• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 1,484 Views, 5 Comments

Two Many Carrot Tops - Emeral Bookwise

LUNAVERSE: Sometimes the most awkward company to keep is your own. What happens when impossibly Carrot Top meets... Carrot Top?

  • ...

An Awkward Conversation

It was a fairly ordinary home, with fairly ordinary furnishing. To look at it one might never guess of the unusual events that had occurred there just earlier this day. That is save for the seemingly impossible sight of the two occupants now sitting across from each other at the kitchen table.

Carrot Top sat quietly, still trying to process everything that had happened to her, not particularly helped by the presence of her guest who was both her most intimately familiar acquaintance and yet also a perfect stranger. Across from her the other Carrot Top seemed to be no less at an equal loss for how to come to terms with this bizarre turn of events. Yes, as strange as it seemed there were in fact two of her. One native to this world the other a visitor from some different Equestria.

One of the Carrot Tops contemplated earlier events, when Trixie –or rather some other version of her from that other Equestria– had burst into her home. The mare had ranted and raved crazy things that made no sense, but then with a most unusual magic spell, suddenly everything made perfect sense. Memories not her own had flooded Carrot Top's mind, and she remembered her life as though she was this other Carrot Top — this hero of another world.

It was still sort of confusing to recall what that had been like, or how it had made attacking Princess Celestia, of all ponies, somehow seem like the right thing to do — but Carrot Top was better now. Those magic necklaces that belonged to the real heroes of her own world had fixed her. She could still remember everything that other Trixie had shown her, but now it was like the distant memories of some movie she'd once watched at the local cinema, rather than actual things she'd done herself.

Finally, the other Carrot Top broke the awkward silence. "So umm… this is a nice home you've got."

"Uhh… thanks," replied Carrot Top, "but I guess it's probably not much different than yours."

"Actually, I live out on our grandparents' old farm."

The native Carrot Top rubbed a hoof against her temple as images flicked in the back of her mind, "Oh, right. I already knew that." The other Carrot Top tilted her head in confusion, before the doppelganger added, "Because of Trixie and her spell."

The other Carrot Top wilted as she folded her ears back, "Oh… right. I'm sorry about what happened to you because of my friend."

"Don’t be. I'm not. Maybe it wasn't real, but even if it was just for a short time, I got to feel what it’s like to be a hero." she paused as more images played across the back of her mind, equally thrilling and frightening. Part of her missed the confidence she'd had when she thought those memories were real. Another part of her, however, chided her for such foolishness. How could she have ever thought herself any more than a an unimportant nobody?

Blinking sharply as she gave her head a single shake, Carrot Top brought her focus back to reality. "Besides, Trixie was only doing what she thought was right."

More awkward seconds passed in silence. Until the native Carrot Top finally spoke up again. "So what's it like still living on the old farm? Is it still as much fun as the summers we spent there as a filly?"

"Well, it's a lot of hard work, but there's nothing more satisfying than seeing the happy smiles on other pony's faces when they enjoy my produce."

"Wow that must just be amazing. Guess all that exercise must be good for us too, seeing as how much better shape you're in."

For the first time the other Carrot Top really looked closely at her counterpart, and then back at herself. They had the same green eyes, same thick and well groomed mane, same yellow coat, even the same trio of carrots for a cutie mark. It'd be easy for any casual observer to just assume they were entirely identical. Looking closer though, there were subtle differences. The native Carrot Top was, well… not fat, but still clearly accustomed to a more domestically sedentary lifestyle. The foreign Carrot Top by comparison was no athlete, but had a toned lean musculature earned through long hours of plowing fields and other assorted chores.

"Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, if you were me, it'd be just the same," she consoled.

"I don't think I'd have what it takes. Just keeping up with the one garden I have here is hard enough. That's why after Gran finally passed away, well… I ended up selling the farm."

"You what…!?" Of all the reasons for her double to be living in town instead of out on the farm where she belonged, that was the one reason Carrot Top hadn't even dared consider. Almost as quickly though she scolded herself; this wasn't her world and she had no way of knowing what hardships might have lead her double into having to make such choices — it wasn't really her place to judge. "I'm sorry; I guess maybe I'd just been hoping that maybe the reason you weren't on the farm was because maybe Gran was still alive over here."

"Oh…" the native Carrot Top replied as both hung their heads in solem remorse at the shared loss.

More awkward silence passed, until the foreign Carrot Top spoke up again as she reached for a glass of water. Though with such morose thoughts still lingering in her mind, she found herself somewhat longing for a stronger drink, "So, umm… who'd you sell the farm to, anypony I'd know?"

"Just Applejack," the native Carrot Top replied with a shrug. She was just as quickly taken aback, however, as she noted her double suddenly freeze up with the glass pressed against her muzzle. Trying to figure out what might be wrong, Carrot Top absently rubbed again at her own temple. "Oh, right… you and her don't get along so well. I promise she's not really such a bad pony over here."

Swallowing hard and then coughing to clear some water that had gone down the wrong pipe, the other Carrot Top hoarsely replied, "No… it's not that… my Applejack really isn't that bad either. Sure we've had our differences, but we're working through them, or at least I like to think so. You just startled me is all," and yet somewhere in the back of her mind the visiting Carrot Top wasn't sure which of the two versions of herself she was trying to convince.

A short silence then passed before she added, "Come to think of it though, AJ did offer to buy me out too when Gran passed. Back then, I guess I resented the insinuation that I didn't have what it takes to be a farmer. Thinking back now, however, maybe it might have been a lot easier if I had," though silently Carrot Top added to herself ...but I'd probably have gone stir crazy with nothing else to do.

"I thought you just said you enjoyed being a farmer though?"

"Oh, I do. Every second of every day. It's just, well… I don't think I'm very good at it. The farming part's fine; ponies always say my carrots are the best they've ever had. I'm just terrible with the financial side of things. I can't even remember how many times I've had to scrimp and scrounge every jangle just to pay the bills."

The native Carrot Top blushed sheepishly. "You can't possibly be any worse than me. Why if Ditzy wasn't so surprisingly good at budgeting, I'd probably be living on the streets. Or worse… I'd have been forced to move back in with mom and dad."

"Heavens forbid," said the other Carrot Top as she began laughing aloud. She was quickly joined by her double, and for once both mares forgot just how awkward this conversation with themselves was.

"About Ditzy though," pressed the visiting Carrot Top, "How long—"

"We're just friends!" blurted the native Carrot Top hastily. "Why does everypony always ask me that, even mom and dad. Can't two mares just live together without it meaning anything more?"

The other Carrot Top blinked once, twice, three times before realization set in, "Wait, no… I didn't mean to insinuate… I was only going to ask how long the two of you have been roommates… nothing else, I promise."

"Oh… well, I guess maybe I should be the one to apologize then, for jumping to conclusions. Anyway, it's been practically forever, pretty much since Ditzy first moved to Ponyville. It's been so long that Dinky even sometimes used to call me her other mom a few times, back when she was still really little… though that probably doesn't help with why so many ponies keep thinking we're…"

As her double rambled on, the other Carrot Top couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked while flustered. Being prone to her own similarly ineffectual outbursts, Carrot Top, had been told by countless others before how they couldn't ever take her attempts at indignation seriously. Now, from this uniquely absurd outside perspective, she was starting to see why.

"…but, come on, I've got a boyfriend too, for peat's sake!"

"Wait…" Carrot Top had to pause a moment to give her mental gears time to process what she'd just heard, "You mean, you and Thunderlane never broke up over here."

"Huh…?" Now it was the native Carrot Top's turn to pause in confusion "Why would you think me and Thunderlane...? Unless… the two of you…?" and then just like that it all clicked. Grinning slyly she immediately began pressing for more details. "So then, is it true what they say about pegasi? Did he ever give you a ticket to the mile high club?"

The visiting Carrot Top turned nearly beet-red, "Aren't those kind of questions rather personal?"

"Well, yeah… but you're me… and I'm you… and we're both us, and… well, okay, I'm not sure I'm really making any sense, but come'on… I wanna know what it's like!"

"Well, you see… it's not like we really ever dated all that long and…" she trailed off as she fidgeted with her hooves.

"So nothing then?" the native Carrot Top deadpanned with blunt disappointment.

Feeling a brief surge of defnsive indignation, the visitor retorted, "Well, what about you and your boyfriend then? Maybe I deserve some details."

The native Carrot top turned to check a nearby clock before responding, "Wait another fifteen minute or so and maybe you can find out for yourself."

"You mean he's…?"

"Should be; we had a date scheduled… you know before this all turned into the craziest day of my life."

Folding her ears back, the visiting Carrot Top slouched at the reminder of the intrusion she and her friends had caused in these other ponies lives. "Actually, maybe it'd be better if I just left now."

"No, you can't! Err, umm…" she flustered as she tried to figure out how to explain the outburst, "That is, I mean, don't worry about. I could use the company until he gets here. In the meantime why don't you tell me about how you and Thunderlane broke up?"

"It wasn't really like that," replied the visiting Carrot Top with a slight frown. "We just never really clicked, and then he started dating Blossomforth instead. Simple as that."

"You don't say? Kind'a creepy to hear you talking like that about ponies I know. Well, not so much Thunderlane. I've seen him working with the weather patrol around town, but we've never really talked; always figured Flitter was more his type anyway. Blossomforth, however, well… she's sort of my boss… or partner, I guess. I'm not sure can imagine trying to still work with her if she'd stolen my boyfriend away like that."

"She didn't steal anyone!" refuted the other Carrot Top in increasing annoyance at the repeated insinuation, naïve to the fact that she was now giving the native Carrot Top the same incite as her own earlier observation about their mutual inability to be taken all that seriously. "Thunderlane and me were barely even an item in the first place, let alone by the time the two of them started dating. There were never any hard feelings, and the three of us are all still friends."

Another moment passed in awkward silence before she added, "So, umm… Anyway, Blossomforth is your boss?"

"Sort of, she's the one who actually owns the shop I've been working at ever since I sold the farm," the native Carrot Top began to explain, though she failed to notice the twitch in her double's ear. "But I helped her branch out from just selling plain old herbs and spices. So now we've got a side business going as an apothecary."

"Granma's old secret recipes?"

"Yeup. I just wish some of the ingredients weren't so expensive. It's hard to sell the tonics at a price ponies can afford while still making a profit."

"You could just gather most of the ingredients yourself; that's what I always do."

"From the Everfree!?" gasped the native Carrot Top as her pupils shrank in a state of near panic. "I couldn't… I mean, that place is so wild and untamed, not to mention full of big scary monsters. Maybe that's just a walk in the park for somepony like you; bet you can kick a manticore's teeth out, but me… I'm no hero."

"I was gathering supplies from the Everfree long before I earned my Element of Harmony, so there's no reason you can't too. If we have time before Trixie and Twilight… and umm, Twilight and Trixie get back from that mission the Princesses sent them on, maybe I can help show you around, teach you where to find everything and how to stick to the safe paths."

"Maybe, but I dunno…" before the native Carrot Top could consider things any further, there was a knock at the door. "It's unlocked, dear," she answered.

The door opened and in stepped a unicorn stallion with a light-gray coat and a dark purple mane. The two Carrot Tops had both stood up from the table, leaving the confused stallion to blink as he looked left then right, and back again.

"Well this is mildly unfortunate." he bemusedly announced, "It would seem that somehow on my way over here I must have died without noticing… for there is no other way in which I can explain this paradise unto which I've just entered — where not one, but two beauties are waiting to greet me."

"Hadn't you heard?" queried one of the Carrot Tops rhetorically, "Big commotion downtown, stolen artifacts of power, moon rising in the middle of the day?"

"Actually, I've been inside writing at my desk all day. This wasn't another Nightmare Moon incident, was it? Can't believe I missed it all, again!"

"Nightmare who? Sorry, I'm still new here. My friends and I are all ponies from a different world who came here with our own Princess Luna to rescues a friend that got lost."

"Wait, really?" he said turning to the second Carrot Top.

She nodded slowly, "Sort of, except for—"

"Right, sorry, almost forgot." interrupted the other mare. "My Trixie also sort of cast a memory spell and tricked your Carrot Top into thinking she was me, and I think maybe it's left her a little mixed up still. Trixie would be here to apologize herself, but the Princesses, that is umm... my Luna and your Celestia, sent her and your Trixie, and both our Twilight's all off on some top secret mission… fate of two worlds hanging in the balance, that sort of thing."

The unicorn gawked. "That is the most unbelievable story I've ever heard!" then smiling added "…which only makes me wish I'd thought of writing it first." He laughed lightly. "Oh, but where are my manners. A gentleman must always first introduce himself to a lovely lady before speaking to her. My name is Written Script, poet and playwright. It's a pleasure to meet you… or have you already met me, the other me that is? Is there even another me? Ooh, I have so many questions!"

"I'm sure you do, but I wouldn't want to get in the way anymore than I already have, so umm… how 'bout I just clean up these dishes and lock up, while the two of you go out and have fun around town.

The second Carrot Top stared wide-eyed at her double. "But I—"

"No, no… it's the least I can do," she hurriedly said, cutting off her double as she began guiding the other two ponies out the door. "So just enjoy yourself and consider it my special gift to, umm… me, or rather, that is, the you that is me… or whatever. You know what I mean."

"But you—"

"Hey, if you can't trust yourself who can you trust? I promise I'd never do anything you wouldn't, just like you'd promise the same."

"Well, yes, but—"

"Then it's settled." Having finally coaxed the other two ponies out the door Carrot Top reached to the side without looking, grabbing a garment from the near by wall-hangers, "Oh, and don't forget your scarf, wouldn't want you catching cold now would we?" Then without waiting for further reply, she promptly closed the door shut.

Turning her back and leaning heavily against the door, Carrot Top sank to the floor, sighing as she thought to herself, Heh, I can't believe I just pulled that switcheroo off.

The native Carrot Top who had just sent her extra-dimensional counterpart off on a date with her own boyfriend smiled. It had been such a silly prank to pull, and she wasn't entirely sure what insanity had made her even decide to try. Maybe she was just tired of feeling jealous of well… of herself and wanted her double to see that, hero or not, she still had something uniquely special in her own life.

Besides, where was the harm? It was like she'd said to her double, I'd never do anything you wouldn't.

Then in a dawning moment of realization she thought of the kinds of things she might do, especially while out on a date with Written, "By Celestia's Sun, what have I done!" –no– that other Carrot Top wouldn't ever… would she?


The sun hung low to the horizon as the mare and stallion strolled down the chilly and snow-framed street. The visiting Carrot Top was struggling to keep her own blush of supremely awkward embarrassment in check. How could her native double have put her on the spot like this? This isn't something she'd ever have expected herself to do… or at least she didn't think so.

This whole scenario was just so impossibly surreal , however, that Carrot Top was finding it ever increasingly difficult to process anything about this world or how to feel about it. The sooner Trixie got back and they could all go home, safe and sound, the better.

Glancing sidelong, she had to admit though, Written Script was pretty cute. Maybe when she got back home she'd have to consider looking up her own world's version, assuming he even lived in Ponyville and wasn't already seeing anypony else.

Carrot Top's blush only deepened as the stallion leaned in close, letting out a warm and heavy breath right by her ear before he whispered, "So, you’re the other world's Carrot Top, right?"

Freezing in her tracks, she exclaimed, "Wait, you mean you knew!"

The stallion chuckled, "Of course I knew. I'd be a pretty lousy boyfriend if I couldn't tell the difference between my own gorgeous girlfriend and an obvious fake." Seeing the mare's suddenly despondent downturn at his words though, he quickly added, "Not that you aren't just as amazingly beautiful in your own way. I know you're every bit as much the real Carrot Top, just not my Carrot Top."

Carrot Top smiled at the compliment, or at least she thought it was a compliment. "I guess we should go back now, so that you and her can have a real date?"

"Nah…" he grinned teasingly. "This was her idea, so let her stew in it for a while."

Carrot Top wasn't exactly sure what the stallion meant by that. This whole situation was all so uncomfortably embarrassing that it left her feeling like the only one stuck stewing as if she were broth over a kitchen fire.

"Besides," he said smiling, "I really want to take the opportunity to pick your brain, learn all about this other world of yours. I don't know about where you come from, but around here dimension hopping aliens are pretty rare."

"Well, I suppose…" she replied with trepidation, "That is if you're really sure."

"I am," he said holding out a hoof in invitation, "It's cold outside though, so why don't we find a nice quiet place to settle down, maybe enjoy some hot coffee together."

"I think I'd like that," and with that the two began two strole off together, only for Carrot Top to stop short again half a block later, "—Wait! That wasn't some kind of euphemism, was it?"

"I don't know… did you want it to be?" The stallion waggled his eyebrows in an overt mockery of seduction, but only wore a childishly innocuous grin on his face.

Carrot Top couldn't help but burst out laughing, and the stallion quickly joined in earnest. As the sun began to set, the two not-lovers resumed walking down the street, sharing in the gentle comfort of each other's laughter.

Author's Note:

So wait, is that it? Is this really where the story ends? Well... yes, but not exactly.

As mentioned in the description, Talon and Thorn has his own story to tell, and part of the reason this story is so short is that I wanted to leave him room to do it. Also, I just don't really feel the need to follow Carrot Top and Written Script on their not date, since the only things they'd really have to talk about would more or less amount to a recap of the Lunaverse's first season.

...that said, under advice of some good friends and fellow authors, I have begun considering other ways to perhaps better conclude the events of this short little vignette. Still, I'd much prefer to finish one of my other overdue fics first, so for the time being I'll probably be placing this one on hiatus. I'm sorry if that's disappointing to any of you, but I feel it's the better choice than trying to rush a haphazard second chapter right away.

Comments ( 5 )

I hope this little romp is enough to get carrot top to look up the written script in her world, her twin certainly seems happy with her version.

I'm not gonna lie, when Solar Carrot Top got all panicked at the idea of Lunar Carrot Top leaving, I thought she was going to suggest a threesome.

Awwww, so glad I finally got around to reading this! This was really nice. Carrot Top is best L!Six

Hmm, a shame I missed this. Quite nice!

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