• Published 27th Jul 2014
  • 907 Views, 4 Comments

A Hoof Heights Story: Sapphire Shores and Jill Jewel - lyra_lover777

Sapphire Shores thinks she is as straight as a stick. Then she meets Jill Jewel. Maybe Sapphire isn't as straight as a stick after all.

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Chapter 6

Author's Note:

Note: This is not taking a mature turn. Just so you knew (: Enjoy!

Sapphire grumbled and rolled over, opening her eyes slowly. And found herself on the floor in Jill's bedroom. She quickly got up, her eyes wide. Jill stirred.

"Wh-why am I in your r-room?" asked Sapphire. Jill got to her hooves.

"Do you not remember last night, silly?" Sapphire's mouth opened in pure horror.

"Wait, do you think- ohhh not like that!! You were sleepwalking in the streets and I woke you up and brought you here because I was too tired to bring you back to Fashion's."

Sapphire thought hard and could fuzzily remember being woken up and brought here by the beauti- dang it.

Then Sapphire looked hurriedly at her flanks to see that they were covered by a robe. Sapphire sighed in relief. Did she just make sure that her flanks are covered up? Maybe she has a scar there, or- what if its her cutie mark that she's scared of?

Jill puzzled over this as they went to the kitchen. Jill poured two bowls of cereal and added milk.

"Where's Lacy?" asked Sapphire.

"She went to visit her sister, Fabric Bolt, in Maneasota. She'll be back tomorrow morning. Anyways, you know that new movie, The Fault In Our Magic??" Sapphire nodded her head. "I was wondering if you wanted to go see it. I am probably the only mare or filly in town to not have seen it at least ten times by now. There's a showing at 2:00. I have an appointment at 5:00, but it should be over by then."

"I'd love to!!" was Sapphire's answer.

The pair went separate ways, Jill to her shop and Sapphire to the boutique. Fashion was already inside.

"Where WERE you?" asked Fashion forcefully. "You know that I sleep walk sometimes. Jill saw me outside her house sleepwalking and brought me into her room and let me sleep on the floor."

Fashion smiled mischievously and was about to say something that would have earned this fic a mature rating, but Sapphire quickly smacked her before she could say anything and retreated behind the counter giving Fashion the evil eye.

"You know I don't filly fool." was Sapphire's answer.

The two got to work, snipping, sketching and cutting. After the first ten minutes, two dresses were already done. The two worked furiously and by one o clock had replenished most of the inventory, giving Fashion time to sketch and make more expensive and harder clothes.

A few minutes before 2 Sapphire hung a green dress on a hanger and then waved to Fashion who proceeded to cut and rip fabric while waving goodbye.
Sapphire trotted out the door, putting on her trench and fedora. A little robin flitted overhead as she arrived at Jill's store. Jill came out the doors, a magnificent red dress on her that hugged her slender figure. A necklace that looked exactly like her cutie mark hung from her neck. The sight made Sapphire's heart flutter.

"Is th-th-that the-"

'Necklace that earned me my cutie mark?" said Jill, finishing Sapphire's sentence for her. "It sure is." They both stared at it for a moment before trotting away from her door to the intersection of Mare Way and Mane Street. The Hoof Heights Amphitheater was down Mare Way, the place the movie was being showed. They turned down Mare way and passed groves of trees on both sides before arriving at the entrance. They bought two tickets from a brown unicorn stallion with a silver mane and green eyes. He had two rolls of film and a box of popcorn as a cutie mark.

"Does that stallion live here?" asked Sapphire.

"No, he's from Canterlot, but is staying here for the month to show "The Fault in our Magic." It's a sensation." said Jill.

The amphitheater had a large stage on one side and a giant set of curving wooden bleachers. A few ponies already sat on the bleachers. Susan Sushi and Spring Roll sat together on the top row, the red, curly maned older mare who they had seen at lunch two days ago who Jill said's name was Snipping craft sat in one of the middle rows. And a young earth pony mare sat at the bottom. She had a red coat and a two toned mane, dark purple on the top and light pink on the bottom. Her eyes were the light pink of her mane. Her cutie mark was a single cupcake with pink icing and red sprinkles with a cherry on top. Jill said her name was Sugar Cream.

No other ponies came after them and the brown unicorn stallion raised a large cover over the amphitheater so the audience would be able to see the movie with out the sun's glare. His horn glowed silver again and everypony watched as he projected a screen from his horn that stretched the whole stage. Then the whole movie flashed by in a second, and the stallion rewinded it back to the beginning. Now able to take his magical focus off the screen, he headed over to the concession stand to man it.

As the previews were rolling, Jill trotted down to the stand and bought some popcorn and candy for us to share. Then she pulled out the third object she had bought, a big box of tissues.

"Why do we need those?" asked Sapphire.

"Oh trust me- you'll need them." said Jill before returning her attention to the screen where the movie was starting.

By the end of the movie, Sapphire and Jill were clinging to each other, bawling into each other's shoulders and blowing their noses. When the pair finally got up, the whole crowd was puffy eyed. Sugar cream had been crying so bad that Snipping Craft had gone down to comfort her while still crying herself.

The pair got up and blew their noses a few more times. As they were walking out, Sapphire remembered the feeling of Jill clinging to her. Sapphire wanted Jill to cling to her like that all the time. No Sapphire thought. I don't filly fool!! and erased the thought from her mind.

Jill threw away the empty box of tissues along with their food. As they were walking down Mare Way, a masked figure jumped out of the bushes and grabbed Jill's necklace.

"NOT MY CUTIE MARK NECKLACE!!!" Jill screamed.

Sapphire sprung into action. Jill quickly lit up a beam in the sky with her horn that signaled Ranger Rita to come help and arrest the pony.

Meanwhile, Sapphire was giving wild chase to the thief. At every chance she got she lashed out, kicking and bucking at the thief. She finally pinned them down and tore off their mask. Meanwhile, Ranger Rita had arrived at the scene of the crime, a set of handcuffs and a nightstick clenched in her teeth.

Sapphire ripped off the mask to reveal a brown earth pony stallion with a five o clock shadow. He had an orange mane and wild red eyes. When Ranger Rita looked at him, she said that he wasn't a resident of Hoof Heights, but of Ponyville, who had stolen over a million bits worth of stuff. When they took of the black clothes covering the rest of his body they saw that his cutie mark was a mound of bits.

" You are a hero, um-,what's you're name?" Sapphire answered " Sapphire."

"Like the famous singer. You even sound like her."

"That's because I am Sapphire Shores.' said Sapphire in her fake voice. At that moment she realized even before she had become friends with Jill she had still used her real voice with her.

Everypony gasped and applauded. There was going to be a party tomorrow to celebrate their new celebrity and hero.

Jill walked over to Sapphire and looked into her eyes. "Why did you do that for me?" she asked.

Sapphire almost said" Because I love you" but quickly whipped her consciousness back in line and said "Because you're my friend."

Jill looked happily surprised. And Sapphire was even more happily surprised when Jill lunged forward and caught her in a quick hug. As they broke apart, they both were blushing profusely. The two then went their seperate ways after confirming that they would meet each other at the party tomorrow at 3 when it started.

Sapphire nodded understandingly and the two went separate ways. Sapphire could not pay attention to the conversation that night at dinner with Star Dust and Fashion Forward. The minute she finished her food she turned in early to her bed room so she could contemplate what had happened today. Sapphire finally began to accept the truth. Was she falling in love with Jill Jewel?