• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 6,249 Views, 82 Comments

Old Birds with Sharp Teeth - Megalomart13

Displaced from his world and found in another, he has worked hard to build a life for himself. Only to have it taken from him from the ignorant and frightened. Join him as he takes back what is his. Set in the 'Humans Acting Villainous' uni

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Chapter Two: Old Friends, Fresh Hatred

Super Chapter Two power activate! Energy sparkle power start! Super force Go Go! …yeah, I’ll start the chapter now. Have to admit, not entirely happy with this one... make sure to tell me what you guys think.

Chapter Two: Old Friends, Fresh Hatred

“WHAT?” the assembled ponies cried as one.

“She said that-” Luna began, only to be stopped by her sister.

“I think they mean how SkekUng is responsible for Sombra’s deeds, sister.” The Solar Princess smiled.

“Oh, ah, of course.” Luna smiled sheepishly.

“Wait, wait, Princess… you’re saying that Sombra is this bird guy’s fault?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Not directly. But in a very real way, yes. You see, SkekUng was banished over fifteen hundred years ago, thus making him one of our oldest foes. Before Sombra, before Tirek, before even Discord. As such it was not SkekUng personally who allowed Sombra to rise to power through his mastery of the dark arts, but rather the knowledge SkekUng left behind…” Celestia said wistfully.

“What, so Sombra found this feller’s diary or somethin’?” asked Applejack with a raised eyebrow.

The two sisters chuckled. Despite the dire situation, they could always count on the Elements to shine a bit of light on the gloom.

“Not exactly. As we said, before his imprisonment, SkekUng was a trusted ally to not only us, but all of ponykind. Including the ponies of old that originally discovered the Crystal Heart deep in the frozen north.” The Princess of the Moon elaborated.

“The original founders of the Crystal Empire?” Cadence asked with a look of wonder.

“Yes. SkekUng was a great friend to them. How could he not be? His fascination with crystals drew him in like a moth to a flame. He came often to study and experiment and while he was there… he taught. He guided. He spread knowledge. Especially to a particular unicorn family.” Celestia explained.

“SkekUng taught them his own brand of crystal magic, claiming it was to make their lives easier, he said he pitied the lives the early crystal ponies had in the harsh tundra. It was thanks to their new found powers over crystals and the earth that allowed them to properly found the Empire, by building the crystal city and opening dozens of crystal mines. It was not long after that these unicorns were decreed by popular demand as the ruling family of the Crystal Empire, royal regents to the throne of Equestria.” Luna said, a faraway look in her eyes as she and her sister spun the tale.

“It was only later that we discovered that it was during this time when SkekUng’s mind and knowledge began to darken. His knowledge was corrupt and was able TO corrupt. Very easily, as we later found out.” Celestia ended mournfully.

“So… these unicorns were Sombra’s ancestors?” asked Fluttershy.

“Correct, my little pony. And it was he, many years later, who used the dark core of what SkekUng had taught his family. The corrupting seed of his knowledge took a long time to flourish… but when it did, it burst forth into a weed of blackest evil.” Celestia replied.

“But did this Skeky guy KNOW his knowhow was all outta whack?” asked Pinkie Pie curiously.

“We have spent many years asking ourselves that same question, Bearer of Laughter. To this day we are not sure if SkekUng was aware of the dangers his knowledge posed and cared not, if perhaps he sought to actively corrupt our little ponies, or if he truly only wished to help.” Luna said wistfully.

“So… if he taught the ancestors of who would become the crystal ponies, is SkekUng some kind of… crystal wizard?” asked Rarity curiously.

“In a way. But SkekUng cannot harness magic for the use of spells himself. He has always had to rely on others to implement his knowledge or use workarounds when dealing with magical research. And he never restricted himself to just crystal experiments. His fields of research spanned far and wide.” Celestia revealed to the elements, although she seemed reluctant to compliment her enemy.

Twilight nodded silently as she stroked her chin with her hoof, her eyes downcast in thought.

“Something wrong Twily?” Shining asked.

“Huh? Oh, er no. I was just hoping this SkekUng turns out to be reasonable… he sounds like a fascinating pon- er, being. And quite the scientist! Ooooo… I bet he has a bunch of magical research from ancient times. I’d love to compare and correlate it with today’s scientific endeavors! So many points of reference… Eeeeee!” She squealed excitedly.

The assembled ponies all laughed at their friend’s antics before Celestia gained their attention with a soft cough.

“I hope time has quelled SkekUng’s rage and stifled his darkness as well Twilight… we can always hope. But come… we must make our way to SkekUng’s prison within the Hollow Shades Woods. We may be able to find him not far from it if we are fortunate.”

After I had exited those infernal woods that had housed my prison, I found myself surrounded by clear countryside and beautiful fields. A welcome change, in my opinion. It was not long before I managed to find a dirt road and shambled down it at a brisk pace, well, brisk for me. It was realistically a less than a mile an hour shuffle.

In my defense, you try being about two thousand years old and see if moving quickly is an easy task for you.

I grumbled quietly to myself as I continued eastwards, dictated by the stars and their wisdom. I may not recognize their locations, but I could dictate the directions with them. And that, I decided, was a small victory at least.

I was hoping I’d be able to find something soon that could hurry me along. A cart, a caravan, anything. I wasn’t picky at this point. Perhaps trains or cars had even been invented in my absence. But until then I was content to just limp my way forward, enjoying the euphoric sense of freedom as my Garthim followed close behind.

I still couldn’t accept I was free... not fully. It still almost felt like a grand dream. Like I would wake up any second and I’d find myself back in that rancid cave. Continuing to fall apart and rot away into nothing. Surrounded by my failed Garthim, reflecting my own failures… alone again.

I dearly hoped this would not be the case. So many years lost in that hell… more than three quarters of my current life… gone…

Over the years I had I cursed myself slightly… even if the majority of the blame was on those thrice-damned sisters, I could not hide the shame of my own part in my imprisonment… my part in EVER trusting those winged devils to begin with.

My griffons warned me… so long ago. They told me I didn’t need them… told me I was above their friendship. I should have listened… I shouldn’t have gone to that damned ‘meeting’.

Speaking of my griffons however…

As I continued down the road, my mind wandered to and fro. Coming up with plan upon plan on how to reclaim my kingdom. There were many challenges of honor I could issue, if I could prove I was who I claimed… my Garthim would hopefully help with that. Or I could go about it simply by inspiring the people… the power of love from adoring subjects is a powerful thing. One I admit I used to great effect in the past.

I sighed sadly at that. I missed my proud griffons. I missed them dearly. I missed their company. Their culture. Their personalities.

They were a proud, loyal and if you earned their respect, friendly race. I was also insanely curious to not only how they had held up since I was… ‘away’, but also on how they had evolved. Were they as I remembered them? Had their social structure changed? …did they even have an empire anymore?

That was a worrying thought.

I sighed once more… so much to worry about, so much to plan. So much to ensure that my griffons had the best future possible… I chuckled to myself. Back in the human world, I had never been the leader type of guy…

But here, hardly two hours out of my prison and already I was worrying about my griffons like a mother hen… an ugly mother hen, admittedly.

I wondered what that truly said about me, as I drifted once more into my memories, remembering that ass of a merchant that was responsible for transporting me to this world to begin with.

How I’d like to get my hands on him…

Another world, another age… again…

Justin and I were enjoying Comic Con immensely. It was one of the best times I honestly think I’ve ever had. The costumes, the food, the people, the videos, the merchandise, it was AMAZING!

And much to my chagrin, Justin had been right. There were A LOT of girls in… pleasing outfits, shall we say? And Justin, being a decent looking guy and dressed as a crowd favorite, was catching quite a few eyes from them. Something he enjoyed rubbing in my face. Bloody bastard, heh.

My own costume did not attract the female persuasion as much as I would have liked. And on top of that, it was hot, heavy, complicated and insanely tiring to carry around. But it was worth it in my opinion because despite not getting any female attention, I was getting DOZENS of compliments for my craftsmanship and original idea. And that was more than enough for me.

Justin and I stayed close together through most of the convention until something caught his eye that he just couldn’t ignore.

“Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, du-” Justin nearly shouted over and over as we walked through the crowds.

“WHAT?!” I asked a bit harshly.

“Dude, there’s a booth with all kinds of Hellsing shit over there! Oooo! They have the manga, I gotta go see if they got some of the issues I don’t have.” He explained, already fumbling with his wallet.

“Justin, mate, the panel for the new planned dubbed series’ is starting soon.” I said with a slightly exasperated tone.

“I won’t be a minute.” He implored.

“A minute? Really?” I said skeptically.

“Two minutes… fine, five minutes. Five minutes tops. I PROMISE!” he pleaded.

“Fine, just go!” I relented.

“Yosh!” he cried.

I chuckled to myself as he practically skipped along. As he went about his business I looked about at the different stalls and booths, selling nearly everything you could imagine.

“Ah… what have we here…” I heard a sly voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw a small booth carrying a huge amount of paraphernalia from dozens of different series. There was Luffy’s straw hat, Akatsuki robes, dozens of fantasy swords and sci-fi guns, Harry Potter’s wand, Finn’s bear hat, Gandalf’s staff, some N7 commando armor, a pair of Sais, some steampunk goggles, I even saw the Eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, along with so much more.

Manning the booth was a small, cheerful looking man in dark clothes. He was short and… huh… I… can’t really remember what he looked like… odd. Ah well. What really mattered wasn’t his looks… but his damnable products.

“Well, well… the mighty General of the Skeksis… an honor. An honor to be sure.” He said as he bowed slightly.

I couldn’t help but grin at the funny little man who not only knew what I was supposed to be, but was also into it enough to act the part. I laughed softly and decided to play along. I placed one hand on my costume’s hip and used my other hand and unseen prop tool to nod my bird-like head in a satisfied manner.

“Ah! But alas! It seems the great SkekUng is without a weapon! That can’t be allowed.” He said as he disappeared behind his stall and reappeared not a moment latter.

And he carried one of the coolest swords, I had ever seen.

It was a perfect replica of one of the ‘Trial by Stone’ dueling swords that the Skeksis used in the movie. It was nearly as tall as me and the blade wicked, curved and incredibly detailed. I fell in love with it right then and there.

“Surely the General must have his weapon to defend his honor.” The peddler smiled.

“Heh, sorry dude. I don’t have much money on me. Definitely not enough to buy a beauty like that.” I said, nearly poking my head out of the costume.

“Well that is a pity… but… why not just hold it? Just for a moment? And if it suits you as much as I think it will… well, I’m sure we could come to SOME sort of deal.” He said with a chuckle.

I had to admit, the guy had a convincing air about him and he was right. There was no harm in holding it… and it went with the costume SO perfectly!

“Well… yeah, I guess.” I said as I eagerly grasped the long hilt of the sword.

I was so entranced… I very nearly missed the smirk of victory on the trader’s face.

“Enjoy yourself, my good buzzard. Try to have fun, yeah?” he asked.

And it was at that moment my vision blurred and I felt more pain than I had ever felt before. I felt myself stumble, and fall… I fell… so hard, farther than I had ever fallen before and- HALT!

…wait, what?


The dual-voiced order carried through the air and sliced through my memories with the painful edge of a dull razor. At once I froze in my tracks, my eyes wide and my hands trembling. Not because of the order itself… but because of the two voices that had ushered it into the world.

I knew those voices.

My body stiffened, my heart clenched in my chest, my blood froze in my veins… and hatred began filling every inch of my body. My head snapped upwards and there I saw them… clear as crystal, bold as brass… my hated betrayers and jailors… the Two Royal Sisters.

I glowered at the two ponies in the air before me, fury rising in my soul and bile rising in my throat. They fluttered in the air for a brief moment, high above my reach, before descending gracefully and landing only a few feet away from me.

As they landed I noticed that there was another with them… one about Luna’s height and with a coat so pink it was on the verge of hurting my eyes. I must have been so caught up with the shock and irritation of seeing the ones who ruined my life that I didn’t notice her before now. But I would have been a fool to miss her now, blatantly sporting the obvious wing and horn combo.

Another Alicorn? After all these years? Interesting… and very bad news for me.

I had studied Alicorns, what little of them there were to study in my time.

Despite the claims of the creatures of this world, they are not deities. Immortal, yes. Intelligent, oh yes. Powerful, without question. But they are NOT gods. They are killable, they are fallible and they are far from perfect. I learned that firsthand many years ago.

Although I grudgingly admit demigod is perhaps an appropriate classification. You see why I was not eager for another one as an enemy?

We stared at one another for what felt like hours, each one of us analyzing the other, each one of us trying to determine what to do in this situation we now found ourselves in.

I looked at them, my eyes blazing and fangs bared. I raised my hand alerting my Garthim behind me to prepare. Which it did by beginning to snap it’s crab claw threateningly and letting forth a menacing rumble from deep within it’s carapace.

I saw the Alicorns eye my Garthim with care, a look of familiarity passing over the guardians of the sun and moon. I snarled as I took a closer look at them.

They hadn’t aged at all. Celestia and Luna. Ever since that horrible day… all those years ago… and not a year of it upon their faces. How must I have looked to them, I wonder? Old, withered, decayed and decrepit… an old buzzard with hardly any life in his bones.

And they did this to me! They did this, and they have the nerve to appear before me… here, now, looking like that! Mocking me with their naturally ageless bodies!

Damn them… damn them both!

Luna, Celestia… ” I snarled savagely, my fury not accurately conveyed even a third by my tone.

I could feel the webbed quills on my back rise in anger, the same reflex as a cobra spreading its hood in deadly warning. My tail began thrashing slowly, thumping the ground enough to nearly crack the earth below me. My arms were spread wide in an aggressive, claw-like gesture and my beak creaked open as I growled through my fangs. I was ready to strike… I WANTED to strike.

They were here… these two horrid creatures that had cost me everything.

Sooner than expected as well… and I worried slightly at that. I was hoping I’d have more time. But if the universe decreed that they should die this night instead of the near future, who was I to disagree?

“SkekUng… time has not been kind to you.” Celestia said with a stoic face and strong demeanor.

I hissed in resentment. How dare she be so calm… so nonchalant? After what she did… after what she said… after what she put me through! I looked at Luna and saw that she at least had the dignity to look a bit unsure of herself. Perhaps even a bit concerned… for me? No, surely not. Concerned for nothing more than her sister and the safety of her land… blasted bitches, the both of them!

“Well, forgive me, oh princesses for my… unsightly appearance. It is difficult to look your best when you’re chained below a mountain for fifteen hundred years. A living hell like no other!” I hissed out.

A brief look of uncertainty passed over the white Alicorn’s features before being replaced with her former, strong demeanor. Interesting… I decided to press on.

“Without food… water… light… comfort… companionship! Forced to watch my clothes decay, my body rot and my mind slowly slip into madness! Starving every day to the point of insanity… I nearly, VERY nearly wished for death, oh so many times. And you… YOU did this to me!” I hissed again as I slowly began to limp around them, always facing them, always keeping my eyes on them.

They matched my maneuvers and slowly, we began to circle one another and I realized in the back of my mind that we were each trying to figure out which of us was the predator… and which the prey.

My Garthim matched my movements perfectly. It recognized danger to it’s master and was preparing to strike, it’s eyes never once leaving the Alicorns, tracing their movements with precision. Once more, as I had done many times over the years, I praised myself on such marvelous creations.

“You did this to yourself, SkekUng. Did you think we would turn a blind eye to what you were doing? Your sick experiments? Your unnatural magic? Your horrid, twisted means of which you used to achieve your bastard immortality?” Celestia questioned and I could see here wings twitching and nostrils flaring.

She was mad… very good. Mad ponies do not think clearly, mad ponies make mistakes. I however, was used to being mad and operating in rage… all I had to do was make sure my anger was directed at something that I could hurt.

“I thought that since we were friends, after all I had helped you achieve, you would understand. At least TRY to understand! I did nothing that harmed you or your pathetic ponies. What I was doing was within my own borders. Within my OWN empire! You had no right to object or interfere!” I spat. Literally spat. Globs of spittle landed not too far from the royal sister’s hooves.

“No right?! What you were doing was unnatural! Evil! It went against the laws of nature itself! The rules of magic! Your gruesome construct behind you is proof of that! It was you who had no right!” Celestia nearly screamed.

“And is that why you did it? Called me to a ‘private meeting’? Lied to me? Betrayed me? Hurt me, wounded me and locked me away from my lands and subjects? You are nothing more than hypocrites! Where do you think all the aid I gave you came from? From my ‘sick and twisted’ experiments! Without them where would you be?” I countered in hate.

“If we had known, we never would have accepted!” Celestia fumed.

“If you had not accepted, you would be DEAD!” I snapped cruelly.


It was the pink one who spoke now, and I must say I was impressed. I did not expect one so small could yell so loudly. All eyes turned to her and she looked sheepish for a brief second before returning to her royal façade.

“I mean, this arguing is only leading us in circles… kind of like this little dance we’re doing.” The pink one said slowly, evenly.

I raised an eye-ridge at her curiously and barked out a laugh.

“And you are?”

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire.” She replied with a curt bow of her head.

My eyes widened at that. The Crystal Empire? The best of my side projects? It was still around? It was still being cared for? The Crystal Ponies were safe? …well, that was good news at least.

“The Crystal Empire? You? Hmmm… figures. You Alicorns always did have to have your hooves in ruling everything… tell me, are you even descended from the House of Nightfall?” I asked, pointing a gnarled finger at her.

“No… a-at least, not exactly.” She said with a slight stammer.

“Not exactly?” I asked.

Who was this foolish mare that was running one of my greatest achievements? Was she caring for the crystal ponies? Did she know of the true power and the danger of the Crystal Heart? What was this nonsense?

“Who are you then? Who are you to rule the city I left in the care of Umbra Nightfall? Are you at least taking good care of it? I shan’t have my hard work go down the drain!” I said sternly to her, not overly mean mind you, but I was very protective about my work.

You’re hard work?” she asked, confused.

I blinked slowly before turning my gaze back towards the Two Sisters. My hate returning and set ablaze anew.

“You didn’t tell her… you probably haven’t told ANYONE… have you? To what lengths have you gone, Princesses, to hide me from history? Are there ANY that remember my actions in the north? Any that remember my contributions to the world?” I hissed the question out like poison.

The pink Alicorn look at her two elders with a quizzical expression. I watched in grim confirmation as they ignored her.

“Enough… we are getting off track. SkekUng, former Emperor of the Griffons. You have escaped from your imprisonment, but we have not come to reseal you… we have come to ask something of you.” Celestia said, her face still the stern one of a determined leader.

I bared my fangs once more at the ‘former emperor’ remark. I had known Celestia long enough to know that had been a hidden jab at my pride.

“Ask something of me? ASK something of ME?! After what you did, after what you said, after your BETRAYAL… WHAT, pray tell, do you think I would say to you?” I frowned deeply, my wrinkled visage adding to my glaring effect.

“SkekUng, you may hate us, but we truly believed what we did at the time was for the best. For our ponies and for your griffons… perhaps we were wrong, but what is past is passed… as far as we are concerned you have served your time… so please. There is no more need for hate.” Luna said slowly.

Her voice was full of concern and her eyes filled with compassion. I imagined tearing out her throat and devouring her eyes.

“We can be friends again. We… I would like that. You can return to your griffons, perhaps not as ruler but… there is still so much you can teach the world. In better ways. Please… please do not hate us.” Luna said slowly and evenly, obviously trying to keep her own emotions under control.

I would admire her for that. If I didn’t hate her SO MUCH.

“How dare you… how DARE you?! You think that after all this time we can still be friends? We can just put the past aside as if nothing happened?!” I hissed as my eyes snapped wide, and I lunged forward in a mad dash of speed, my withered yet powerful hands clawing wildly at the air ahead of me.

The royal ponies backed away quickly, none apparently were eager to test how my strength had fared these many centuries.

Smart move.

“And you dare… DARE dictate terms to me?! After what you did? You BETRAYED me Luna! You and your vile sister both! I did NOTHING wrong to you or your ponies! All I did was continue to live! To find new paths of power! To help my griffons! If what I did went against magic and nature then let magic and nature themselves judge me! Punish me! Let the world itself swallow me whole! But you are not the world! You are not her will nor her judgment! You are not gods! You had no right… and now you DARE… DARE offer me the friendship YOU threw away, laced with thinly veiled THREATS?!”

I swiped at them again, and again they quickly fled backwards, this time with their horns alight.

“SkekUng, stop this!” Luna pleaded. She was worried, good. Neither of them expected me to still be this quick on my feet.

“HATE! HATE FOREVER!” I cried as I lunged once more, quicker than before and this time managed to snag one of them. To my great pleasure it was Celestia I had managed to grab firmly by the back of the neck and without a seconds hesitation I began to squeeze tightly, relishing her shouts and yelps of pain as she flailed in my grip.

Her hooves flailed slightly as I slowly lifted her off the ground. I grinned as I discovered my thin, frail arm sill possessed more strength then she did in her entire body. Her horn was alight in a mad attempt to form a means to escape, but the world of pain I was slowly introducing her to was more than enough to distract her mind from forming a proper spell.

Just a bit more… just a bit more and… SNAP!

“Auntie!” the pink one, Cadenza, called.

Auntie? Interesting… I filed that little piece of information away for later. However my thirst for this wench’s immortal blood would not be satisfied this day, unfortunately.

“Sister!” Luna cried as she fired a bolt magical lightning at my offending hand.

It hit soundly and I hissed in pain as I was forced to withdraw my limb, nursing my shocked hand as it slowly grew less numb. I looked it over as steam slowly rose from my flesh.

I loved my body. I truly did. Withered and weak it may have been at the moment, but if I were any other creature, a creature without a resistance to these ponies foul magic, my hand would be gone then and there.

I had little time to nurse my wound however. Another bolt of magic destroyed a patch of earth not far from where I was standing, and this time it was I who was forced to back away.

My Garthim acted at once. The second I had been it hit, it had exited it’s ‘stand-by mode’ and entered it’s ‘destroy offenders’ mode. It shambled forward, claws raised and swing violently. I watched in amusement as the pink one fired a ray of energy at my deadly Garthim. It connected with it’s shell and caused it to stagger slightly but other than that it hardly had any affect at all.

The Garthim raised it’s giant claw once more and attempted to sprint forward and crush them… but I had other ideas.

“Enough!” I cried, raising my hand.

My Garthim stopped at once, lowering it’s arms as it slowly shuffled backwards and stood once more at my side.

They would be punished one day… but not today. Deadly as it was, only one of my mighty Garthim was no match for THREE Alicorns. It was hardly a match for ONE Alicorn. It had served me well so far, and I still had use for it. As such I had no desire to see it atomized by the combined magical might of three demigods.

I watched as Celestia composed herself, coughing violently and rubbing her now bruised throat with a tender hoof as her sister and apparent niece tried to comfort her.

I snarled as I turned to leave as fast as I was able, which unfortunately wasn’t very fast now that I had used up a great deal of my limited stamina in this little scuffle.

“SkekUng! Halt! We ask you again… please, forgo this anger you have. We can live in Harmony again.” Luna called again.

I stopped mid-step before looking over my shoulder. I was still enraged beyond belief, but I knew I could not win this day. Not until I had my griffons and my youth back… I looked at my loyal creation already beginning to follow me. And more Garthim. A LOT more Garthim.

“You betrayed me, Luna. YOU betrayed ME. Not the other way around, so stop acting like the victims. My experiments, my sciences, ‘sick and twisted’ as it they be… has helped this world more than you care to admit. And it has surely helped ME a hell of a lot! My only crime is living, Princess… if you would damn me for that, then you are the monsters! Not I!” I cried before once more shambling forward.

“Is that your final answer?” asked Celestia, I could not see it on her face at the time… but I swear I heard victory in her condescending voice.

I did not reply. I just kept walking. They would get theirs. But not today.

“So be it. NOW!”

I blinked in surprise when the air shimmered around me and a bright flash illuminated the area. I narrowed my eyes as I saw I was now surrounded by no less than fifteen more ponies. I growled as I saw the majority of them were royal guards… well played Princess. Offer peace with one hand, ready a weapon with the other. It seemed that little lesson I taught them so long ago was still fresh in their minds.

I quickly took in my opponents. Eight royal guards, all of them pegasi, dressed in a different model of armor than I was used to seeing. Hmmm… have they advanced significantly during my imprisonment? I saw the spears strapped to their sides in a sophisticated harness in a lance-like fashion. Good metalwork, but still limited melee weapons. Advanced, yes… but not by much.

One that stood out amongst their number however. A unicorn, male, and was dressed in a light violet and blue armor. Hmph… looked more fanciful than practical. I hated that. If you make something pretty, you should also make it functional if it’s meant to be used.

It was the final six however, that I noticed the most. They stood out like stars amongst they black of the night sky and these six sent alarm bells sounding loudly in my head for some reason. A reason I’d find out soon enough.

These six were mares, each one as different as day and night from one another.

Two were earth ponies, one orange and one pink. The orange one had a harsh look on her features and wore, to my amusement, a Stetson. The one in pink had a mane that reminded me of cotton candy, and her face seemed to be etched with a permanent smile.

There was unicorn as white as snow. She seemed refined and elegant, with a mane that rivaled even that of the celestial sisters. On her features was a look as if she was too good to be here.

Two more were pegasi, one yellow and one with quite an interesting prismatic mane. The yellow one was, quite frankly, adorable and seemed to wish to be anywhere else but here. The blue however seemed more than happy to be here, scratching the ground with a battle-ready look.

The final one nearly took my breath away, however. No not that way. In the way as I literally couldn’t believe what I saw.

Tall, confident, purple, with a twin-streaked mane… and a DISTINCT wing and horn combo… AGAIN.

ANOTHER Alicorn?! Dear god above, they were somehow breeding…

I will not deny, I was worried. Insanely so. But I still had my pride… as well as a trick or two up my thread-bare sleeve.

“And what have we here Celestia? Attack dogs? I thought you were better than that.” I cawed loudly.

“Did… did you just?! How DARE you, sir! I am a lady. Not some mutt.” The white unicorn said with an elegant flip of her mane.

“Uh, Rares. It’s a figure a’ speech.” The orange earth pony attempted to whisper.

“I know that! But it’s the principle of the thing! I mean really. Calling ponies as fabulous as us dogs! Why, I’ve never been so insulted!” The unicorn continued to whine.

“Rarity, focus.” The purple Alicorn cried.

I could only raise an eye-ridge at this. Who were these fools? Surely Celestia would not mingle them with her guard and send them at me without good reason… the said reason escaping me completely however.

“SkekUng, we give you this one final chance… please surrender.” Celestia spoke loudly, her voice carrying concern and compassion for the first time that night.

“To Tartarus with you and your chances, bitch.” I snapped.

Might have been a mistake on my part, that.

“How dare you?! Stallions, CHARGE!” the unicorn male cried out in outrage as he charged up a spell and ran forward, flanked by several of the guard ponies.

Two guards rushed me, their holstered spears aimed for my gut. I scoffed and readied myself, with precision and timing I easily caught the spears by their shafts, snapping the feeble things with a flick of my wrist before sending the guards flying by spinning around and hitting them in the face with my powerful tail.

This apparently did not sit well with the one in fancy armor, a captain of some sort perhaps? Regardless with a flash of magic he appeared before me and fired a beam of mana strait into my chest. Gritting my fangs in pain I endured the attack and quickly sprinted towards the fool. He apparently did not expect this as he could only gape at me before I reared my clawed foot back and let forth a mighty kick, punting the guard captain square in the gut and sending him skidding back, desperately trying to gulp down air.

“Garthim! Attack!” I cried loudly.

I hadn’t really needed to order it to do so, as it had already charged into the thick of it, dealing with the majority of the guards quite easily. It’s large claw smashed into them like a sledgehammer, battering and denting their armor. It’s clawed hand was also put to work as it snatched the ones it had just finished bashing like living nails and drove them further into the ground. All the while their pathetic hoof punches and spear strikes didn’t even leave the phantom of a scratch on it’s armored hide.

I sneered at the three princesses, my expression clearly asking ‘Is this the best you can do?

I was confused however as I saw the determined looks on Luna and the pink one, Cadenza, and the confident smirk of victory on Celestia. What was this? How could they be so sure of themselves? And what were they looking at- the mares!

I cursed myself for forgetting the six, supposedly unsuspecting mares and looked over quickly. What I saw left me speechless in a mixture of fear and awe.

The six mares were levitating in the air, an aura of incredible power now radiating off them like a thousand suns. I took a step back in unabashed fear. What was this? I had no idea. Before my very eyes they began to change… no… that word would be insufficient, near insulting to what they were doing...

They began to evolve.

Before my eyes the mares seemed to grow, as well as becoming adorned with larger and more powerful features. The wings of the pegasi and Alicorn grew, as did the horns of said Alicorn and her unicorn ally. Their manes became longer, larger and streaked with and assortment of beautiful colors. And their hooves became adorned with odd symbols that I could not make out from my current location.

At once their eyes shone with arcane might I had never seen the like of before and I could only stare as a huge… well, RAINBOW shot forth from their collective energy like judgement from some flamboyant deity.

It shot forth into the night sky with such speed and such brightness, for a moment it looked as if day had come to the area. With an even greater descending speed and the sound of air being sliced apart, the rainbow came barreling down… on me!

I shouted in surprise and horror as I felt the power wash over me.

This… energy… it was… unique, holy and powerful enough to be described as GODLY. And yet… it also felt… familiar? Yes… familiar. But how-

These thoughts were pushed from my mind however as terror took root. What was this? What were they doing? What would this rainbow do to me?!

I shielded my head in worry with my arms, and waited for whatever fate that lay in store for me as the colors completely engulfed my body…

Only for nothing to happen.

As fast as it had come the rainbow magic vanished, dissipating into the night air so quickly and so quietly, it was as if it had never been.

I blinked slowly before looking up once more, analyzing my form with a careful eye. I was expecting some new growth, or shackle… something! But there was nothing… nothing about me had changed at all. I was not sure to be relieved or incredibly disappointing.

Regardless, I was still the same old buzzard, in the same old body, in the same old robes. Huh.

I looked up and saw all the ponies gathered, save the guards who were still being occupied by my Garthim, look at me with faces of the utmost shock.

The three princess stared at me as if I had grown another head, or a third pair of arms, I already possessed a second pair, but they had atrophied with age.

The six ‘super ponies’ that had actually triggered the weapon were in a similar state of disbelief. So much so that their looks of astonishment didn’t change a single iota as a wave of energy engulfed each of them one by one and they resumed their normal appearances.

Whatever that was… it had failed. I had… won? I had won! Some kind of super magic weapon with power untold and I won!

I did what any other would do in that situation. I gloated.

“Bah ha ha! Is this the best you have to send after me Celestia? Spare me these cheap theatrics and come for me yourse- agggh!” I started, only to be cut off as a whole new flash of pain hit me.

During my ranting, a single pony had broken away from her shock, the rainbow mare, and had tackled me with the force of a cannonball. The blow very nearly toppled me over, and it stung my chest something awful. I was however, still standing and I would ensure this pest would curse that fact.

With a whole new rush of rage I thrust my arm out, snagging the little warrior by one of her forelegs. Tightening my grip nearly enough to snap her limb, I swung heavily sending her up and over my head and sailing head first into the ground. She shuffled to her hooves, eyes unfocused and stumbling over each step.

“You… you a-ain’t so tough! C-come on! We don’t need t-the Rainbow! Put ‘em up!” she cried as she began jabbing her hooves into the empty air to my left.

I sneered as I grabbed the prismatic peon and with a great thrust, took aim and lobbed her at her compatriots. Most of them scattered as the pony-bullet flew forward, except for one who apparently wasn’t quite quick enough; the cowgirl pony.

“No, no, no-” the orange mare shouted before the two crashed together in a jumbled heap.

“Little fools.” I snarled.

“ENOUGH!” I heard Luna’s booming voice cry.

My head snapped over to the Alicorns, the purple one now amongst them. The royals had so far stayed out of the conflict, perhaps hoping their guards and secret weapon could stand up to me on their own.

I watched in mute horror as all four Alicorns began gathering magical power… and I saw their target.

“No!” I cried.

Too late.

The demigods fired as one, the incredible magical blast shooting forward, punching a gaping hole strait through my beloved Garthim like a white-hot knife through butter. I watched as dust and shards of hard flesh fell from the wound, and the eyes of my construct dimmed before ceasing their usual, beautiful glow. A sound similar to that of shuffling sand filled the air and I watched my Garthim fall apart into pieces, it’s shining black shell fading into a dull grey. It’s empty husk now nothing more than the stone from which I had carved it.

Damnation… that one had served me well and without my Garthim I had no hope of fighting these ponies to even a standstill. I would eventually tire. These old bones only had so much left to give already…

I needed a way out. I needed a bargaining chip. I needed…

Then I saw her. I saw the butter yellow pegasus.

The one that had arrived with the princess and seemed to be part of the newfound weapon… she was apart from the others now… protected by a measly three guards who had recovered from their thrashing… I knew what I needed.

I needed a hostage.

I lunged out and grabbed a nearby guard by the back of the throat, spinning him around and tossing him with as much strength as I could muster at Celestia. Her eyes widened as she used her magic to catch the guard and set him down gently, but my ploy had worked. Two of the guards that had been with the yellow Pegasus had raced over to protect their princess.

I saw my opening.

With the last burst of speed I knew I’d be able to manage I dashed forward, knocking the one remaining guard away with a quick swipe of my arm in the process.

My target ‘eeped’ when she realized I was after her and attempted to take off, fortunately she did not appear to be the quickest flyer and I easily snatched her out of the air. I wrapped my limbs around her, one arm binding her forelimbs to her sides, while at the same time hugging her closely to my chest, locking her wings down and rendering them useless. My other arm was folded carefully, my hand wrapped firmly around her throat. Not enough to hurt her, not yet. But enough that with the simplest amount of pressure, or the quickest of gestures, I could easily snap her neck like a twig in the breeze.

I grinned with twisted pleasure as I saw the looks of horror, rage and worry on the ponies’ faces. Oh, especially the princesses. Oh yes… the look of shock that their perfect little plan didn’t work… I shall cherish it always.

“Well now… isn’t this a delightful change in circumstances?” I said slowly, calmly, in such a way that was so unlike me that it truly did concern the Alicorns present.

“Release her SkekUng! This fight is between us! Your quarrel is with US!” Celestia ordered, a hoof stamping the ground, cracking the earth beneath her.

“Oh Celestia, always the hypocrite. You demand mercy when you show none. You expect a fair fight when your entire history is full of ambushes and cheap tricks. My quarrel is with you, yes. And your pawns here when you set them on me. No, I do NOT think I will release this lovely young mare. But I might… consider it. If certain demands are met…” I hissed in a condescending manner as I backed away slowly, getting every single pony present in my field of view.

I will not lie. I was enjoying myself immensely. They deserved this.

“What do you want, SkekUng?” asked Luna, although she probably had a fair guess. She and her sister were no strangers to war, after all.

“I demand a chariot. One of those lovely royal chariots you no doubt used to transport your non-flying pawns here. And if I’m getting one of those, I’ll need two good drones to fly it for me.” I grinned maliciously.

I scanned the guards and pointed to two strong looking pegasi.

“Them. Those two shall do. Order them over here. No tricks, no attempts to free the mare, no chance to issue secret orders. Then order two more to fetch a chariot from wherever it is you’ve stashed them.” I said, my beak forming a snarl. I would not allow them to get the better of me… not this time.

“We cannot do that SkekUng… we know the first place you’ll go and we will not allow it.” Celestia said with narrowed eyes and determined look.

“Then this one dies… after a bit of pain.” I said as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

I slowly began to tighten my hand around the butter yellow pegasus’ neck, listening carefully for any creak of bone. Despite my bravado, I didn’t want her dead if it was avoidable. I was NOT a monster, although I’d be more than happy to allow myself to be painted as such if it meant I won in the end.

I must admit, I was unnerved as she gasped and choked in pain as I slowly cut off her oxygen supply. Every pained sound filled my heart with regret and it took every bit of my resolve to not release her, to not let her go… but I would not be defeated. I would take back what was mine.

I watched as Celestia’s stoic face slowly melted into that of worry and fear.

I grinned outwardly, inwardly cursing at what I would now have to do, before clamping my hand down sharply in one swift movement, nearly crushing the mare’s throat completely.

She let out a shrill, near noiseless scream and kicked her rear legs in a fruitless attempt to free herself. I could see the strange mares that had fired that rainbow abomination, now looking at me with such hate and disgust, I was surprised they did not attack me then and there. I chuckled as I saw that the blue mare with the rainbow mane was actively trying to attack me, but was being held down by two royal guards.

“One more chance Celestia… now then… let’s see here…” I released my grip on the pegasus’ neck and was about to repeat my crushing routine when Celestia snapped.

“Stop! …very well SkekUng… you win. Guards.” She looked at the two pegasi I had singled out.

The two nodded, understanding the instruction and marched over to me, neither one very happy apparently. But like good soldiers they kept their muzzles shut and stood by me, clear in my sight.

“Very good… and the chariot?” I asked, my hand slowly wrapping around the mare’s neck once more.

“Make it so.” Celestia said, eyeing two more guards.

As the two guards nodded and took off towards some far off hills, the raiser of the sun set her gaze on me once more, a look of hurt and indignation clear on her features.

“You won’t get away with this SkekUng. What do you hope to achieve? To return to your griffons? They do not even remember you. To fight us? To avenge yourself against us? We have grown strong in your absence, monster… our nation is mighty and prosperous. What hope do you have? Surrender, please. Even now it is not too late.” Celestia ordered, her voice strong, but there was no hiding that look of worry in her eyes.

I glared back at her and the rest of the ponies, a grunt escaping my beak before I began to chuckle lowly.

“Hope? You speak to me of hope, wench? I know of hope… better than any other. It was hope that kept me alive and sane, down in the dark cell you left me in. It was hope that allowed me to forge a future for my proud griffons, all those years ago. And it is hope that assures me, I SHALL have justice. What hope Celestia? Perhaps none more than a fool’s hope. But you know… even that is enough.” I smiled evilly at her.

I saw the doubt flash across her and her sister’s features for a brief moment and I knew then, that I had struck a nerve. That they had considered my words and found them true. They were worried now. Truly worried… good. Very good indeed.

Not a moment later, the two guards came over the hills, dragging the golden chariot I had demanded. I eyed it carefully as it came near, trying to discern any oddities or possible traps that may have been placed.

I saw none.

I nodded as I then looked at the Pegasus guards I had selected and jerked my head forward.

They took my meaning and switched out with their compatriots, helping them secure themselves to the reins of the vehicle before returning to their royal’s side.

I shambled forward, careful to keep watch over the princesses and their attack dogs as I hoisted myself into the chariot.

I looked over to the pegasi that would serve as my horsepower, pun not intended.

“Now then boys… word of warning. You go where I tell you. If you don’t, or if you get any funny ideas, like say… drop me out of the sky, or attempt to deliver me to an Equestrian outpost or prison… well, need I remind you I have one of your own?” I threatened lowly, so only they could hear.

They said nothing but their stiffening stances told me they understood.

“Farewell then Celestia… see you soon.” I called.

“Wait! What about Fluttershy?!” the rainbow one cried.

Fluttershy? What a nice name. I would remember it.

“She will be coming with me. I shall return her soon, I promise. Whether alive or dead, whole or in pieces… well… that’s entirely up to you… and if you are foolish enough to attempt to follow… remember! All it takes is a tiny bit of pressure.” I snarled as I squeezed the throat of my captive once more.

“Enough SkekUng… we understand.” Luna conceded.

“Good.” I looked over to the smoking remains of my poor Garthim. It would be avenged.

“Expect more of my soldiers, your majesties… soon.” I smiled to myself as I held the pegasus close, the two guards rising high into the cool night sky.

“Where to, monster?” barked out one of the royal guards.

“You know where fool… onwards to Stratorus… onward to my Empire!” I cackled.

Author's Note:

Whoooo... now there's a long chapter. Probably crap too... ah well, you guys deserve SOMETHING. Also, to explain how the girls summoned their rainbow power through sheer will like that, my head canon is that the energy inside the crystal box at the end of season 3 was a blessing of sorts. In short, the Mane Six BECAME the Elements of Harmony, and the power no longer resides in the jewels from the Tree of Harmony, but in them.

Apologies for the long wait. Moving house... hate it. And still in the middle of it. Will try to get more chapters out sooner. In the meantime, throw out theories. What is SkekUng mad at the sisters for hiding? Why didn't the Elements power not work? SHARE WITH ME YOUR BRAIN THOUGHTS!

As always, Relax, Read and Review and please, leave a comment telling me what you think. It helps me a lot.

Also... over 100 favorites and 80 likes? ...you guys are awesome. :,)

Comments ( 48 )

“No right?! What you were doing was unnatural! Evil! It went against the laws of nature itself! The rules of magic! Your gruesome construct behind you is proof of that! It was you who had no right!”

I find your bias... disturbing.

God it so rare to see one of these "humans turned into something" stories and have the human be even the least bit likable or sympathetic. They all go for complete nonsense most of the time and its nice to see a story where the human is easily sympathetic but still not completely good. Everyone's a shade of gray though its easy enough to see why the humans in the right for the most part. I'm LOVIN his righteous anger. So few stories do that right either, come to think of it. Basically your hitting all the right buttons for me here. Here's hoping his vengeance is hard fought but ultimately a success. No magical forgive and forget for an eternity of torment. Cheers for more, I'm looking forward to it.
PS. I'm glad that your providing pictures and what not for all the dark crystal references. I loved that movie but its been like 10 years since I've seen it.
PPS. Poor flutters, though I bet if anyone she'd be the one most understanding of what the human went through, maybe he'll keep her around for awhile and show her he's not really the bad guy.

This… energy… it was… unique, holy and powerful enough to be described as GODLY. And yet… it also felt… familiar? Yes… familiar. But how-

What is SkekUng mad at the sisters for hiding? Why didn't the Elements power not work? SHARE WITH ME YOUR BRAIN THOUGHTS!

..... I'm going to guess that he had something to do with the creation of the elements of harmony/tree of harmony. Feel free to reply in the comments, mysteriously saying something that neither confirms nor denies my assertion, so as to keep the surprise intact. Or, PM me congratulating me for my astute observational skills and/or rage at me for how I might have ruined the big reveal of the story....... MIGHT being the word here. I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch.

If i had to guess the reason why the elements didn't work, it's because the elements are based on the magic of FRIENDSHIP.

Celestia and Luna Betrayed their friend - thus why would the elements side with the one who went against it's own teachings?

I'm really enjoying the story, just hope to see Celestai gets whats coming for her. No magical forgiveness cop out, just righteous vengeance.

4696377 too right!

*whine whine* your magic is unnatural! it's not meant to be *whine*

Ugh... Anyone who says that anything is unnatural is a person I immediately assume is a "holier-than-thou" twat that deserves to be abandoned naked in the woods until they prove otherwise

4697239 YEAH! Disprove them! Humiliate them! Bluff them! Break their little legs! Not in that order!

Due to the massive amount of crystal stuff in the series, was SkekUng the creator of the Crystal empire, tree, chest, and the elements of Harmony?:pinkiegasp: (Were they called the "Crystal Elements" when they were made?) Did Celestia and Luna steal the Tree from his Palace after imprisoning him?
If my theories are correct just PM me to see if I have it right/wrong!
Also can't wait for the big reveals when the sisters get revealed for being short-sighted, judgmental pricks and the Griffins rise to power!:pinkiehappy:
Please let Fluttershy join SkekUngs side please and don't hurt her....much!!!:fluttercry:

4697522 first you break their legs, then when they want a cast or an x-Ray to fix it properly you remind them that that is not the natural way and force them to simply splint it with vines and sticks.

Disproved and humiliated in one swift go.

I need more please hurry I just finished reading and I am already suffering chapter withdrawal .
Also the elements did not work either because he helped create them or is immune because he is not evil.

4698271 That is PERFECT!
I would also recommend liberal application of UNLIMITED POW- I mean shock therapy.

4698456 I would go for the not evil possibility. The elements are from the tree of harmony after all and I truly doubt that he had part in making one of or the planetary magical nexus.

I think that what he has and what the ponies lack and therefore find alien and 'wrong' is true ambition.

Sure, you can have the want of losing a few pounds but that chocolate cake IS your favorite after all...

there are humans that are capable of truly committing to something. We all have the power but few have the willpower to do it and I think that we are dealing with a man that is truly ready to fully dedicate his mind body and soul to something. Be it the unending thirst for knowledge, the quest of discovery or, as he has done, the War against mortality itself.

I think that this is what we are seeing here. A Victor Frankenstein without the amorality who will not stop for anything but has the sense of mind not to get swept into the maelstrom. A MAN who gazes into the abyss whiteout losing himself to it.

Truly a man worth our utmost respect.

I actually enjoyed this chapter. It knocked the ponies confidence down a notch. You shod be proud sir

I truly hoped he would have the intelligence to strike doubt into Celestias and Lunas subjects by saying "You dare trying to force me to kill innocents just to make them think I am the monster you paint me as you vile cunt!?"

Anyways... If you ignore that It's a quite good chapter indeed. 9.8/10 on this chapter because of spelling errors.

The only villains that the Elements of Harmony were actually fired at are Nightmare Moon and Discord, right? There must be something different between them and SkekUng that allowed the Elements to work on the first two but not him. I think that the Elements aren't actually a weapon so much as they are a way to return things to their rightful state. They purified Nightmare Moon, who was basically Luna but corrupted, and stopped Discord from being able to pervert the natural order. SkekUng, however, isn't like them. He might be the ponies' enemy, but that's just because he doesn't like them. He's not corrupted like Princess Luna was and he's not an affront to natural laws like Discord was. I think the Elements just don't apply in his case.

4648213 4697608 I think it would be spectacularly jarring for Fluttershy to watch the griffins flip at their hero's treatment by the ponies, and then have him order them not to take vengeance (the best revenge is living well), and start advancing their technology and power, but letting the Pony Sisters make the first (ill-advised) move.
There are diplomatic channels that can make it very clear that Celestia and Luna's tactics don't sit well with the other races. The captains of industry are the new captains of war, if he can simply increase the power of the griffin forces beyond the ability of the Equestrians to match, let alone survive, the panicky ponies will give him all the leverage over Canterlot he could want, without him raising a finger.

4700839 This is what I mean:

Amazing chapter, this is certainly one hell of an intro for what's to come. I am very hyped for the next chapter and out protagonists return to the empire. Great job, keep goin and stay golden^^

A tragic villain...

A tragic villain...

A tragic hero, as the thespians would say.

All I can really say is, me likey. Also, I'm a HUGE fan of The Dark Crystal. Great movie and I love that your using stuff from it. Absolutely genius and EXTREMELY original. You also seem to be a very competent writer. I've read my deal of shit on this site. This is not shit, it's beautiful. Keep up the fabulous work!

In other words, the Übermensch done RIGHT.

4700839 i first saw this comment now and i just want to say that if i ever go to equestria and become king of a nation then i would want you with me you brilliant bastard

What actually is a Garthim and why are they so awesome

I love this can't whit to see more :pinkiehappy:

Please keep up this epic of a story

Dude when I have time I'd love to do a crossover with you.

Could you please update? My curiosity must know what will happen next! Anyway awesome story!



5659443 ill have what that person is having:trollestia:

Ah, I've been in the mood for a good human revenge fic, and this hits the spot. Very much enjoying it.
I second this. The best way to get even is to just have a better life, and then laugh at those jerks and their squalor and stagnation. "Ha ha. We've got electricity and modern medicine and running water and you don't. Ha." Petty? Yes, but oh so satisfying, no? "And no, I'm not sharing my cake, Sunburn, you're a hussy."

Indeed-ly do, technological strength translates into industrial strength, which translates into economic strength, which translates into MILITARY STRENGTH. Aim for the stars! And then start a space program, land on the moon, plant the griffon flag, do a silly dance and video tape it, and send the tape far and wide just to spite Moonbutt and further up the pettiness quota.
I wonder what SkekUng will get up to when he gets back to business, presumably return to his projects before he got stabbed in the back. My bucket list would include erecting a huge statue of a griffin's claw with a raised middle claw and situate it facing towards Canterlot and just take every opportunity to f*ck off the princesses while remaining in the moral right, slowly chipping away at their image until they're exposed for the charlatans they are. Or maybe just go with the statue.
It be great if the ponies keep hounding him, and then Equestria gets struck with some massive disaster that they just can't cope with without SkekUng's technology, and he's all, "Hmm, well, I would help, but apparently I'm EVIL, so claws tied!" Then he sips from a glass of wine and mockingly twiddles his designated villain's mustache at them. (I'm awfully petty tonight, it's rather late, maybe I should call it in.)

May-be you'll find some-one else
to help you.
Maybe the changelings...
A-ny-way, this cake is great!
It's so delicious and moist!
Look at me still talking,
when there's Science to do!
When I look at you ponies,
makes me GLaD I'm not you!
I've experiments to run,
there is research to be done,
for the griffons who are
still alive!

[PS:] And believe me I am
still alive!
[PPS:] I'm doing Science and I'm
still alive!
[PPPS:] I feel FANTASTIC and I'm
still alive!

While you're DYING I'll be
still alive!
And when you're DEAD I will be
still alive!


Still alive.

That was awesome I can't wait to see the next chapter when can you complete it

This is a great fic, and the main character is incredibly well written, I really can't wait to see more. ^^

Please do keep up with the amazing work, I personally would love to see more.

Please tell me this still lives. I enjoy this greatly

so much hate for the ponies at almost every point in this but they realized what they done so a little taken off and I would act the same as him but attack them first at his point I would not be able to control myself I would go to slaughter

i am sad this is dead. its feel is what ive been looking for, and i know i cant see more.

Why must this be dead it was so amazing pls revive this it is amazing

It has been a good fic but, sadly it is dead. Also This . Time to read this fic one more time

Vale Decem, Goodbye my old Friend.

There is a time in a man's life in which he is given a choice. A choice to decide whether they prosper or fail. I am, unfortunately, not one of those. I am the creature that lurks in the shadow, watching and enjoying it from within. When I found this story, I was doubtful "3 CH, It can't be that good, can it?". When I finished reading it, my tears were already flowing. "How," I asked myself as snots were falling on my face"How could I have been such a fool?! To think that I thought THIS can't be good!!!" It was here that made me question my own sanity. It was this story that gave me the absolute lesson of never judging a book by its cover.
In another note. Please update. I beg of you, on my knees and all that. Please

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