• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 9,495 Views, 482 Comments

Faith - Edock

A simple brony goes on a quest to find the unimaginable; the world of Equestria.

  • ...

The Best Medicine

Chapter 4 - The Best Medicine

--- 3 Years Later ---

Three long years of fruitless endeavors. After the finding of the Element of Kindness there was nothing else to be found, and no other clues were in sight.

When that cave collapsed behind me and my head pouring blood, I blacked out. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in hospital. I asked them who found me. They said they were not sure, and that they just only received a phone call telling them that someone was severely injured at the location I was at. I was released from the hospital after a week, and got out fully recovered - no long term injuries.

Even now, I still can’t help but wonder what in the world happened in that cave. Fluttershy? The little girl? It was almost like a fleeting dream, but it was so real.

Three years elapsed, and not a single instance like that ever happened again. I am unsure of what to do or where to go next. For the first two years I kept trying to find clues and adventured America. Over the last year I have settled down a little bit; I got an apartment in a small city on the west coast. I also found a part time job at a nearby gas station, even though I didn’t really need the money - I still had plenty of money left over from my passed away aunt’s inheritance. It’s been a decent job, but it’s mainly just to pass the time away.

I don’t want to say I gave up on adventuring...but how am I supposed to do this when it’s only letting me down? I am so unsure as to what the truth was anymore.

I think I just needed to clear my mind.


I thought it would be best to take a vacation. I decided to take a luxury cruise that traveled through the Pacific Ocean. The contents of my black suitcase were packed, my ball cap was fixed on my head, and my Lyra Heartstrings shirt was equipped, showing my brony pride...

At least, what’s left of it.

What’s left of it, anyway? The actual show ended a few months ago, yet I didn’t even watch the last couple of seasons. I just didn’t understand it!

Why did I go through all that trouble in the past with getting the so-called Elements of Harmony? I have three of them, but I’m starting to think that they aren’t what I wished them to be. I wanted them the be the Elements, but I think I was merely seeing only what I wanted to see.

“Ponies in real life? Give me a break!” I muttered to myself.

I even thought I saw Fluttershy, but that was just foolishness on my part. I never touched her with my hands, therefore I didn’t believe in her.

Believe me, I wanted to believe they’re real...but, I just had to face the facts. It was a cartoon. It is a children’s show.

I took a deep breath in and out and glanced at the shirt I was wearing, now with disgust. I didn’t have much selection of shirts, so I was stuck with this Lyra shirt.

I was going on a cruise. I shouldn’t need to think such silly thoughts.

I placed one foot on the boat ramp and thus my vacation has begun - I could now be at peace.

I walked up the boat ramp shifting my body weight forward so that I would not topple backwards on the incline. I made it to the top and started to work my way up the stairs so I could be at the highest peak of the cruise ship. I wanted to be high up on the boat so I could look over everything. If I got to the top I could look over the ocean as well as the city that was the home of the port. After climbing all the stairs I saw the exit that would lead me back outside on top of the ship.

I stepped outside only to be blinded by the sun; I had to shield my eyes with my hand to keep it from disrupting my vision. Even though it was very bright out, the air was very brisk. With my squinting eyes and the sunshine flooding all over me, I looked to my right to see one last small set of stairs. It led to a platform that had a couple that was most likely going on a honeymoon, and a guy about my age standing by himself gazing over the ocean. Before I joined them on the highest point of the ship, I decided to reach into my suitcase and pull out a white hoodie with stripes on it. I put it on hoping it would be able to protect me from the chilly wind.

Seeing the last set of stairs I will have to climb, while still wishing I had a pair of sunglasses, I walked up the stairs. I have reached the highest point of the cruise ship. The couple behind me was snuggling with each other while the slightly uncomfortable cold air was blowing ever slightly. The lonesome man to my right was patrolling the land and water below us by scanning the ocean. I set down my luggage, and starting looking over everything as well. I looked more towards the dock to see that the ship was getting ready to depart. The ramp was starting to rise which would separate us from land and the relaxation would begin. I glanced over to the lonely man, I could see that he was excited as much as I was to go on this new adventure. My face might of not showed my enthusiasm, but I was truly content. I wonder what his story was? He seemed to be alone just like me. He had a green hoodie on him with the hood over his head and blue jeans, it was very casual wear just like myself.

The ramp was fully lifted, and I as heard the cruise ship ready to set sail, I looked over to the man and asked him, “Are you getting away too?” The man jumped at the sound of my question. I must have caught him off guard in his thoughts. After recovering and laughing a little at the shock I gave him, he replied, “Well, I like the fresh air and sight seeing.”

I understood completely what he meant. “Same here! I’m just kind of getting away from things to clear my mind.”

The horns blew on the ship indicating that we were about to set off. At that the man replied, “Hey, sorry. I actually have to get things settled in my room now. Maybe we can talk later.”

I agreed, “For sure! I’ll see you later.”

At that the man gave a quick smile and me and made his way over to the stairway so that he could find his room and hopefully not get lost on this grand cruise ship. I took one last look over the ocean as the ship started to move and decided I better find my room as well and get settled in.

This was going to be a good trip.


I was laying on my bed waiting for dinner to arrive. My room was small but it still gave me my privacy. There were various trinkets sitting around the room such as a small anchor statue on the miniature table. There was also a captain’s hat hanging on the wall across from where I was lying on my twin sized bed. I thought about taking it down so I could wear it, but I’m sure it was stapled to the wall so that was a no go.

knock knock

There was a knocking at my door; dinner awaited. I flung off my bed to answer the door. Sure enough, it was a male in semi-formal clothing holding a dish covered with a lid. I thanked him, and adopted the food as my own.


After finishing off the delicious meal that I would give a 5-star for taste, I decided that I would go do what I planning on doing on this trip. Think and relax. Thinking seems like a strange reason to take a trip. I don’t think anyone would understand it, but to me it was a perfect reason to take a trip. I found that I could get lost in my thoughts easier when I am around nature. In this case, going outside to see the endless waters under the reflection of the moon is where I would be able to concentrate the best.

I got out of my chair where I was partaking in my meal and departed the room. But before I did, I grabbed my hoodie again knowing that it would be chilly outside.

Going outside, I took notice of the peak of the ship, where I first stood when I got on board. I decided I wanted to change to a different perspective. Besides, there were already about ten people up there, and I wanted someplace more private. I went past the step that lead to the upstairs balcony, and made my way over the front of the boat, the bow. There were various lunch tables across the floor. People probably ate their lunch out here during the day time. There was not a single person around this area. Perfect. I was able to be alone with my thoughts and actually concentrate on them. I walked over to the absolute front of the boat and started to lean against the sturdy rails that prevent people from falling off.

I looked out at the water before me. The deep blue waves were crashing along side the boat. The sound was very calming, I could almost fall asleep to it. There were no clouds in the sky, and the moon was almost full. I’m almost surprised that there was no one out here painting this on canvas. This night was just absolutely perfect. I looked at the moon, it was looking right back at me. They called it the man on the moon, but instead I thought of the mare on the moon.

With a sigh, I started to think about the brony community and all my adventures. I went out to obtain these elements. Ever since then I have discovered no more clues, and found no leads. It’s almost as if I was just teased with promises that only ended up to be empty. I know it may seem selfish, but I know other people would never doubt this was all true if they were in my shoes.

But it’s been three years already; nothing else. I have to live my life...


There was a noise behind me. There were rooms on the ship where you could have small gatherings, for events such as formal receptions, or any other kind of celebration. I looked into the window of where the noise came from; there was a party going on. I was too far away to get a good look at it, but there was a small group of people in it. It was a very colorful room with plenty of decorations. The thud must of come from someone hitting the thin walls.

Sounded like a special time. They were having a great time in one another’s company. I turned my attention back to the water.

Before long, I could hear more noises coming from the party; my concentration broke from the water to sneak another look at the party. As I turned around I realized I was no longer alone.

My eyes widened as I saw that someone was directly behind me blocking my view from the party. I jumped a little at the sight of him and he noticed that.

With a half-smirk on his face he said, “Sorry ‘bout that...I just saw you standing out here.”

I replied, “It’s alright” as I turned back around to look outward.

I could hear him behind me, this was already awkward enough. I’m sure me turning my back to him felt him feel more out of place. About 20 seconds later, he came up behind me and started to look out next to me.

He decided to break the silence, “So what’s your story?”

My story? What was that supposed to mean? What am I even suppose to tell him?

“Well...uh...I’m just getting away from everything by taking this cruise.” I muttered.

He gave a slight chuckle, “Yea, I know how that goes...” He gave a slight pause then continued, “Sometimes it’s nice to be alone, but that doesn’t mean you have to live a life alone.”

I wanted to smack him so hard. Who is he to give me advice? I don’t even know who this guy is. But...maybe he does have a point...

He went on, “You know, you can join our party over there if you would like.” He pointed toward the room where the earlier thuds were coming from.

What? Why does he want ME to come to his party? I don’t even know who this guy is and he wants me to come to a party with him?

He could see the shock on my face and told me while putting his hand on my shoulder, “But I can understand if can’t, just know you are welcome.”

With that, he started to walk back to the party room, leaving me in my confused state.

Before he went back inside he shouted over to me “Name’s Jeremy, by the way”.

I gave a slight wave of my hand, I suppose that was my way of thanking him.

Why was that stranger so nice to me? I never deserved him to be so nice to me. I gave a quick glace over my shoulder to see that he was back at the party, and the festivities were still going on at full blast.

Honestly, if I went I would most likely feel out of place, not to mention I really didn’t come on this trip to make friends. I really just came on this trip to be alone. But, with all the noise the party is making...I can’t really concentrate. Maybe I’ll go to the other side of the ship.

I took one last look off the front of the boat only to walk to be greeted by the other side. But before I could make it to the other side, I decided to get a close look at the party.

I looked into the window and saw a small room with about 5 people in it. There were decorations of streamers and balloons, it seemed to be a little much considering it was a small party. On one table there was a punch bowl with snacks all around it such as cupcakes and chips. On the other was serving plates and napkins with a large cake with....a frosting decoration of Pinkie Pie. What?! Is this...a brony party? I noticed the flicker of a television on the wall from where I was looking in. I walked around to the other side of the room so I could look in to see what was on the T.V.. I guessed right, My Little Pony was on the television.

What are the chances of this? I went on this cruise to think about this community and probably the greatest examples of the fanon present themselves and invite me to a party. There is no way this can be real! But...it is. It’s like this guy knew I was a brony, but how could he? I know I still have this Lyra shirt on, but its under my sweatshirt. I quickly looked down to be sure that my undershirt was covered.

I have to ask him how he knew, I have to go to the party.

I want around to the door, but before going in...I realised I could look pretty creepy being determined and all. I was planning on bursting in the door and pointed to the man and shouting “How did you know?!” ...I have such a weird mind. Maybe I better play it cool, and maybe enjoy myself. It’s not everyday I get to hang out with other bronies.

I started to open the door and once it was fully opened I realised all five people were staring at me blankly. After an very uncomfortable moment, Jeremy’s face expression did a complete turn around. He started smiling and came up to me with a cup of punch in his hand.

“Hey! I’m glad you could make it man!” He said almost being a little over excited.

I just smiled at him still taking in my surroundings.

Still not knowing that I was a brony, I could tell that he was getting a little nervous. I’m sure he was planning on giving a speech to me about what the brony community is and how its not weird.

I noticed the look on his face. I, myself, have once had those feelings as well. I’m sure I wore a face almost like his at some point in my life.

Before he could start on his speech, I intervened “Don’t worry, I am...all too familiar with bronies.” I then tore off my sweatshirt like Superman thus reveling my Lyra t-shirt. Well, maybe not like Superman, but I like to think that.

He raised his hand up to his head in pure disbelief also shouting “Whoa!”. This got the attention of the other party goers. Which made them smile and a few came over to get a closer look.

“Wow! I had no idea! I mean...whoa...how awesome how we met up like this!” Jeremy said.

“Hey, nice Lyra shirt. Where’s Bonbon?” one person said as she snickered.

After people started calming down at the fact my shirt was so sweet, or maybe it was because I was a random guy who turned out to be a brony...yeah, that’s probably the reason.


I have never had so much fun with a bunch of random people. There was all sorts of games, jokes, and yelling! We all played games that were at typical Pinkie Pie party such as “Pin the Tail on the Pony.” We even had a game of bingo which got boring real fast because we were just sitting around. The punch supposedly was made by Berry Punch, and the cake by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. This was such a terrific night full of laughter.

Was I missing out on this the whole time? I have seen amazing things in my life, some the no person could comprehend. But there was always a void. I needed someone there for me. I needed friends. I met these people just hours ago, and some how, maybe magically, they are now my friends. I am so glad that Jeremy went out of his comfort zone to reach out to someone alone such as I.

As Jeremy was on my mind, he actually came up to me asking to speak to me. I agreed. He pulled me aside from conversing from the other party guests. He must of remembered the strange talk that we had outside, and now felt the need to talk.

We were walking over to the corner of the room where the television was, away from everyone else. On the television was the episode “Feeling Pinkie Keen”. At the moment, Pinkie was tied up to Twilight’s crazy contraption while Twilight was trying to figure out how the Pinkie Sense worked.

After Twilight telling Pinkie that it makes no sense. Pinkie smiled and stated in her overly happy nature, “Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out”. Twilight scowled at this and got in Pinkie’s face to drive the point home as she said, “I will not believe in anything I cannot explain”.

Jeremy, who was standing next to me, said “Ah, I love this episode. Makes me remember why I chose Pinkie Pie as best pony.” He had a look on his face that was just begging me to debate who the best pony was with him. Instead I just broke out laughing.

After the chuckles were over, he got a more serious tone in his face. “You know man, I know we just met today. But when I was talking to you earlier, you seemed to be hurting...on the inside.”

I could tell that Jeremy was a very comfortable talker.

He continued, “Just know, that when you’re weak, when you need help, I’ll be here for you.” He looked to where everyone else was at a pointed at them, “So will they.”

All my life, I tried to do everything alone. All my life, I felt like the world was against me. But now, I have friends. They will be there to comfort me when I am down.

I smiled at him and he returned the favor. Jeremy then burst out laughing. My smile faded and I asked, “What’s so funny?”.

What in the world is he laughing at?

Jeremy had such a weird laugh. It almost sounded like a squee when he was laughing.

Noticing this, I started to chuckle up at him. Suddenly one of the other party guests shouted “He sounds like Fluttershy!”
After hearing this, there was a uproar of laughing in the room. This wasn’t even that funny, but I could not help myself in partaking of the laughter.

As the laughing was cooling down, Jeremy tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go”, regarding going over to the other party people.

“Hey hold up, let me get some punch.” I told him. He gave a nod of understanding and joined the group while I went to the mostly quiet side of the room to get some punch. As I started to pour myself a glass, I noticed that the episode of My Little Pony on the television was getting to an end as Twilight was writing her letter to Princess Celestia. I listened in.

Twilight just told Spike to take a letter. She said, “I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way.”

Did I just hear that correctly? I stood frozen astonished at what I just heard.

My adventure.

I traveled all over the world, finding gems. It was such an adventure, but it got old after not being able to find another one. I started to give up. I came on this cruise just to get away, to relax, to put my mind at ease. I didn’t think someone would be bold enough to invite me to a party, let alone, to my amazement, a brony party. I made terrific friends tonight, and their friendship and laughter opened my eyes to what I was missing. I needed friends, and now I have them.

It’s almost as if this was all planned. But by who?

Maybe...it was by the ponies in Equestria. Yea! Just like Twilight said, “There are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true”. I just had to believe! I just needed faith! I knew they are out there! Why would I ever give up so easily? I was acting like a baby - I needed to get back on this adventure!

Laughter broke out between the group that was behind me. But, there was also another laugh. One that I have heard before, but I just could not place my finger on it. It wasn’t anyone’s laugh that was at the party. I know I have heard it before. I was a high-pitch...

It was Pinkie Pie’s laugh. I looked up at the television only to see that it was on a menu screen, it must of been the season one set of MLP: FIM. It wasn’t the television, but I know I heard it.


There it was again. It didn’t come from any specific area, but it sounded sort of muffled. Maybe it was outside. I went out the door, not being noticed due to the group playing games.

I started walking around, listening with my full attention. The wind was light but still gave off a slight chill to it, my sweatshirt was still inside so I will have to deal with the brisk air. I walked to the side of the ship and leaned on the rail guard. The water was very calm, only having slight ripples on it.


The obnoxious Pinkie Pie sounding laugh came from directly behind me. I spun around to be nearly blinded by a stong pink light. What is this?! I toppled over backwards landing on my butt with my hand up to shield my eyes.

I could see through my eyelids that the light was fading. I quickly rubbed my eyelids and slowly started opening my eyes to the area where the light came from. I could see something...what is that? It’s something small...and shiny...it’s...

The Element of Laughter.

I looked up at it in my still slightly blurred eyes. I could hear my heart beating in my head. I could feel my sweat being formed at the brow of my head. The next element was in front of me. I started bear crawling toward the gem and started to reach up to grab it...

Then I grabbed it.

I brought it closer to my eyes to make sure it was real, and it was truly the Element of Laughter. To be honest, I didn’t think I would just be able to grab it. I thought it would shoot away or something crazy like that. Realizing how anti-climatic that was, I started to burst up laughing as I sat on the planks of a cruise ship.

As I was laughing, I could hear Pinkie’s whisper in the air telling me, “Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out.”

I laughed.