• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 9,496 Views, 482 Comments

Faith - Edock

A simple brony goes on a quest to find the unimaginable; the world of Equestria.

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A Little Kindness

Chapter 3 - A Little Kindness

I made my way back after obtaining the Element of Honesty. After navigating my way back through the forest, I finally found my car. It was on a dirt road, miles away from where I found the element. I pulled my keys out from my backpack and opened my car door. It was really early in the morning and I was exhausted. I needed to find a nearby town so I could rest and pick up some supplies.

The long drive felt like it was not heading anywhere. To be honest, it led nowhere. I did not know what step to take next considering I didn’t know where the next element was; however, it was not the time to think of that. I was hungry, tired, and dirty. I eventually found not a town... but actually a city! I was not born in a city so driving in one always made me a little hesitant, although I have drove through them plenty of times throughout my adventures.

After my usual routine of getting lost, I came across a gas station. Too bad I would not be able to sleep in there. I think that I earned some rest after the extraneous day so I think I should look out for a hotel. I got out of my car so that I could fill it up with gas. The looks on people’s faces around me just exclaimed, “This guy’s really low-classed, driving a dirty car in dirty clothes.” But that did not matter to me; I was in a excellent mood due to my findings of the elements. Can’t blame them, since they just don’t understand what I am doing. They do not understand that I am seeking the impossible.

I was done filling up my car, so I went inside to grab something to eat and also to pay for the gas. As I was paying, I overheard something from a couple of guys talking in a nearby booth. They seemed to be the “usuals” of the gas station, guys who went there every day to converse. They both had their names sewn into their shirts to act as a badge. Their names were Mac and Wight.

Mac said “Hey, did ya hear bout that cave that was on the local news?”

Wight replied “Nah, I don’t keep up with the news, I would rather be driving round in ma pickup!”

“Ya! Give a good hootin’ and hollaing while you do that to huh? He he he he!”

I looked over to see the toothless grin of one and the other slapping his knee. Oh Celestia, what was I looking at?

Mac continued. “Well anyway,” he started to say as he lowered his voice “they said that there be some gems in that cave.”

“Oh really now?”

They kept talking between each other more quietly. I finished paying for my gasoline and a sandwich that I got out of a heated container.

The slight buzz...from my backpack...

After hearing this I immediately went up to the two men, and abruptly interrupted by saying “Where is this cave?”

I must of startled them because their eyes were pretty big and staring at me. Luckily, as I figured, they were very friendly.

“Yea...Couple miles north of the town, some flat land before you git to the moutains. Der should be some sort of trail out there.”

After Mac said that, Wight said, “We might have to take a gander out der then, right?”

Mac sat back waving his hand in the air. “Nah, them parts be to dangerous,” he then looked back at me seriously and said “Don’t go wondering ‘round, it’s not safe, ya hear?”

I put on a smirk and said, “It’s what I have to do.”

He replied with a smile himself, “Alrighty then, go find what you’re lookin’ for.”

His reply almost threw me off; could he know what I was looking for? Nah, he probably thought that I was just talking about regular gems. I was looking for a very special gem. I thanked him for the information and left the store.

“I can’t believe it!” I yelled over the music that was playing in my car. I was the only one in the vehicle, but I just liked talking to myself. “To think that just yesterday I found the Element of Honesty and I might have a lead on another!” It sounds like it was not even too far from where I am now! But I must not be blindsided by this excellent news; I was tired and I needed sleep. I knew it would be best to stick with my original plans and get a hotel.

I drove about a mile into the town, and finally found a hotel. There were not too many cars out because it was extremely early in the morning. Most people where probably still sleeping. I got up to the hotel and checked-in, got my essentials out of my car, and went to my room. The first thing I did when I got in was flop onto the bed. In about 2 minutes I was fast asleep, dreaming of the adventures I might do the next day.


The sun shining through my window onto my eyes was what woke me up from my deep slumber. Usually when I wake up I am groggy and just want to stay in bed all day. But since I knew the next location of the next Element of Harmony, I just jumped on it! I ate the continental breakfast, and got all packed up, ready to go.

Mac said that the cave is north of the city, on some flat land by the mountains. I got into my car again hoping that I will be able to make haste to get there and end this day early. I took off, driving North, which eventually led me out of the city. Not long after, the land started to become smooth and the mountains were in the distance. Now I just had to keep my eyes open for a trail, an off-road, or a sign.

In about 5 minutes I came across a dirt road that looked like it hadn't been used in quite some time. It was almost...awkward. It was a long dirt road that seemed infinite, but it would eventually lead into the mountains. There was nothing around the road but just a plain field. But, I knew that that must be where the cave is. As I was driving down the road, my car suddenly stopped with no warning! I sat there in disbelief because I have no idea what just took place. I stepped out of my car, and starting walking towards the front to start seeing smoke billow out of the front. There was no doubt in my mind that it overheated. I was never a guy into vehicles so I did not have the slightest idea on how to fix it.

“Well, that’s great.” Frustrated, I continued on and exclaimed, “Now what am I supposed to do?!”

I took a look at my surroundings, and then back to my car. I let out a sigh knowing that trying to fix the car would be a lost cause for me. I guess all I can do it walk. I can’t let this get me down though, I have to continue.

I started to walk down this long road. I was in the middle of nowhere; I could not see the road where I came from, nor could I see the cave I was trying to find.


After hours...literally hours of walking, I finally started to see something before me. After a few short minutes I got close enough to see what it was. There was a large hole in the ground. Was this the so-called cave? I guess I was expecting a giant rock sticking out of the ground with an entrance on it. I almost wanted to start laughing because its almost as this was a joke. I should have figured this would not be the traditional cave. At least I can say that I was in a good mood and willing to see what is down there. I looked up from the hole and realized there were holes all around from where I was standing! They were all identical in size to the one that was in front of me. I wonder if something dug these holes. The thing that was most interesting about them; was the fact that they were all perfect circles.

It could not simply be an act of nature that all of those holes got there, something had to make them! Regardless, I knew I would not get to the next element by just standing around looking at holes. I guess...I would have to jump in one. I knew this had to be the cave and I knew this is where the next element lay. I silently said to myself, “I once heard that good wits will jump...”. Just before I was getting ready to jump, I continued. “I guess its time to prove my sanity.” I jumped.

It was a dark descent. There seemed to be no end. Nothing but darkness. I could feel the gravity pushing me down. To be honest, falling in pitch black was the last of my concerns. I started to question myself as to why I am doing this. Why would I travel around looking for gems? Sure, they were magic...but was it really worth it? Am I just wasting my time with these ponies? I could restart and live a normal life. Maybe I could find some good friends...maybe a wife... Should I just...give up? I feel as though the weight of questions has grown to cruel to bear. What will truly make me happy? Just to find the peaceful world called Equestria, or maybe just to hold a little filly? After all of the deceitful people I have had in my life, this is what I need. I need just a little glimmer of hope, hope that only an innocent pony can give.

Maybe...If I just had a little faith...

Suddenly, I saw a light slowly forming below me. The light was catching up to me fast. Before I knew it I met the light, and landed on a very hard and dirty ground. But for some reason, it did not even hurt. Magic was the only explanation again I suppose.

Now that I’m in this cave, with no apparent way out...I had to do what I came for. The element. I checked my other elements to see if they were humming or giving off light to point me into the right direction, but there was no indication that they were. From what I could see in the cave, there was really no light source. There was a mild light so I could slightly see, but it seemed to come from no where. I pulled out my flashlight from my backpack, but the stupid thing was not working. It must have a dead battery; I forgot to buy a new battery from the last adventure. I started a slow strut into an opening. The ceiling was pretty high up, so I don’t think that I will be getting claustrophobic in here. This definitely is a cave made by hands. There is no machine that could do this; it almost looks like shovels were used. But the strange thing is that there were claw marks all over the ground and walls. Could someone have dug this up with their claws, and if so...why?

I continued to walk further down the corridor. The rooms just seemed to be a repeat of the last room I was just in. The same eerie glow was in each room too, and still no light source to be found. I kept walking a little more down until I finally came upon a larger room then the rest. There were old rail carts on their retired tracks and rusted chains strewn across the floor. Just by looking at these I could tell that this cave is extremely old. I walked closer to the cart and peered in. Gems. There were all sorts of colors, it looked like a rainbow in the cart. But...they were already cut. Would someone cut these or...wait...

It all makes sense...the cave, the claw marks on the walls, the already cut colored gems. Could I be standing in the Diamond Dogs cave? This is just what it looked like in the show! I quickly rushed over to a wall and started digging to see if there were more gems in the walls like there was in the show...and sure enough! There were about five gems, already cut and in a bunch sitting there! In just a couple days I have seen two instances where Equestria and the real world collide in one! It’s just amazing...people can sit at home and never go on an adventure and miss out on so much! Do they not see what they can find! I know ponies exist!

I wonder if the actual Diamonds Dogs are here, although that would be a long shot because this place looks pretty worn down and unused. But, at least there is a chance that the next element might be here.


Huh? That was odd, that sounded like a rock...

Suddenly without even being able to think there was a large rumble and thunderous crashing.

The cave was collapsing.

As rocks were falling from the ceiling I frantically looked for somewhere to hide. I sprinted in the direction from where I first dropped into the cave while pebbles and rocks were hitting my face. Suddenly, giant boulders rolled in front of me so I could not advance any further! As I was turning around I saw that I could no longer backtrack either as the hallway was filled with rubble.

I was stuck.

I looked up to see if I would be able to climb over the rubble but instead I saw rocks large enough to kill me falling from above me. I quickly jumped out of the way, losing my backpack in the process...


My head crashed against the stone wall. In a subconscious state, I dragged my self under a little opening in the wall...maybe I could protect myself from the falling rocks there. Head throbbing and not fully aware were I was, I reached my hand to the top of my head. I touched the top and it stung like crazy. I brought my hand back down to eye level so I could look at it. Blood. My hand was covered with blood.

I looked over to a fallen rock pile to see that the strap of my backpack was stuck underneath them. As the rocks still crashed before me, I thought, “This will be my resting place, it was.....” before I could finish my thoughts, I backed out.



Well, I was still alive. I could tell that my body was battered and bruised, it hurt just to move an inch. My head was still throbbing in pain. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't do that just yet. The light hurt my eyes too much..

Wait!? Light? Even though it felt like my eyes were on fire when I opened them...there was definitely a light coming from one of the chambers in the cave. What was this...I wanted to jump up as fast as I could to go see what this light was, but my body would not allow me do so. Not only that...but there were boulders everywhere that I would have to climb.

But I can’t just lay here! Who knows what that light could be! It might be the next element!

I put my hands against the floor to lift my self off the ground. The pain was unbearable but I couldn’t give up. I looked at the ground only to see my own blood dripping from my scalp. I closed my eyes at the sight of it, I couldn’t think about it. I had to have a mindset of what I came here originally to do. The Element.

After about a minute of struggling and stumbling, I got to my feet and was able to stand. I got my backpack unstuck from underneath the rocks and started taking slow, painful steps towards the light. The burning blaze of the light pierced my eyes, but after adjusting to the light, I was able to see a figure...it was almost like a ghost...

It appeared to have four legs along with a very long tail and a...mane. I rubbed my eyes. I saw wings! I saw hooves!

It is a pony!

All the pain I had in my body disappeared as I started to get closer to the pony. A long pink mane and tail along with radiant yellow fur.

It was Fluttershy!

“Fluttershy!” I yelled as loud as I could while running as fast as I could towards her. “Hey!” She didn’t seem to take notice. Why couldn't she hear me?

My hand was reached out to just touch her, but just as I was about to, she suddenly whisked away to not be seen anymore. The light also vanished as she did. My hand was outreached at where she once stood. I stood staring at my hand for about 2 minutes.

“I was so close,” I whispered. Tears started forming in my eyes, “...I just want to feel them, I want to know they are real.” I brought my open hand back closer to myself so I could look at it. I quickly made a fist out of it. “It’s not fair... Why does this have to be so hard?”

Suddenly, all the pain came back physically and emotionally. I felt the blood dripping from my head once again.

Here I was, sitting in a cave that I was stuck in, all battered up and dealing with false hope in the form of pony silhouettes.

A gust of wind rushed past my body from behind me, I sharply looked around to see the Fluttershy ghost again. This time though, it felt like she was trying to get my attention...she was directing towards something. I wanted to run up to Fluttershy, but I felt like I shouldn’t...like that’s not what she wanted me to do? “F-Fluttershy?” I said, not really sure what else to do. She lifted her head a bit at the sound of her voice. She then lifted her hoof to point towards me almost as if she was telling me to go in that direction.

I thought to myself...

”In all my years, I have been looking for you Fluttershy, and yet, you tell me to go the other way.” I stared at her for a bit longer, she appeared as a ghost, however, she had a very serious look on her face. I just wanted to go up to her and feel that she is real.

But I know this is not what she wants. At least I can say that it was a miracle to see her in my world right now. I don’t think that she would want me to be unhappy so...and much as it grieves me...I did as she requested.

I started to turn my back towards her, but half way in doing so. I looked back at her and said, “Just know...you will always have a place here...” I placed my hands over my heart, as my eyes were filled with tears knowing that I was turning away from what I seeked. “...and, I love you.” As I spoke those last words, she lifted her head completely. Her eyes met mine, and she smiled at me. Shorty after, with a smile still on her face...she vanished once again. I knew that this time, that she most likely would not be coming back...

I continued forward with new found confidence and determination.

I walked in the way she directed, head throbbing still. My shirt was covered in blood from my head injury, and there were little cuts on my arms and legs. I looked around the area where Fluttershy pointed. Nothing. I began to stroll in the corridor to the right of me, when suddenly I heard something.


It was crumbling rocks. It sounded like the cave was crashing down again in a different area of the cave, but the noise was creeping my way. It was heading for me, and I was not sure I could escape the force of the rocks showering on me a second time.

I did only what my human nature could do. I ran. I had no idea where I was even running to, but it’s all I knew to do. I stumbled on little rocks as I ran but was able to keep my balance. The rocks crashing down were creeping closer...and closer. I was not sure if I would be able to escape my fate this time.

While hurrying in no general direction, something caught my eye...well actually a couple things. I first saw a speck of light...daylight. I also saw a tiny figure next to that speck of light. Upon closer examination...it was a little girl curled up in a ball, and appeared to be sobbing.

Without even thinking I ran up to the little girl to see if she was alright. She had a yellow dress on with butterflies on it; yet she was also dirty, and all scratched up. She must’ve been in here when the cave collapsed too.

I lightly put my hand on her arm, and whispered “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of here.” It seemed to comfort her a little bit, but she still did not lift up her face. But the rocks were still coming closer, and I didn’t have anymore time to waste.

I focused my attention on the speck of light, that might be our only speck of hope on getting out of here. I didn’t have any tools, so I will have to use what was given to me. My hands. I started scraping away at the dirt and moving the rocks. My body was sore and beaten, but my spirit was strong. Not only did I have to save myself, I had to save this mysterious little girl.

The light was getting bigger...but not fast enough. I could start seeing outside of it and it was definitely outdoors. I could start hearing the the rocks collapsing behind me...they were close...and I was out of time.

I could either keep digging and hope I could get it large enough so both me and the little girl could fit, or I could take the time to assist the little girl through the hole before the rocks get to us.

The rocks were extremely close, the whole cave was falling apart.

I looked at the girl quickly, and I knew what I had to do. She still had an entire life full of opportunity. I have lived my adventure; I knew I would be doing the right thing.

I quickly brushed her up in my arms, and brought her over to the hole so she could escape. I told her “When you get out, run, don’t look back.” She nodded in agreement with her hair covering most of her face. She was just barely able to squeeze into the hole and get outside. She ran and did not look back, just as I instructed. I was relieved knowing that she would be alright.

Now I had to dig a hole big enough for myself. I quickly turned around to see how much time I had...the rocks were falling, right behind me.

Out of time.

I was going to die.

Out of nowhere a gemstone came flying out with an extreme light that was vibrantly pulsing. The pink gem was floating in front of me; it was in the shape of a butterfly. The Element of Kindness. The gem gave off a light that started to surround me. The rocks came down upon us but the light shimmering around me served as a shield. I was in awe. I was being protected. Yet I did not have time to stare; I had to get myself out of here.

I turned back around and continued digging. What I eventually created was a hole large enough that I could fit through. I climbed in and wiggled my way though. I made it to the end and did a face plant on the ground that resharpened my head injury. I glanced back through the hole to see and hear the rocks filling in the rest of the cave. I could not see the Element; but I honestly owe that gemstone my life.

I stepped backwards from the hole, when something tapped me on the back. I quickly turned around to see the Element of Kindness floating in front of me once again. I was in too much pain to do a proper celebration. I snatched the gem and placed it in my backpack with the others. All my pain came shooting back at me. Not only that, but the fatigue and blood loss took its course. I collapsed to my knees now realizing that I used up all my strength.

I was not sure if this was my last adventure, but I knew this one was definitely the hardest. Also the most rewarding, saving a little girl from peril and taking sight of some sort of ghost Flutte...

Before I could finish my thought, I blacked out.