• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,405 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Traps, Dreams and Cute Things.

Author's Note:

I want to start by apologizing for the long wait for an update for you all :(. We just got into the new house, and had to take care of a lot of things.

Besides that, unpacking and real life stuff must take priority. But I will hopefully now be able to give you updates on a more stable level now.

Thank you all for sticking with me and enjoying my fic :).

Now on with the show.


"Okay. Rope?" Scootaloo asked, holding a checklist in her hoof.

"Check." Applebloom said, holding up a long coil of rope.

Scoots nodded as she checked it off the list, "Nets?"

"Check!" Sweetie Belle called as she held up a tangled up net, "Uh....well, half check."

Scoots rolled her eyes but checked it off anyway, "And bait?"

"Check!" Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom called as they both held up an apple, and a cupcake.

"And I got this." Scootaloo said as she lifted up a doughnut, "Alright, we're ready to catch us a human girls."

"CUTIE MARK CRUSDAR HUMAN CATCHERS! YEAH!" The three shouted before running out of their club house giggling.


Castus breathed heavily as he felt the soft feel of Fluttershy against his body. The Pegasus pony person giggling as she slowly pressed her breasts against his chest and teasingly gave little love bites down his neck. Though she had fur, it felt thing and amazingly soft. Probably why they wore clothes as it probably didn't hold heat in well.

Castus breathed, "I...I can't...."

Fluttershy giggled as she slowly traced a hoof down his chest, going lower and lower till it reached that spot causing Castus to jump with a yelp, and earning another giggle from Fluttershy.

"Aww, but we only started a few hours ago." She said with a sultry voice, leaning in to breath gently against his ear.

Castus shivered and couldn't help but grip the juicy flanks of the girl who was so evilly teasing him. This had to be a crime against humanity. But damn it all he didn't think he was able to press charges. Ever.

Fluttershy gasped before smiling, "See, I knew you were still ready. You. just. need. some.....encouragement."

She slowly placed her hooves on the sides of Castus head and pulled him into another kiss, Castus could feel his heart beat rising and his body reacting as it was naturally inclined to do...

...until Fluttershy quickly turned into a stone statue of herself.

"What the!?" Castus gasped as the girl who was just moments ago indulging him in ever perversion fantasy he had soon became a statue fit for a lawn of a manor house and world around him soon faded to that of a large and endless desert.

Castus swore as he got up and looked around, a howling wind and the statue of Fluttershy all that was around him.

"What...what's going on!?" Castus screamed as he looked around.

And then without warning a scream could be heard. But it was not a scream of the mouth and lung. In fact no mortal being could create a scream as the one that shrieked out and pierced the very depths of his brain.

"AAHHHHHHHH!" Castus screamed as he gripped his head as the scream wailed across his mind at a level he didn't think possible. Every fiber of his being joining in the symphony of pain as it felt like his whole mind was being shredded to tiny bits.

Castus fell to his knees as he struggled to stay clear of his surroundings. He looked to the statue of Fluttershy, hoping that maybe it could save him from his pain, but he felt his eyes widen as he saw that it was no longer Fluttershy that was incased in stone.

It was him.


A sudden wailing boom and the rumble of the earth shaking passed beneath his feet as a large shadow appeared below him.

"What?" Castus said as he looked up, still gripping his head as the wail grew to a fevered pitch. He wasn't sure how he was still conscious with it all, but his eyes widened as he saw what seemed like a mountain flipped upside down falling on top of him. As the mountain fell, it tipped to its side, revealing what seemed like a city built on what would be considered the mountains bottom.

And it was all falling directly toward him.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhh!!!" Castus screamed as the mountain city fell on top him with a bang.

"NO!" Castus screamed as he shot up, breathing heavily, a hand clutched to his heart. He looked around and saw that he was not in a desert, and sadly not in a candle lit room with a horny Fluttershy either, but back in the area of the woods overlooking a small stream where he had sat down and taken a nap under the warm sun in the shade of a large tree.

'A dream? Just a dream.' He thought as he breathed in and out, trying to still his beating heart.

It had started as a good dream....a really, really.....REALLY good dream. In fact, when Castus looked down his body was still showing that his dream had been very good....until it went into Majora's Mask bad ending. Only a city instead of the moon crashing down on your head.

'Actually...I don't think I ever beat that game. Damn it all.' He thought.

He really did hate dreams at times. They never seemed to stay on the good stuff for long till you had to wake up or it became a nightmare. It just was not fair.

'Still...can't believe I was dreaming that.' Castus thought as he huffed and slide from the tree and just lay flat on the soft grass and stared up into the leaves of the tree, the sunlight piercing through the cloud of green in small bits of light.

Granted, he had had...evil thoughts since he first saw Fluttershy that one morning not long ago. And he would be lying if he said he didn't find her...attractive. After all from her cute appearance and personality...to her well built body that would turn any male with preferences toward that a drooling mess, she was one very attractive and very hot pony person.

'But that is where the problem lies.' He thought with a sigh.

Now, he didn't really see it as bestiality. She was anthropoid and definitely a sentient creature, so it was more xenophile or even furry fetish. But here, humans were more regarded as pets....even animals. Even if Fluttershy knew he was as smart as her, he felt confident that the girl still saw him as an animal. Granted a very different type of animal then what she knew, but he doubted she would ever hold any romantic thoughts towards him. She probably would see it as he taking advantage of a defenseless critter or something.

'Besides, with her looks I'd be a monkey's uncle if she wasn't already taken.' Castus thought. He frowned at that thought. Though he had to admit, he knew very little of Fluttershy herself, or even her social life. So it was a possibility.

Castus groaned as he picked up a stick and threw it at the stream.

"Damn it all." he whispered to himself. He should just focus on getting home...and soon before he went crazy worrying on things that he shouldn't.

'But damn it all it just ain't fair!' He thought as he laid on the ground and sighed.

Life could really suck at times.

A rustle from the bushes over to the left caught Castus attention and he turned his head towards a group of bushes beside a tree not far from him. Castus raised a brow as things went silent.

'...Maybe I should move on.' He thought.

Then an apple, tied by a rope, was tossed from the bush a good distance and left there.

Castus raised a brow, 'What the hell?' Was that....bait?

He shook his head as he stood up, a few slightly hushed whispers noticeable from the bush and he slowly walked over to the apple. It moved away from him by a small tug, and toward the bush.

'Seriously?' He thought. Castus rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed the rope and hung on when he felt it being pulled on.

A gasp was heard from the bush as the rope was pulled, small grunts of someone struggling to pull. Though maybe it was two, as Castus had to lock his legs to keep still. He then took the rope in both hands and heaved with all his might.

"Aaaahhh!" Two girls screamed as they were yanked with the rope out of the bush. One with a mane of red hair and a big red bow, the other with a head of purple colored hair...and two small wings.

'It's those kids from before.' Castus thought, his eyes going wide with surprise. But where was the-

"Aie!" A voice squealed.

Castus looked up to see a net, being tossed down ontop of him. The surprise and the weights tied to the net forced him down as he saw another of the kids joining her two friends as she jumped down from the tree, hooves pressing her skirt down as she fell.

"We got him! Man, I was scared for a moment when he yanked on the rope. Quick thinking Sweetie Belle." The purple haired one said to the one with the horn, the one who had tossed the net on him.

"Thanks Scoots." Sweetie Belle, the one with the horn and white dress said with a giggle and a smile.

"Did it work? Did we get our cutie marks?" The one with the bow said.

"Let's check!" Scoots said before unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them down a bit. The bow wearing girl undoing her overalls and lowering them, along with the girl, Sweetie Belle, lifting the hem of her dress some to her hip.

'What the frig!?' Castus thought, his eyes widening as he spotted the girls underwear, and quickly slammed to the ground, eyes planted to the grass and arms over his head. He was not going to look!

'What are they doing!?' He thought, in a panic. Who just does that in front of some....wait...he wasn't really considered a person here was he.

'But still, I'm not looking!' He thought, digging his fingers into his head.

"Awww dang." Scoots said in disappointment.

"Ah told ya so."

"No you didn't Applebloom." Scoots said.

"Girls! So we didn't get our cutie marks. What do we do with it now though?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Castus slowly peeked, and sighed when he saw the girls had covered themselves up again. Thank god for small miracles.

"Ah don't know. Maybe we should go get my sister." Applebloom said.

"Maybe we could sell it to the zoo. I heard from Rainbow Dash that humans are really valuable." Scoots said, eyes sparkling at the idea.

"Maybe we could-" Sweetie Belle started, but was cut off by a fourth voice.

The voice of Fluttershy.

"Castus? Castus, are you here?" Fluttershy called, her soft voice only slightly higher then usual.

"Fluttershy. Hey Fluttershy, over here, come see what we caught!" Scoots said in surprise before calling out and waving a hoof in the air.

Soon enough Fluttershy appeared, "Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle? Applebloom? What are you girls-Oh my goodness!"

"We caught a human." Scootaloo said, placing her hooves on her hips proudly.

"Oh dear, Castus are you okay?" Fluttershy said, flying over to Castus and helping him get the net off.

"Whoa! Fluttershy, you know it?" Applebloom said in surprise.

"Careful! He might bite!" Sweetie Belle said, scared for her sisters friend.

Fluttershy looked at Sweetie in surprise before giggling, "No he wouldn't Castus is a good human, and yes I do know him. I own him."

The girls blinked, seemingly dumbstruck by the news.

"Wait...it..I mean..he is yours?" Scootaloo asked.

Fluttershy nodded. The girls cheeks all went red with embarrassment at this news.

"Oh...sorry. We thought he was...you know wild." Scoots said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah. Sorry Fluttershy." Applebloom said.

"We hope you're not mad." Sweetie said, looking like she was about to cry.

Fluttershy shook her head, "Oh no girls. But I think you do owe Castus an apology." Finally Castus was free of the net and he stood up and stretched before looking at the girls with a raised brow.

'Damn right they do.' He thought.

The three girls looked at him a bit fearful before carefully approaching. Fluttershy smiled and took Castus hand and pulled him down so that he was kneeling.

"Don't worry. He is really nice." Fluttershy said encouragingly.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at her, then at Castus before saying, "Sorry, we didn't mean to throw a net on you."

The three girls looked at Castus with sorry, puppy dog eyes. Castus looked at them....and immediately lost all thoughts of anger that he felt for these kids.

'Oh god....just....okay that is cute.....' He thought. He didn't think anyone could stay mad at these three for long. They were...just....too.....cute! He couldn't help but want to releave them of their guilt and make it all water under the bridge.

Slowly he smiled and patted their heads and saying, "S'okay."

In that moment he realized that...he had screwed up. Fluttershy, and the girls all gasped in surprise, and Castus realized that he let his mouth do the talking for once.

'Shit.' He thought.

The girls immediately stepped away from Castus, huddled close together and looking at him with shock? Awe? Fear? Maybe all three? As for Fluttershy she looked at Castus in surprise, mouth hanging open.

"C-C-Castus....y-you can....speak?" She stammered in surprise.

Castus gulped, looked at Fluttershy and rubbed the back of his head, "Uh....yeah....now."

He guessed that he had some explaining to do.



Discord laughed as he watched the next proceedings of events. He wasn't sure which was funnier, the fact that Castus ended up getting semi flashed by three twelve year old girls, or that he had let his new ability to speak slip much earlier then he wanted.

"Ahahahah, and just when Fluttershy had bought him all those scrolls." Discord laughed, covering his eyes with his paw.