• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 5,547 Views, 93 Comments

The God of Darkness - Synthetic Soul

Long ago, Discord found a human infant and raised him to be all things wicked and dark. Now he is back.

  • ...

Trip down memory lane

Here's some music for you to listen to while you read

Everyone just stood there, in awe. Not five minutes ago, they had been sitting around, relaxing after the defeat of Tirek, and now here was some random human, claiming to be Discord's son. It was an awkward situation. Seconds turned into minutes, but not hours, until the silence was broken by Rainbow Dash.

"Bwah ha ha ha ha ha!" laughed Rainbow as she rolled onto her back. Twilight's eyes widened as she looked down at Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash, what the heck is wrong with you?!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Ha ha ha! H-his n-name, ha! It's s-so cliche! Ah ha ha ha!"

"You DARE laugh at my name! I am a GOD!" yelled Dark Blade.

"Rainbow Dash, quiet! You don't want to make him angry!" warned Discord.

Unfortunately, Rainbow just kept laughing, tears escaping her clenched eyes.

"I'll teach you to laugh at me you pathetic mortal!" screamed Blade through grit teeth. He held up a hand, and thin streams of blackness expelled out of his fingers. They wrapped around each of Rainbows legs, and her neck, and lifted her up into the air. Her laughter turned to choking.

"Discord! Make him stop!" shouted Celestia. Discord just stood there, staring at Rainbow.

"Hold on a sec. I like her better this way," said Discord.

"DISCORD!" yelled everyone in the group, except Rainbow, of course. Discord groaned.

"Fine." with a snap of his fingers, Rainbow was free, and gasping for breath.

"What the hell did you do that for!?" asked Blade.

"Because, she's kinda my sorta my friendish," replied Discord.

"Since when do you associate yourself with ponies?" asked Shade.

"Discord, who is this?" asked Luna.

"Yees Deescord! You have some es-plainin to do!" said Pinkie with a Mexicolt accent. Discord sighed.

"Alright every pony, gather round. Uncle Discord's got a story to tell." The ponies hesitantly looked at Blade, and reluctantly sat down. Pinkie pulled out a popcorn bucket out of no where, and started chomping down.

2000 years ago

Discord sat atop his throne, and admired the chaos that surrounded him. Mutant bunnies where chasing ponies with chainsaws, bloated frogs floated in the air like balloons, and a bunch of other random stuff. But as Discord observed the mayhem, he felt an emptyness in his heart. A longing for companionship. Unfortunately for him, all the world's inhabitants despised him.

Discord pondered and pondered, and eventually he came up with an idea. He would raise somepony to love him. Somepony who would look up to him as a father. But being the only Draconequus in existence, he couldn't sexually reproduce. His magic could produce items, and even thoughtless beasts, but he could not create intelligent life. He couldn't give his creations souls.

So it was then that Discord decided he would find a child to call his own. A brand new mind to mold. But what kind of creature would he choose? All the races on the planet were boring. He needed a creature that could be as chaotic as himself. But as far as he knew, there was no such being on the planet. It was then that Discord came up with an idea.

If there's no such creature in this world, then maybe I can find one in another! thought Discord. With a snap of his fingers, Discord found himself in a darkly lit stone room, the only illumination coming from perpetually lit magic candles, and in the center of the room was a tall object covered with a sheet. Discord walked over to the sheet, and yanked it off.

With the sheet gone, Discord found himself staring face to face with himself. Before him stood an object of his creation; the Multiverse Mirror. With it, Discord could use the mirror to travel to multiple different universes. Discord shot a beam of magic at the mirror, setting the destination for the world home to one of the most destructive and chaotic beings that had ever existed: humans.

Discord stepped through the mirror, and reappeared on the other side. But instead of his usual mismatched form, Discord found he was an entirely different creature. His head was rounder than before. Instead of horns, he had a white patch of hair on his head. He still had his goatee, his flesh was now colored like sand, and he still had his hands, but no claws.

Discord also found he was wearing clothes. He wore a long brown leather trench coat, and a black shirt. His pants were a few shades darker than his skin and he wore brown hide boots. And finally, he had a double edged sword with a dark silver hilt, in a purple sheath, hanging by his left hip.

After Discord took in his appearance, he began observing the surrounding area. The sky was cloudy and grey. Discord saw that he was standing in an open field. In the distance, he could see a stone castle, and what appeared to be a town. But about 1/8 of a mile away, Discord saw a wooden house, with horse stables.

Might as well start there, thought Discord. He snapped his fingers in order to teleport near the house, but found that nothing happened. Confused, he tried again and once again found that nothing happened. Hm. My magic isn't working here. It must be either my new form, or there's simply no magic in this world. Discord began walking towards the building.

When he reached the house, he heard the sound of a crying foal. Discord looked through the window. Inside was a creature like him. It had long blond hair, and a feminine face. She was cradling a small creature in a bundle. Discord also saw a slightly bulkier creature with a beard sitting at a table, drinking something from a bottle. Discord's eyes returned to look at the creature in the bundle.

What incredible luck! My search is already over! Now that he'd found an infant to raise as his own, all he needed was to get the child away from its parents. But he'd need a plan. A plan that would require stealth, an sneakiness.

Susan Williams sat on a rocking chair, holding her infant son, George. She was having trouble getting her baby to quit crying.

"John, I think the little one has a teething ache. Could you lend me a dab of your rum?"

"Of course dear," replied John. Just then, their attention was drawn to their front door, which had kicked to splinters, revealing a white haired man holding a sword.

"Freeze, turkeys!" shouted the man. John stood up, and began walking towards the man.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my hou-" but he stopped when the man held the tip of his blade to John's throat.

"Tut tut tut; let's take a step back now, shall we?" Once John had stepped back, the man turned to face the woman. He reached over towards her. She shut her eyes and flinched, unknowing that she was not the man's target. She felt her baby ripped from her arms, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the baby in the man's grip.

"Alrighty then, this fine young man and I are leaving. If I see you following me, I'll kill you and the baby!" said the man.

"You can't do this!" cried Susan.

"Oh yes I can." sang the man, who then bolted from the room. "Peace out y'all!" Susan stood from her chair, and was about to give chase, but she was stopped by her husband.

"You heard what he said! If we follow, he'll kill our son!"

"Then what do we do!"

"I'll take a horse to the town, and get help from the guard."

"Please, bring our son back."

"I will," said John. He kissed his wife, and then ran to the horse stables.

Discord stepped through the portal, regaining his random form. Quickly, he shot a beam of magic at the mirror, disabling the link to the other world. He then took a look at the baby in his arms. Discord saw that the young boy was now a colt.

"Ugh, I said no ponies!" Discord snapped his fingers, and in a flash, the child was human once again. "Now, what to name him...how about-"

Present Time

Discord was brought out of his memory by a tugging at his side. He looked over to see Twilight tugging his leg.

"Discord? You about to tell us who this human was, and then you spaced out."

"Whoops. Sorry," replied Discord. Discord had never told anyone the truth about Blades origin. When ever Blade asked about where he came from, Discord told him he'd found him. If Discord told the ponies the truth in Blades presence, it could infuriate him even further. So, Discord decided to give a brief summary.

"It was two thousand years ago, when I ran the show in Equestria. I found a young human infant, and decided to raise it as my own. I used a dark magic ritual to give him immortality, and the power over all things dark and twisted. I actually named him Bey-Blade but he decided to change it when he was fourteen."

"Bey-Blade was a stupid name." said Blade.

"Go on Discord," said Luna.

"Oh, alright. Okay, so I raised my son to be a bad guy like me. But as her grew, he became less jolly and fun loving, and more dark and serious. He became the embodiment of evil, mostly likely due to the dark magic coursing through his body. He started killing anything he found. Now of course, sometimes I would kill, but never as much as him. With no other choice, I imprisoned him in a crystal orb, and sealed it away," said Discord.

"Then how did he escape?" asked Applejack.

"Well, even when I was imprisoned in stone, I still had enough magic influence to maintain the spell that kept him imprisoned. But when Tirek took all of my magic, my connection to the spell must have been cut. That must be why the seal is broken."

"And now, I am free again," said Blade.

"And just what is it that you intend to do?" asked Celestia as she stepped forward.

"I intend to conquer this world," said Dark Blade. "Father, you betrayed me, but I am willing to forgive. Join me in my conquest, and we can be a family again." Blade held out his hand.

"I'm sorry son, but I've been reformed. These ponies are my friends. Well most of them." Blade lowered his arm, and glared at Discord.

"So, let me get this straight," said Blade with his voice trembling with anger. "First you raise me to be evil. Then it turns out I'm too evil. Now I return, willing to forgive you for the awful torture you put me through, and be together again as a family, and you choose these ponies over ME? How...HOW DARE YOU!" screamed Blade. He threw his arms down, and his body became engulfed in dark purple flames, causing his body to appear black. His voice became distorted.

"Here me now, all of you. I may take my leave now, but I will return! And the next time you see me, I will have all of Equestria in the palm of my hand!" With that, the flames shot away, taking Blade with him.

"Well...shit!" said Discord.

Author's Note:

Edited by Pyra Lira