• Published 17th Jan 2015
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Changelings, Love and Lollipops - Georg

When the Royal Wedding scatters defeated changelings all over Equestria, a member of the hive winds up being captured in Ponyville, tied up, stunned, shot by a cannon, and held against his will. The truly frightening part is he’s starting to l

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Letters From The Ponyville Jail

Changelings, Love and Lollipops

Chapter 11
Letters From The Ponyville Jail

There was a certain pattern to Twilight's voice that broke through the hammering pain in his head, a panicked stream of consciousness that went straight from the emotions right to the mouth without pausing at the brain for any constructive editing, much the way Pinkie Pie talked, only without the underlying panic and terror he could hear now.

“...but if I write her a letter, she’ll think I can’t handle just one changeling even though we fought dozens of them in Canterlot and lost and she lost and I’ll just remind her of that horrible time that we just want to forget but I can’t forget and I don’t want to use a memory spell because that might get rid of a memory I want to keep and it moved! It moved!

Taking a long, slow breath, the changeling opened one eye. The jail cell seemed familiar but different in some fashion than his last visit. For one, there were no ropes binding his limbs or his wings, just the blessed firmness of the jail mattress under his battered back. Secondly, the skinny stallion who seemed to run the place was missing. And thirdly, there was a familiar terrifying presence lurking behind the massive oak desk in the main office. His disguise was gone, thrown away in his haste to flee the terrifying little dragon, and now he had to face the terrifying unicorn who had been the center of so many rumors around the hive.

She sounds like a terrified wimp.

Taking a deep breath to brace himself, he opened both eyes and blinked away the spots in order to get a better look at the Immortal Celestia’s student, Bearer of the Element of Magic, the most powerful unicorn since Starswirl the Hairy.

All he could see was the tip of a trembling violet horn behind the solid oak desk, but he could hear a distant rumbling. It was oddly ominous, much like a stampede, and the source became obvious as a horde of little ponies cascaded through the front door.

“Hi, Twilight!” said Apple Bloom, bounding over to the desk. “JB said you were over here with Mister Tolliver and—”

“Stay back!” shouted Twilight Sparkle from behind her desk, a wave of purple magic scooping up the little fillies and colts and dropping them behind the desk, out of sight of the changeling. “There’s a dangerous changeling trapped in that cell, and I need to — You know it?”

“Him,” said Sweetie Belle in her most authoritative voice. “Pinkie Pie says he has a thing.”

“And we was going to have him help fix the clubhouse this evening,” said Apple Bloom. “Since he broke it in the first place. And then Applejack said he was welcome to come over to the house for a piece of pie afterwards. And I didn’t even know she baked one today.”

“We can pay him this time,” said Scootaloo. “Miss Cheerilee gave us some bits if we’d talk him into going by her house and working on her plumbing tonight. Something about a dripping pipe.”

“Aww. I wanted to have him and Snails help look for bugs tonight,” complained a short, chubby unicorn colt.

“Well, I wanted him to show my mom how he can change forms,” said Dinky. “Maybe he can teach us how to do it.”

“Wait a minute!” The top of the desk gained a pair of skeptical eyes, which glared at him from above the intervening paperwork. “How do you know that’s the same changeling? There could be dozens of them in town! How do I know you’re not all changelings!”

The air behind the desk glowed with the violet light of a spell, there was a brief pause, and then Twilight continued. “Well, you’re not changelings. But he is!”

“There aren’t dozens of changelings in town, Miss Twilight,” said the tall gangly colt who the changeling was finally able to identify as Snails. “He said he’s the only one.”

“And that he got throwed here by Princess Cadence’s spell,” added Snips.

“He could still have you all under his nefarious mental influence!” The suspicious eyes made an appearance again and glared across the room at him.

“He said,” Snails paused a little, and the changeling could easily imagine him with his tongue stuck out of one corner of his mouth in concentration, like he had at the party. “Changeling spells to influence minds are only transient—”

“That means short,” said Snips.

“—and that only the Queen has the ability to take control of a pony for more than a few minutes, because of their inherent limitations—” drawled Snails.

“That means—”

“Yes! I know what ‘inherent’ means!” Suspicious eyes glared at him from over the desk again. “I know he’s doing something with mind magic, because I can sense it.”

“Oooooo.” An entire forest of curious eyes peered out from all sides of the desk in his direction before Dinky’s voice quietly asked, “How can you tell?”

“Because!” The suspicious eyes narrowed. “He was using some sort of emotional magic on me in the library. That’s why I dragged him here.”

Getting carefully out of the bed and checking his aching limbs, the changeling gingerly touched the throbbing lump on his head. “Did you go into heat too?”

Twilight Sparkle hissed in reply, hunching farther behind the desk. “That’s not— There are foals here!”

“Oh, we know all about heat cycles,” scoffed Scootaloo.

“It’s when mommy dresses up in her best outfits and goes dancing with our neighbor the clock repairpony,” said Dinky.

“Rarity locks herself in the boutique and eats a lot of chocolate,” said Sweetie Belle.

“My sister writes the weirdest stuff in her diary when she’s in heat,” said Snips. “I’m just glad colts don’t have to go through it.”

“That’s… not important! And I’m not in heat! My schedule is precisely twenty-seven days, and it’s only been two weeks! I c-c-can’t be in heat!”

“Why is your tail sticking up, Miss Twilight?” asked Apple Bloom.

While Twilight Sparkle spluttered, the changeling leaned forward to rest against the jail cell bars. Everything else on his body hurt (except certain thing-related areas), but his aching gut finally had settled down to a relative quiet, probably an indication that all of his cached love had been expended, and the end was quite near. If nothing else, he could spend his final moments laughing at the idea that he had considered this confused and spluttering young unicorn mare a threat. During the fight at the Queen’s wedding, he had specifically avoided crossing her target area, choosing instead to feel the unmerciful pounding of Applejack’s hooves and Pinkie Pie’s cannon. Now it seemed a foolish decision, to be afraid of a wimpy librarian who could not even—

All thought ceased the moment his forelegs touched the jail cell bars. Actinic light flared in a soundless explosion of violet and white runes embedded in the bars, flinging him backwards like a limp doll and into the back wall of the jail cell. Which reacted in exactly the same fashion, only with slightly more enthusiasm and increasing his velocity for the return trip. If it were not for the mattress, he might have rebounded around in the cage until turned into a changeling slurry, but during one particularly panic-filled flyby, he managed to grab onto it with all four hooves.

And upon landing on the floor, which thankfully Twilight Sparkle had not enchanted the same lethal way as the walls, the scorched changeling decided to remain under the mattress like some sort of insectile turtle.

“Please,” he moaned. “Just leave me alone.”

There was a clatter of tiny hooves on the cold concrete floor and he felt a gentle touch of magic on his jagged horn. “Are you hurt, Mister Tolliver?”

“We should get you over to the doctor’s, so you can get a shot and feel better,” said a second little voice.

“Let me go get the keys so we can get you out of there, Mister Tolliver,” said a third.

“No! No, no, no!” shouted Twilight, as a bright flash of violet light yanked the little ponies away from the cell bars.

No, they’re cage bars. I’m just a dying bug in a cage.

“He’s a dangerous changeling!” ranted Twilight Sparkle. “He’s probably using his mind magic on you right now.”

I’m about as dangerous as a dry mosquito. Why are the little ones defending me?

“He broke into my library, frightened Spike, and touched my books! Right there! In my library!”

Pinkie said it was a nice, quiet place where I wouldn’t be bothered. I should have been suspicious.

“He even touched my tea things! There’s a pot of some mysterious potion sitting on my stove right now that probably is—”

“Chamomile tea,” said Sweetie Belle. “He takes it for his tummyache.”

“Oh,” said Twilight Sparkle. “Well, that makes — Wait a minute. How do you know he drinks chamomile tea for his stomach?”

“We had him out at Fluttershy’s for a tea party,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Until Scootaloo put some poisonous toadstools in his tea,” said Apple Bloom.

“Hey!” protested Scootaloo. “We got him to the hospital so he could get his stomach pumped.”

“And then he came to the school for Show-and-Tell,” said Snips. “It was so cool!”

“Yeah,” drawled Snails. “He told us all about his hive out in the Badlands, and how its kinda like an ant hill or a hornet nest, with sentries at the entrances, and little cells where they sleep, and a big creech where they raise all of their little changelings.”

“Creche,” said Twilight Sparkle with a snort of outrage. “That’s where their queen lays the eggs after—”

“They don’t hatch out of eggs,” said Snails, sounding indignant. “They’re more of a live birth gestational mammal than an arthropod. They even nurse their young for two months before turning them over to the… creche so an older changeling can take care of them while the parents go back to work.”

“How do you… When did he… Fine!” spluttered Twilight Sparkle. “He was probably being mind-controlled by his queen when he told—”

Snips promptly interjected, “He said the hivemind only lets the queen communicate in general terms. She has to talk to them directly, ‘cause otherwise she could have just stayed at home and done the whole invasion from her hot tub.”

“She has a hot tub?” asked Twilight Sparkle, her puzzled tone quicking shifting back to suspicion as she continued, “It’s probably full of poisonous slime and ooze.”

“She likes strawberry scented bath salts,” said Sweetie Belle, “so I don’t think her tub would have any slime in it.”

“I don’t know,” said Apple Bloom. “Remember when he went streaking naked through Sugarcube Corner’s main room, wearing nothing but suds? I thought it was because changelings didn’t like baths.”

“Oh, he’s over that,” said Sweetie Belle. “Pinkie Pie said he was in the bathtub with her last night so long that he almost drowned.”

“The bathtub?” said Twilight Sparkle in a near-whisper. “With Pinkie Pie?”

“And she ties him to her bed at night so he won’t run away,” added Scootaloo.

There was an exceedingly long and quiet silence, so long that the changeling could not restrain his curiosity and peeked out from under the mattress. The circle of little ponies around Twilight Sparkle looked concerned, perhaps a little distraught at the way little strands of mane kept popping up along her back, and the somewhat dazed look in her eyes.

“She’s my probation officer,” he whispered. “Can I go now?”

* * *

Once Twilight Sparkle had chased all of the little ponies out of the jail and locked the door behind them, she turned back to the desk. Huddling behind it as if it were armor and retrieving a quill and paper as a sword and shield, she began to write while casting suspicious glances at the quiet changeling who was still trying to hide under his mattress in the cell.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” she started, her quill scratching in a familiar rhythm. “There is a changeling in Ponyville…”

She paused, looking at the paper for a long while before wadding it up and throwing it into the trash. Starting again, she raised her quill over the paper. “Dear Princess Celestia. There is at least one changeling in Ponyville…”

This time she looked at the paper for a long time before the changeling suggested, “You could say I’m in the jail.”

“Right.” She crumpled the paper and threw it away, getting out another sheet. “Dear Princess Celestia. There is a changeling in the Ponyville jail…”

“Shouldn’t that be active voice?” he asked.

“Oh, good point.” Wadding up the paper again, she pulled out another sheet. “Dear Princess Celestia. I captured a changeling today and have him imprisoned in the Ponyville Jail.”

“And I’m going to release him so he can fly home.”

“Good. And I’m going to—” Scowling fiercely, Twilight Sparkle wadded up the paper and stuffed it in the trash. “Dear Princess Celestia,” she started with a growl. “Today I captured a sneaky changeling and have him imprisoned in the Ponyville Jail. I plan to…” She paused, waving the quill in her magic. “Plan to…”

She glanced at the changeling for inspiration, and he shrugged from under his mattress armor. “Don’t look at me. Changelings don’t plan. The Queen makes our plans for us.”

“Well, that’s pretty obvious,” she growled, turning back to the paper. “I don’t know how she expected the sun to rise after she captured Princess Celestia.”

After a few moments of thought, the changeling volunteered, “She must have had a plan. It would have been a pretty dumb idea otherwise.”

Twilight Sparkle took a few more minutes to prod listlessly at her paper before saying, “I suppose she could have taken Princess Celestia’s form in order to raise the sun.”

“It doesn’t work that way,” said the changeling, scrounging around on the bed above him with his weak and flickering magic until he managed to pull over his pillow. “We can just look like ponies. We can’t take over their powers. Otherwise the Queen could have used Princess Cadenza’s powers to make Shining Armor love her instead of controlling his mind.” He cringed, thinking of just whose sister was sitting just a few yards away, but Twilight Sparkle had a look of unbreakable concentration as she played with her quill.

“She had enough power drained out of my brother to beat Princess Celestia and trap her in a cocoon. She could have mind-controlled her to raise and lower the sun.”

The changeling shuddered. “Then we would have needed to fight The Nightmare. Why do you think we attacked during the day?”

Twilight Sparkle frowned. “Could she have controlled both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?”

“Only if she wanted her brain turned to tapioca. Controlling one pony is insanely difficult. Controlling two alicorns…” He shuddered and hid under his mattress except for his eyes. “I better not talk about it.”

“Well, I…” Twilight Sparkle shook herself out of her reverie and glared at her prisoner. “You’re doing it again! You’re influencing my mind so I’ll let you out of your cell and help me write my letter so that afterwards we can go over to the library and you can check out—” She snapped to a halt, grabbing her inkwell and papers in a flurry of purple magic that knocked over the trash can and upset several nearby chairs. “I’m not fooled by your smooth words,” she snarled, backing for the jail door. “I’m going to tell Princess Celestia all about you, and she’s going to be so proud that I caught a changeling. She’ll send the Royal Guard to drag you back to Canterlot and get the truth out of you! She’ll keep you in her deepest dungeons, chained to the wall, except I don’t think the castle has any dungeons for prisoners, so we may have to keep you in a guest room. A cold, unfurnished guest room. With a draft. And no maid services! And we’ll question you every day, just the two of us alone in a room with you. And we’ll ask questions! About military stuff and your evil schemes over tea and biscuits. She has the most amazing biscuits. And cake. And tea! Yes, we’ll have tea while we question you, just the three of us, nice and close for hours and hours. What do you think about that!” she snapped, her rear end against the jail door and her mane in a springy halo of curled hairs around her face.

“Sounds… nice?” he volunteered.

“Nice? Nice!” With a whinny of frustration, Twilight Sparkle vanished out of the doorway, slamming the heavy steel door behind her with a solid clang. The heavy locks on the door clunked and clanked, then he could faintly hear the sound of departing hooves outside on the street.

After a few moments of silence, the hoofsteps returned, growing in volume until the door clunked and clanked again. Opening just a crack, a quill levitated up into the air from the desk Twilight Sparkle had been writing on. It flew through the air, wrapped in a purple magic field until it vanished out the door, which closed with the same clunks and clanks as before, and the clatter of rapidly departing hooves.

* * *

The concrete floor of the jail proved far too uncomfortable for his back end to meet his final end on, so with a muttered curse, the changeling lugged the mattress back onto the steel-framed bed, tucking in the jail sheet under the jail-comforter⁽*⁾.

(*) With a hoof-stitched title of ‘Ponyville’s Model Prisoner,’ embroidered by the Ponyville Retirement Home Quilting Society in recognition for Jailbird’s community service over the last five years of his sentence including his participation in Meals on Hooves, Homes for Equanity, and the bi-monthly blood drive.

“If I’m going to die, I don’t want to go like a bug on the floor. What happened to the changeling, Twilight Sparkle? Oh, we found it all shriveled up in the corner and threw it into the trash. They’re going to drag my dead corpse onto that wagon and throw it into some gulley in the Badlands and nopony will care.” He gave the covers one last vengeful tuck with a subdued grunt before flaring bright green with changeling magic. In moments, a familiar yellow unicorn, somewhat battered and bruised, slipped under the covers and tried to make himself comfortable for the end.

“I’m going out like a proper changeling, looking like a pony until I die. I don’t care what that crazy unicorn thinks, I don’t care if the teacher wants to examine my plumbing, and I don’t care to see another apple, be it the pony or the fruit, ever again. The world doesn’t care about me, and I don’t need to care about the world. Changelings take from the world, and I certainly don’t need anything given to me.”

With a final tug of his covers, he snuggled down and waited for the end. Despite the comforter, the chill of the evening made him tremble in the dull red and oranges of the sunset reflecting in through the cell window. He was cold, all of his limbs ached from his ping-pong match against his cell, and the lump on his head where he had smashed into the unyielding oak door was giving him such a headache.

“Here you go.” Two small aspirin pills on a pink hoof appeared in front of him when he opened his eyes, and he swallowed them with the glass of apple juice Pinkie Pie provided.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie.” He settled back down to rest, then opened his eyes. “Pinkie Pie?”

“Yes?” The pony in question was barely a nose away, looking straight into his eyes and fluttering her eyelashes.

“How did you… What are you… Why are you in my cell?”

“Well,” she started with a deep breath, “you and Twilight were having your nasty argument, and you sounded like you were so much in pain that I ran back home and got two aspirin and then ran over to the hospital to check if it was okay to give you aspirin after mushroom poisoning and they said yes so I came back over to Sugarcube Corner to get the apple juice because when I take pills, I always take them with apple juice so they don’t get stuck in my throat and darn! I forgot my medicine at Zecora’s. Anyway, then I came over here and used the oven mits to open the door and here I am.”

He blinked. Pinkie Pie held up the pink ribbon.

He stuck out one leg.

Later that evening as the freshly-bathed changeling was settling down into his sleeping bag in Pinkie Pie’s bedroom and his roommate/probation officer was brushing her teeth (and somehow singing about it at the same time), there was time to think. It was a complex situation and a little bit frightening, but two things stood out.

He was starting to like pink.

And his stomach was hurting again.

Author's Note:

Late that night in the Ponyville Golden Oak Library, Twilight Sparkle put down her frazzled quill into a pile of similarly worn feathers and regarded the last piece of paper on her desk before crumpling it up and throwing it in the direction of her overflowing trash can.

“I’m not giving up. There has to be a way to warn the Princess about Mister Tolliver… I mean the changeling in the jail without sounding like some madpony, but I’m just not seeing clearly tonight. At least he’s safely locked up, so I can get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow it will all make sense.” Capping her inkwell, Twilight stumbled up the stairs to her room and flipped back the covers to her bed, only to stop in shock and stare at what was revealed.

“What are you doing in my bed?” she shouted at the skinny stallion, who yawned in response.

“My bed,” grumbled Jailbird, groping for the missing covers.

“What?” shouted Twilight. “This is my bed, in my library! Get out!”

“It’s my bed now,” said Jailbird, pulling the covers up around his neck. “You closed the jail. Ponyville city regulations state that incarcerated prisoners such as myself may be housed in other unoccupied public buildings in the event that the jail becomes uninhabitable.”

“This building IS occupied!” shouted Twilight. “By me! And Spike!”

“Don’t drag me into this,” came Spike’s drowsy voice from his basket.

“It was unoccupied when I moved in,” said Jailbird. “But as I am a public-spirited citizen who doesn’t want our citizens sleeping in the streets, I let Spike sleep in his basket, and I’ll let you sleep downstairs on the couch.”

With a flare of purple magic, the bed and its unwelcome inhabitant became airborne. “Get out before I throw you out,” growled Twilight.

“That would be assault and battery,” came the muffled reply from under the covers, “punishable by three to six months in the jail. Which is currently closed by order of Princess Celestia’s student, so you’d have to be housed elsewhere. As the senior prisoner in the secondary jail, I get my choice of beds. I choose this one. Go sleep downstairs.”

After a few minutes, Twilight came trudging downstairs, a spare pillow and sheet towed behind her in a flickering violet aura. She settled down on the couch with a grumble and pulled the sheet up over her head.

“I hate changelings,” she growled.