• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,403 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Explanations and Tea.


Castus wasn't sure, but when he spotted Angel peering out from behind the door leading into Fluttershy's room, a smirk on his little rabbit face, he felt pretty sure that he was the one responsible for Fluttershy return so suddenly.

'Cunning little snitch.' He thought. Maybe he should make himself a B.A.T. A bacon, Angel, and tomato.

But now he had to focus upon the situation at hand. That being the unconscious Fluttershy, who he had caught before she hit the ground and placed her on her bed.

'Now what do I do? This isn't exactly how I wanted to approach this.' He thought, rubbing his forehead as he debated how to proceed.

He really couldn't do anything until Fluttershy regained consciousness, and who knew how long that would be. So all he could do was sit here in a chair and watch her. And while he waited he looked once more at the book he had been reading.

'So....if I read this right, then this world has two evolutionary species of humans living here, being Neanderthalensis and Heidbergensis. The general habitat being across Equestria and in areas of a place called the Griffon Kingdoms. But all seem to act with only a margin of intelligence then would be expected from my world, acting more like our more primitive ape ancestors in terms of social structure. And definitely they don't show any sign of tool making, or even the use of fire.' He thought, rubbing his chin.

It was all so confusing. How could a world have similar species to his own, but be so different. It defied all logic in the way evolution worked. But then again, this place didn't seem to follow that logic as he knew it. Still, certain things should be a universal fact even across different worlds.

'I definitely want to be cautious in showing my intelligence then if this is what is expected of other humans. Last thing I want is undesired attention from the scientific community here.'

A groan from Fluttershy, and slight movement as she lifted a hoof to her head, brought Castus' attention back to his current problem.

"Oh," She said when she turned and saw Castus beside her, "oh Castus. I had the strangest dream that you were able to understand me and could write." She chuckled slightly, but stopped when Castus held up the same scroll, only with a new message on it.

"It was no dream. Now please try to stay calm while I explain."

"Eep" Fluttershy squeaked, hiding in her mane. The whole thing would be rather cute if Castus didn't know that he was the one behind her fear and shaking.

'God but she is cute still!' He thought with a smile.

The smile only seemed to make Fluttershy hide further into her mane, "I...I...please don't hurt me." She said, her voice barely a whisper.

Castus shook his head and wrote, "I'm not gonna hurt you. Just let me explain. Will you let me?"

Fluttershy read the message and nodded slowly, "O-okay." She said but still looked at Castus with a look of shock.

So Castus took an empty scroll, he only had one left now, and proceeded to write down his explanation. It took him a bit of time, part to avoid spilling ink or causing splotches over his words as he was not use to using an ink quill, and part that his wrist was starting to get sore from the writing and he had to stop to rub it once more twice.

The sight of his discomfort had caused Fluttershy to reach out and rub his wrist at one point, but she squeaked again and pulled back with a barely hearable "sorry." Castus shook his head and finished before passing the scroll to her and letting her read it.

Fluttershy took the scroll and silently read the words. Her eyes seem to widen, and when she finished she looked at Castus with less fear and more with a look of wonder. Then without warning she grabbed him with her hooves and pulled him into a hug with a excited squeal.

"Oh my gosh! This is so exciting," She cheered, if a cheer could be comparable to an only slight increase of volume for her, "A whole new species of human. This is like discovering a different type of bird or cat, it's so amazing."

Castus of course couldn't really share in the...excitement...as he was having a harder time trying to escape from the hug that Fluttershy had him in, which had his head pressed against her breasts in a way that not only allowed him to feel how soft they were even with her sweater on, but were...slightly suffocating him as well.

Castus grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away with all his strength and took several breathes of air. Fluttershy blinked and looked at him oddly as he let her go and sat down.

"Oh, sorry," Fluttershy said, "I just...get excited when I meet a creature I've never seen before. I hope I didn't scare you."

'No, but I don't think I'll be sleeping soundly tonight.' He thought, sure that his mind would betray him again as it had done earlier this morning. And then several times during the day.

"It's okay. Are you okay? I was worried when you fainted." Castus wrote.

Fluttershy smiled, "I'm sorry I worried you, but I'm fine. Oh but I should get to work on dinner for the others. Um...did you want something or are you full?"

Castus blinked, but then remembered the jug of ice cream he had eaten and he just shrugged.

Fluttershy nodded, "Well okay. But if you want something, I'll set a bowl of apples for you in case. I'll be right back."

With that she flew over to the stairs and gently landed on the bottom floor, heading into the kitchen and working on attending the food and other chores she would need for her pets. Castus noticed Angel was glaring at him, perhaps mad that he hadn't seen what he had wanted.

'Probably me getting in trouble or something.' Castus thought as he gave the bunny the finger and leaned back against the chair, keeping it balanced on two legs.

Castus looked out the window to see the sun starting to set over the horizon. The sight of another day ending brought a frown to his face.

'How long have I been here? Nine? Ten days? I wonder what my family and friends are doing? My sister is probably in a fit searching for me.' He thought. Ever since he had been born, his sister had always been worried over his safety since he couldn't speak. The thought that she was now possibly worried over him over his disappearance made him feel terrible.

'I'm sorry I worried you sis. But...maybe I can find a way back. I promise I will.' He thought. He had to get back...he couldn't stay here; it wasn't his home....even if it did have some....perks.

The sound of hooves against the stairs, and Fluttershy reentering the room brought Castus away from his reminiscing.

"I'm sorry if I kept you waiting. Umm...but is it okay if I ask you something." She said, moving back to sit on the bed.

Castus silently chuckled and then nodded.

"Well um...are you really from another world? And if you are as smart as me, why can't you talk like me?" She asked, before adding in a worried tone "Umm..that is if those questions are okay. Not that being unable to talk is bad, I just...was curious."

Castus rolled his eyes and wrote, "I have no reason to lie. It is up to you to believe it or not. As for why I can't speak, ever since I was born I was never able to communicate. The doctors said there was a problem that developed during my development before my birth. By the way, do you have more paper?

Castus saw that he was now on his last scroll, and he hoped that Fluttershy had more.

Fluttershy shook her head, "Oh sorry. I used most of the scrolls I had for the lists on the animals health needs and food stocks. I have to get some more."

'Damn it. Well, I guess one can't have everything. If I had my phone this would be easier, but god knows what the ponies did with that when they took my pants. Wish I knew what happened to it though.' Castus thought. Still, what could he do against ponies that could keep him still with some psychic aura stuff.

"Umm, I guess you will need more scrolls to talk to me. I'll get some first thing tomorrow." Fluttershy said, "But um....may I ask one more question?"

Castus nodded. He would have to make this as basic as he could to conserve space.

"Um, why did you wait so long to talk?" Fluttershy asked.

Castus wrote, "Uncertainty on reaction. Fear. And forgot till today."

"Oh, I guess you weren't sure how other ponies would react around you huh?" Fluttershy asked.

Castus nodded.

"Well, I won't tell anypony else if you want to keep this a secret between us." Fluttershy said, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Castus blinked, 'Stick a cupcake?' He nodded though and wrote, "For now please."

Fluttershy nodded, "Okay. Wow, this is just amazing. A human from a different world that is as smart as a pony. I guess it does explain why you were so different from most. Oh...umm...I'm sorry I was keeping you against your will. I hope that doesn't make me a slaver or something."

Castus shook his head and patted Fluttershy's hoof comfortingly. He didn't want to write anymore, but hoped that she could get the message that he was saying: "It is okay."

She must have, because she smiled brightly and gave Castus another hug, this one less...suffocating.

'Damn it.' He thought, kinda wanting another one.

Fluttershy yawned as she let Castus go, "Oh sorry. I guess I'm a little worn out from rushing here and everything."

Castus shrugged and got up from the chair and headed for the stairs.

"Wait...um...I guess you are going to sleep too right? Um..if you want you can take the bed. I mean, if you want to sleep in a real bed and not one I bought from a ...pet store."

Castus looked at Fluttershy, and then remembered how she had appeared when she woke up this morning.

'That would mean she sleeps....' He thought before shaking his head and rushing downstairs. A serious blush on his face.

Fluttershy blinked and said softly, "Umm...o-okay then."

Castus breathed deeply as he tried to get himself together. Of course his body wasn't making that easy. He sighed as he went over to his cot and removed his toga blanket and remade it into a blanket.

'I wonder if I can get some real clothes....and maybe my phone back. I'll ask Fluttershy tomorrow.' He thought, placing his last scroll on a table beside him and getting comfy.

And desperately trying to ignore his lower half. Curse his mind, and how it betrayed him so.


The following morning Fluttershy woke, and walked slowly down the stairs as she said a soft good morning. She then made her way to the bathroom to shower away her sleepiness, before getting started in getting everyone their breakfast ready. With so many animals it took a bit longer then usual, but she had grown use to this ritual and had eventually gotten so skilled at it that she managed to get it done at half the time eventually.

As she worked she saw Castus still asleep, as were most of the other animals. It was a cloudy day today so the sun wasn't shining through the windows to wake them up yet.

'It's still hard to imagine that he is from another world.' She thought as she looked at Castus with a smile.

He looked so peaceful and cute sleeping.

Fluttershy felt a blush on her face, "Odd...why am I getting flustered over that?" She shook her head and got back to work finishing making breakfast. Maybe she was coming down with something.

With breakfast done, she set the bowls for everyone, even setting one on a table for Castus, before bringing the animals that slept outside their food before bringing the chickens their feed.

When she was finally done, she went back inside to get herself some food now, and saw Castus once more wearing his blanket about him like clothes as he sat at the table eating. He lifted a hand to her when he saw her, in what she assumed was a greeting.

"Oh good morning Castus. Did you sleep well?" Fluttershy asked as she got herself some cereal and sat down across from him.

Castus nodded.

"Oh good. Don't worry, I'll get you plenty of quills, ink and scrolls so you can talk with me or any other pony if needed today." Fluttershy said, making a note to do that first thing after eating.

After breakfast got up and got her purse of bits before turning to Castus, "I'll go get your scrolls now. Did you want to come along or will you be okay here?"

Castus shook his head and patted one of the books she had borrowed from Twilight. So he was going to read them?

Fluttershy nodded, "Well okay. Was there anything else you wanted? Since you are my guest I figured I should try to make things more comfortable for you, especially now that I know you're intelligent."

Castus rubbed his chin before going over to the table by his bed and running up for the ink and quill before coming back down and writing, "Some clothes maybe? At least a pair of sweat pants or something. My kind tend to wear clothes like you do."

Fluttershy blinked, "Oh? Oh yes, I guess that explains why you are wearing the blanket like that. Well, I can see if my friend Rarity has anything, but I will need some measurements. Just a moment."

Fluttershy walked to a drawer and pulled out a measuring tape she kept with her sewing supplies, for when she felt the mood to sew.

Castus saw her, and he stood up. Fluttershy started with his legs, then his waist and wrote down the measurements on the last bit of scroll space that Castus had before tearing it off and putting it in her purse.

"Okay. I'll be back in a bit okay. Oh and try not to eat too much ice cream, you don't want to get a tummy ache." She said, petting his head.

Castus smirked at her, and Fluttershy blushed when she realized what she did.

"Oh...oh s-sorry." She said, hiding in her mane.

Castus silently laughed and patted her own head. She blushed more and quickly headed out the door.

As she left, floating down from the sky by a parasol and wearing a trench coat, top hat and smoking a bubble pipe, was her friend Discord.


A knock at the door tore Castus from the book, this time the Idiots Guide to Training your Human. Frankly he was finding it hilarious. Things like, humans can't smile. Can't laugh. Rarely frown. And a few other things one expected for a dog or exotic pet. A part of him wanted to use this to mess with a ponies head, but voted against it for fear of exposing himself.

'Though it would be funny to see how some of the react. Wonder if I could make one question their sanity....' he had thought before the door was knocked upon.

He got up and slowly walked to the door, 'Who is it?' He wondered as he opened the door. Now, he probably should have not answered, but the instinct to answer a door when it was knocked or a door bell rung was too ingrained in his head to ignore it.

'If its a pony I can just play the dumb human. It didn't say anything about them not being able to open doors anyway.' He thought as he opened the door.

"Hello there."

Castus blinked as he stared at the torso of a long slender dragon like body and slowly looked up into a horse head with a goat beard, and two different types of horns. The creature had one fang jutting out of its mouth and two oddly shaped yellow and red eyes that had the look of someone who was not playing with a full deck. That and they were just plain creepy looking.

Castus stared at the creature, who lifted a...lions paw? and wiggled its claws at him, "Helloooooo." it said.

Castus slowly closed the door and turned from the door.

'Okay....what do I do?' He thought, starting to feel both panic and worry. Here he went again with being bombarded by strange creatures of this world.

"Well you could start by opening the door for me." The creature said from behind him.

Castus turned and stepped back as he saw the creature right behind him.

'What? But how?' He thought, his eyes wide as the creature laughed.

"Ahahah, oh you should see the look on your face." The creature said before vanishing in a flash of light and appearing on Castus nose, small and doing a disco dance...with a disco suit on.

"I have to say, you have the most humorous facial expressions when surprised for a human." The creature said as it did a split.

Castus facepalmed to swat the creature, but only succeeded in slapping himself in the face.

"Ahahahaha! Now why did you go and do that?" The creature said, this time sitting on the couch.

Castus turned and took a step back, 'This guy is starting to creep me out.'

The creature scuffed, "Oh I get that a lot. Don't know why though."

Castus blinked, 'Wait....can he....hear my thoughts?'

The creature vanished in a flash of light and its two arms appeared at his sides, the creatures head inches from his ear, "That's right." It vanished again and appeared infront of him and started shaking his head.

"Pleased to meet you, I am Discord. Spirit of Chaos. Maker of Mischief. Master of Trouble. King of Pranks. Father of Entropy. Queen of Jokes. Mistress of Fun, and God of All things without Order." The creature said as it let go of Castus hand.

Castus blinked and looked at....Discord...cautiously.

'Anyone with titles like that is definitely worth being cautious of.' He thought, especially when said person used both feminine and masculine titles for themselves.

'Oh don't need to worry about me chum. I'm reformed and all that nice stuff. I'm only here because today is mine and my friend Fluttershy's tea time." Discord said, a table appearing on the wall sideways and he and Castus now both sitting in chairs, perfectly suspended and cups of tea in hands.

Castus panicked, but calmed when he saw he was not falling. Though he kept looking at the ground with unease. This was getting from weird to just plan insane.

'Tea time? But its....what? 11 am?' He thought.

"Oh well you know, it's tea time somewhere....or is that it is five o'clock somewhere. Oh what does it matter." Discord said, sipping his....cup...up in one gulp.

Castus looked at his cup, and set it on the table. Better safe then sorry from drinking something this....Discord fellow...just made appear. For all he knew it would make him do...something crazy.

"Well I was expecting Fluttershy, but it seems I must talk with you alone Castus." Discord said, pouring another....cup.

'Hey...how do you know my name?' Castus thought, giving Discord a dirty look.

"Oh you know. A little bird told me." Discord said, before turning into a bird.

Castus wasn't sure if that was the truth, there was something this guy wasn't telling.

'Right....look could you stop....do whatever it is you are doing to understand me...it is just a bit creepy.' He thought as he ignored the sugar dispenser starting to fill his cup with sugar....and more sugar....and more sugar.

"Oh yes of course. After all it would be wrong for new friends to creep each other out. Here, let me just..." Discord started before grabbing Castus face by the cheeks and slipping his lion paw into his mouth.

Castus gagged and felt his eyes widen and narrow as Discord shoved his paw down his throat. He tried to pull the offending limb out, but it wouldn't budge until finally Discord pulled it out swiftly, and leaving Castus gasping for air.

"Don't do that you **** **** ****** *********" Castus said, but stopped and blinked when he realized two things...well three things.

One...he could speak, and that his voice sounded terribly. It sounded like he was chewing on something while speaking. Probably because he was never use to speaking, and the last thing was...well when he had gone to cuss all that came out was a bleep like on a late night show.

Discord shook a claw, "Tsk tsk, now mind your language Castus. Think of the children."

'What children?' He thought before saying, "What.....did you...do to me...." He said, this time slowly. His voice still sounded groggy and strange. Was that how he was destined to sound forever, or would it get to a more normal pitch over time.

"Oh I just tweaked your voice box is all. You had the switch on mute, though you should really get an audio change. But don't worry, that should fix itself in time." Discord said, casually glancing at his claws and talon hand.

Castus looked at Discord oddly. How did he respond to that? Thank you? Or should he be suspicious. A creature that showed this much world altering power didn't just do something without a reason....did it?

"Well.....why....did you.....do that?" He asked.

"Why not? It was growing so boring watching a silent film. Today's movies are all in color and sound." Discord said as the tea table vanished and the two of them were now standing on an old style film set, with Castus on the stage and Discord holding a video camera up.

"Mo...Movie?" He said, his voice cracking at the word.

Discord gasped and placed a talon to his lips, "Oops. Oh dear, did I let that slip?"

Another flash of light and everything was back to normal, with Castus standing in front of the door, and Discord in front of him, but a claw on the door.

"Well in any case, I will come back later for tea again...or maybe tomorrow. Who knows, enjoy yourself Castus." Discord said before walking out and hopping onto a Harley Davison....and shooting up into the air like a rocket....but with bubbles.

Castus walked out and stared up at the sky where Discord had gone, and saw nothing.

"That.....was weird." he said, placing a hand to his throat as his eyes widened.

He could still talk.

'I think....I ....will practice. I hope....Fluttershy isn't buying...too many scrolls and quills.' He thought, frowning.


Discord laughed as he recalled all that occurred. From Castus' surprise in the morning the other day to the tea time date they just had. Oh but the little human was ever so funny. Though things had started getting a little boring.

"After all, what good is having another worldly creature here if he can't even speak. That just limits half the fun, and silent films are so last year." he said with another laugh.

Still, when he had been closer to the human and fiddling with his vocal cords and mind to allow him speech, Discord...for but a moment....felt something.

"Hmmm...but I can't for the life remember what it was or where I felt it." He said to himself as he drove through a cloud, a sound effect of a wall being broken through playing out as he liked it

'Oh well, it is probably not important.' He thought, but giggled. What was he saying, of course it was probably important. Probably. He hoped.