• Published 2nd Aug 2014
  • 5,568 Views, 114 Comments

The Humans Return - Synthetic Soul

The human race was thought to be extinct a long time ago. But now they will return.

  • ...

2. What to do?

Author's Note:

Temple Temple Temple Temple TempleTemple Temple Temple Temple TempleTemple Temple Temple Temple Temple.
There, now that that's out of the way, heres the next chapter of the humans return. Also, my patreon is all set up, if you care, if you don't that's fine. It's primarily for my video making, but I think eventually, I will post a comic version of CMC ManBearPig hunters on patreon and deviant art.

Here's something to listen to while you read;

Silence filled the air, no sound at all in the room. That was, until a high-pitched crying could be heard. Everyone turned their attention to the source, the naked infant lying on a cold pedestal.

“It’s alive?” questioned Celestia. When she first saw the youngling, she assumed it wasn’t alive. After all, there was no known method of magical preservation that could keep a being alive for this long. Just what other secrets did the humans keep?

“Oh, goodness! The poor thing must be freezing!” exclaimed Fluttershy. She flapped her wings, and floated over to the creature. She scooped it up in her arms, and cradled it close trying to keep it warm. It’s crying died down to quiet whimpers.

“Fluttershy!” cried Twilight. “Put it down! It could be dangerous, or contaminated!”

“Oh, but it’s just a baby. It, oh hold on a sec…He, he is just a baby. And he’s probably cold, it is pretty chilly in here.”

“Fluttershy, this human is the first of his kind to be seen in thousands of years. We need to at least examine it,” said Celestia.

“Well, alright. But just don’t hurt him,” said Fluttershy reluctantly as she passed the infant to the Solar Princess. Celestia took the baby in her magic, and brought it close to her muzzle. After a few minutes of squinting her eyes and staring at the creature she turned to look at her student.

“Twilight, did you read that ancient human medical book I sent you?”

“Of course Princess!” replied Twilight.

“Alright good, that means you can examine him, because I have no idea what I’m doing,” said Celestia as she passed him to her apprentice. Twilight took the baby in her magic.

“Rainbow, can you get the blanket out of my saddle bag? I left it behind when Pinkie dragged us here.”

“Sure thing Twi,” said Rainbow as she dashed out the room. A few moments later, she returned with said blanket, and set it down on the floor.

“Thanks Rainbow,” said Twilight, as she laid the human down the blanket. She then pushed her ear down on its chest, and listened to his heartbeat. It sounded normal. She then lifted her head up, and lit her horn, casting a spell on the baby. This spell was a basic medical scan, checking the rest of the infant’s vitals. After a few moments, Twilight seemed satisfied with her evaluation. She wrapped the boy in the blanket and handed him back to Fluttershy. Twilight turned to face her teacher.

“He seems healthy. The scan showed that he’s six months old. It’s amazing that he was preserved this long. It’s almost as if he was put in that crystal yesterday.”

“That still leaves the question of what we should do with him,” said Luna while pointing towards the baby.

“Well, first things, we should probably name him something. I’m getting tired of calling him, ‘him’,” Said Rainbow Dash.

“What’re y’all talkin’ bout?” asked Applejack. “You haven’t been contributin’ ta this conversation at all.”

“Neither have you!” retorted Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, well neither has Pinkie!”

“Hey, don’t bring me into this, or I’ll turn you into cupcakes!” replied Pinkie.

“Everypony quiet!” cried Twilight. The three arguers looked a little embarrassed for a moment, before looking back to Twilight.

“Sorry. Where were we?” asked Rainbow.

“Oh, um, I think we were going to give him a name,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh, right. Well, we should probably start thinking of names,” replied Rainbow. The ponies sat on their haunches, and started thinking.

“What about Mensch?” suggested Twilight.

“Mensch? What kind of name is Mensch?” questioned Applejack.

“It’s the Germane word for Human,” replied Twilight.

“Yeah, no, that’s awful,” replied Rainbow. “How about Quick Strike! It’s cool, and tough!”

“No, that’s no good. How about Radiance?” suggested Rarity.

“Uh, in case you haven’t noticed Rarity, but he’s a boy human,” replied Applejack.

“Radiance is a boy name!” retorted Rarity.

“What about Spike!” chirped Pinkie.

“You can’t be serious,” replied Twilight.

“I think I have an idea!” stated Fluttershy.

“What is it?” asked Celestia.

“How about Apollo Brightstar?” suggested Fluttershy.

“Hm. I like it,” said Luna.

“Yes, it’s strong, yet graceful,” said Rarity.

“So, is everypony in agreement?” asked Twilight. When everypony nodded, the group turned to Fluttershy, or more rather the human she cradled.

“That just leaves the question of who will take care of the foal,” said Luna.

“Well, Fluttershy seems to be doing rather well with him. And she takes real good of her other animals,” said Rarity.

“Oh, I don’t think I could. Most of my animal friends are able to take care of themselves after a few years. But a foal is a long commitment. I just don’t think I could,” replied Fluttershy. “What about you Rarity?”

“Oh, I couldn’t. With all the work I have, it’s a wonder that I’m able to take care of Sweetie Belle!”

“Well, I can’t do it,” said Rainbow. One by one, the rest of the mane six gave their reasons for not being able to care for the child. With no one left, the entire group turned to Celestia and Luna.

“Oh, um, sister, I think they expect us to take the child,” said Luna as she turned to look at her sister.

“Who, US? Oh, I don’t know. I, well when I was young, before Luna was born, I was actually pretty scared that humans would sneak into my room and take me away to do who knows what with me,” said Celestia.

“Sister, we’re the only ones left,” said Luna. “And since I usually sleep during the day, that kind of makes you the only option.” So, Celestia took the moment to think. She had long ago conquered her fear of the human race. And she had thought of being a mother, but the fact that she was a immensely powerful god like being who was larger than the tallest of ponies; well let’s say it made most stallions feel inadequate. Maybe this was the fates way of granting her wish.

“Well, I guess I could take care of him,” said Celestia, somewhat reluctantly.

“Well then, it’s settled!” cried Luna. Fluttershy passed the baby over to the solar princess, who held it in her magic.

“Well, we’ll need to get him back to the palace without anypony seeing him,” said Twilight.

“I’ll get your saddle bag,” said Luna. She galloped away, and when she returned, she had a golden saddlebag. Celestia put it on her back, and placed the baby, along with the blanket in her saddlebag. She then lit her horn, casting a silencing spell, so no passersby could hear the child’s cries, just in case there were any. Satisfied, the group left the room, and preceded head towards the exit of the temple.

After they left, another presence made itself known. A voice, raspy and dead sounding spoke up.

“The child has been freed, and soon we shall make our return,”/i] said the voice.

[“It will take time, but soon the king will awaken. And when we regain our strength, we shall rise again as the dominant power in this world.” i] Behind the crystal podium, unseen by the ponies, was stone throne. If one were to look closely, they would see a sizable crack appear on the seat.

“Soon my subjects. Soon.”/i]