• Published 17th Jan 2015
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Changelings, Love and Lollipops - Georg

When the Royal Wedding scatters defeated changelings all over Equestria, a member of the hive winds up being captured in Ponyville, tied up, stunned, shot by a cannon, and held against his will. The truly frightening part is he’s starting to l

  • ...

Chapter 9 - The Fount of Knowledge

Changelings, Love and Lollipops

Chapter 9
The Fount of Knowledge


It was an annoying noise.


And it had a friend, who was even more annoying.


Then again, he was alive to be annoyed, so at least that was something.


And he could breathe through his nose, which was something else.


The Queen didn’t need to make Ponyville a forbidden town. All it would have taken was just one or two survivors staggering back to the hive, and noling would ever think about coming here. That is, if there were any survivors.

Cracking one eye open just a tiny slit — in case of cannon — the changeling carefully examined the quiet (well, nearly quiet) sterile room surrounding him. It certainly seemed to be a hospital room, with hospital curtains and dull hospital colors on the wall, as well as many other pieces of hospital equipment that certainly were quite expensive and comforting to any pony who would find themselves in this situation. If nothing else, the IV bag hanging at the side of his bed was a dead giveaway, so he took inventory of his remaining parts once he determined the coast was clear.

Nothing feels missing. Or itches too badly. Unicorn disguise is still in place. Stomach still hurts, but not as bad. Throat hurts, probably from getting my stomach pumped. Rear hurts, probably from enema. Left leg tied down and has an IV, probably for fluids. Thing hurts, probably from catheter. Oh, now they’ve got me doing it.

There was a suspiciously cold section along his furry right side, as if there had been an additional blanket piled there and recently removed, and for some reason the right side of his fuzzy face was ever so slightly damp, and smelled of cotton candy and peppermints. Part of him just wanted to lie in bed as a pony for the next few days and pretend to be in a coma, while the other part of his rebellious mind insisted on reminding him about other things found in a hospital, such as Morgues and Operating Theatres.

* * *

“Thank you, thank you!” shouted the blood-splattered purple unicorn to the cheering crowd. “No other surgeon in Equestria could possibly have not only amputated two of this poor wretch’s limbs but managed to sew them back on while blindfolded and…” Twilight Sparkle trailed off as she observed her unfortunate patient and the mismatched limbs that were sticking out in different directions. “Oops. I can fix this. Spikeavarous, bring me a chainsaw and a flamethrower.”

* * *

Eyeing the IV needle and tubing in his strapped-down furry foreleg with distaste and a faint longing for the much more comfortable pink ribbon, the disguised changeling sat up, ever so gingerly, even managing a queasy smile for the nurse who slipped through the door moments later as if she had been lurking in wait, probably with a needle.

“Good afternoon, Mister Tolliver.” The cheerful earth pony smiled as she strolled up to his bed with the warm, radiant beaming joy of somepony who just discovered a few hundred bits next to a sign that said ‘Take me.’

Situation: Tied down, catheterized, and attached to an IV tube.
Positive points: They don’t know I’m a changeling.
Prognosis: Probable Escape.

“You’ve been asleep since yesterday when you were brought in. I’m Nurse Redheart, and we’re so glad to see you awake, sir. You know, we don’t get many changelings in here.” She held a hoof to her lips and giggled. “That we know of, that is. Now if you’ll hold still, sir, we can get that nasty catheter out and see if you’re feeling well enough to visit with your guests.”

Modified Prognosis: Doomed.

The catheter removal process was… educational, at best, and only slightly painful at worst. The nurse seemed to take great pleasure in brushing up against him while working, and managed the needle removal out of his leg as slick as anything. After a visit to the toilet that she supervised with diligent attention, the nurse tucked him back into his bed and fluffed his pillow, making sure he was comfortable before slipping out of the room with a promise to return for his sponge bath later.

It was a little scary. He deliberately took the time to look around the room for hidden cameras to see if he had somehow been dragged into a movie set for Naughty Nurses - Changeling Challenge. A few days ago, the weird idea would have never occurred to him, but after the experiences of the last week, there were a lot of unusual things that were becoming usual.

As if the universe were reading his mind, the door to his hospital room opened just a crack, and three little noses poked in.

“Are you certain he’s not dead?” whispered one frightened voice. “He didn’t look too well when we dragged him to the hospital.”

“Hey, we got him here as fast as I could flap. I still think we should have gotten an ambulance cutie mark out of it,” whispered a second voice. “Besides, he has a room. If he was dead, they wouldn’t have given him a room.”

“Well, you go on in first,” whispered a third voice. “If’n he’s dead, just yell real loud.”

The door opened up just a little bit farther, and Scootaloo looked in, her eyes as wide as saucers. “Mister Tolliver?”

“I’m not dead,” said the changeling, rolling his eyes as the door shut and three loud voices could be heard in the hospital corridor.

“Scoots, why’d ya come runnin’ back out? He said he’s not dead.”

“Yeah, but Pinkie Pie says he lies about everything. What if he’s a zombie?”

“They don’t change shape. He’d have to be a werepony,” suggested Sweetie Belle. “They change shape into timberwolves.”

“But they’re not dead,” insisted Apple Bloom.

Well, that’s a relief. At least they won’t storm in here to put a silver crossbow bolt through my heart.

“Vampires are dead,” said Apple Bloom, “and they can change their forms too.”

“Where are we going to find a wooden stake in the hospital?” mused Sweetie Belle just before the changeling yanked open the door to his room and hustled the three little disasters in before they could come up with some other way of getting him killed.

“I’m not dead,” the changeling said to Scootaloo in just as sincere a voice as promising to return to the hotel room right after going downstairs to check on a few things. “And I’m not a werepony or a vampire,” he continued to the other two. “I’m just a sick changeling. Well, not as sick any more.” He prodded his only slightly painful stomach with one furry yellow hoof, and considered the skeptical squints he was getting from his audience.

“How do we know you is really a changeling?” asked Apple Bloom, grabbing the clipboard at the hoof end of his bed and peering at it intently.

“Yeah!” said Scootaloo. “You could have changed into somepony else over at Fluttershy’s so when we came here, you could do away with them and make your escape. Or something.”

“You mean I might have killed Mister Tolliver?” gasped Sweetie Belle, although with a suspiciously quick peek at her own flank to see if she had perhaps gotten an exterminator cutie mark out of the theoretical murder.

Let’s not bring that up as a possibility. They’ve almost killed me several times by accident. If they actually try to kill me, they might succeed. And if they got their cutie marks doing it, no changeling in Equestria would be safe.

I’m Mister Tolliver… Well, technically Mister Tolliver doesn’t exist—”

“You killed him?” gasped all three little ponies.


“Are you some sort of super-spy like Reins Bond?” asked Sweetie Belle. “With ultra-sneaky disguise skills and all kinds of fancy gadgets that let you pretend to be a changeling so you can sneak into their secret volcano lair and blow it up?”

“No! Wait. Where are you getting all this? I’m just a changeling!” With considerable effort, green fire surrounded him in a blaze of light, and when it faded, he was once again in his normal chitin-covered form with a holey hoof resting on his forehead in frustration.

Brilliant. Now how am I going to escape?

“Cool,” breathed all three of the little ponies.

“Do it again!” prompted Scootaloo. “Can you do Rainbow Dash? Please?”

Now that would be an inconspicuous form to try my escape from town with.

“No. Now if the three of you—”

“Can you come out to the school for Show and Tell?” asked Apple Bloom, hopping up and down like some sugar-powered bouncing ball.

“Oooo!” squealed Sweetie Belle. “That’s a great idea.”

That’s a horrible idea.

* * *

How did I let them talk me into this?

“Coming through, make way. Somepony open that door, please.” Underneath the sheet on the gurney, all the changeling could do as the three little ponies pushed him through the hospital corridors was try to keep his breathing shallow and not panic, a task made more difficult by the number of impacts his transportation made against walls and doors before the sweet smell of outside air and the warmth of sunshine covered him. With a flourish, the little ponies whisked the concealing sheet away to reveal the back of the hospital, outside of all the security and watching eyes. Their plan never should have worked, and he expected to have to flee into the air at any moment throughout the entire trip, but now that they were outside, one question forced itself to the surface.

“They just let the three of you trot out the door with a body? Have you done this before?”

“No,” said Sweetie Belle. “But we’ve been here a lot.”

“Mostly stitches,” volunteered Apple Bloom.

“And X-rays,” said Scootaloo. “I’ve got the whole collection up on the wall at home.”

The distant chiming of the hour on the town clock tower brought all three of the little ponies into an instant tizy. “Ohmygosh!” gushed Sweetie Belle. “Lunch is almost over and we’re not back at school yet! We need an ambulance!”

“I’ll get my scooter!” shouted Scootaloo, vanishing around the corner.

“I’ve got the rope!” declared Apple Bloom, pulling out a long coil of the familiar sticky object.

Wait a minute!

“And I’ve got the anysthesia!” said Sweetie Belle from behind him.


And then the wooden mallet descended.

~ ~ ~ ✮ ~ ~ ~

“See. I told you he was alive.”

The sweet little voice cut through the hammering chorus in the back of the changeling’s head like a saw, but was only made worse when a second little voice, tinged in sarcasm and snark, added, “I thought for sure you three blank flanks were going to get your cutie marks in bug squashing.”

“Girls,” chided a third, more adult and possibly more sane voice. “Please don’t fight in school.”

A soft comforting hoof caressed his cheek and triggered an amused giggle. “He’s so warm and soft. He even smells nice. Are you girls sure he’s a changeling?”

“He’s got holes in his legs,” volunteered a voice that he recognized as Scootaloo.

“And that smooth buggie stuff all over him,” said Apple Bloom.

“It’s called chitin,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Very good, Sweetie Belle,” said the adult voice. “It doesn’t feel as rigid as chitin, though.” Once soft hoof traced down his chest and the changeling opened his eyes. Two smiling magenta mares hovered over his head, blurred a little from the concussion that had to be related to the sharp pain in the back of his head and the three (or six?) little pains he could see peeking over the edge of the hospital gurney.

Which was not in the hospital.

It seemed to be a small school of some sort, from the multitude of small ponies all looking over the edge of his hospital gurney. While a part of his battered mind tried to make sense of his location, the other parts considered just how fast the wheeled bed had to have been traveling down the dirt streets of Ponyville, and if it was safe to look if perhaps there were one or two slower-moving ponies who were pasted to the front or trapped under the wheels.

Maybe if she put a bell on the front of her scooter, it would give innocent bystanders time to jump out of the — wait a minute. The goal is escape, not trying to save lives. Although it seems a little like leaving a lit bomb behind if I escape town and leave these three unleashed on some other poor unsuspecting victim.

Focus. Step One: Gain their confidence. Without getting killed.

“Hello,” he managed to whisper. “You must be Miss Cheerilee.”

“See, Diamond Tiara!” declared Sweetie Belle with all of the enthusiasm of declaring victory over some implacable foe. “His brains aren’t mushed up at all. I knew I didn’t hit him that hard.”

“Our Show and Tell project for today is a changeling named Mister Tolliver,” said Scootaloo, pointing at the changeling with one hoof. “And we know he’s a mister, because he has a—”

Despite the hammering in his head, the changeling managed to get one hoof over the little pegasus’ mouth before she finished. “Can I get a glass of water first, girls? It’s been a very long day, and… It’s been a very long day.” He managed to wobble to a sitting position on the gurney, which rolled a few inches before the mob of little ponies around him managed to stop it. “Will the hospital be needing this… back?” he asked, gesturing to his peculiar mode of transportation.

“Don’t worry about it, Mister Tolliver,” said Cheerilee, removing the top from a thermos and filling up a cup with steaming water. “If nopony shows up for it, I’ll push it back after school. The girls were telling us that you preferred chamomile tea, so I thought I’d make you a cup, if that’s all right.”

“As long as there’s no mushrooms in it.” He slid off the gurney and wobbled to his hooves, trying to keep the crowd of little ponies from retreating too far with a friendly smile, which did not work as well as he had hoped.

“He’s got fangs!” squealed one little pink pony with a sparkly tiara.

“Is he going to eat us up?” moaned a second little grey pony to her side, trying to hide behind her friend.

“They only eat love,” scoffed Apple Bloom. “You’re perfectly safe, Diamond.”

“We eat other emotions,” said the changeling, sitting down on the floor and taking a cautious sip of the tea that the teacher brought over to him. “Love is just the most useful for us. Positive emotions allow us to digest foods that no other race in Equestria can stomach and survive in hostile environments.”

Like Ponyville.

If the back of his head did not hurt so bad and his stomach were not still doing little flips of nervous anticipation, he probably would not have just sat in one place and told everything he could think of about his species. Well, everything except sex. They were a little young for that, but their teacher seemed as if she would have been interested in a private educational experience. It was a little disconcerting that Miss Cheerilee just sat behind him the whole time, running a hoof through his mane when she was not refilling his cup. He actually went through three cups of chamomile tea made by their teacher, before he began to realize the sheer amount of changeling information he was divulging to the curious little ponies in the class.

* * *

”So, my little changeling,” hissed the Queen, sliding up behind the changeling and sticking her tongue in one ear. “Are there any of our secrets that you did not divulge? The numbers of our warriors? The infiltrators we have in every city? Our recipe for love-infused nectar?”

“I didn’t tell them that you sleep with a little stuffed plushie, Your Majesty,” whined the changeling.

“You should have never brought Mister Flufflebottoms into this,” hissed the Queen as she stuffed the changeling into the incinerator chute.

* * *

It was somewhat like being back in the creche again, with all of the other little changelings hissing and wrestling for dominance while one powerful hivemother watched over them all. The little pink pony with the tiara seemed to be the Alpha of the tiny hive, most likely to grow up into a powerful queen like Chrysalis. Maybe pink was a color of leadership among ponies. The signs were obvious, from the dominant position she took during questioning and the little glares of resentment from most of the other little nymphs. Well, ponies.

And the questions! From food to recreation to careers, the little information sponges soaked it all up and asked for more. Where changelings ate love, ponies obviously consumed information in an unstoppable torrent, and the big eyes on the little ponies were powerful forces of compulsion. Maybe the pony queen used them for interrogations.

* * *

“So, you won’t talk,” said the powerful white alicorn, brushing one wingtip across her changeling prisoner chained to the wall of the dank dungeon cell. “Well, we have ways of… convincing you. Bring in the Filly Scouts.”

Three little multicolored ponies with sashes full of merit badges trotted into the dank cell and looked up at the cringing changeling, their big eyes deep wells of begging blues and violet hues.

“Please, mister? It would mean so much to us if you would talk to the Princess. And when you’re done, we can have cookies. They’re only fifteen bits a box.”

The changeling writhed, flinging himself against his unyielding chains before slumping in resignation and asking in a cracking voice, “Do you have any Thin Mints?”

* * *

Nursing his last cup of chamomile tea, the changeling sat to one side of the teacher’s desk as she ran through the end-of-day lessons and he ran through his escape plans. There was certainly something suspicious going on, from the way the excited little students kept looking at the clock and the soft whisper that Cheerilee had made into one ear after Show-and-Tell was over and everypony was returning to their seats.

“Stick around after class. We’re having a party and you’re invited.”

He was almost positive that there were no cameras concealed in the school building for the filming of Educating the Hapless Hiveling or whatever other strange behavior was sweeping over the populace of Ponyville. Cheerilee had even sniffed him behind the ear like a delicious flower, and he was fairly certain that she would have nibbled if the school building was empty.

Still, whatever supply of love he had in his aching gut must have been almost depleted by now from the number of times he had been injured or almost killed. Responsibility decreed that he return to the hive as quickly as possible so he could have whatever few drops of leftover love siphoned out to ensure the survival of the rest of the injured changelings. It would really — to use pony slang — suck to survive through all of this and the flight back to his home only to be as dry as a windblown corpse at the end.

What step am I on? Have I gained their confidence or what? I certainly have Cheerilee’s confidence, but after the bell rings and all of her students leave, I’m not quite sure what she has planned. Well, other than mating.

He was distracted from his musing by a knock at the schoolhouse door, which he went to answer almost by reflex, although as he reached for the doorknob, his instincts kicked in.

No time to plan. Just out the door and into the air before the little larvae and their hivemother even realize what happened. One. Two. Thr—

With one giant yank, he flung open the door and paused in his lunge towards freedom.

That’s one huge cannon.