• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 5,547 Views, 93 Comments

The God of Darkness - Synthetic Soul

Long ago, Discord found a human infant and raised him to be all things wicked and dark. Now he is back.

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Author's Note:

Here is the next chapter of God of Darkness. Next up, the new chapter of The Humans Return. If you want to support my writing, check out my YouTube and my patreon. I would just like to point out that my patron is primarily for music, videos, and comics, but if it was requested, I'd probably would be able to post stories. Again, not asking for money, I'm just letting you know that it exists. I will still upload my stories on this site for free. I am making a video explaining exactly what the patron is for. Patreon isn't quite set up yet, but I'll post a blog when it is.

If anypony was to take a look upwards, they would just barely see a dark streak shoot through the sky. But it was so fast that it was nearly invisible to the naked eye. It did not matter though, as no pony was in the area between the Crystal Castle and the Everfree. The streak zipped straight into the darkness of the forest. As soon as it reached an open area, the darkness expanded, and took shape, materializing into the physical form of Dark Blade.

In the darkness of the woods, Blade could feel his power grow even stronger. His power was immense even in the daylight, but in the darkness it grew even stronger.

“The nerve of that pathetic blue bottomed bitch! How dare she laugh at me!” Blade needed to vent his frustration. He needed something to kill, or at the very least, maim. Just then, he heard a low growling coming from his right. He turned to look directly at one of his father’s creations. A manticore.

“Perfect,” growled the human, his canines elongating into fangs, and his eyes turning black with red irises. The manticore let out a loud roar, and Blade let out a primal growl. And then the two opponents rushed each other.


After Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy helped Rainbow Dash up and made sure she was in decent health, the group all looked to Discord, with less than amused expressions.

“Hehe,” chuckled Discord, looking nervous and sweating. “So, who’s up for bingo?” In a flash, Discord was rolling a bingo cage. He reached in and pulled out a ball.

"Alright, B6! Does anypony have B6?”

“Discord,” said Celestia sternly. “Do you care to tell us why you’ve never mentioned having a son, an evil and powerful one at that?”

“Hehe. I guess I kinda forgot,” said Discord as he rubbed the back of his head with his lion paw.

“How could you just forget about somepony as important as your son?!” yelled Twilight. Discord bit his lip, and started frantically looking back and forth between the ponies, until finally he collapsed to his knees, and started sobbing.

“Oh you’re right! I just locked him away and forgot about him, without even considering the possibility that he might return! I’m just like Celestia ha ha!” cried Discord. Celestia’s eyes widened, and her mouth went agape.

“I-I don’t do that!” insisted Celestia defensively.

“You kind of do sister,” replied Luna. “Let’s see, Nightmare moon, imprisoned on the moon forgotten by almost everypony. Discord, imprisoned in stone, all memory of his exploits forgotten, and you never considered the possibility that he might break free. Sombra, you banished to the shadows, and Tirek you imprisoned in Tartarus and completely forgot about. All in all, you haven’t been dealing with your enemies very responsibly.”

“Well that doesn’t…I mean I…I didn’t…” stuttered Celestia. She turned red with embarrassment, and hid behind her right wing. After a few moments of awkwardly staring at Celestia, and silently judging her, the group turned to look at Twilight as she spoke.

“Alright girls! We beat Tirek with the magic of friendship, and we can beat Dark Blade too! Let’s go!” With that, all the mares in the room charged out of the castle, and left to go find their newest foe.

“Wait!” called Discord. But it was too late; the group was gone, searching for the human and out of earshot. To himself, Discord muttered; “That might not work.”

Deep in the Everfree forest laid a fallen giant. A Manticore, one of the most fearsome monsters of the Everfree, laid dead on the ground. Its body was covered in lacerations, with blood seeping into its fur and onto the ground. Its wings were torn, and its tail had been ripped off; the stinger was stabbed into the Manticores skull.
And just in front of the beast, walking away was its killer. Blade walked away chuckling, and brushing the dirt off his outfit. The blood that would normally stain his clothes was evaporating into thin air.

Blade walked toward a nearby pond and bent over to take a look at himself. His eyes and teeth had returned to normal. He breathed in and sighed. His all black outfit was a little overused, and redundant as a villain cliché. He needed a change. Blade straightened up and held out his arms. His clothes evaporated off his skin, turning into smoke. As the smoke cleared, his new outfit became visible. He still wore his steel-toed boots, and black pants, but his shirt and trench coat were gone. He now wore a red shirt, and a grey hoodie with black accents. He also had a leather bracelet on his left wrist.

Satisfied with his appearance, Blade took a look back at the manticore. He then noticed a rumbling in his stomach. Well, he certainly couldn’t plot his revenge and conquest on an empty stomach, and manticore meat was one of his favorite meals. So, Blade made his way over to the carcass preparing to make it his meal.

1993 years ago

Discord sat upon a floating throne, high above the ground, laughing at the chaos he had created. In a smaller throne adjacent to the Discord's throne sat a smaller creature with dark hair, wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and brown pants. While Discord was clearly enjoying the chaos, the youngling next to him looked somewhat conflicted.

“Hey dad?” asked the creature.

“Ha ha ha! W-what is it son?” asked Discord through tears of joy escaped his eyes.

“Well, well I just noticed that the ponies down there don’t seem to be having as much fun as you are.”

“Uh huh. And?”

“Well, I dunno. I guess I’m just wondering why you do it if it makes the ponies unhappy.”

“Oh Bladey! You and me, we’re better than those ponies.”

“We are?”

“Yes we are. You see, ponies are here for our amusement. They’re like toys.”

“But what about how they feel?” asked the boy.

“Who cares!” laughed Discord. He then patted his son on the back. “Come on my boy, just sit back and enjoy the chaos!”

“Well, okay then.” Blade let himself smile, and started to enjoy himself. If one were to take a closer look at his eyes, they’d see their normally sky blue color turn a little darker. And that was when the darkness started to take hold.