• Published 2nd Aug 2014
  • 5,568 Views, 114 Comments

The Humans Return - Synthetic Soul

The human race was thought to be extinct a long time ago. But now they will return.

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3. Heading Home

Author's Note:

Alright, so I've been really busy with school, so I haven't had much time to write, so I'm a little out of practice, but I hope this chapter is satisfactory. Also, I noticed some complaints about this story hating humans, but in actuality I am basing human behavior on the saiyans from DBZ. I wanted to make humans ruthless warriors. If you have a problem with that, then feel free to leave.

The group of mares made their way through the temple, careful not to attract too much attention from the architects, especially Lyra. If she knew that they had acquired a live human, her tits would explode. As they made their way through the ruins, they took note of the many excavators who were unearthing artifacts. When they made their way to the entrance, they were about to exit the building, when they heard a feminine voice calling out to them.

“Princess, Princess!”

The group turned to face the pony that they least wanted to see at the moment; Lyra. The mint colored unicorn, dressed in paleontologist clothing, including a pith helmet, sprinted up to the group, halting a short distance away from the mares. She quickly bowed, and then rose back up.

“Princes, I’m glad I found you! Some of the others and I found this amazing room! We think it might be a burial chamber! Just think, we might be able to recover some human DNA!” Celestia glanced back to her saddlebag, before returning her attention back to the head paleontologist.

“That is wonderful news Lyra. Although, I would prefer it if any experiments made with this DNA where run by me before commenced.”

“Yes, of course your highness. Um, What’s in the bag?” asked Lyra as she pointed towards the princess’s saddlebag.

“Oh, um…these…they’re artifacts that we found. We’re taking them to Canterlot, so they can be looked at,” said Celestia.

“Oh, alright…hey um, is it just me, or is that bag moving?” Celestia’s eyes widened, as she looked down to her bag. Sure enough, it was indeed moving. Celestia’s mind raced for a lie, or some way to weasel out of the situation. Luckily for her, Luna stepped in with a solution of her own.

“I don’t see anything. Do you Twilight?” asked the lunar princess.

“Uh…no?” replied Twilight.

“What about you pinkie?” questioned Luna.

“Nopey Dopey!” said Pinkie, who somehow knew to play along with Luna’s plan.

“Well Lyra, it appears none of us can see anything moving,” said the Alicorn.

“But I could’ve sworn-“ but before Lyra could finish, Luna cut her off.

“You know Lyra, there were legends in the past that this temple had the ability to drive certain ponies MAD.”


“That’s right. I think you might have been afflicted.” Lyra’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks.

“Oh my gosh! I AM going insane! I have to get out of here!” with that, Lyra ran screaming out of the temple. Once she was gone, Luna chuckled to herself.

“All too easy.”

“Luna, I’m not sure if I approve of your methods. You may have just turned that mare off of paleontology forever,” said Celestia.

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll be fine,” said Luna nonchalantly. Celestia shook her head and sighed.

“Alright…let’s go.”

After the group left the temple, they mounted their chariots and flew back towards Canterlot. During the flight, Celestia looked into her saddlebag to check on the child. She found him sleeping peacefully. Sighing in relief, she closed the bag and turned her attention to the pegasi who were pulling her chariot.

“Guards, I want you to bring us strait to my chamber balcony.”

“Yes your highness,” replied the guard on the left. Once they reached the castle balcony, the group dismounted from their chariots, and went into Celestia’s room. Once the pegasi guards left, Celestia opened her saddlebag, and magically levitated the infant out, and onto her bed.

“So, what do we do now?” asked Fluttershy. Celestia sighed, and sat on her bed next to Apollo.

“Elements, you may return to your respective homes. I need some time alone to think,” said the princess as she massaged her temples. Twilight looked to the others, before nodding.

“Alright girls, we should head back home. I’ll teleport us to the chariot hub.” The group got within proximity of Twilight. She then lit her horn, and teleported the group to the lower part of the castle, leaving just Celestia, Luna and the baby.

“Luna, would you mind taking over the day court for me. I have a lot to think about.”

“Wouldn’t you like me to stay here? You know, maybe we could talk about what you plan to do?”

“If you don’t mind Luna, I think I just need some time alone.”

“Should I leave the child, or should I say Apollo?”

“No, he’s being quiet.”

“All right then…” said Luna as she walked to the door. “If you need somepony to talk to, or any help, just let me know.” And with that, she left the room, leaving just the princess and Apollo. After a few minutes of just sitting there, thinking, Celestia sighed and looked to the baby. In all honesty, she was not feeling very confident about taking the child. Sure, she had experience with children, given the students she had over the years, but those were all ponies. True, she did help raise Spike, but well…this here was a human. Yes, dragons were ferocious, but they didn’t normally bother ponies, usually choosing to stick to their own territory. But this…this was a human. Their race was known for its violence and cruelty to all other species. They lived to fight ant kill. In fact, it wasn’t fully understood whether this trait was taught, or simply learned by their elders.

Celestia wasn’t lying when she said she used to fear humans. Her parents would tell her of their power and might. But what she had feared most was the fear that they would eat her. The idea of being cooked, and consumed filled her with dread. When her parents told her that they would be invading human territory, she felt relieved at the possibility that the species would be defeated. She felt ashamed for feeling that way though.

But now, looking down at “her” new child she saw only innocence. Perhaps she could teach this child different. Maybe he could prove that all beings have the potential to be good. She magically lifted the child into her forearms, and held him. He felt warm. She could feel his heartbeat, and his breathing matched her own. Perhaps this was a good thing. Perhaps she could learn love this child as her own.

Only one thing concerned her now. And that was whether to tell her citizens about the child or not.