• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 2,931 Views, 121 Comments

Past Remnants - GreyGuardPony

Everypony fears Corona. But when she and Luna, are called to an ancient lost city, Lyra Heartstrings, Element of Loyalty is dragged along. And in city's depths, all will have to face the remains of the past. A Lunaverse Story.

  • ...


The sound of voices pulled Lyra from the depths of her dreams.

“...it was truly massive.” Corona muttered, “How did a construction like that….”

“The whole floor was obscured from my vision. I was told as soon as my charges discovered it….”

Their voices faded as they passed the room, continuing on their way. Frowning, Lyra carefully untangled herself from Bon Bon and crept to the curtain door. Peering out, she caught the tail ends of Corona, Luna and The Watcher turn out of sight.

Frowning, Lyra turned her head the way they came, and the pathway that was leading deeper into the pyramid. Glancing back at the sleeping form of Bon Bon, she sighed and began to trot into the depths.

The logical voice in her head spoke up again, asking exactly what she was doing.

I’m seeing what’s so important that the reptile called two alicorns over. She answered to herself. That’s what I’m doing.

But you don’t even know what that reptile is. The voice argued back. Should you really be doing this?

I’m a knight of Equestria!

Luna can handle herself!


Luna’s voice was unmistakable. Putting on her best innocent smile, Lyra turned to find the alicorns and ghostly creature all staring at her.

“...Let’s face it, this isn’t the most reckless thing I’ve done.”

Corona and Luna exchanged an exasperated glance, while The Watcher just shook his head with a bemused expression.

“Curiosity killed the pony you know.”

“Look, you promised me answers.” Lyra fired back, “And I am a knight of Equestria! I want to know what you’re all talking about and when you’ll be able to send Bon Bon and me back home!”

“Ooo! This one’s got fight in her.” He beamed, “Strong ponies you have Luna. Strong ponies.” Sweeping forward, he motioned with his staff, “Follow me. I’ll show you exactly what the problem is.”

“Are you sure this is wise?” Corona spoke up, of all ponies, “What you showed us-”

“Can’t hide forever Celestia. Can’t hide forever.”

Corona frowned, but didn’t offer any further objections. Concern was evident on Luna’s face as well, but the Princess of the Night didn’t say anything, only following behind as The Watcher lead the way into the lowest level of the ziggurat.

Lyra couldn’t help but notice that they passed many large chambers that looked like they had once been storage rooms, but were now turned into communal sleeping chambers, large mess halls, and other bastions of domesticity.

Eventually, however, the rooms and corridors, decked out to resemble a very large house transitioned abruptly back to those of a war fortress, with harsh carvings on the walls, and a thick, musty scent in the air. The carvings were intimidating, showing the motif of the three kinds of reptiles from the disk, decked out in armor.

The chambers here were also full of...things. Blocky shapes arranged in the rough forms of the disk creatures. Constructed out of thick, blocky stone they reminded her of the golems of Bray and Grogar, except tougher looking; constructs built for a conflict that never happened, judging by thick layer of dust on their surfaces.

Eventually, they stepped into a truly massive chamber, the vaulted ceiling disappearing beyond the glow of the magical lights and their illumination. The back wall was dominated by a pair of thick stone doors, that looked like they could lock away a dragon. But what truly took Lyra’s breath away was the golem that dominated the center of the room.

Standing nearly twenty feet tall and forty feet long, its bulky body was balanced over two powerful legs, tipped with obsidian claws. Its forelegs...or arms? looked very small in comparison to the rest of its body, but its head seemed truly massive, a rictus grin carved into its stone form. A half-circle shaped crest rose from its neck, runic hieroglyphs carved into the stone.

It was crouched down upon a section of floor that was criss-crossed with little channels that pulsed with magic. Said magic washed over the golem in regular intervals, amounting to not more than a light show.

“What...is this thing?” Lyra gaped, trotting around the edge of the glowing floor, taking in every inch of the construct.

“It is a war golem.” Luna commented, “One of the more powerful that I’ve seen. Thankfully, it is currently dormant.”

“But still drawing from the magic reserves of the pyramid here.” The Watcher waved a claw at the massive slab of stone, “I was barely able to activate the disks that brought all of you here before the energy levels dipped to low.”

“You can’t send us back?” Lyra blinked.

“Well, I’ll be able to easily. But this thing needs to be dealt with first.”

“Can’t you just...blow it up or something?”

“I wouldn’t risk it.” Corona stated, “Far too dangerous. Could also be trapped. The connection will need to be carefully pulled apart and the golem dismantled.”

Lyra sighed, scratching the back of her head. “I am still very confused about everything that’s going on here.”

The Watcher sighed, shifting his reptilian gaze towards Lyra. “Celestia and Luna still need to discuss some things.” He motioned back the way they came, “Walk with me. I shall endeavour to fill you in the best I can.”

Lyra hesitated for a moment, but with a nod from Luna, she fell into step next to the strange creature as he lead the way back up through the corridors.

“Where should I begin.” He hummed to himself, tapping one of his oversized hook claws against the stone as he walked.

“How about with what you are? And what the other creatures on the carvings are, and what the uintatherium are?”

“Hmm. That is the obvious question, I suppose.” He sighed, “I, and the creatures in the carvings, are known as saurians. We rose about the same time as the alicorns and dragons, but that’s so far ago in antiquity I couldn’t give you anything more specific.”

“How come I’ve never heard of you then? Everypony’s at least heard of alicorns and dragons.”

“That’s because they’re still around. I am what’s left of the saurians and even my own existence is...complicated.”

“And the uintatherium?”

“A primitive race of mammal. One of the creations of the legendary beings that carved out the world so long ago.”

“And how do you know Princess Luna? And Corona?”

“I met them when they were wandering the world, after they inherited the sun and moon, but before they became involved in Equestria. They brought me the uintatherium to look over, which I’ve been doing ever since.”

“And the golems down there?”

“The remains of my people’s hubris.”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “That’s a big collection of ambiguity. And it feels like you’re leaving a bunch of things out.”

The Watcher paused, gazing up at the ceiling.

“Perhaps I am….There are just aspects of what happened, both with just myself, and between myself and the princesses, that aren’t the most pleasant things to discuss.”

“Think you could tell me anyway? I mean.” She shook her head, “This is a lot to take in and you’re asking me to trust you….” She trailed off with a helpless shrug.

“Hmm. Let me ask you this, Lyra Heartstrings. Do you trust Princess Luna?”

“Of course! I’m loyal to her and Equestria!”

“Then trust this.” He answered with a smile, “I owe Luna and Celestia more than you know. I would never harm her, or any of her ponies.”

“What about Corona though? You just said that you owe her too and she still wants to take over Equestria.”

The Watcher paused as they reached the room where Bon Bon was still sleeping.

“How would you feel if you had to watch two of your friends tear each other apart? Everything good they accomplished together forgotten in a sea of rage and hurt feelings?”

A frown crossed Lyra’s muzzle, as she nervously rubbed a leg. The thought of any of her friends being at each other’s throats, of them reaching the level of near insane hatred she had seen in Corona’s eyes back when they had first used the Elements on her.

“That would be pretty terrible.”

“I hold out hope that those two will reconcile. And maybe, just maybe, working together on a problem like this will help.”

“Hope springs eternal?” Lyra smiled slightly.

“It’s what’s kept me going.” He motioned to the room, “Sleep well Lyra. Tomorrow morning I’ll help you and Bon Bon call home.”

Lyra nodded, trotting back over to the bed and snuggling back down next to Bon Bon. Slipping off to sleep with a sigh a slight smile crossed her muzzle. She had a feeling that everything was going to be alright.

- - - -

Back in the depths, Corona and Luna were contemplating the golem.

“It really is amazing.” Luna observed, probing the side of the construct with her magic, “Puts every other war golem we destroyed to shame.”

Corona nodded, flicking an experimental tongue of flame towards the crest. The fire impacted against the stone, crackling and popping for a moment before the magic sunk into its surface, eaten by the runes.

“Magic absorbing properties as well.” A deep scowl darkened her face, “The amount of effort they must have expended to build this thing.” She shook her head, “Well, it is frightening to consider.”

Luna glanced towards her sister with a raised eyebrow. “So, the question remains sister. What will we do here?”

Corona pondered the question, slowly pacing back and forth before the giant carved head, keeping her eyes fixed upon it, “You and I both know what the ancient saurians stood for.” She answered after a few moments, “If this thing were to activate fully, all of my ponies...nay all mammals everywhere would be in danger.”

“Starting with his charges in the valley.”

They both fell into an uncomfortable silence, staring at the magic that continued to pulse across the golem’s form.

“An agreement then?” Luna proposed, “We work together? We help an old friend?”

“Agreed.” Corona nodded, “We shall help.”

Luna smiled. “Well then, where do you think we should start?”

Corona tapped her hoof to her chin. “We should start by severing the power transfer.”


And with that, the sisters set to the task, the night stretching on as they worked.

- - - -

Bon Bon smelled biscuits.

Warm, fluffy biscuits with honey. And was that fresh fruit?

Rolling towards the scents, she beamed wide. “Oh Lyra, you shouldn’t ha-”

She yelped, toppling over a bed edge that wasn’t where it should have been. Pain shot through her snout as she smacked it off the stone floor, the covers flopping over her a moment later. Stone floor. Unfamiliar bed.

“We’re still in the pyramid.” She groaned, kicking the blankets off of her and sitting upright. A quick look about the room revealed a still sleeping Lyra in the bed, and lots of warm sunshine streaming in the window, “And it’s morning!”

Bolting out of the room, and ignoring Lyra’s confused shouts, Bon Bon tore her way back to the throne room. Blazing right past the form of Grayback in the hallway, the old creature almost dropping a tray of mugs in surprise.

She skidded into the room, and came to a halt. A line of the uintatherium were standing in front of the pillar, patiently waiting. Shaking her head, Bon Bon quickly recovered and charged at the pillar.

“Wake up! You promised to send us home you overgrown gecko!”

The waiting petitioners gasped, but Bon Bon didn’t care. She was angry. She just wanted to be back in Ponyville, selling her candy. Pounding her hooves against the stone cylinder, she was rewarded after a few moments of effort by The Watcher’s form stepping from its depths.

“Oy, with the noise.” He muttered, rubbing the side of his head with a claw, “What?”

“You!” Bon Bon jabbed a hoof his way, “I thought you were going to get us home!”

“That’s still the plan!” He held up his hands in a calming gesture, “There’s just not enough power right now.”


“But!” He quickly grinned, “There’s still enough power for you to call home.”

Bon Bon glowered at the ancient creature. If looks could kill, she probably would have blasted him right through the wall.


“Just place your hoof against the pillar and let me do the rest.”

Still glaring at him, Bon Bon followed his instructions all the same. The Watcher did the same, his eyes lighting up with an unearthly blue glow. Bon Bon felt magic flow through her body, and the world suddenly shifted around her.

Everything around her was huge, stacks of books looming above her like towers, as she stood on the edge of a reading table. She appeared to be in the Golden Oaks Library, from the sea of book stacks all around her.

A collection of ponies were passed out on the floor. Trixie and Twilight had passed out almost back to back, a book draped over Trixie’s snout, while Twilight was using another book like a pillow.

A selection of fluffy cloud had been hauled into the building, upon which Raindrops had flopped. Carrot Top and Cheerilee were passed out underneath her, Carrot Top having rolled onto Cheerilee in the middle of the night. Ditzy was no where in sight, Bon Bon guessing that she was at home with her young one.

Glancing down at her body, Bon Bon could see that she was basically a mini transparent, blue tinted version of herself, standing on top of the disk from before.

“Hey!” She called out, “Wake up!”

The ponies partially stirred, but didn’t fully wake.


That got them moving, Trixie jerking awake with a rather spastic motion that sent her book flying.

“Bon Bon?!” She sputtered, her eyes falling on the diminutive mare, “What’s going on? Where are you? Where’s Lyra?! This is all my fault!”

“Trixie its...okay.” Bon Bon sighed, “I’m alive. Lyra’s alive. And...wherever we are, Princess Luna is here with us.” Sweeping her gaze across the books, she raised a questioning eyebrow, “What's with the book stacks anyway?”

“We were trying to research that thing.” Trixie frowned deeply, “And largely coming up empty. I’m glad you two are okay though.”

“Why haven’t you come back?” Raindrops asked, pushing herself to her hooves, “I mean, if the princess is there….”

“I...don’t understand all of it.” Bon Bon shrugged, “But we can’t come back yet because there’s not enough power or something. And Luna has business here. But that’s not important right now!”

“Being stuck Luna knows where isn’t important right now?” Twilight Sparkle blinked, “Then what in Equestria is?”

“My candy shop! It’s the weekend and that’s when I do most of my business. Somepony needs to run the shop for me.”

“I’ll do it!” Trixie shouted, “I brought you both over, so I’ll do it!”

Bon Bon bit her lip.

“Like I said. Somepony needs to watch the shop for me.” She glanced towards Cheerilee, pleading with her eyes, “Somepony good with organization.”

“...Are you saying I’m bad with organization?”

“Not as good as Cheerilee.”

“We’ll all help.” Cheerilee spoke up, “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay when you get back!”

“Thank you.” Bon Bon sighed, “I can rest easier now.”

“Oh!” Twilight perked up, happily tapping her hooves together, “I don’t suppose you could bring some books back for the library? Something from a place tied to a mysterious item like this...oooo, it would be so amazing!”

Bon Bon stared at Twilight for a moment, the unicorn beaming all the wider.


“Alright Twilight.” She smiled, “I’ll see what I can do. Hopefully we’ll be back in a few days tops.”

“Stay safe, both of you.” Trixie nodded.

“We’ll do our best.”

The interior of Golden Oaks suddenly fell away, the throne room of the pyramid snapping back into place. Lyra was at her side, having trotted up to her while she was mentally projecting into the library.

“How is everypony?” She asked, gently nuzzling Bon Bon’s neck.

“In less of a panic now that I touched bases with them.” She sighed, leaning into the nuzzle, “They’re going to help at the Confectionarium. Though, now I’m wondering what we’re going to do with our time.”

“Please.” The Watcher beamed, “You two are my guests. You have a run of my city and the surrounding villages. Stay in the guest chambers if you wish, or explore what you want. The weekend market occurs in the city center, if you’d wish to indulge in some shopping.”

“That does sound nice...but we don’t really have any money.”

“I’ll see that some is delivered to your room. In the meantime, enjoy your breakfast.”

Trotting after her marefriend, Bon Bon’s stomach rumbled at the thought of those warm biscuits and honey who’s smell had pulled her awake. Her stomach rumbled again at the sight of the trays and their spread.

Stacks of corn biscuits were piled next to bowls of fresh sliced watermelon, and dishes of oval shaped red berries that were unfamiliar to her. The meal was topped up with jugs of fresh water and mugs of beer.

“This is a nice spread.” Lyra grinned, dipping a biscuit into a dish of honey and popping the whole thing into her mouth.

“It is nice, I will admit.” Bon Bon nodded, picking up one of the oblong red berries, “Don’t recognize these though.”

“Give it a try at least.”

Shrugging, she threw it into her mouth and chewed, slowly savoring and identifying the flavors. It was mildly sweet, but with just a little bit of a tang to it. It was an interesting flavor, but it had potential. Definite candy potential.

Lyra smiled, recognizing that look on the face of her significant other. As they continued to eat, Lyra filled Bon Bon in with what she saw last night, and what she had been told about the golem down below.

Bon Bon winced at that. The thought of Princess Luna and Corona working together on something. ...It bothered her. She could still picture those hateful glowing eyes, feel the heat of the crackling flames….

“Bon Bon?”

Lyra’s frown was deep, her eyes wide with concern. Bon Bon smiled back.

“I’m okay Lyra. Really.”

“Okay.” She nodded, the frown lightening somewhat, “So, do you want to go check out the market?”

“Mmm. Might as well. We are kind of stuck until Luna and…” An involuntary shudder ran through her body, “...Corona do whatever they do.”

- - - -

Luna growled in frustration as the magic slipped through her grip again.

Grappling with the enchantments running into the golem had become akin to wrestling with pudding. Every time she thought she had the thread of the spell, it slipped loose again and flowed away.

A cry of frustration from Corona revealed that she was having similar difficulties.

“Curse the saurians and their incessant trickery!” She shouted, stomping a hoof, “Thousands of years and their problems still rise to strike at the living world!” Sighing, the sun alicorn plopped onto her haunches in a rather undignified manner.

“Then, we shall take a deep breath,” Luna commented, “And try again.”

Celestia sighed, her eyes flicking to and away from her sister in rapid succession, like she was summoning the courage to say something.

“What is it sister?” Luna asked, keeping her expression neutral.

“I wanted to...thank you. For giving me control of the sun again.”

A soft smile played across Luna’s muzzle, a warm feeling rising in her chest. Celestia was reaching out to her, for the first time since the banishment.

“I have enjoyed seeing your mornings again. The colors in your dawn...they’ve always been more vivid than mine.”

“And your nights are truly beautiful.” Celestia nodded back, “I would like you to continue making them, once I am ruling Equestria again.”

The warm feelings that had been lifting Luna up vanished in an instant, replaced by the same tired, strained and empty sensation that she had come to associate with the memory of her sister.

“Tia, please. Must we do this?”

The angry expression returned to Celestia’s face, the mask of Corona reforming.

“I must control Equestria!”

“Why?!” Luna snapped, “By the stars above! We manage to make connections like this, I can trust you with the sun again, why can’t we rule together?”

Glowering, Celestia turned from her sister, jabbing an angry hoof at the golem, “This, right here. Do you not see why I need the throne of Equestria?”

“No sister.” Luna glared back, “I do not. We were meant to rule together! Sun and moon, in balance! Why can’t you see that?”

“Because of things like this! Our joint rule didn’t stop every vile thing from crawling out of the depths! Equestria needs a strong hoof. A strong hoof for our little ponies!”

“Not at the cost of their trust of us!”

A loud bang echoed through the room, the alicorns swiveling their heads to observe the form of The Watcher, sparks arcing off the floor where he had just slammed his staff.

“Do forgive the attitude,” He growled, “But can we focus on the golem and less on your fight? I’ve seen more than enough of it.”

“Your long distance voyership aside,” Corona glared back, “I don’t suppose you have any hidden insights into this construct. You were in charge during this era, were you not?”

“I was far too busy driving my species to ruin to pay attention to everything my people were building.” He sighed bitterly, “Besides, this city was technically under the control of Lord Kerzog. I couldn’t keep track of half the insane ideas he floated past my throne and that was before I gave him free reign to do what he must to defeat...well, you know.”

“My question still stands.”

“And I have nothing.”

Luna sighed, tapping her hoof to her chin.

“Perhaps if we attacked the same thread of the spell at the same time?”

“Its worth a try.” Corona sighed.

- - - -

The sun was warm and moving towards its noonday height as Lyra and Bon Bon trotted their way through the city. Bon Bon glanced towards the burning orb, instinctively flinching at it and then quickly looking away. Normally at this hour she’d be staying inside for the noontime break, and getting ready for the post lunch customers.

Here though, the usual superstitions seemed useless. The natives obviously weren’t afraid of the sun, as the streets were packed with uintatherium, the creatures rushing every which way as they saw to their daily routines; save for when they’d pause for a moment and stare at them.

But the larger reason was the obvious one. She didn’t need to worry about Corona catching her out in the middle of the day. The monster was already here, supposedly being kept in check by Princess Luna.

The heat wasn’t helping. Where ever they were it was obviously south of Equestria, because the muggy weather was clinging to her like an exceptionally warm sweater, making the usual summer temperature truly uncomfortable.

Lyra was trotting along beside her, examining a coin that she had pulled from the full bag that was floating alongside them. The coins of the natives were...odd. Instead of a normal circular shape, they were small rectangular bars, matching the very blocky nature of city’s architecture. They were marked with either a sun, a moon, or an oddly shaped hoofprint, supposedly depending on value.

“I wonder why they use tin instead of gold or silver?” Lyra mused, tossing the coin back into the bag.

“I don’t know.” Bon Bon shrugged, trotting on at a slightly faster pace.

The pair continued to dodge and weave their way through the great beasts, until they eventually came to what Grayback had told them was the “Great Market”. Set up in a grand square smack in the middle of the city, it was easily the most familiar looking thing that both ponies had seen since arriving.

Booths constructed of wooden frames, wrapped in multicolored fabric, were arranged both around the edge and in four long rows in the center. Uintatherium were milling about, haggling, buying and selling; the usual market patter.

At least that’s what Bon Bon thought they were doing. Their native language was only so much noise to her.

“Lyra...how are we supposed to shop when we can’t speak their language?”

“I dunno...maybe they’re bilingual? Both The Watcher and Grayback could speak Equestrian.”

Bon Bon sighed, scanning the booths as they passed them. Most of the contents were domestic enough. Delicious smells rose from food stalls, both cooked and raw, while in other stalls shawls of patterned cloth, jewelry of gold, silver and colored beads were hocked by eager hooves.

Passing another booth further down the line, Bon Bon’s eyes lit up at the sight of a booth that seemed to be selling chocolate.

“Could you pass me the money?”

With a hoof full of coins, she jabbed a hoof at a few choice bars and extended the strange bits to the stall owner. The uintatherium behind the counter seemed to get the gist, sliding the chosen candy bars forward.

“Ah ha!” Lyra beamed, tapping her hooves together, “I just realized something.”

“What’s that?” Bon Bon asked, taking a bite of the chocolate.

A mixture of salt, pepper and other spices exploded in her mouth, mixing with the vaguely bitter sweetness of the chocolate itself.

I guess they don’t use sugar for their chocolate. She mused, continuing to chew and consider. I wonder what sweets are for them. It was unexpected, but not an altogether unpleasant flavor, just different from what she was used to.

“They’re speaking Zebra.” Lyra continued with her explanation, "Some of the words they’re saying sound familiar from that whole naked bear incident.”

“You weren’t a bear. You were a homin...thing.”


Bon Bon rolled her eyes as they took off again, Lyra slightly ahead of her, her curiosity getting the better of her. Bon Bon just sighed as she trotted along...though she did help herself to another bite of chocolate.

Lyra’s focus was more on the clothing and jewelry booths. She poked about, holding up items against her own and Bon Bon’s coat, humming and hawing over the glittery bits of jewelry spread out on tables. Grinning, she threw a shawl across Bon Bon’s neck.

“What do you think? Genuine hidden culture made.”

Woven from red, gray and light blue cloth, the shawl was covered in blocky, geometric patterns. It was also light, woven from a breathable fabric, which was appropriate for the climate.

“Its kind of nice, I will admit.”

Taking that as explicit permission, Lyra tossed the coins down on the table. Shrugging, Bon Bon wrapped it a little tighter around her neck as they trotted onwards.

“Oh!” She spoke up a moment later, pointing a hoof at a particularly colorful looking stand, “That looks interesting.”

A large group of uintatherium foals (or maybe calves?) were sitting before the stand, staring up at the window with rapt attention. Their tusks and head bumps hadn't grown all the way in yet, leaving them much cuter looking than their adult counterparts. A pair of alicorn puppets flanked a smaller uintatherium one, all three bobbing up and down as a deep voice narrated something.

“I’d really like to know what he’s saying.” Lyra sighed as they came to a stop behind all the foals, “I imagine it would be interesting.”

The puppet’s movement stopped for a second, a gray head peeking over the bottom lip of the window. It dipped back out of view, the voice now alternating between Zebra and Equestrian.

“The sun and the moon lead our ancestors through the depths of the jungles, away from the lands that now were our death. But the jungles were full of dangerous creatures.”

Two snakes cut from green paper and supported by little sticks, darted in from the sides, jabbing and “biting” at the uintatherium puppet.

“But the sun and moon were vigilant in their search for a new home for us. Every day, the sun would guard the path. And every night the moon would guard our camps and our dreams.”

The alicorn puppets swung about, putting themselves between the snakes and their charge. Bon Bon blinked at that. The idea of Corona as some kind of protector…. She just shook her head. It was insane. Impossible. Almost an insult. But the narrator continued on, a silhouette cutout of the city rising into view behind the puppets.

“After two weeks of travel, our united group reached the city that you are all standing in.”

The snakes disappeared, a puppet of the The Watcher rising up, a silhouette of the central pyramid rising behind him.

“But the creature that would become our ruler was distraught and angry. He howled and raged from the pyramid, demanded that we leave his city. The sun and the moon stepped forward again, the sun talking The Watcher down.”

Glancing to her side, Bon Bon could see that Lyra was enthralled by the story. A frown crossed her muzzle. Lyra was taking the contents of the show surprisingly well.

And the more she dwelled on that fact, the more she realized that this was something she should have seen coming. From charging off into the Everfree to help rescue her in the first place to...well, everything that had come from being tied to the Element of Loyalty. The strange, the frightening and the dangerous, all had seemed to have become part of Lyra’s life now.

She was standing on a rain soaked hill, the mound of gray stone poking from the dirt like a cracked tooth. The lyre mark was freshly carved into its surface, the edges still crisp and clear. A three sunflower marked stone rose next to it and so on down the line. Six graves, for six ponies.

A hoof snapped a branch behind her, a hateful voice filling her ears.

“There you are.” Corona’s angry words drilled into her being, tendrils of flame wrapping around her body. “You thought you could escape? You thought that your Element Bearers could stop me?”

She was spun about, the angry glowing eyes, searing into her. “I am eternal.”

The whips of flame reared back, preparing to strike. “I am the sun!”


Bon Bon snapped out of her morbid fantasy. The puppet show was over, leaving her and Lyra alone. Lyra was staring right into her face, eyes wide with concern, a hoof resting on her withers.

“Are you alright?”

“Can we go?” Bon Bon snapped, “Twilight Sparkle wanted some books from this city and I haven’t seen a stand selling those yet.”

Not waiting for a response, she stalked away from the puppet show, cutting and weaving through the crowds to just put some distance between herself and the memories it had stirred up. She reached the far end of the marketplace before Lyra managed to catch up to her. The mint green unicorn hopped in front of Bon Bon, throwing her hooves against her shoulders.

“Bon Bon!” She shouted, eyes wide and pleading, “Talk to me. Please.”

Sighing, the earth pony shook her head. “I’m sorry Lyra. Just...that kind of took me back to when...well...you know…” She trailed off lamely.

Lyra’s hooves moved into a full hug, Bon Bon burying her face into Lyra’s neck.

“I’m so scared.” She softly muttered, “This isn’t what I do. I’m a candy maker! Not a knight, not an Element Bearer just…” She shook her head, keeping her snout buried in Lyra’s coat, “And now Corona’s here. Corona’s here!”

“Hey. It’ll be okay.” Lyra soothed, rubbing her back, “Luna’s here. She’d never let anything happen to either of us. She was willing to lock her sister away in the sun, after all. And I know that it hurt her to do it.”

Bon Bon’s panicked breathing slowed and then steadied.

“Okay Lyra.” She hesitated for a moment, “I trust you.”

“Come on. Let’s go find someplace to get some lunch.”

- - - -

“Take a break.”

Luna and Celestia ignored The Watcher’s statement, instead slowly working their own magic through the connection that ran to the golem.

“On three.” Luna stated.

“One.” Celestia began.

“Two.” Luna followed.

“Three!” They both shouted, shoving their magic outwards at the same time. The expanding threads of their spell power strained and pushed against the connection, magic clashing against magic.

For a moment, it seemed like the magic flowing between the golem and the pyramid would somehow hold fast. But then they felt the threads of the spell begin to unwind, each thread popping loose in sequence. And then, with a resounding clash of sparks, the whole weave collapsed.

Celestia and Luna sighed in relief, plopping back on their haunches.

“Connection, severed.” Luna smiled.

“Good.” The Watcher grinned, “Now take a break. You two have been at this for almost two days straight. Take a breather. Have some breakfast. Talk.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“I know what you’re doing.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The saurian flashed a toothy grin, “I’m just being a good host.”

“A good host?” Celestia asked incredulously,

“Yes. And that’s why you’re going to wait here and I’ll have some breakfast brought to you. You can tackle the next stage after some sister time.”

Not bothering to respond, The Watcher strode from the chamber, head held high.

“He meddles.”

“Of course he does.” Luna pointed out, with a ruffle of her wings, “He cares.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, wandering around the side of the golem to look her sister in the face. “I suppose we should humor him. Or he’ll never leave us alone.”

“I suppose that if the status of our relationship has moved from ‘thing to vanquish’ to ‘annoying relative’ then for us that would be an improvement.” Luna bitterly sighed.

“Don’t try to guilt me, sister.”

“I wouldn’t dare.”

The alicorns stared each other down for a moment before Celestia finally spoke up again.

“You want us to rule together. I do not think it is possible. You are unwilling to do what’s needed. But...maybe…” She paused, racking her brain for a moment. “I would offer something.”

Luna considered that statement for a moment.

“Lyra’s companion. She is one of the ponies you took hostage during your initial escape. If you’re worthy of my trust to control the sun again, then I believe you owe her an apology.” She tilted her head slightly, “You are sorry, correct?”

“I was...in error.” Celestia said eventually.

“Then apologize to her.”

“Please. I have more important things to do than apologize to somepony.” Celestia stomped in response, “She’ll see that I’m correct, in the end.”

Luna, slowly shook her head as Grayback came shuffling into the room, pushing a cart full of fresh fruit and other goodies. Perhaps if the fates were willing, she’d be able to enjoy breakfast with her sister acrimony free.

“I just wish to let you know.” Celestia intruded upon her thoughts, “That if you wish to save your ponies the trauma, you could always voluntarily abdicate.”

Or, maybe not. She mentally grumbled, sinking her teeth into a pear. “Tia...please?”

The name cut Celestia to the quick, the alicorn recoiling slightly.

“I shall...consider it.”

- - - -

The summer heat was lessened for Lyra and Bon Bon as they trotted down the cobblestone path leading out of the city. Away from the towering stone buildings, they could catch the breeze flowing through the valley. To the right of the path, rows of rolling farmland were tended by the hooves of uintatherium while, to the left, a crop of jungle greenery swayed in the wind.

Lyra floated a basket along with her, full of goodies and other food items. The musician had a plan. A plan to help ease the weary mind of her love from the puppet show induced trauma, with the kind of adventure she could handle, nice things to eat, and a cuddle attack.

Once they were a bit of a way away from the city, she picked up the pace, dipping off the road and into the jungle.

“Come on! Let’s look around, find a clearing and have ourselves a little picnic.”

Bon Bon bit her lip, but followed as Lyra happily trotted her way through the underbrush. While her marefriend lead the way, Bon Bon observed the trees all around them. They all seemed to be supported by oversized roots that rose like buttresses on some of the taller buildings in Canterlot.

Bright colored birds flitted from tree to tree overhead, their calls and squawks similar to, but also very different from the birdsong around Ponyville. Exotic, but recognizable in some way. A slight smile creeped into her muzzle as she continued to trot along. This was nice.

It took them a few more minutes of walking before they found a small clearing in the jungle. A small ring of stones set into the ground fenced the spot in, like the clearing had been created intentionally.

“Now this is a nice little spot.” Bon Bon observed.

“Yeah. I wonder if the locals set this up.” Lyra mused, snapping a blanket out for them to lay on, “Now come sit down. I wanna cuddle in the jungle.”

“You are so cheesy with your romance at times.” Bon Bon chuckled, plopping down next to her, “Did you bring some more of that chocolate?”

“And plenty of other things too.” Lyra nodded, rummaging around the basket, “Wanna try this? I think it’s some kind of lentil dish.”

“What’s a lentil?”

“I’m not sure. Smells nice though.” She mused, scooping up a spoonful and offering it to Bon Bon.

Smiling, Bon Bon ate the offered lentils, and snuggled up next to Lyra, enjoying the feeling of their bodies side by side. They sat and ate for a little while, trying the various dishes, enjoying some and lightly ribbing some of the flavors they didn’t care for. Once their bellies were properly full, they began to turn their attentions to other pursuits.

“So, what do you want to call that one?” Lyra asked, pointing to a green bird with a seemingly out of place red head.

“Strawberry Bird?” Bon Bon posited, tapping her chin.

“Wouldn’t it need to have a red body with a green head for that to be accurate?”

“Oh, well, if you’re going to bring logic into our random bird naming session.” Bon Bon chuckled, “Then yes.”

Leaning against Lyra, Bon Bon let her eyes drift closed and just listened to the sounds around her. It was pleasant, listening to the sounds of the birds and the beats of their wings as they darted all about.

...Wait. One of those sets of wing beats was growing very loud.

Opening her eyes, a startled yelp escaped her lips as she scrambled backwards from what lay before her.


Her angry eyes, her crackling mane and tail of pure flames. The white magic tendrils ripping her from the crowd, the screams and sobs of the foals all around her.

“Bon Bon!”

She was cowering behind Lyra, Corona still staring at her as she tried to hide. She took a step forward.

Bon Bon took two large steps back.

Corona frowned. “Bon Bon, is it?”

She froze. Corona knew her name!

“I understand that I caused you some...distress upon my initial release.”

“You took me hostage!” She shrieked, backing up a few more steps, Lyra running to comfort her.

“And I realize now that was incorrect. It did nothing but turn you against me.”

“Oh, really? Its taken you over a year to work that out?” Bon Bon shouted, trembling in Lyra’s embrace. It was insanity, to be screaming at such a powerful alicorn, but she’d kill them anyway. Luna was no where in sight. Corona had them. “You’re a monster!”

“Tis a lie!” Corona snapped with a hoof stomp, slipping back into her archaic dialect for a moment. The impact left a perfect hoof shaped crater in the dirt, Corona plowing on unheeded, “I just wish what’s best for my subjects!”

“You’re not my ruler!”

Corona snarled in frustration. “Stars above! If my sister can trust me with the sun again-”

“She did WHAT?!” Both Lyra and Bon Bon shouted, scarcely believing what they just heard. Lyra looked towards Luna, eyes wide and questioning, while Bon Bon just continued to tremble.

“It is simply a re-establishment of the proper-”

Bon Bon didn’t wait to hear the rest of that sentence. She just tore herself from the Lyra’s grip and ran as fast as her legs would take her, Lyra’s increasingly distant shouts echoing in her ears. The jungle turned into a blur as she crashed through the underbrush, wanting to get as far away from Corona and her horrible glare as possible.

Breaking through the edge of the jungle, she ran all the faster across open ground, sparing a glance behind her to see if Corona was chasing. A slight smile of relief crossed her muzzle at the lack of white coated alicorn. And then her legs suddenly gave out from underneath her.


She was suddenly tumbling head over tail, her legs tangled up with each other. After a dizzying couple of moments, Bon Bon found herself staring up at a pale blue sky. Quickly rolling back to her hooves, she could see Lyra rushing her direction, seemingly alone. Bon Bon looked around wildly, only beginning to calm down when there was no sign of Corona.

“Did you know about the sun?” Bon Bon asked her, “That Luna had turned over control?”

Lyra emphatically shook her head no, eyes going wide. “I had no clue. Luna didn’t mention anything about it. I guess...maybe it happened after Tambelon? I mean, she seemed to be improving.”

“Improving? Is Luna running a twelve step program for despots?”

“Come on.” Lyra, motioned for her to follow. They began to trot their way back towards the city, while Lyra continued to talk, “Corona is her sister. She has to at least hold out hope that there can be some kind of reconciliation.”

“Insanity.” Bon Bon glowered, tossing her mane in a huff, “She kidnapped us. She was prepared to burn us all if you hadn’t gotten the Elements in time.”

“She seemed...better at Tambelon.” Lyra admitted with a shrug, not having much more of an explanation.

Bon Bon stopped, slowly turning to face her.

“Do you...agree with her?”

“Well…” Lyra nervously rubbed her foreleg, “I do think that Corona is coming from a place of good intentions, no matter how warped her mind and means are.”

“Good intentions?” Bon Bon gaped for a moment or two, before shaking her head and continuing along, “I can’t believe this. You’re siding with Corona!”

“Hey! I am not siding with Corona!” Lyra fired back. “She’s completely in the wrong here. All that I’m saying is that maybe I’m with Luna in hoping that she’ll come to her senses and give it up.”

“I’m not having this conversation with you.” Bon Bon shook her head, picking up speed, “All I want to do right now is talk to Luna and The Watcher about this and when I can get home and away from all of this...madness.”

“Fine.” Lyra frowned, “Let’s go do that.”



- - - -

The Watcher rested in his pillar.

He was aware of his charges throughout the valley, aware of the Element Bearer and her significant other moving through the streets of Zhalast-Zin. He was also aware, of the world beyond. The threads of history and possibility played before his minds’ eye.

And despite all of that, the room where Luna worked was blocked to his vision.

That fact made him very nervous. In all of the centuries of his existence he had seen wars, sickness, and death. All of the great events of history, seen with almost perfect clarity.

So, what is it about that room that makes it and its contents invisible to my sight?

One of his charges was entering the pyramid, running at top speed. He sighed, flowing out of the pillar just in time to meet the uintatherium in question. He was panting and sweaty, seemingly on the edge of exhaustion. He must have ran all the way from the outlying villages.

The Watcher mentally kicked himself. Focused on the golem as he was, a problem that was facing one of the creatures he was tasked with guarding had slipped his mind. Some creature, aside from the pony princesses, had pierced the valley.

And the very illusion spells that Luna and Celestia had put in place to hide the valley.

“What is it?”

“Watcher. More outsiders have arrived in the valley.”

“What?” He blinked in disbelief.

“Its a large group of zebra, being lead by a pony. Some of them are armed.”

“Where are they?” He questioned, eyes narrowing.

“They were right behind me when I left.” The scout panted, “I ran through the night. They have supplies and numbers however.”

“Which will slow them down.” He sighed, “...Have they been violent so far?”

“No. Their leader claims that they are here for peaceful exploration and historical purposes.”

“Of course.” The Watcher smiled, a bitter edge creeping into his voice, “I’m quite sure he said that.”

“What are your commands my lord? Shall we try to force them out?”

The Watcher considered that question carefully. His hidden kingdom did- probably - have the numerical edge over any incoming expedition. But the nature of wars and how to fight them had not been high on his list of things to do. But, their arrival, completely blocked to his sight beyond sight….

“They will be allowed into the city. But we shall keep them out of the pyramid. Now go! Spread the word!”

As the scout rushed from the room, The Watcher strode for the cavernous chamber where Celestia and Luna still worked.

This was going to be a problem.

- - - -

Lyra fumed as she and Bon Bon stomped back towards the pyramid. She was angry with Bon Bon, but also somewhat angry with herself. She couldn’t deny that the cream coated mare had legitimate reasons to be afraid of Corona, but...well, she had seen, with her own eyes, that Corona wasn’t the same pony from the day she had returned.

“Oh!” Bon Bon growled, stomping a hoof, “We forgot to get some books for Twilight!”

Before a Lyra could respond, a shocked ripple of noise rolled through the crowd behind them. Turning, the pair of ponies watched the uintatherium part like water, a procession coming into view.

Two rows of armed zebra came marching down the way, heads held high in a gesture of supreme arrogance. Other zebras brought up the rear, carrying a supplies and other gear in a crude baggage train. The strangest part of the whole affair though, was the pony at the lead. His tannish brown coat was neatly brushed, but he sported a distinct five o’clock shadow and his dark gray mane and tail were dishevelled. A golden ring cutie-mark stood out on his flanks. He wore a golden amulet with a circular green stone set into its face and a tan colored shirt with a pair of pockets set into their front.

He also appeared to be remarkably pleased with himself.

A long maned zebra mare rushed alongside him, saddlebags crammed to bursting with papers and other documents. She glanced every which way as she half-walked, half-stumbled, along; her eyes wide with wonder at her surroundings.

As they drew closer the stallion noticed both of them for the first time, and his expression changed instantly. It was brief, but a deep scowl crossed his muzzle before a fake smile sprung back into place.

“Visitors!” He nodded past them, “And Princess Luna...and the Tyrant Sun. My, this is interesting.”

Both alicorns stood side by side on the street, placing themselves resolutely between the approaching pony lead zebra column and the pyramid.

“And you are?” Princess Luna asked.

“Doctor Ritter! World renowned archaeologist and explorer.”

“Hmm. A pity that I’ve never heard of you.” Luna smiled sweetly, “Are you sure that you operate in Equestria?”

“Yes. I do.” He smiled back, “So, am I to assume that all of you discovered this valley?” The Doctor asked, his smile growing more strained if anything.

“That would be correct.” Corona stated, her eyes narrowing.

“In that case. I have something for you.”

Bon Bon gaped at the mad pony as he took four stacks of papers from the depths of the zebra’s saddlebags and passed them out to herself, Lyra, Princess Luna and then finally, Corona. He strode right up to the mad solar alicorn without a care in the world and presented the stack.

“What is this?” Luna asked, her voice incredulous.

“It’s a release.” He explained, “Legally binding all of you from infringing upon my discovery, or claiming that you discovered it.”

Lyra’s jaw dropped, joining her marefriend in the opinion that this stallion had flipped his lid.

Luna shot a sideways glance at her sister, her own magic coiling in preparation to intercept if need be.

Corona stared at the documents for a moment, her eyes wide. She seemed...stunned. Which wasn’t a situation that most creatures were used to seeing. Then the corners of her mouth twitched. Once, then twice.

And then she began to laugh.

Author's Note:

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

The lovers had to have a quarrel.

This is mostly due to the change that the L!Six's view of Corona underwent at the end of Return of Tambelon. For Bon Bon, Corona is still the monster that kidnapped her and used her as leverage. And the two of them will have to come to an understanding over this.

Of course, there's something else at play here as well. How's the guts on Doctor Ritter there? Brave? Insane? Both? We shall see!