• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 13,949 Views, 318 Comments

Luna the Matchmaker - dlazerous

Princess Luna plays matchmaker for the ponies holding the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

When I look At You

Luna the Matchmaker
Chapter 12 "When I Look At You."
By Steven Little
My Little Pony © Hasbro

The thought of her most faithful Crusader lost and alone in the world, weighed heavily on the alicorn. The Princess was heartbroken but fought the urge to fly directly to the forest to fetch the wayward pony. ‘No, I must trust her to do the right thing. If she feels this is what she must do then so be it.’ She thought to herself as she flew back towards town. ‘I hope you find what you’re like for out there Apple Bloom.’ Luna flew to the library and stashed the letter, the bandana, and the hair ribbon in a place she was sure Twilight would not find them. The Princess wore her captain’s necklace around her neck. Apple Bloom may not be there but at least a little piece of her would.

Flying back to the town hall she entered quietly and returned to the dressing room to find her mate talking with her brother and Princess Cadence. "Any luck finding Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked her.

"Yes, but she will not be joining us today, something else came up that has forced her to miss being here."

"What do you mean she won't be here? She was supposed to be part of your procession." Rarity complained.

"Please, just trust me. If it wasn't important, I'm sure she'd be here." Luna said.

"I do trust you Princess and while I’d much rather have all three of the girls in your procession, I suppose two will have to do. If you’ll excuse me, I need to tell the announcers that there will be a small change. Please, don't go anywhere I'll be right back." Rarity said.

As the white unicorn left the room, Twilight turned to her future wife. "Is everything okay dear?”

“You sound a little troubled Princess, is there anything we can do to help?" Shining Armor asked.

"I'm fine, really." She assured them.

"Luna, I know when you're hiding something. Please tell me what's bothering you." Twilight pleaded.

"Ask me tomorrow Twilight, please? I promise, tomorrow I'll tell you everything. I want today to be happy for us and for everypony. Sadness can wait one day." Luna said, silently happy the Applejack was not there at the moment.

"Okay Luna." She said, kissing her lover.

“It looks like you have everything in hoof here.” Cadence said. “Shining and I are going out to prepare for the procession.” Before leaving, Cadence looked back and smiled at the princess. “There’s something about these Sparkles isn’t there?”

Luna hugged Twilight tenderly. “There certainly is.”

Cadence gasped at the bright aura that burned between the two mares. ‘Why didn’t I recognize it earlier?’ She thought to herself. ‘I think I understand now, honest to goodness soul mates! In the corner of the room, the radio could be heard.


"Thank you Rarity for that update.” Octavia said. “It seems this wedding isn’t off to the best start. There’s been one no-show and I’ve reports that there’s a green dragon wandering around the premises.”

“Don’t worry Octy, I’ll protect you!” Vinyl announced heroically. “Oh look, the families have started to arrive, let's see who it is." Vinyl said.

"First up is Star and Crescent Sparkle." Octavia announced. "Followed closely by Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and their little colt Aiden.”

“Next are Posey and Sunburst.” Vinyl announced. “If I'm correct these are Fluttershy's parents. I feel sorry for these guys. From what I've heard they had a rocky start because of some old pegasus prejudice about being with earth ponies. Posey was gutsy for eventually going back to her husband regardless of what those old fogies said in Cloudsdale."

"Like mother like daughter I suppose." Octavia said. "Coming down the isle now is Mr. and Miss. Hooves. I believe these are Ditzy's parents. Apparently they don't have a problem with their daughter marrying an earth pony."

"Yeah, and what a stud he is too, and that accent. OW!" Octavia slugged her.

"My flank is the only one you should be looking at."

"You know you don't have to worry about that Octy."

"Here comes Rainbow Dash's mother Honey Hue. She's so stunning." Octavia remarked.

"Hey, now who's looking at some other ponies flank?"

"I was looking, you were drooling." She defended herself.

"Yah yah, who's this coming down the isles now, and why does he have a pick axe with him?"

"You know him. That's Clyde Pie, Pinkies father." Octavia reprimanded her.

"Well of course it is dear but why is he carrying a pick axe?"

"Given how old fashioned Clyde is, it’s probably to make sure Breaburn doesn't run off." Octavia and Vinyl both laughed.

"Speaking of which, we haven't seen Braeburn's parents or really any of the groom’s families; what's up with that?" Vinyl asked.

"I think I can answer your question." Celestia said as she landed next the table they were broadcasting from.

"Princess Celestia. It's good to see you again after all these years."

"It's good to see you too Vinyl. As to why the grooms' parents aren't here; the Apple family lost both their parents in a tragic farm accident three years after Apple Bloom was born and as you know, their Grandmother passed earlier this year. Soarin's father passed away two years ago followed by his mother a month later. Apparently they both were very old."

"I remember that." Octavia said. "Spitfire joined us on the show and we did a salute to the Wonderbolts in his honor."

"And the three of you did a wonderful job of it.” The Princess remarked. “Julian's parents are long past as well unfortunately. Braeburn's mother and father could not make it today due to ongoing negotiations with the Buffalo heard in Appaloosa. Regrettably nopony knows who Caramel's parents are. I’ve exhausted all my influence but I haven’t been able to find anything. You see, he was raised in a group home until he came to Ponyville to work on the Apple family farm and unfortunately, no pony knows who his parents are. Spike’s parents are unfortunately passed but he does have a sister. If I’m not mistaken, she should be entering the hall now."

Octavia and Vinyl turned back to the entryway to see a green dragoness enter the hall. “Wow, Spike’s sister is almost exactly like him except her color’s are inverted. She has green scales and purple spines going down her back. I wonder if she’s seen Spike yet?” Vinyl wondered.

"I'm sorry I just noticed this but you have two foals in saddle bags on your back." Octavia noted. "Are you foal sitting today?"

"Not as such. I’d like to introduce you to my niece, Princess Dawn and my nephew, Prince Dusk. They belong to Twilight and Princess Luna. I'm just holding on to them during the ceremony. Luna insists on taking them back during the reception."

"They’re so cute!” Vinyl cooed. “Uh, I mean… Wait, how do two mares have kids?" Vinyl asked perplexed. She looked at Octavia with a hopeful look in her eyes. Octavia shared a similar wish.

Celestia could see the look shared between the two musical mares. "I suggest you ask Twilight about that in a few days. But for now, I have a wedding to conduct and Octavia I believe your ensemble is warming up and waiting for you."

"Oh goodness, you're right. Thank you Princess; for everything." Octavia galloped over to the orchestra pit to warm up with her ensemble.

"Well it looks like were ready to go in a few minutes and I'm all by myself, again."


Back in the dressing room the girls had dressed in their gowns and were chatting with their parents. "Where are they?' Rarity asked concerned. "Ditzy, you did deliver the invitation right?"

"Yup, I delivered every one of them myself. But um…"

"What is it dear?" Rarity asked.

"Promise you won’t be mad at me?" She asked.

"I promise, now what is it?"

Ditzy walked over to her bags and pulled out the royal invitation. "When I delivered the letter, the lady was really angry. She wrote a message on it and gave it back. I'm sorry Rarity."

The white unicorn took the letter and read the note on it. "Return to sender."

"I can't believe she'd turn down a royal invitation." Twilight said.

Rarity sat down hard and began to cry. Applejack walked up and hugged her tightly. "It's okay Rarity. Some Ponies just don't know how good they got it. Remember you've always got us."

Star stroked her mane lightly, careful no to muss her hair. "Any mother would be proud to have you as a daughter Rarity. I should know; I am one. Don't dwell on the negative. This day is for you, it's for all you girls. Be happy and enjoy it."

"Thank you Mrs. Sparkle. That means a lot." Rarity told her.

Pinkie was whispering in her father's ear. He smiled and walked over to Rarity. "I know it's not the same but if it's alright with you dear, I'd be happy to walk both you and Pinkie down the isle."

"Thank you sir, I think I'd like that." In the background the wedding march had begun. "I guess we better get situated. Rainbow, you're first then Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie and myself, Ditzy, Applejack and finally Princess Luna will be escorted down the isle by Star and you're adorable little guards there."


"Okay, I'm back and we're about to get this wedding underway. While Octy is playing the wedding march I have Mrs. Rosy Dawn Hooves here with me at the table. How are you doing today?"

"I'd doing absolutely fabulous today. Thank you."

"So, excited for Ditzy?" Vinyl asked.

"Oh yes; I just left the brides and the other parents in the dressing room and we’re all happy for our girls. To be honest, I was afraid my little girl wouldn't find anypony but Julian is an absolute gentalstallion. I hear he actually got all the ponies in Ponyville to stop calling her names and teasing her. They didn't realize how much it hurt her feelings."

"Wow. That's pretty cool. Oh, they're starting. The grooms are walking in now. Nice, each of the grooms is wearing a top hat and collar. The hatbands as well as their bow ties are each colored to match the mane of their brides. That was a nice touch." Vinyl commented. "Big Macintosh and Caramel, have positioned themselves to the left of the isle while Braeburn, Julian and Soarin have turned to the right. Don't worry folks, there are going to be lots of pictures in the paper in the morning, I've seen to that."

"There seems to be a large gap next to Caramel. Where is Rarity's intended?" Rosy asked.

The distinct sound of chain mail could be heard in the background. "I think we're going to find out."

Spike slowly walked into view to the gasp of the entire crowd. "Oh my goodness." Rosy gasped.

"You didn't know she was marrying a dragon?"

"Well yes, Ditzy told me the whole story, it was very romantic but I thought that's all it was, a story."

"That's not a problem is it?" Vinyl asked.

"No, not at all. Gusty and I believe that love knows no shape. The heart loves what the heart loves."

"Well said, and listeners you just have to see the pictures of Spike tomorrow. Rarity has herself a knight in shining armor, literally. Spike is decked out head to claw in shining silver plate armor with a chain mail coif beneath. Along his right side, a broad sword hangs from a woven belt. He went all out on this suit."

"His shoulder plates are emblazoned with a symbol I've never seen before. The left half is the mark of Princess Celestia's sun but the right is Princess Luna's moon. Don't get me wrong; it looks great against the silver background. I wonder who thought it up?" Rosy wondered aloud.

"I have no idea but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. It sounds like the brides are entering now." Vinyl announced. "Lets see who's first. Rainbow Dash is walking accompanied by her mother Honey Hue."

"Rainbow is stunning, that dress is so cute I especially like the lace bit around her neck."

"I agree. I'm actually surprise she let someone style her mane. Let's see, next we have Fluttershy with her father Sunburst. I wonder what her mother said when she found out she fell for an earth pony too?"

"Like mother like daughter. Mine too. Fluttershy is so adorable. The train behind her makes it look like she's walking on clouds." Rosy said. "Is that Twilight Sparkle?"

"You bet it is, being walked down the isle by her father Crescent. I know people say that a bride glows but Twilight is actually glowing. The soft light from her unfurled wings hanging by her side is reflecting off her dress and making her glow. Wow Rarity, you outdid yourself. Wait, is that? Yes, She's wearing the Element of Magic. They're all wearing the Elements. Cool!"

"She already looks like a Princess." Rosy Dawn commented.

"I've just been hoofed a message. It seems that next we have Clyde Pie walking both Pinkie and Rarity down the isle since Rarity's snooty parents can't put aside they're social issues to be here for their daughter."

"Yes, Clyde is certainly a true gentlestallion. Wait, Is that a pick axe he has?"

"I know! What's up with that?"

"It looks like Rarity's gone the whole princess wedding route. The dress is very form fitting with a flowing skirt and pouf shoulders. It seems she's forgotten the conical hat and went with a simple gold tiara." Rose commented.

"And look at Pinkie. That dress is like a cross between a wedding dress and a cocktail dress. You go Pinks!" Vinyl shouted. Pinkie turned around and waved to her friend.

"Oh my baby girl is next!

"And here she comes accompanied by her father Gusty. Wow, look at that gown. I love how Rarity incorporated the dandelion color of Ditzy's eyes into the dress. Simply stunning." Vinyl notice Rosy softly crying next to her. "Are you okay Rosy?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just so happy for my baby." She said, wiping her eyes.

"I just noticed, where did Big Macintosh go? He was up front a minute ago." Vinyl asked.

"There he is. He's walking his sister Applejack down the isle. Awwww that's so sweet." Rosy said.

"It looks like Aj has put away her signature hat for a bright white stetson with a gold band. The dress is a simple flowing gown that seems to float around Applejack instead of lying on her back. The simplicity of the dress is accented by her golden mane, which is normally tied up in a ponytail but right now it's flowing freely to her right side." Vinyl said.

"Vinyl, here she comes; here comes the Princess!"

"The hall has gone quiet folks, as we await the entrance of Princess Luna. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, the Princess’ two junior guards, are leading the procession. Both are dressed in simple dark blue homespun tunics with a thick woven cotton belt around their waists. On each of their heads is a cornet of silver with a purple amethyst gem set in the middle. Behind them is the Princess being escorted by Star Sparkle, Twilight's mother."

"It looks like the Princess is wearing the same gown as Twilight. She's even keeping her wings down to her sides letting her glowing feathers reflect of the dress. Simply stunning." Rosy commented. The procession ended when Luna took her place next to Twilight in the center isle.

Octavia left the orchestra pit and galloped back to the announcer's booth. "Thank you for filling in for me Mrs. Hooves."

"You're welcome, I'll leave you two to finish up. I'm going down to sit with my husband." The two musical mares waved goodbye as she trotted off.

"She was nice." Vinyl said.


Princess Celestia walked up to a central podium directly in front of Twilight and Luna. "Citizens of Ponyville, honored guests; we are gathered her today to witness the marriage of a great number of ponies. Before we begin, if there are any here that would object to these unions I request that they speak now or forever hold their peace."

"They better not if they know what's good for’em!" Vinyl yelled out while Octavia sat there mortified. Celestia smiled at the outburst while the brides and grooms blushed.

"No pony?" She asked. The silence persisted. "No pony at all, really? Darn, I haven't banished anypony to the moon in such a long time." The Town Hall erupted in laughter. "Good. This is not a time to be somber; this is a day of celebration. My dear sister and her friends are being married. Now before we officially start, I'm to understand that some of you have written your own vows. Braeburn, I believe you're first."

The amber pony gulped. "Pinkie, you've made me the luckiest stallion in all of Equestria. I love you more than anything and as long as we both live I'll do whatever I can to make you feel as happy as you make me."

"Oh Braesy waisy. I hope I can make you really really happy so you can make me really really happy and we can make each other happy forever." Pinkie pulled Braeburn's stetson hat out from some hidden spot and plopped it on her head. "You're still not getting your hat back."

Braeburn laughed. "You can keep the hat but would you mind asking your father to stop menacing me with his pick axe?"

"I'm just here to make sure you go through with it. That goes for the rest of you boys too." There was a soft laughter in the town hall.

"Oh Daddy."

"Nicely put you two. Julian, I think you're next." Celestia said.

"Ditzy, what can I say but thank you? When I came here I knew absolutely nothing but you helped me you showed me how things work despite, how did you put it, being a really strange pony. To me, you are the smartest, prettiest mare I've ever known. I love you with all my heart and I always will."

"Julian. You gave up everything for me. You're job, your life outside of Equestria. You've made me the happiest pony in the whole wide world. I love you so much!"

"Very nice. Spike?"

"Dearest Rarity. What can I say that I haven't said a hundred times before? I love you, I love Sweetie Belle and I love our son Garnet. I may not be the pony of your dreams but I promise I will always be there for you and our family, no matter what."

"Spike, you risked your life on more than one occasion so that we could be together. I love you and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that. You've given me a son and you've given Sweetie Belle a real father. My brave and gallant knight; while I won't always be in distress I promise that I will always be your damsel."

"That was very touching. Well done." Celestia said, a flash of and idea in her eyes. "Twilight? The stage is yours."

"Princess Luna. I have always loved and admired the beautiful nights you created, but when I look into your eyes; the stars in the sky seem dim by comparison. You are the bright shining moon that lights my night and if I can do nothing else, I want to spend my life loving you."

"Twilight Sparkle. You've done so much for me. You and your friends freed me from Nightmare Moon. You helped me fit in after being gone for a thousand years. When it seemed Nightmare Moon might return you risked you're life again to protect me. You've given us two beautiful children. Twilight I may have been alive for over a thousand years but I never truly lived until I met you. Thank you, I love you."

"That was beautiful sister, but if there's nopony else lets get started." Garnet and Dinky slowly trotted up the mane isle pulling two small wagons behind them. Each of the wagons contained pillows of red satin, and bedded on that satin were twelve bracelets of gold and two of silver. The two young ponies pulled the wagons up to the front podium and stopped at the hooves of Princess Celestia. The Ruler of Equestria addressed the ponies in front of her. "Stallions, do you take your mare to have and to hold? Do you promise to honor and obey her, in sickness and in health for rich or for poor for however long you both shall live?"

Every Stallion and Spike responded in unison. "I do."

"Mares, do you take your stallion to have and to hold? Do you promise to honor and obey him, in sickness and health for rich or for poor for however long you both shall live?"

"I do." They also responded in unison.

"Twilight? Luna?" Celestia asked.

"I do." They responded together.

The Princess levitated the bracelets from the wagon at her hooves. “Please accept these bands as a gift from me, a wedding present.” The twelve gold bracelets snapped closed over the right front hooves of each of the ponies except for Twilight and Luna who received bands of silver. Each one was emblazoned with the cutie mark of their spouse with the exception of Rarity; her bracelet had the image of a purple and green dragon encircling the band. Inky and Blinky were beaming at this moment; so proud that Princess Celestia herself had commissioned the jewelry they made for the newlyweds.

"By the power vested in me by; well me, I pronounce you husband, wife and wife! You may kiss your bride!" The crowd of guests, especially two loud guests in the announcer booth, cheered the newlyweds with thunderous applause and a standing ovation. "Wait now, we're not done just yet." Aiden walked in with a sparkling silver crown upon a red silk pillow riding on his back. Celestia floated the crown to Twilight's head and switched it with the Element of magic. "There, I think that's better, you look like a proper Princess of Equestria now.” She told her former student. “Spike, may I borrow that for a moment?"

"Of course your majesty." Spike drew the sword from his side and offered it to Princes Celestia handle first.

"For a longest time any disturbance that troubled our land was dealt with but the local authorities but I fear that in the coming years something more will be needed. So I will do something I have not done in over a many, many years. Stallions, mares, Spike. Please kneel." The newlyweds knelt before the Princess. Taping the sword to the shoulders of each pony she called them by name. "Arise Sir Macintosh, Lady Fluttershy, Sir Caramel, Lady Applejack, Sir Spike, Lady Rarity, Princess Twilight, Princess Luna, Sir Braeburn, Lady Pinkie, Sir Julian, Lady Ditzy Doo, Sir Soarin, and Lady Rainbow Dash. I pronounce you all knights of the realm, protectors of Equestria." Again the guest enthusiastically cheered the new couples.

Princess Luna walked up to the podium and addressed those in attendance. “For many, many years, the emblem of our land reflected which of us sat on the throne. When I informed my sister of my impending marriage, she suggested a change.” Luna held up her right front hoof to the rafters where guards were waiting to unfurl new banners to cover the old solar standard. Each of the new banners was exactly like the emblem Spike wore on his armor. “From this day forth, the rule of our land shall not be governed by either Celestia or myself but together, as one.” The ponies cheered so loud, the guards in the rafters could hear the thunderous applause.

Twilight was next to address the ponies. "On behalf of the Princesses, myself, and all our friends; I want to thank you all for coming and sharing this special day with us. The reception will begin outside in the town square shortly." Twilight announced.

"Party!" Pinkie, Vinyl and Princes Celestia shouted together.


The entirety of the Ponyville town center had been decorated for the event. The bar and drink stand was set up by the Founders Fountain. A bandstand was erected outside the porch of the Town Hall. During the ceremony all of the instruments used by Octavia's ensemble were moved outside. A turntable and speakers were set up next to the bandstand for Vinyl's use as well. Tables and chairs had been arranged around the Town Hall to create a large dancing circle. So many flowers, garlands, and vibrant bouquets were strung around the square it had actually cleared out the three flower shops belonging to Rose, Lilly, and Daisy. The arrangement of the colorful flowers gave the town square the appearance of a single large garden.

"That's all we have tonight listeners. Until tomorrow, this is Vinyl…”

"And this is Octavia wishing you all a good night. And remember the broadcast will repeat in half an hour so if you missed anything you can listen again."

Sitting at a large table setup across from the bandstand, the newlyweds were enjoying themselves. The brides had changed out of their dresses for fear they might muss them but quickly left the dressing room to join in the festivities. Luna had taken the children back from Celestia so she could eat her meal in peace. Dinner passed pleasant enough; from time to time ponies would walk by the table and offer their congratulations. Princess Celestia could see the polite but bored faces around the reception and decided to take action. Slowly walking over to the bandstand she had a whispered conversation with Vinyl Scratch then walked back toward the table.

A microphone briefly screeched. Vinyl Scratch was in her element. "Wow there are some serious bored faces out there. Lets get those hooves moving and, start this party right!"

She spun here records and amped up the volume as the music started.

Vinyl hopped onto the dance floor pulling Octavia with her. Soon the crowed started to grow. Pinkie, Applejack, even Celestia got out on the dance floor. The song ended and Vinyl found two fillies at her turntables. "I suppose you want to do it now?"

"If you're not to tired, you were awesome out there!" Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, I am pretty awesome. No, I'm not too tired. A nice slow song will relax me. He Octy you ready for the special request?"

"Of course, just let me get thing prepared with the others." Octavia turned to her group and made sure they had the music and understood she wanted to play the music half a beat slower than the sheet music called for. "We're ready over here when you are."

"Okay kids I'll announce us, you two stand in front of the turntables with the microphone. You remember when to come in?"

"Yes, thanks again Mrs. Vinyl." Sweetie Belle said.

"No problem kiddo." Pulling a guitar case out from behind the turntable, Vinyl walked up the bandstand and sat on a chair while she adjusted the microphone. Octavia moved her double bass next to the unicorn in preparation to play. Opening the case, Vinyl pulled out a shinning black and brown John Neigher stratocaster electric guitar. "Okay everypony. We've had a special request tonight for a special song sung by Belle and Scoot for the newlyweds."

The music started with Vinyl strumming the guitar when Octavia and the rest of the group slowly came in. At the appropriate beat, the girls began singing. "It's been a long road, getting from there to here. It's been a long time, but my time is finally near. And I can feel the change in the wind right now, nothing's in my way. And they're not gonna’ hold me down no more, no they're not gonna’ hold me down. Cause I've got faith of the heart. I'm going where my heart will take me. I've got faith to believe. I can do anything. I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna’ bend or break me. I can reach any star. I've got faith; I've got faith, faith of the heart…"

The couples listened to the music, leaning against each other. Spike and Rarity couldn't help but think the song was meant for them especially. With all they'd been through the last few years they had almost given up hope but they were there, married at last. When the music stopped, the girls left the last note of their voices hang in the air until the crowd erupted in applause.

"Okay now colts and fillies, it's time for the pegasus dance. If you got wings than get your flanks out on the floor for final instructions." Every Pegasus had poured onto the dance circle. The Wonderbolts, who had dressed in their uniforms for the wedding, were weaving through the group with boxes on their back.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin approached Twilight and Luna. "Ladies would you care to join us?" Soarin asked them.

"But we're not pegasi, the dance is for them." Luna protested.

Princess Cadence came up and put a wing on both Twilight and Luna. "This dance is for fliers and we need both of you out there or our surprise will be ruined." Cadence told her. Rainbow grabbed Twilight and Luna and pulled them onto their hooves.

“What about you?” Luna asked her sister.

Celestia floated the twins off Luna's back. "Don't worry about me. I'll just watch the twins until you get back." The two Princesses were led off to the dance floor and noticed something odd. Every pegasi on the floor including Rainbow and Soarin had multiple glow sticks matching their mane color tied to their wings. The glow effect from all the pegasi was bright enough to light the dance circle.

“What is all this Rainbow Dash? Why do you have those things tied to your wings?” Twilight asked her.

“I got the idea from you actually.” The cyan pegasus told her. “Just wait and see, this is going to be so awesome!”

"Okay guys, when the music starts, grab a partner, take off and do what you do best." Spitfire announced.

The music started abruptly. Vinyl had picked a fast paced song with plenty of base. All the pegasi took off into the air weaving and dodging around each other. At the center of it all was Luna and Twilight. The effect of their wings in the air was magnified a hundred fold by the trails of light left by the glow sticks hanging from the pegasi wings. All the ponies looked up and watched the night sky come alive with light. Patterns unfolded, some intricate others simple. Loops, rolls and dives added to the extravagant spectacle of light in the sky. Celestia smiled to herself. 'Tonight is indeed a night for celebration. Sadness can wait for another day.' She thought to herself, holding the letter written by a pony lost in the world and lost in herself.

Comments ( 89 )

Dude, you dumped a metric crapton of chapters on me. And I couldn't be happier.

actually, this is what he looks like:

Wow I woke up this morning and checked my email and man was I confused. Six chapter updates in one day made for an awesome morning. However now that I am finished I want even more. :pinkiehappy: Also poor Applebloom :applecry:

Just read the literal ton of chapters, only have some minor comma placing and grammar errors to report. Good Job! Now make MOAR! :flutterrage:

Thanks, a lot of people complain about the fast pacing but it's on purpose.


So Applebloom holds it with her Family's tradition. Last pony in class which get the CM.

These are the chapters I've revised from the main story. As I revise them, I'll be uploading them here.

Quick question. What was on Rarities wedding bands? spike doesn't have a cutie mark.

Good one, I had forgotten by that. Hmm I think I'll have to come up with something.

899848 A dragon Flame maybe made of emerald?

Yes, Julian, really. To be honest, i have not watched all of the Dr. Who series so I have no idea what Time Lord names are like. I'll be messing with that bit a little.

That has possibilities

899395 Fixed it, let me know what you think. :twilightsheepish:

904458 I love it :raritywink: I'm impressed that you were able to come up with something so quickly.


honestly, it was the only thing I can think of

Yeah, Bic Macintosh was a bit ooc there, I may be meddling with that bit in a while. Working on the revision for chapter 13 at the moment

I just thought back to when they were all made immortal...
Since Celestia was in the room at the time, does that make her twice as immortal?:trollestia:

But, yeah, another good chapter. I wonder what Applebloom's doing, though... and if she'll get her cutie mark.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, working on it right now actually. A little bit of a time jump and a cupcakes reference but all in all i think it will be okay.

the story is far from complete. In between revising older chapters, I've been working on the new one

Says who? you have no idea if the TARDIS is coming back in a future chapter. It just might

After all the sad and dark storys i`ve read so far, yours can`t realy placed in these genres, it´s more a ray of hope that says nearly everything can turn out right with a littel work. I hope that you don´t destroy their luck too much with the upcoming events that you have planned for the story.

A little bit of messing with ponies still to come, especially poor Apple Bloom and Dawn... I am so mean to those ponies.

Beautiful story. Truly magickal. But please, I beg you, bring the prodigal daughter back, let her see that the light is still there, that all she has to do is land her craft and join those on the banks.:applecry:

This is one of the best stories I have ever read ... and I read ... a lot. Please keep up the good work! :yay:


I'll do the best I can

You have done so well so far. I can't wait for the next chapter! Wooooo!!! :pinkiehappy:

Something you don't understand?

893794 so this is what you ment when you said he wasnt fully dragon
that he would have a mane.
thats it

949833 Pretty much. He only has a little Pony in him but It makes it easier for him to conceive a child with Rarity

after the second reading i remembered what song Belle and Scoot are singing "Faith of the Heart", i like your sense for the right music at the right time.

any clue when the next chapter will be up

There is no next chapter, the story is done. Everything else from the old story will be part of a new story as soon as the admins approve it. It's called "Hope and Shadows" and is currently #23 in the cue so hopefully later today or tomorrow.

Not bad, that was a fun read. :rainbowdetermined2:

1035803 There is a reason that the astral magic doesn't work which will be explained in the next installment, the story, "Hope and Shadows"

1035182 I will, and thanks for pointing those mistakes out. Sometimes things get by me.

I was about to fuss that the dialogue was off in the middle, until I realized it was announcing. :derpytongue2:

Anyway, you need an editor. If you already have one, buy a riding crop. (no not for that purpose)

I enjoyed this, but I had to take a few breaks instead of reading it straight because of lots of punctuation mistakes and the occasional missing quote or spelling typo.

And with that, I shall move on to the continuation and hope the punctuation is better.

1038968 I have three editors/pre-readers actually They simply haven't gotten that far yet. I rushed a bit and posted them before my editors/pre-readers got a hold of them. I want them to read and edit at their own pace and not rush through it. There will be updates to hopefully fix most of the problems.

1071291 Yay, war! no, not really, war sucks but sometimes it's necessary. Trust me this is not going to be a pony version of "Apocalypse Now" or "Thin Red Line", or any of those kinds of war movies, more like "Good Morning Vietnam" meets "Hot Shots" or maybe not, I haven't thought that far ahead, it's still a long way off.

1105532 Really, you're going to comment on a story without actually reading it?

I shed a single manly tear when Scoots and Bell sang the theme from Enterprise, which is my favorite Star Trek, hands down. And the song really does fit. That was awesome.

1135758 Which is exactly what they are doing. However, his "Associate" is going to be revealed int he next chapter of Hope and Shadows

1175273 Nope, her father is dead, her mother is alive. At least in my fic she is

Awesome, but while normally I'll take any excuse for a story not to end, I feel like this chapter could have been shortened a lot without losing anything. I found myself not really caring about their dresses and some of the other things like when they were walking up the aisle seemed to drag on forever. I know you probably just wanted to set the scene and all but it just got me a little frustrated while reading, I found myself wanting to have something happen but unwilling to skip ahead or skim for fear of missing something. Also I kind of want to see the new equestrian standard/flag. And I know this is a chapter or two too late, but Twilight really? You couldn't be bothered to tell your parents anything?

Finally got a chance to read through the rest of this. Totally worth it :pinkiehappy:
Great job, and I particularly loved your use of Faith of The Heart. I had been craving that song randomly but couldn't remember it enough to find it.

Also, you should commish someone to draw out the entire wedding procession. Those gorgeous sounding dresses must be made in some form!

1222257 I wish I had the money to do so, I'd love a huge picture of the wedding scene with all the characters there

Absolutely loved this story it was fantastic read the whole thing in one siting personally twilinas are is my favorite ship. And I believe that you got every other ship right however I thought it would have been better if you used known characters for applejack and pinkies ships other then that probably one of the best twilinas ever and I have read nearly all just look at my favorites I almost exclusively read twilina. I particularly liked that you made them all immortal that is good and you also brought discord back nice touch. You sir get sideways 8 internets :D.

1279288 but Carmel and Braeburn are known characters... just not very well known characters.

1568363 That's okay, I know a lot of people like Twilight with Trixie or an OC stallion.

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