• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 6,250 Views, 82 Comments

Old Birds with Sharp Teeth - Megalomart13

Displaced from his world and found in another, he has worked hard to build a life for himself. Only to have it taken from him from the ignorant and frightened. Join him as he takes back what is his. Set in the 'Humans Acting Villainous' uni

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Chapter One: Alone with my Memories and my Garthim

And…. First proper chapter go!

Chapter One: Alone with my Memories and my Garthim

I shambled forward as quickly as my decrepit body would allow me, my rotting and threadbare robes apparently delighting in tripping me up at every opportunity. I was only vaguely aware of my general direction, but that didn’t matter to me half as much as the feeling of strength and life slowly returning to me. Filling my old body with a new sense of life and purpose.

Damn, did it feel good.

I gulped down the fresh, crisp night air as if it were fine wine, I drunk in the colorful, peaceful sights around me as if it were the greatest feast I had laid eyes on. I was free… FREE! Free from that hellhole and back into the world… oh the things I have missed… the things I could now do!

My eyes constantly scanned the world about me, looking for anything I recognized, and failing miserably. From the looks of it I was in some crazy-looking forest… but not one I was familiar with. Still, that could mean anything. I had been in that infernal prison for over fifteen hundred years… a lot has no doubt changed. All for the worse, I had little doubt.

I cast a hateful glance behind my shoulder at the mountain that housed my cell as it slowly but surely vanished in the distance.

The moment I reclaimed my empire and had a decent number of Garthim and cannons, I was coming back to demolish the whole thing… the entire mountain would be naught but rubble once I was through.

That brought a smirk to my beaked face. My yellowing fangs glistening and my mouth watering as a basked in my freedom and thoughts of justice drifted through my mind. Hmm, but justice would have to wait…

While I looked back I saw my wondrous Garthim following loyally behind me, completely silent save for the soft skitter of it’s many legs. Even if I could not see them moving, I knew it’s eyes were as busy as mine. Taking in the area and looking for any dangers to me. Ah… such grand creations, my beloved Garthim. I couldn’t wait to make more... after I got a few more years in my body that is.

I allowed a genuine smile to cross my beak and continued to walk forward, but gave a quick glance to the night sky. If there was one thing that wouldn’t have changed much in my absence it was the stars. Their wisdom would surely tell me where I was.

Immediately I recognized several constellations of this planet. The Horseshoe, the Wing, the Flame… the Two Sisters… bah.

Yet I didn’t recognize their positions! Hmmm.

That could only mean I was no longer in my beloved Stratorus. The Empire of the Griffons. MY empire, which I had won through a combination of war, honor, industry, and love of my proud griffons.

And a kingdom TAKEN from me by those two traitorous sisters… curse them… curse them to death! No, no… torture first, THEN death… Yes… First I’d split their hooves, a nice big iron spike should do well for that. Then perhaps a few cuts and lacerations with a rusty butcher’s knife? No… a cleaver! Yes. Oh, and those ridiculous wings of theirs would be the first to go for good, oh yes… Twist, twist, twist… SNAP! Ha ha!

I stopped as those thoughts entered my head. Curses of torture and death… was that who I was now? A being of hate and violence? …apparently so. Heh. How far I had fallen since I first came to this world… oh… I was so full of life and mercy then… back when I was young and my humanity was still fresh…

Another world, another age:

“Dude! Come on!” My best friend Justin cried from his adjacent room in our hotel, busting in as if it were his own room.


“It starts in like, forty minutes!”

He crossed his arms as he looked at me from behind his orange shades, he looked rather annoyed honestly. He was dressed in a rather good cosplay of Alucard from the anime Hellsing. He had gotten all the fabric and colors just right, and he was tall enough to pull it off. He had grown out his hair and dyed it black just for the occasion too. Had to give him props for dedication.

“Dude, just slow the fuck down, ok? We got plenty of time. We’re like, ten minutes away from the convention.” I said as I readied the wire and rubber head of my own costume, placing it on my bed.
I was nearly finished getting my own cosplay together, and was in the process of pulling the gray, gnarled, skin-like gloves over my hands and forearms.

“Pfffft, yeah but I wanna get there early. Sooner we get there, the sooner we get to see hot girls in skimpy anime outfits. Oh man, this is gonna be GREAT. I mean come on… who could resist Alucard, most badass vampire of all time! And his… creepy bird… lizard friend. What the hell is this thing again, mate?” Justin asked as he pointed to the wire-frame and rubber mask of what looked like a scaly vulture head on my bed.

“Dude, I explained it to you on the plane. Seriously, how have you never seen the Dark Crystal? It was like, a huge childhood thing in the eighties and nineties. One of Jim Henson’s masterpieces!” I explained to my friend in a slow manner, as if talking to a child.

“Eh, most I watched of Henson was the Muppets and Fraggle Rock. Damn that was a good show… didn’t know he also made horror stuff.” He said with a tilt of his head.

Alucard with a confused head tilt? One of the funniest things in the world, let me tell ya.

“Well… it wasn’t really horror. It was dark fantasy. But it DID scare the hell out of kids when they saw it, but they loved it all the same. Henson was of the mind that it was unhealthy for people, kids especially, to NEVER be scared. And I agree. Fright gives people a bit of fun sometimes, and puts certain things in perspective.” I reasoned as I picked up the large but light-weight harness and strapped it to my back, giving me a hunched over look.

“Whatever dude. Still… it is a freaky looking thing. Vulture looking creeper… And it looks just like the pictures you showed me. How much did you spend on this thing, man?” He asked with a chuckle as he began to poke at the rubber head like a child.

“Eh, not as much as you think. It took time more than anything else. But I’m happy how it turned out.” I replied as I draped my armored robe over my new hunch and began to fiddle with the frills and underclothing.
“Heh, you were always the artistic one. What’s this dude’s name again?” Justin asked as he picked up the head and tossed it to me.

I chuckled as I caught it, turned, put on the head as fast as I could and spun back around with an impressive snarl on the rubber face. I LOVE hidden puppet controls.

“Behold! I am SkekUng! General and Garthim Master of the Skeksis! Now! Bow down to me! For I am so much more than that! I… am… EMPEROR!” I screamed in my best dark and gravelly voice as I threw my arms out wide.

Justin simply laughed and clapped his hands in applause.

“Dude that IS pretty awesome! Might not get any chicks, but you got a decent shot at the costume contest. Now come on! This is my first time at Comic-Con and I don’t wanna be late! You can make any touch ups on the way.” He says as he picks up the wide-brim hat that completes his costume and walks out.

“Alright, alright, I’m coming.” I said with a chuckle as I began to fiddle with the costume from the inside, following close behind as we made our way downstairs.

I sighed as my memories left me for the time being… I missed Justin… I missed my family… I missed my world…

But I shook my head violently from side to side, jarring memories and emotions away and barring them from my wizened heart. No use getting all sad and mopey now… I was here in THIS sugar-coated lie of a world now. I had built a life of my own HERE now. My family and friends were DEAD now. …and even if they weren’t, no one in this world had the magic nor technology to even attempt to send me back.

Besides… I wasn’t even sure if I still wanted to go back at this point…

Bah! I hate thinking about this stuff… it gets me upset. And that gets me angry. And when I’m angry I can hardly think strait. My temper was a thing of legend in these lands, but right now I needed my senses. As I tried to banish these depressing thoughts, I heard a soft chattering to my left and on reflex my head snapped towards the small sound.

I saw a large squirrel sitting on a low hanging branch about eye level to me, happily devouring acorns and other nuts without a care in the world, seemingly singing a little tune to itself in it’s own tongue.

How… sweet. Very… sweet… indeed.

A cruel smile slowly started to form on my beak as a small bit of drool leaked from my fangs. My lizard-like tail began to swish to and fro as I slowly and silently limped over to the small rodent.

It didn’t notice me at all until I was right in front of it. Foolish little thing. It blinked and looked up at me with an adorable little tilt of it’s head. It blinked a few more times before smiling happily and offering me the acorn it had been attempting to crack not seconds earlier.

My smile grew a little as my arm shot forward and grabbed the squirrel around it’s middle in a death-like grip. It squeaked loudly in fear, flailing madly… for about two seconds. After that I had popped it into my mouth and began to chew as hard as I could, silencing any protests it might have had.

My sharp beak sliced apart the fur with ease as my teeth began to crush down the bones and slice apart the meat. Spitting out a good bit of the saliva-drenched fur I swallowed my small, unexpected dessert with great gusto. With an ecstasy you will never understand, I felt the sweet meat, powdered bone and nourishing blood slide down my throat slightly appeasing a gaping maw in my gut that will never truly be silenced.

With a satisfied nod I raised my hand and wiped the drool and blood from my beak. It did little to assuage my gaping hunger of more than a thousand years… but it was a start, and it did an admirable job of clearing my head. We all need comfort food from time to time.

But now I needed to go… I needed to get out of this forest and back to friendly territory. I needed to get away. I NEEDED to get back to Stratorus and bash whatever fool of a featherhead was sitting on MY throne…

My throne… The Obsidian Throne of Stratorus… ah, such memories… these ones of a happier nature. Memories of the home I made for myself, so long ago now.

The Empire of Stratorus was a vast land to the northeast of Equestria. It my time it was a large, mountainous region with many stone spires, steep hills, deep valleys, twisting canyons, only a few large open plains, and completely surrounded by a huge stretch of wild forest. This made it unsuitable for most creatures, who needed flat land to grow, farm and live.

But for my proud griffons, who could survive much worse, it was a perfect home.

We made towns and villages in the valleys, carved out the canyons for our stone and mineral requirements, made mighty cloud cities all across the region, hunted in the forests for sweet meats and wild herbs and used the flatlands for massive farms to suit their limited vegetarian needs.

Such proud monuments we built together… first and foremost of which, was the grand city of Nimbus, perched upon the highest mountain in the land, serving as the impenetrable capital of the Empire.

I remember it well, even now… the high walls of black stone, imprinted with silver and marble carvings. Steel gates, denying all but friends entry to our grandest of homes. High spires of shining gold and crystal fixtures stood proudly against the skyline. Circular dwellings of wood and rock, large and spacious, safe and sound. Tower upon tower, home upon home, sector upon sector, providing warmth and shelter for all.

And as I envisioned the city itself, so too could I see my proud griffons. My loyal subjects, living the lives they deserved.

Mighty griffon soldiers and guardsman, patrolling all across the realm, backed up with my deadly Garthim to suit tasks too dangerous for them. Merchants and tradesmen bustling in the Bazaar… Craftsman showing off their wares… civilians laughing, celebrating, eating, drinking… the hatchlings and fledglings playing in the streets, constantly getting undertalon of every adult they could find…

I stopped suddenly as I felt something land on my withered and calloused hand. I stared down and saw a tiny droplet of water… I reached up experimentally and to my great relief found both cheeks dry.

I scoffed, it must be getting ready to rain. That would be just my luck. I continued to tell myself this, even as not a single cloud or pegasus entered the sky. Regardless, I continued on my journey, my Garthim continuing to follow close behind.

The more I thought about it, the more I grew more and more furious.

The land of the griffons, was mine by right of power and conquest. It was I that had lead the griffons out their past, a past filled with feuding battles and primitive tribal clans. It was I that had taught them the secrets of weapon smithing and alchemy. It was I that lead them in conquest against the mountain goblins of the west and claimed a good, rich land for them to call home… and I would not be denied my right. Even if they did not remember me… even if they did not recognize my claim.

I would be Emperor of the Griffons again!

No matter what.

I looked up at the sky as I continued my trek, staring hatefully at a sun I could not see and the moon that I could see all too well.

“And when I am Emperor once more… I am coming for you… pray that you are prepared…” I spoke gruffly to the celestial bodies, knowing well that the ones in charge of them could not hear me, but still cursing them all the same.

As if hearing my threat, a few of the larger stars near the moon shone brightly before fading from view.

I arched a gnarled eye-ridge at the strange sight before letting out a hoarse chuckle, my quiet cackling seeing me all the way out of the woods.

Celestia paced back and forth, staring at the cold tiled floor of the council chambers of Canterlot Castle in quiet worry. Luna meanwhile, was watching her sister in a silent mix of annoyance and amusement. Every so often she would mouth a few words, along with the Solar and Lunar Guards who were keeping watch. To anyone paying attention, it was clear the Princess of the Moon and the Guards were… making a small game out of Celestia’s worry. Counting how many times the Ruler of the Day paced back and forth, how quickly she did so, and the length of which each pace consisted.

In their defense, they could do little else until Princess Twilight and the rest of the Council of Friendship arrived.

Luckily for Celestia’s nerves and Luna’s interest, they did not have to wait long as the double doors of the chamber burst forth and said mares entered, along with their pegasi guard escorts which had personally delivered them via royal chariot.

“Celestia, Luna! We came as soon as we could. What’s wrong? It’s the middle of the night.” Asked Twilight Sparkle, her concern clear for all to see.

“Yeah… and SOME of us were sleeping…” Rainbow Dash mumbled drowsily, rubbing her half-lidded eyes with her hoof.

Applejack and Rarity mumbled their quiet agreement, both looking as tired and irate as their prismatic companion. Rarity herself was still in her nightgown and curls for goodness’ sake.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy seemed noticeably more awake however, and merely tried to comfort their sleepy friends.

After offering Rainbow Dash an annoyed stare Twilight turned back to her former mentor, the look in her eyes repeating her question.

Celestia merely offered the Elements of Harmony a small smile of apology before speaking, her sister approaching to stand at her side.

“I apologize for calling upon you so late at night, my little ponies. But we have reason to believe a great threat has reappeared, and I believe it will take all of our combined strength to send it back into the darkness it came from.” The Solar Princess explained, her own eyes filling with worry to match Twilight’s.

“Oh great… what is it this time?!” Rainbow Dash asked exasperated.

“Rainbow!” Twilight nearly growled. “What she means, Princess, is what kind of threat?”

“We believe it would be best if we waited for our final two guests to arrive.” Princess Luna said with a small smirk at Rainbow’s behavior.

“There are more coming? Oh, oh! Who? Who? Much more and this will be enough for a party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

As if the universe were reacting to the pink pony’s words, a bright flash of pink and blue appeared not too far away from the royals and heroines. The gathered ponies all raised a hoof to shield their eyes from the arcane light. As it dimed and faded however, they all looked over to see…

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor.

“Shiny! Cadence!” Twilight called out in delight, momentarily forgetting her worry and rushing over to her sibling and sibling-in-law.

“Twily!” Shining Armor laughed as the two sibling embraced lovingly.

They released one another and nuzzled affectionately before Twilight reenacted the scene with Cadence, with a bit extra.

“Sunshine, Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two laughed at the silly little rhyme before embracing once more.

“It’s so good to see you two! So you’re the ones Princess Luna said would be joining us?” asked Twilight.

“That’s right, although we’re not sure about what.” Cadence said with a confused glance to her aunts.

“Yeah, all your message said was that a huge threat may have appeared and we need to talk, NOW.” Shining backed up his wife.

“Yes, and I must apologize. But there was little time for details. This way.” Celestia said as she walked forward, towards the council table.

On which was a familiar looking book…

Twilight and Cadence recognized it at once. It was the same book that held the tales of Nightmare Moon and Tirek the Terrible. At once they both got a bad feeling.

“Long ago, a creature roamed this world and its lands without restraint or remorse. Sowing corruption and dark knowledge wherever he went. He was an odd being, never before and never again seen in all the world. And he called himself… SkekUng.”

With a glow of magic Celestia began to flip through the pages, before settling on one and placing the book on the table for all to see, showing the assembled ponies a black and white portrait of what appeared to be a cross between a lizard and a buzzard dressed in bulky robes and carrying a short, sharp scepter.

Many of the assembled blanched or grimaced at the creature’s gnarled and decayed look, as well as the frightening fangs and violent glint in it’s small eyes that were evident even in a picture.

“My word, what a ghastly brute. Although I must admit his attire isn’t half-bad.” Rarity said, rubbing her hoof along her chin.

“Oh my, he looks so sick…” Fluttershy said in worry.

“Wowie Zowie! I bet he’d be really fun on Nightmare Night! He’d be all like ‘Rawr!’ and ‘Caw!’ and ‘I’m gonna devour you all!’!” Pinkie nearly shouted as she waved her forelegs in a silly manner.

“Eeesh, kinda freaky lookin’ if ya ask me…” Rainbow Dash said with a raised eyebrow and her tongue stuck out in slight disgust.

“I’m inclined to agree wit’cha there Dashie…” Applejack said with a distrusting frown on her face.

“Princess… what is this… creature?” Asked Twilight, looking to her fellow royal.

“We are not exactly sure ourselves. All we know is that his name was SkekUng, and he called himself a ‘Skeksis’. From what we were able to observe in the many years we knew him, he appeared to be a strange creature, possibly a chimera of sorts, as he possessed the beak and talons of a bird, but much of the rest of his body was lizard-like and serpentine.” Explained Luna as she stared at the picture with an undecipherable expression.

“SkekUng was an extraordinarily dangerous individual, as well as completely amoral. He was interested in only his goals, cared only for his needs and would destroy any who got in his way. Through awe-inspiring shows of power and brute strength, he won the hearts of the ancient griffons and became their first Emperor. And for a time, ruled them well. However, he delved into secrets both dark and forbidden, and committed acts that were… unforgivable. He blasphemed against both the laws of magic and nature, supposedly all for the sake of his subjects and himself.” Celestia said with a glower.

“What made him so dangerous?” asked Shining Armor, always the guard as he studied the picture and committed it to memory.

“Many things. His brute strength surpassed that of even a raging Minotaur or young dragon, and he had skill with numerous weapons. Supplementing that was the fact he was very resistant to many forms of magic.” Luna said, looking around at the many ponies different reactions.

“Resistant to magic… what do you mean Princess?” Asked Twilight with concern.

“He was not immune to the arcane, at least not in the strictest sense. But spells directed at him did not ever have the desired effect. A fireball did nothing but give him a mild burn, a focused blizzard only made him slightly cold, translation spells allowed only a few select words to be understood. That sort of thing.” Celestia supplied.

Twilight seemed absolutely gob smacked at that.

“But… but that’s impossible! Only dragons have been recorded with that sort of defense against magic and that has everything to do with their huge size! How…? Is this ‘SkekUng’ that big?” asked a flabbergasted Princess of Friendship.

“No. He stands about the same height as our sister. We do not know how his resistance is possible, but that is the truth of things. But his strength, skill and resistance to the arcane are not what makes him so dangerous. It is his intellect.” Princess Luna explained.

“Indeed. SkekUng is a knower of dark and terrible knowledge. He alone knows secrets of magic, science and alchemy that were best left forgotten for all time.” Celestia said with a growl.

“Indeed, but we were speaking more of his strategic mind. In his time he gathered many titles, his favorite being ‘the General’. His battle strategies and war scenarios were nothing short of brilliant, and he supplied the early griffons not only with fool-proof plans, but advanced weaponry as well.” Luna countered.

“You sound as if you almost admire him.” Said Cadence.

All eyes turned to Luna save Celestia, as she already knew what words would come forth from her sister.

“It is hard not to. We used to be great friends after all.” Luna said nonchalantly.

“WHAT?!” cried the assembled ponies.

“But, but you just said he was a monster… how c-could?” asked a royally (pun intended) confused Twilight.

“He was not always so… there was a time when he was a just ruler with a strong moral compass. He was vibrant, jovial and kind. But as he aged, his youth vanished and his body withered. His true nature surfaced for all to see.” Celestia said grimly.

“So… what happened to him?” asked Rainbow Dash, enthralled by the story. It was like one of her Daring Do books!

“After the true extent of his crimes surfaced, and his defilement of the land and its creatures came to light, we could not ignore it. Nor could we ignore the threat he posed to Equestria. We rose up against him and imprisoned him deep within the earth, away from his instruments of corruption and power, locked away for all time.” The Princess of the Day responded and for the briefest moment, a look of sadness washed over her face.

“We, however, could not hide our involvement… only… twist the story somewhat. The griffons learned of what we had done, but they believed we had slain their beloved leader. We felt it was best that way. If they learned he was imprisoned somewhere in the world, they may secretly search him out, and free him.” Luna said with a small frown.

“Is that why our relations with the griffons have always been… strained? They… they think you killed their greatest ruler?” asked Cadence.

The two sisters could only nod in confirmation.

“Pffft. Strained? Try downright hostile. I know griffons, I’ve hung out with griffons. Almost NONE of ‘em like ponies as a whole.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Indeed… they would not listen to our claims of their emperor becoming dark and twisted… to them he was their beloved immortal emperor, who had shown them the world and all its wonder.” spoke Celestia softly.

All the gathered ponies were silent for a while at that depressing bit of information.

“So… what should we do?” asked Twilight hesitantly. She trusted her former teacher with her life, but something was… off here. She felt it in her bones. It was if the Princesses weren’t giving them the full story. But that was silly... right?

“We must find SkekUng and contain him before he escapes our reach. We imprisoned him not far from the Stratorus border and should he cross it… no, we cannot allow that. Whether it will be needed to imprison him once more or not, has yet to be seen… but we cannot yet allow him to reach his former subjects… there’s no telling what might happen.” Celestia said firmly.

“Well let’s go then! We’ll catch this scaly birdbrain and then I can get back to bed!” Rainbow cheered.

“I’m in complete agreement with you, darling!” Rarity chuckled.

“Darn tootin’!” Applejack agreed.

“Wait, Princess Celestia, I have to ask.” Shining Armor said with a raised hoof.

“Yes Shining Armor, what is it? And I’ve told you, call me Celestia, or Aunty. We’re family after all.” Smiled Celestia.

“I understand why you summoned Twilight and her friends… but why me and Cadence? Would you just like more resources for the search or…?”

Celestia’s smile disappeared as she sighed.

“Not only that… but I called upon you because I feel the Crystal Empire may also be in danger should he slip through our hooves.”

“Why is that?” asked Cadence, concern for her subjects coming to the surface in an instant.

“Because crystals have always been a large source of great power for SkekUng. In fact, I dare say no one knows more about their mysteries and majesty than he. It was he after all who allowed Sombra to gain such dark mastery of crystal magic…” she said almost to herself.

“WHAT?!” cried the assembled ponies for a second time that night… and possibly not the last.

Author's Note:

And small cliffhanger! But that be that. Tell me what you think, vote, comment, relax, read, review, etc. Seriously though, comments, especially ones that provide support or constructive criticism help me out a lot.

Anyway, we get to see a bit of SkekUng's personality. Harsh, brutal, dark, but he cares. He does. Just as Celestia has her little ponies, he has his proud griffons and his deadly Garthim.

And see if you guys, pooling what knowledge you may or may not have of The Dark Crystal to see if you can guess what SkekUng's 'crimes' and 'blasphemes' Celestia is talking about were. And if you have none what so ever, go see the movie! You can find it on Youtube. Or guess! That's always fun. Anyway, make sure to leave a comment!

Also, seriously? One day up and 5 comments, over 200 views, over 30 likes and nearly 40 favorites? Over a crappy 2000 word prologue? ...thank you. Thank you all so much.

Expect another update soon, moving in a few days, might get it up before then, also expect the next chapter on my other story on the exact same day. PEACE OUT!