horn to Twilight's. Linking their magic's, Twilight began casting her spell. Luna watched in her mind as the magic took hold and did its work. It was an amazing gift her lover was giving her. She didn't want to leave her behind. Paying close attention to what the magic was doing; she copied the spell and reflected it back at Twilight. There was a blinding flash of light and both ponies collapsed from the exertion of magic. Slowly getting to their feet they both heard a loud snap that seemed to echo around the hill. They shook off the sudden noise but for some reason they both felt as if their own personal magic reserves had been dramatically increased.

"Luna, it worked! You're wings are back!"

Luna looked along her back and it was like she never lost her wings in the first place. "Oh Twilight thank you."

"I actually changed them a little, open your wings and let the night air blow over them." Twilight watched intently as the wings slowly unfolded. As the wind blew over the primary feathers, they appeared semi translucent and began to glow a light violet color. "It worked! Oh wonderful!"

"Oh Twilight, they're beautiful! Thank you so much. Do yours do the same thing?" Luna asked her, smiling.

"My wings. What are you talking about?" Twilight looked behind her and gasped in shock. "But how?"

"I saw what you were doing and copied the spell." Luna nuzzled against Twilight. "I couldn't stand the though of leaving you behind on the ground. Care to go flying with me? Can you still remember how?"

"Yes, and I'd love to." Both ponies leapt into the air flying high over Ponyville. Looking behind them, the translucent glowing feather left a purple and violet trail behind Twilight and Luna. They wheeled and rolled never once leaving each others side.

Back on the ground ponies had started to gather. Pinkies party emptied out into the square to watch the pair flying through the night sky. The light beaming behind the two ponies created a bright spiraling pattern that arched its way across the sky.

As the ponies watched their acrobatics, Scootaloo tapped Rainbow Dash on the leg. "Hey Rainbow, what's going on up there?"

Rainbow looked down at her adopted daughter. "I just found out from Pinkie, Twilight used her magic to give Luna her wings back and Luna cast the spell on Twilight too." The shear beauty of what she was watching was bringing tears to her eyes.

Soarin rubbed his cheek against Rainbow's. "They're dancing Scootaloo. Twilight and the Princess are dancing."

Luna looked over to Twilight, watching the sheer delight of flying for the first time shining in her eyes. It was at that moment She realized an essential truth about her own nature. Ponies may have lived and played in the day Celestia brought forth. But her nights were made for lovers.