• Published 27th Jul 2014
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A Hoof Heights Story: Sapphire Shores and Jill Jewel - lyra_lover777

Sapphire Shores thinks she is as straight as a stick. Then she meets Jill Jewel. Maybe Sapphire isn't as straight as a stick after all.

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Hoof Heights and all the ponies in it, except canon characters, of course, were created by me. I plan to make many more stories using Hoof Heights. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!!

Hoof Heights is a small town of about 70 ponies. Canterlot is to the Northwest and Ponyville is to the Southwest. Many of its citizens are famous ponies trying to escape the hustle and bustle of fame and fortune. Most ponies only find it when traveling through it to Ponyville or Canterlot. Sapphire Shores knew of this place because an old friend, Fashion Forward, lived there. Here is Sapphire's story.

The train slowed to a stop in front of a small train station painted with a red roof and cream walls. A sign on the roof said, in gold letters, Hoof Heights.

The train ride had been very boring because it was a private train, so there was no other riders. Only Sapphire. It helped keep down the amount of paparazzi so she could enjoy her break from song writing, singing, dancing, mode- well, you get the point.

Anyways, Sapphire slid a tan fedora over her head and a lighter colored trench coat. She couldn't help but add some style, so there were jewels around the rim of the fedora and the collar of the trench coat that glistened beautifully as she walked off the train, waving to the conductor.

As she walked away from the train stop, she passed a small water park. Young fillies and colts of all races went down winding slides and swam in various pools. The sign above the entrance said "Wave Shore and Sea Foam's Water Park," in slanted, teal letters.

As she walked away from the water park, another sign, a street sign, read "Unicorn Lane." Fashion Forward had told her that she lived on this street when they had last talked.

Fashion Forward and Sapphire had both went to school at Inner City School Number 7 in Manehattan. Fashion and Sapphire became fast friends since they both loved fashion. Fashion had been the first pony in the school to earn her cutie mark, which was a fuschia stiletto.
Sapphire had been one of the last to earn her mark, which was... she didn't want to think about that.

Anyways, Sapphire trotted down Unicorn Lane, her hooves clopping on the cobblestone.

Sapphire had passed one house on Unicorn Lane when she came to an intersection. Unicorn Lane continued on, while another street, Pegasi Way, was perpendicular to Unicorn Lane. She looked down Pegasi Way and saw more houses and a clock tower with a cluster of trees around it. She could barely make out the sign in the cluster of trees. It said "City Square."

Sapphire crossed the intersection of the two streets and continued. On both sides of her were humble cottages. It was about 4:00 p.m., so most ponies were home from work.On her right side was a cottage with gray roof and blue walls. A gray unicorn stallion with a purple and blue marbled mane sat on the cottage's porch. A cutie mark of a band aid and two red cross signs adorned his flank. He was quietly reading a book, which floated in front of him in a light blue aura. The stallion flipped the page.

On the other side an all green cottage stood. Sapphire looked through one of the windows. A unicorn mare sat at a desk. Her coat was a weird shimmery mix of blue and green. Her mane was straight up blond. She floated a quill in a light pink aura, the same color as her eyes. Her cutie mark was a scroll with scribbles on it.

She kept going. The house on her left was empty, but the one on the right had a white unicorn mare in it. Before Sapphire could study her more, she walked away from the window. The next house had a pink unicorn mare...

"Fashion Forward!" Sapphire squealed. She bounded up the stairs to the mare sitting on the porch of the pink and white cottage. Fashion had a light pink coat. Her mane was three colors in three stripes of hair. The top stripe was an orangish, coralish color. The middle stripe was the lightest sea green she had ever seen. And the last stripe was a deep baby blue. Her stiletto cutie mark shone in the light and her light green eyes glinted in the sun.

"Sapphy!!" Fashion squealed.

"Its been to long, old friend."

"Come inside, I have a surprise for you."

Sapphire walked into Fashion's house. She was given the grand tour. On the bottom floor there was the dining room, kitchen, a bathroom, living room, and the guest bedroom where Sapphire would be staying. In the upstairs was Fashion's bedroom, a bathroom, and Fashion's design studio. When they reached the studio, Fashion handed her a package.

"You didn't have to do this!!" Sapphire said.

"Open it," was all Fashion Forward said.

So Sapphire tore the package open with her hooves.

Inside was a light purple dress. The frill had amethyst and diamond on it. The rest of the dress was fairly simple, a light dusting of turquoise stone on each flank. The shoes were light purple stilettos with a big hunk of cut amethyst on each. And there was the crown. It was made of pure amethyst with a tiny diamond dolphin on the top.

"It is for all the birthdays I've missed for you,' said Fashion.

"I-It's beautiful."

Sapphire went in the bathroom and changed into the outfit. Then the two friends headed down into the living room to catch up. After talking for a while, Fashion stepped on to some uncharted territory.

"Sapphy, I know you use that sassy voice for public and fans only because you think it makes you look tougher and more famous, but I like your real voice better."

"I know you like it, but it"s part of my identity."

"But that's not your real identity."

Sapphire quickly changed the subject to the latest fashion craze, hoof piercings, and Fashion Forward totally forgot about the previous conversation as she stated the pros and cons of the craze.

Dinner was set on the table an hour later. Sapphire's mouth watered at the turnip salad, pita bread with a carrot dip bought from a local restaurant, and the cheesy cucumber-lettuce pizza.

"I have a special guest coming over tonight," said Fashion.

"OMG do you have your COLTFRIEND coming over!!" said Sapphire.

"Uhh- sort of."

Somepony knocked on the door.

"There she is now," said Fashion.

"She?" questioned Sapphire.

Fashion Forward opened the door and the white unicorn mare from next door stood there. Her mane and tail were light blue with purple stars in it. Her eyes were the color of Fashion's coat. She held a crock of pumpkin soup in a pink aura,the same color as her eyes. Her cutie mark was a purple shooting star with a tail of baby blue and three small purple stars under the shooting star.

"This is my fillyfriend Star Dust."