• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 2,931 Views, 121 Comments

Past Remnants - GreyGuardPony

Everypony fears Corona. But when she and Luna, are called to an ancient lost city, Lyra Heartstrings, Element of Loyalty is dragged along. And in city's depths, all will have to face the remains of the past. A Lunaverse Story.

  • ...

The Professor

Bon Bon and Lyra stared at the laughing figure of Corona, eyes wide.

The alicorn flopped backwards onto her haunches, her whole body shaking as she cackled at the stack of documents clutched in her magic aura. Even Princess Luna seemed unsure of her sister’s actions, one hoof raised, almost questioning if she should strike or not.

But Corona just continued to laugh, balling up the contract with her magic.

“Surely, you can not be serious! I knew of this location before your father was born. Before your grandfather was born! And you think that,” She waved the crumpled up pages at him, “These pages give you...power over these creatures?”

“Power? Oh my, of course not!” Ritter gaped, “But I have invested a significant amount of financing in funding this expedition, and I won’t have my discovery infringed upon. Not even by the Tyrant Sun.”

Corona’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Do not call me that!”

“Why?” He blinked, “That is who you are. I mean, I don’t hold it against you. But I still need that release signed.”

The documents exploded with a flash of crackling flame, causing Bon Bon to yelp and jump away from the alicorn.

“That,” Corona spat, “Is what I think of your inane documents.” Spreading her wings, she lifted into the air, glaring down at the pony with an imperious disdain, “Dear sister, I leave this mad stallion to your care. I will continue to work on our more important task.” Winging over, she flew for the pyramid, leaving the main street in an awkward silence.

Princess Luna spared a glance towards the retreating form of her sister, before turning back to the doctor and his entourage. “So, my good doctor.” She smiled, still the picture of benevolence. “You are of course welcome to conduct your expedition, so long as you keep your intentions peaceful.”

“I was unaware these were your lands, princess.”

“They are not. You are correct there. However.” Luna’s voice suddenly dropped the pleasant, conversational tone, her eyes flashing with power. “These lands are under my protection. Understand clearly that if you cause these creatures problems, or try to harm them, you will invoke not just my wrath, but my sister’s wrath as well. Is that understood?”

“Yes, quite.” He sighed.

“Very good.” Luna nodded, motioning to them with a wing, the solid form of a uintatherium servant stepping forward. “He will see you to your lodgings for the stay. The Watcher will see you when he is ready.”

“He can’t meet us now?”

“I’m afraid not.” Luna smiled again. “He is quite a busy creature. As am I.”

Her piece said, Luna took to the air, swooping back towards the pyramid. Ritter shrugged, falling into step behind the guide and motioning for his expedition to follow. Lyra and Bon Bon watched as the mass of ponies and zebra marched off into the city.

“Huh.” Lyra blinked, “Well, I guess its not a hidden city anymore.”

- - - -

Doctor Ritter took a swig from his flask as he stood on the street, watching the hidden city go about its business. The small collection of buildings that he and his expedition had been so graciously granted, were situated away from the more populated city center. But they did give a nice view.

“They really have no idea.” He muttered.

The sound of hooves on stone elicited a roll of his eyes as he turned to face the young zebra with a spring in her hooves. Ayana’s constant cheerfulness was like a chisel to the back of the head.

“Are you ready to start cataloguing sir?” She chirped, saddlebags still full of notebooks and pencils, “We could start with the marketplace and get a view from the creatures on the street? They’re all speaking zebra after all, so it should be easy.”

“You go ahead.” He flashed her a smile, “The rest of us will start here and we’ll work our way out from here.”

“Oh.” She blinked in confusion for a moment, but recovered very quickly, “Okay! I’ll catch up with you later!”

She tore off into the city, a few blank pages spilling from her overfull bags. Ritter shook his head as she vanished from view, part of him regretting bringing her along, even if she did add weight to his claims of exploration. Turning and trotting back into the building, he found himself snout to snout with the other major figure in his expedition, Girma.

The zebra stallion wore a permanent scowl on his features which, with his prodigious size, made him quite the intimidating figure.

“So, what was that stunt?”

“What stunt?”

“You marched up to two alicorns, and presented them with a legally binding document about ‘your’ discovery.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Why? The sun seems pretty convinced you’re insane now.”

“Which is intentional.” Ritter explained, slowly and evenly. As much as he wanted to deck the zebra for second guessing him, that wouldn’t accomplish anything at the moment. “So long as the alicorns think that I’m some glory seeking explorer, interested in publishing research papers, they won’t look to hard at what we’re doing.”

“She still could have vaporized you.” Girma grunted.

“I wasn’t worried.” Ritter shrugged, “She’s not the first godlike being I’ve stared down. Now, get the digging team to work. And remember! Within a hundred feet of the orb at all times! Its the only thing that’s keeping The Watcher’s vaunted sight from seeing our efforts. Make sure they get it right.”

“And what are you going to do while my zebra dig?”

“I’m going to go play my part.” He grumbled.

- - - -

By the time the time Lyra and Bon Bon got back to the central pyramid of the city, both ponies were in a fowl mood, a mood that wasn’t improved by the fact that The Watcher and Luna seemed to be waiting for them.

“How’d you know that I wanted to talk to you?” Bon Bon glared daggers at the ghostly reptile, anger overriding common sense.

The Watcher shrugged.

“I keep telling everycreature, my name’s not just for show.” He smiled wryly.

Frowning, Bon Bon continued glaring at him. “Can you send us home yet? Have Luna and that witch accomplished anything?”

“Mmm. Not yet.” He smiled apologetically, “But I imagine it won’t be much longer. They are quite talented.”

With a frustrated snort Bon Bon whirled about to face down Luna.

“You gave her control of the sun back?” She gaped, “Why?

“A display of trust.” Luna answered.

“Trust?” Bon Bon yelped, “She kidnapped me! Lots of ponies! She was ready to burn us! Do you have any idea what she’s done?”

“Yes, Bon Bon.” Luna frowned, “I am very painfully aware of what my sister has done. But I have to try. And she has been...better.”

Bon Bon snorted. “How many ponies has she killed in the past!”

“Fewer than I have.” The Watcher interrupted, “With all due respect, out of the three ancient beings here. I’m the one you should be the most afraid of.”

Bon Bon glanced towards The Watcher for a moment, then quickly back to Luna.

“Please….” She sighed, “Just...why is so worth taking the risk over?”

“Because.” Luna responded, slowly and evenly like she was trying to maintain control, “We remember what she was. And how...good she was. She had this...way about her.”

A smile, full of good memories and bad, played across the alicorn’s muzzle, “She had this smile. I found it so infuriating back in the day. She’d ask a question, or imply something related towards a problem I was obsessing over. And then when I figured it out, she’d just give me that ethereal little smirk.” A crack crept into her voice for the barest of moments, “It has been a very long time since I’ve seen that smirk.”

“She helped convince me to be a better being.” The Watcher nodded, idly pacing before his pillar, “To move beyond the mistakes I had made, and work towards all of this.”

“You’re both crazy.” Bon Bon snorted, shaking her head, “Just...how much longer until we can go home?”

“A little while.” The Watcher answered, “I just ask you to be patient. We have to be careful, now that this doctor is here.”

Lyra- who had been very quiet, shuffling from hoof to hoof while the arguments had played out- suddenly perked up, her gaze questioning. “You think he’s up to something?”

“Of course he’s up to something. I can’t see him!” The Watcher snapped in frustration, throwing his arms up. “Very few things escape my gaze. The last time something so thoroughly escaped my view, was when you, Luna and the rest of the Element Bearers literally left the planet!” He turned his head towards Luna, “By the way, I’d still like to know what happened during that trip.”

“I do suppose I owe you that much, Watcher.” Luna nodded.

Leaving Luna to her explanations, Lyra and Bon Bon trotted the rest of the way to their room. A slight frown crossed Lyra’s muzzle the whole way back. Bon Bon frowned even deeper, because she knew full well what that expression meant.

“Lyra,” Bon Bon blinked, as they stepped through the curtain. “What are you thinking?”

Lyra bit her lip, nervously looking from her marefriend, to Luna and The Watcher. “If they’re planning something-”

“Lyra! No! They can handle this! Can’t we just be a normal couple?”

“We’re plenty normal! But I am an Element-”

“A lone Element Bearer. Please Lyra.” Bon Bon sighed, grabbing her marefriend by the sides of her head, staring deep into her eyes, “Please, I know you’re loyalty but with Corona here-”

“If she wanted me dead, she had more than enough opportunities to do it. She could have vaporized both of us in that clearing.” Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, “If there’s a chance I can help stop what’s happening here, or maybe make Corona come around, I have to take it.”


“Picture it Bon Bon. No more needing to worry about Corona. No more ponies needing to look up at the noon day sun, wondering what might happen. And Luna...she’d have her family back. And these uintatherium?” She waved a hoof back towards the curtain. “If they’re in danger, they need help! Its...well, my duty.”

Bon Bon squeezed her eyes closed, resting her forehead against Lyra’s, just under the horn.

“Sometimes,” She whispered, barely audible even to Lyra, “I think you care more about your duty than me.”

Shaking her head, she let go, and trotted from the room, leaving Lyra feeling very alone.

- - - -

Luna swooped over the city, her keen eyes scanning every street Bon Bon’s expression of anguish burned into her mind. The Princess of the Night had no doubt that Lyra was feeling just as torn up by her decision as Bon Bon was. So, partially to clear her mind and partially to see if Ritter was sticking to his word so far, she had decided to take a flight around the city to clear her head.

Perhaps I can arrange some manner of romantic get away for the two of them. She idly mused, flying on, Some manner of reward for risking her own relationship to assist.

Continuing along, she could make out small groups of zebra examining portions of the city walls and buildings every now and then. Frowning, she dropped into a lazy circular descent, landing a few feet away from the a trio of them.

It seemed innocent enough upon first glance, as two of the stallions seemed to be taking intense notes on the carvings on the side of the building, while the third was redrawing them. But, every so often, they’d casually tap their hooves against the stones, and strain their ears.

Frowning deeper, she launched back into the air with a flap of her wings, observing some of the other groups scattered through the streets. Always the same story. Investigations that could easily be legitimate exploration, mixed with them tapping and feeling at the stones.

Taking to the air once more, she flew to the building that the expedition had been sequestered in, tapping into her power as she went. Landing neatly in front of the two zebra standing guard outside the door, she nodded to the pair, in the form of a dark blue pegasus.

“Gentlestallions." She bowed. "I am one of Princess Luna's assistants. Are you finding the accommodations well?”

They grunted a short agreement.

“Fantastic.” Luna smiled serenely, “Might I come in? Speak with the Doctor? See if there's anything I can assist you with?”

“Afraid that he’s busy right now.” One of them grunted, “If you could come back later....”

“Of course.”

Trotting away from the building, she once again took the sky, looking around again. While she could use her shape shifting magic to sneak down there and see exactly what was going on, perhaps she could start from a more subtle position.

She spied a young uintatherium perched upon a roof of a building, a large roll of paper supported by a crude easel. From her position on that roof, she had a view of the building the expedition was in.

Ah ha!

Diving, she landed near the young artist, who turned at the sound of Luna’s hooves hitting the stone, the princess returning to her natural form.

“Excuse me, my artistic friend.”

The uintatherium blinked, her charcoal dropping from her mouth in surprise. She had been sketching the skyline, the detail quite impressive, which was exactly what she needed.

“What is your name?”

“M-m-most creatures c-c-call me Black Tusk.” She stammered waving a hoof towards her soot stained tusks, “For obvious reasons.”

“Your work is impressive.” Luna smiled, trotting forward, “But I would make a request of your skills.”

Dropping the charcoal, the uintatherium dropped into a bow. “Of course! What can I do for one of our saviors?”

“That house,” She pointed to it with a wing, “Is holding the zebra expedition. I do not believe they are being truthful about their numbers or intent. I wish for you to draw them tonight, as they return, and then draw them again tomorrow, when they leave. Then bring the drawings to The Watcher’s pyramid. You would be doing The Watcher and I a favor, and we would see you well rewarded.”

“O-of course! I would be honored.”

“Good.” Luna nodded, taking wing again, “I look forward to seeing your results.”

With that, she made for the pyramid again. If there was something to find, she was going to find it.

- - - -

From his position on the wide city streets, Ritter could see the small dark blob that was Luna blurring her way through the sky. He ignored the alicorn princess. While quite sure that she was trying to find out what he was doing, he didn’t really care. If everything went according to plan, he’d have everything he needed before she or her insane sister could stop her.

Every so often he stopped, to make a few scribbles in his journal, more for show than anything else. He already had a map of the city. Or, more accurately, the extensive series of chambers, both hidden and not, that made up the undercity. Unfortunately, his source had informed him that many of the hidden tunnels and rooms were partially collapsed, purposefully walled off by the inhabitants in the last days of the city’s existence, or -even worse- infested with the stars knows what.

Really, it was amazing that these creatures had lasted as long as they had.

Breaking down a side street, and then waiting for a moment for some of the uintatherium to pass, he slid down a gap between two of the buildings. With a quick glance about him, he tapped a hoof against the wall, a small door rumbling open to reveal a dark tunnel beyond.

Disappearing into the blackness, his amulet flickered to life, casting a warm glow across his surroundings. The tunnel was thick with webs, dust, and the smell of age and neglect. But he didn’t care. He liked the smell, in fact. It was a smell that spoke to the existence of old things, which spoke to the existence of his favorite thing of all.


His light spilled over the frame of an archway, and the slabbed floor of the room beyond. The webs were growing thicker here; and larger. Much, much larger, almost the size of a pony’s leg. Slowly drawing his dagger, he clenched the handle firmly in his teeth and slowly crept forward, taking great care of make his hoof falls as quiet as possible.

The chamber in question was full of long tables, crammed to bursting with arcane looking apparati, that were in turn choked with more of those thick webs, the bones of small animals occasionally littering the floor. A series of cells, their bars long rusty and tarnished with age, sat along the right wall.


He paused, hoof hovering over one of the many square tiles.

Trap. Tile to the right.

Nodding to the voice in his head, he stepped past the spot and deeper into the depths of the ancient laboratory. He moved slowly and deliberately, picking his way past more trapped tiles, and thick strands of silk that stretched from ceiling to floor like anchors. Small crystals sat on many of the tables, all of which Ritter took.

Reaching the far side of the room, he found what he was looking for. A small square stone chest, with an arcane looking symbol etched into its sandy colored surface.

He grinned, pushing the lid back slightly, the light from his amulet illuminating a series of dark green stone spheres.


Glancing about again, he made a few mental calculations before carefully shifting the whole thing onto his back. His legs almost buckled from the weight, but he was able to get it balanced upon his back with some effort. And then, he carefully began to work his way back towards the entrance. He had no desire to awaken what might have spun the sticky forest that choked the room.

But, if he played his cards right, maybe he-


Could find a use for them.

Author's Note:

As some of you might have picked up in the comments section, Doctor Caballeron has become "Sir Not Appearing in this Fic" and has been replaced by his twin brother, Doctor Ritter. Because of reasons.


Pay no attention to the pony behind the curtain. And do point out if I managed to miss an instance of switching the names around.

And we begin to see that Zhalast-Zin has a lot more hidden in the depths of the city than most would expect. The saurians did not vanish quietly.