• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 13,629 Views, 1,059 Comments

A Feeling Of - Nuke

A slice of life story featuring a human and a bat-pony as they get to know one another.

  • ...

A Feeling of Reminiscence

We met only two months ago, around the middle of this world's calendar-equivalent of June. Our first month together was certainly something. Something fantastic. She went from being shy and avoidant, to being bubbly and out-going in such a short span of time. We grew close and, for the most part, I got over my distaste for bats and puns. We fell in love, despite the short time we had known each other. Maybe we were just lonely, but it happened, and we're together now.

We've been through quite a bit together: a bogus prediction about something going wrong in our lives, her mom passing away, dealing with her parents' house, dealing with things that happened in Canterlot that we try not to talk about. We've met all of the direct descendants of the Elements of Harmony.

And, best of all, we've made an adorable little filly the happiest pony in the world.

All in only two months.

Everything might have happened a little fast for my liking, but I'm happy. We're all happy.


A brisk, mid-Autumn wind blows over me as I stand on the platform of the Ponyville train station. I wait patiently for the south-bound train from Canterlot Mountain to arrive, which it does at the exact time it was meant to. Once it stops, and its doors open, a flood of ponies come pouring out. Most of them immediately stampede into town, but some linger.

The lingering crowd begins dispersing not long after, leaving only me and a few ponies behind. Of those few ponies, I recognize three: Pingpong, and the Lily twins, Ether and Earth.

Today is the day that Twilight and the descendants of the Elements of Harmony are meeting. I don't even know what's going to happen, or if I'll learn what I want, but I'll at least get to see Pingpong and hang out with Reverie again. This might be really interesting, given their different personalities.

Of course, what visit from Pingpong isn't complete without at least one of my bones being broken? She doesn't miss a beat as she rushes up to me and glues herself to my leg. Surprisingly, she doesn't use real glue. Her bear hug cuts off the circulation to my leg for a brief moment before she lets go and stares up at me.

"Hi March."

"Hello Pingpong." I notice something different about her. She isn't wearing her armor, but rather a golden-orange scarf. "You're naked."

"I am!?" She blushes and covers herself up. I catch a glimpse of her cutiemark: a balloon sword. Fitting.

"You aren't wearing your armor. I've never seen you without it."


Ether and Earth Lily snicker as we start walking from the train station to the library. We need to find Reverie, and then head to the opera house to find Curio. Apple Seed should already be at the farm.

"I-It's been a while since w-we've been in Ponyville," Ether speaks up. I glance back to find the twins looking around, almost like they want to run off and explore.

"Has it? I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to look around after we've met with Twilight."

"Of course." Earth nudges his sister before she can run off.

"March, we're here! Reverie!" Pingpong starts screaming at the door. "Reverie, come out, we're here!"

The front door of the library cracks open, revealing a single magenta eye. It looks at Pingpong, Ether Lily, and Earth Lily before looking up at me.

"Where are the others?"

"We haven't gotten them yet. Twilight and Apple Seed are probably at Sweet Apple Acres, and Curio's either there or at the opera house."

Reverie mumbles something and shuts the door for a moment. Something clicks from behind it and she opens it once more, trotting out into the sunlight. She shuts and locks it with a sigh.

"We should be coming here."

"W-We have one extra th-this time, Reverie."

"The library can hold up to twenty ponies safely."

"March counts for like -" Pingpong looks me over quickly "- a hundred ponies, probably."

Reverie and I both stare at Pingpong, then at each other. Ether climbs on her brother's back as they try to match my height and stature.

"Regardless, we shouldn't keep Twilight waiting." Reverie walks past me as the twins topple over. Pingpong quickly lifts them and throws them up on my shoulders before throwing Reverie up at me. I catch her out of reflex just as Pingpong latches onto my back.

"All aboard the Friendship Express!"

I don't question it. Questioning anything Pingpong does would either cause me to have a mental breakdown or create a fissure in the fabric of space and time. Or waste more time we could spend with Twilight.

I carry three dumbfounded ponies and Pingpong to Carousel Opera House.

Almost as soon as we reach the front door, Curio trots out wearing a modest dress. Her mane looks freshly curled.

"Oh! Just in time!" She looks up at me and the four ponies latched onto me. A wide smile draws across her lips as she raises her eyebrows.

"Curio, no."

She daintily climbs onto my back as Pingpong climbs onto my head.

"Choo, choo!" The wild little wizard knight starts making train sounds. The others follow suit, Reverie included. Pingpong is quite the contagious pony. Had the thought of being in a romantic relationship with a pony crossed my mind when I first came to Equestria, I am afraid I might not have left Canterlot for Ponyville, and I might never have met Speck. I am thankful for my past inhibitions.

I can't help but laugh as I start to jog toward Sweet Apple Acres.

Apple Seed waits for us at the front gate. In the year or so that I've lived here, I've never really come around these parts. I've seen pictures of the farm way back, from before Twilight became a princess. The fencing is still made of wood, but they've upgraded the gate. It is a large iron structure, shaped like an ornate apple. Saying it was imposing would be wrong, since, somehow, the Apple family managed to make iron seem welcoming.

"Hello, darling," Curio smiles down at her husband.

"Hullo, dear," Apple Seed grumbles. He tries to hide his smile behind his hat as Pingpong starts screaming at him.

"Apple Seed! Get on!" She shouts, waving her hooves at him and nearly toppling off my head.

"Ah'll pass," he mutters as he turns to lead us onto the farm. Reverie looks up at me. I look down at her. She crawls out of my arms and clings to my waist as I reach down to pick Apple Seed up. I catch him by surprise and hug him to my chest. "Let go'a me!" He growls and protests, but I hold fast as I carry all six of these little ponies through the farm and toward the orchard.

I walk for what feels like hours, as Pingpong and the others quiet down about half way through the orchard. I don't know why, but all of them, Apple Seed included, completely calm down. Even Pingpong sits stoically atop my head.

We break through an edge of the orchard, where a large hill rises before us. On top of the hill, sits a single silhouetted figure. As we scale the hill, I look around to find apple trees as far as the eye can see. Ponyville, not quite far, but not quite near, sits silently in the distance.

I choose to remain silent, refraining from making any Ponytron jokes as we finally approach Twilight. All six of the Descendants of Harmony climb off of me.

None of them speak, nor does Twilight turn to us. A chill runs down my spine as a strong gust of wind threatens to knock us over.

Looking from Twilight to the six ponies around me, I notice that all six of them have their eyes locked past the princess. Following their gaze, I notice a small stack of pages beneath her hoof. Maybe it's the last chapter of the Elements of Harmony book. Beneath those pages rests a monstrous picnic basket and a folded blanket.

It's finally within grasp, and today might be the day that I will finally learn what happened.

I look away from the papers and down at my feet. I won't pry. If Twilight doesn't want me to know, then I won't ask. I wouldn't want to be intrusive in front of the others.

As I look back up and glance over the six ponies at my sides, I notice Pingpong's gaze flick from the corner of her eye back to Twilight. Was she looking at me?

"He won't be able to visit this time, Curio." Twilight finally speaks up and turns to us.

I watch the Lily twins start to bow, but they quickly stop. Twilight probably won't let them bow to her the same way Celestia won't let me.

Her smile turns from a motherly one to a childish and excited one. She lets out a loud, squeaky giggle as tears well up in her eyes and the six other ponies all tackle and hug her.

I stand idly by as the pile of giggling, teary-eyed ponies embrace.

Their giggling slows to a stop and they sit and hold each other. Twilight finally looks up at me, resting her chin on Earth Lily's head.

"Hello, March."

"Hi." I raise my hand up and sort of wave awkwardly.

"It must be strange seeing me like this."

"It's humbling. Such a motherly princess being brought to tears by... old friends." That might be the wrong way to describe them, but it seems right, somehow.

"Are you sure that's the reason? Or is it that this is the first time you've ever seen Pingpong complacent?"

"That might have something to do with it." Pingpong giggles and nuzzles her face into Twilight's wing. "It might also have something to do with Apple Seed not being a stuck up stick in the mud." He ignores me, only offering a contented sigh.

"I am still quite surprised you've managed to meet all six of them before today."

"Princess of Fate's looking out for me."


"It's a joke. We've already got a princess that controls the sun, one that controls the moon, one that controls love, and you, who controls magic. Fate would be a logical step in the next direction."

"There are only four princesses."

"Yes, that's why it's a joke."

"It's a weird joke, but okay." Twilight just shrugs.

The ponies start to disperse from Twilight, so I approach her.

"So, how've things been for you, Twilight?"

"Surprisingly hectic. I was trying to convince a friend of mine to come visit. It is surprisingly difficult to get a hold of him."

"Maybe another time." I point down at the picnic basket. "How about we set that up?"

She looks me in the eye as she picks the stack of papers up and moves the basket and blanket. I watch her out of the corner of my eye, never moving my direct gaze from the basket, as she spreads the blanket out and sets rocks on the corners.

"Later, March," the princess says with a sly smirk. She knows the game I play, and while I'd like to chalk it up to her becoming wise over the course of her life, I notice her horn has a very faint glow to it. She moved everything without magic.

"You caught me." I smile and sit down across from her.

"Caught you? Oh, no, dear March. Catching you would imply that I had no prior clue of what you were doing." I shrug and decide not to carry on as the rest of our company starts migrating back to us, presumably from catching up with one another. Twilight smiled once more, not in that motherly manner to which I have become accustomed, but in a more friendly way. "Since we're all here, how about we give proper introductions to our special guest?" All six ponies nodded and turned to me.

"I'm Pingpong, descendant of the Element of Laughter." An image of a giggling pink pony flashes where Pingpong sits. It startles me briefly, but I don't say anything. Twilight's horn had stopped glowing just before the ponies came back.

"Curio, descendant of the Element of Generosity." A pristine ivory unicorn replaces Curio for a moment. I take a deep breath and hold my tongue.

"Apple Seed, Honesty." An orange mare with a much younger version of Apple Seed's hat nods and smiles.

"E-Ether Lily, descendant of th-the Element of Kindness."

"Earth Lily, descendant of the Element of Kindness." Between Ether and Earth Lily, a yellow-coated, pink-maned pegasus smiles sheepishly from behind her mane.

"Reverie, of Loyalty." An energetic rainbow-maned, cyan pony smirks, like she would take on any challenge I would propose.

"And Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, and Princess of Friendship." A much younger, much smaller Twilight Sparkle sits across from me. Her wings are missing.

"March. A pleasure to meet all of you again."

"Since that's out of the way, how about we get this party started?" Everyone nods at Twilight's suggestion.

We pass around drinks, salads, cupcakes and cookies, and a whole bunch of other goodies. The gathering lasts well into the evening, and while there are plenty of stories told, from myself, the descendants, and Twilight, the subject of what happened to the Elements of Harmony is never brought up. Neither are the pages.

As things start to wind down, and Twilight hugs each of her friends in turn, I notice that, as they depart, Pingpong lingers.

"Is something wrong?" Twilight asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Well... Reverie has the library to stay at, Curio and Apple Seed have the farmhouse, Ether and Earth Lily have that old cottage near the forest..."

"You have the cupcake, don't you?"

"No, the Cakes shoved a bunch of giant mixers in there. Where are you staying, Twilight?"

"The library, actually. I told Reverie to go on ahead. I wanted to look at the town."

"Hmmm. You can stay with me. Speck cleaned the spare room out and got rid of all of her bricks. We have extra pillows and blankets. If we don't have a cot, you can use the couch."

"Is that alright with you, Pingpong?"

"Mhm!" She nods enthusiastically.

"Then I will see you two another time." Twilight starts to walk back towards the picnic area to clean up, but stops. "Oh, March. I almost forgot." She sits and picks the papers up in her hooves and turns to me. "These are for you. You said you were interested in what happened, and I trust that you won't tell anyone."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. If you feel the need to record it in your journal, please write it in your human language."

"Thank you."

She turns back from us, picks the basket and blanket up, and starts walking through the orchard.

Pingpong and I walk in the opposite direction, back to the gate, and back into Ponyville. We head to the market square near the south end of town and continue on to my house.

The usual skip in Pingpong's step is strangely absent, though completely reasonable. She hasn't spoken since we left the orchard, nor was she happy over Twilight's departure. Usually, I would ask if she was okay, but... for some reason, I don't. She doesn't seem to mind.

We reach the house and stop in front of the steps. She looks up at me. I look down at her.

The door opens and exposes us to the house's light. A fuzzy little cannon-ball of pony slams into my chest and hugs me. Pingpong just tilts her head, completely curious and caught off-guard.


"Hey, kiddo."

Sirocca buries her face into my chest, blocking Pingpong from seeing anything but her back.

"Welcome home, March. And Pingpong." Speck stands in the doorway, her mane in its typical frazzled mess, and an apron tied over her chest. "Come out of the dark. It's getting late." Over the past week, Speck has... definitely grown up quite a bit. She isn't as rash as she used to be, and she selects her words with utmost care. She puts up this motherly facade when Sirocca is around her, but quickly drops it when we're alone. I've told her it isn't necessary, but she insists.

Pingpong and I enter the house, and are immediately met with an interesting smell. Likely the result of something Speck has tried to do in the kitchen with Sirocca's help. Together, they are decent cooks. Not the best, not the worst, but definitely interesting. I elect not to ask what they've created tonight, as I am afraid they would force me to sample whatever accompanies the sickeningly sweet smell of -

"Pan-seared candied mangoes and bananas." I look down at Speck. She smiles. "Do you-"

"No. There was a lot of food at the picnic."

"Suit yourself." Speck trots into the kitchen, leaving me, Pingpong, and Sirocca to stand in the foyer.

"Okay, Sirocca. That's enough hugging. You need to save some for tomorrow." I pull the little filly off of me and set her down. She stares up at me with a slight frown, much like her mother loves to give. Speck, over these past two months, has tested my resolve. I have won quite a few battles in my time. I would prefer not to fight wars with Sirocca. "Stop."

"Okay." She turns away, but immediately bumps into Pingpong.

"Oh, right. Sirocca, this is Pingpong. Pingpong, Sirocca. We adopted her a few days ago."

Sirocca stares intently at the mare, looking her over as Pingpong sits in apprehensive silence. Sirocca looks at the scarf briefly, but shakes her head.

"It's nice to meet you, miss Pingpong."

"It is... very nice." Pingpong's eyes sparkle as she sniffles.

"You okay, Pingpong?"

"Yes, just tired."

"Well, it is late. Come on Sirocca, let's get you to bed." I pick Sirocca up and turn to the kitchen briefly. "Hey Speck, we're getting ready for bed. Can you help Pingpong get the spare room set up?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

"What're you doing in there anyway? Figured you'd want to visit with Pingpong."

"I'm just cleaning a little bit. I'll be up soon."


Pingpong watches as I climb the stairs. I turn to the left and carry Sirocca to the master bedroom. Understandably, she prefers to sleep with me and Speck, rather than alone in her room. She'll grow out of it, I hope.

She jumps out of my arms and onto the bed. I long for the day I can toss her onto the bed without worrying about hurting her. That cast on her wing looks so uncomfortable, and I feel so bad for her. Just three more weeks.


"Yes, Beetle?" She glares at me. Speck came up with the nickname yesterday and wouldn't stop using it. It stuck, mostly because the cast really does make her look like a beetle.

"Do I get a bed-time story?"

"I don't have one." She looks down and points at the papers I hold in my hand. I look down and hold my hand up to look at the bundle of papers. "I think you should let me read this one first. It might not be appropriate."

"Okay." She lies down in the middle of the bed and pulls the covers up to her chin, then looks up at me expectantly. I tuck the covers around her and kiss her on the forehead. She smiles and closes her eyes as I walk back to the door.

"Good night, Sirocca."

"Good night, Papa." I shut the light off and close the door behind me.

I start to walk back downstairs, passing by Speck and Pingpong as they trot upstairs.

"Are you not coming to bed?"

"Not yet."


They continue upstairs. I can't help but notice Pingpong acting a little bit distant, and much more calm than usual. Maybe she gets like this when she's tired.

I consider helping them for a moment, but continue through the living room and into my study, closing its door behind me. The room is slightly dusty, given that I hardly spend time in here unless sending for the princesses, but it always feels welcoming.

As I plop down into my leather chair and scoot up to the desk, I flick a lamp on and set the papers down in front of me. Yet, as I stare at what I've longed to see for nearly a year, I pause. It is a victory in and of itself to have these papers. These papers that contain information lost to the world, and known only by a select few.

For me to be trusted with something like this is... incredible. It's more than incredible, but I am at a loss for words.

After a few minutes of taking things in, I pick up the stack of papers.

With a pen in hand and my journal opened to a blank page, I only wish that my language and the language of Equestria would not translate into each other very well. Regardless of my wishes, what I write is a mere paraphrasing of what the pages hold, as they almost repeat themselves for the first five sets.


Sometime over the course of the Elements' lives, some indeterminable number of years since their final fight alongside the Element of Magic, Princess Twilight Sparkle, they separated to different corners of Equestria. The Element of Loyalty, to her home in Cloudsdale. The Element of Generosity, to Manehattan. The Element of Honesty, to her farm in Ponyville. The Element of Laughter, to Los Pegasus. The Element of Kindness, to Dodge Junction. And finally, the Element of Magic to Canterlot.

Their separation was not caused by any disagreement or resentment within their group, but a desire to watch over Equestria on a larger scale. There were conflicting desires between them, however, which did influence many of their decisions. Be it the desire to return to a normal life, or to guarantee the safety of an entire city, the Elements could not be rid of one another, nor of their destiny.

This led to several scuffles between them, some simply small scale arguments, and others full on assaults. On several occasions, the Elements of Loyalty, Honesty, and Generosity traveled to Canterlot in an attempt to give up their Elements. They were refused. Laughter and Kindness acted out in fits of fear and anger, and would use their status to invade Canterlot and attempt to fight Twilight Sparkle.

Sometimes, they would even fight amongst themselves in the same ways they did old foes. This led to the princesses questioning the need for the Elements anymore, as there had not been any major threats in a very long time. There was talk of ousting the Elements from their cities, from their lands, from their homes, and from their families, for the princesses feared that the Elements would soon become that which the lands were always protected from.

Despite their failures and their criticism, they continued their vigil over Equestria, as they had always done. They did not resent each other, nor the ponies of Equestria, but merely resented their fates.


I set the fifth set of papers aside and lean back in my chair for a moment. If Twilight Sparkle went through the trouble of covering this up and removing it from the original set of books, then I am slightly afraid of what I'll find in the next set of papers.

Of course, I do understand her reasoning completely. Those five ponies were her best friends. They meant the world to her, and she would do anything to keep them in good light. It also explains why she keeps in touch with their descendants, and treats them so closely.

Though, one thing about the first five sets of papers bothers me. Not a single one of them details the fates of the Elements, just that they continued their lives. They don't even make mention of their deaths. I assume that the final set will explain everything, as I would expect a set of books to do.

I pick the missing chapter up and lean forward to begin writing its contents down.


Equestria has always been a fairly peaceful kingdom, aside from some dangers and threats that were always taken care of by the Elements of Harmony. The Elements, despite their disagreements, had always remained friends, though they were distant from one another. During their rare meetings with one another, all tensions seemed to fade away. They would always interact with one another as if nothing had changed, and as if no time had passed from when they all lived in Ponyville.

During one such meeting, in the Elements' old age, Celestia offered them a gift. Eternal youth and eternal life, so Twilight Sparkle could always have her friends. In turn, each one of them turned the offer down, not out of spite or any kind of resentment for Celestia or Twilight Sparkle. Equestria had seen decades of peace, with no major threats looming anywhere. The Elements saw that they were no longer needed, and when their times came, they accepted it.

In the end, Twilight Sparkle lost those closest to her. For the longest time, she kept to herself. Years passed, and in her hiding, she became a myth throughout Equestria. The Lost Princess, they called her. The only ponies that knew of her whereabouts were Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Spike.

They had managed to round up the Descendants of Harmony, as the Elements' children, grandchildren, and grandchildren had come to be known. Only with their gathering, did Twilight Sparkle once more show herself. She realized, though her friends had left her, their descendants were still there. They became her friends, and though their passings were always more heart-wrenching than the last, she carried on, making sure she was always there for the next generation.


I purse my lips and stare at the pages.

"Well, the way everyone has acted and how secretive they were over this, I would have guessed the Elements had fallen to some great threat."

"It was kept a secret because Twilight doesn't want anyone to know about the tensions between the Elements."

A very unmanly shriek escapes me. The door swings the rest of the way open with a slight creak. I hadn't even noticed it open in the first place.

Pingpong trots in and sits beside me. She places her front hooves on the desk and looks at the papers.

"You could have knocked."

"Sorry. I can't sleep."

"You've only been upstairs for a few minutes."

"A few hours. You've been reading and writing the whole time."

I look down at the pages. I suppose she's right, it would have taken me a little while to read all of this, despite the short summaries in my journal.

"Do you remember the day we first met?"

"I don't think I'll ever forget," she whispers.

"I don't think I will, either." Pingpong climbs into my lap and snuggles close to me. The dim light of the lamp illuminates us, but darkens her face as she buries it against my hand. I stroke her mane and ears with my free hand. "Pingpong."

"Hm?" She doesn't look up at me or move her face from my hand. I glance at her scarf and sigh. It's been bothering me since we stepped through the front door. I noticed Sirocca stare at it briefly, and that worries me more than it should.

"The day we first met wasn't the day you knocked on the guest room door back in Canterlot, was it?"

"No. I'm the one that found you in the garden, the day before." There's sincerity in her voice. "Why?"

"Just wondering. I still don't really remember much between leaving Earth and coming here. A bit of the first day is really foggy, too." Something about her scarf nags at me, but I don't know how to approach the subject. I know I've seen it somewhere. I'll ask if she knows anything another time, if I remember.

"You can ask Princess Celestia, or Princess Luna. They were the first ones I alerted."

We both fall silent again, as I space off. Her warm breath becomes deeply rhythmic against my hand. I yawn and stretch in the chair. I check my watch, something I haven't done in a very long time. I angle it to the light of the lamp to find both hands pointing at twelve o' clock.

I roll Pingpong over and hold her against my chest as I stand up. She doesn't stir as I turn the lamp off and leave my study. I carry her upstairs to the spare room, lay her on the cot that Speck set up, and tuck her in. As I walk away from her, she stirs.

"Good night, March," she whispers.

"Good night, Pingpong." I close the door before walking to my own bedroom.

Quietly, I enter the room, closing the door behind me, and tip-toe over to the bed. I find Sirocca snuggled up in her mother's embrace. Speck has her nose buried in Sirocca's mane, and her wings wrapped around the filly. Speck stirs as soon I sit on the edge of the bed after changing into a set of pajamas.

I lie down beside her and wrap my arms around her and Sirocca. They snuggle closer to each other as I cover us up with the bed's comforter. Something tugs at my heart as I watch them, their bodies rising and falling with each breath they take.

Sirocca manages to roll over in her mother's embrace as I stroke her mane. She hugs my arm and rubs her cheek against my hand.

I feel as though I will awake from this dream, and have neither of these two in my arms. I fear the possibility of a nightmare where I had never come to this world and met them. I struggle to stay awake, but inevitably lose.

Author's Note:

New OCs:

OC Count:

Comments ( 45 )

... Were there cool explosions and anime style fighting?

It's alive :pinkiehappy:

:pinkiegasp: THE SCARF IS A GIFT FROM MARCH!!! March is missing more days than he thinks he is! And if I'm wrong let the anthers light smite me here and now!

:^) It's a gift, alright.

6329532 Oh you! You know how to make a ponyling happy!

I'll bet the one that she couldn't get to come to the picnic is discord.

There are so many other characters that would make more sense to show up at that picnic.
And you think it's Discord?
Rly m8.
Actual spoiler:
It's Spike.

So is this hiatus status means you are taking time off for personal reason? Or can this be considered a conclusion because I felt satisfied with it.

It's on hiatus until I get a better writing schedule. I'm still writing it and I'll be updating it, but probably not more frequently than once every few months. I'll take the Hiatus tag off when I'm doing an update every month at the slowest.

Another wonderful chapter.

So the final, missing bit about the element bearers comes to light. Huh, expected something more heavy. Guess Twi really only wanted to remove all bad about them from the history. They were her best friends after all.

I think march would poo a little if spike dropped by.

This has been in my unread chapters section since the last update and at some point yesterday I accidentally unfavorited it. Scared the crap out of myself :twilightsheepish:

Cool to see a new chapter, read the earlier comment about still going to be awhile before updates regualrly or lowest as monthly which is fine. So what's up with orphan? Will that be released soon or something in the works? (Really want to read it):derpytongue2:

It'll be released as soon as this is done.

Wow, so what really happened was that Twilight and the others drifted apart and they fought each other over their fates as elements. Okay I think I understand the personal reason is that that their fights apparently made them look bad and pretty powerful, but I think the other important reason is so other people who found out about the only time she'll show herself won't use this knowledge as a tactical advantage to find her or use the Element's decedents to get to her.

Though the reason for their fights seem pretty solid it seems like there could be something more about these fights than just them rejecting their destiny as Elements of Harmony.

March's recount of the events written in the books is an abridged version with details omitted, in case someone figures out how to read his native language. Those details are going to be left up to the readers' imaginations.

I know he wrote the gist of things but I didn't think it would've been that brief. But I suppose the gist of what's happened is probably the best since he wrote what he learned about it in his journal and wants to remember how he understands it.

Twilight tells him to write it in his human language, so if she had gone through the trouble of covering the past up, and someone manages to get hold of March's journal, they wouldn't be able to read it.
He's concise in what he writes, and omits a bulk of the detail, just in case someone would manage to decipher his language.
He knows what happens, but the reader doesn't. It's up to the reader's imagination to fill in the holes there.

Think of the whole thing as a meta story. March records what happens to him, but we're only getting pieces of his story. A lot of what he writes omits details, rarely acknowledges other ponies around him save for the named characters, and hardly describes his environment unless he deems it necessary. It's like a memoir, with footnotes and input from Speck.

Only with their gathering, did Twilight Sparkle once more show herself. She realized, though her friends had left her, their descendants were still there. They became her friends, and though their passings were always more heart-wrenching than the last, she carried on, making sure she was always there for the next generation.

You sad stupid girl. Wallowing in nostalgia, chasing after ghosts and thinned blood, when there's a big wide world out there full of people, new friends and new loves, just waiting to meet you.

All stories, even the ones we love, must end. But even those they are over, another begins.

6488342 Heh, it's a good picture though... Also, care to remind me on what exactly this story is about? o.o

6489434 A post-living-WMD-that-turns-things-to-stone-while-they-are-still-conscience world,adorable Bat-Ponies and eating Eddie Murphy to gain his powers.
IDK don't question it, just enjoy it.

6527563 God dammit, now you've made me think it.
*sigh* what has been thought cannot be un-thought XD

Apparently this was removed from my favorites at some point.

Welp gotta fix that

Well, this story definitely deserves a favorite!!!! Can't wait for other chapters to be posted in this story! Keep it up!

It should've been inferred, over the course of the year that occurs between the introduction and Anon/March first meeting Speck, he would have adjusted everything in his house to suit himself.
I'll edit Renewal - 4 to clarify.

7211224. Almightycommenter
What. The...buck?

Autism is a hell of a drug.

Same one.

Hey i'm just wondering if you are ever going to continue this story

I will, some day.

is this story dead

Might as well be. I don't consider most of this Speck's canon anymore anyway, so.
Might scrap together a proper ending.

I've always heard that horse meat is sweet :)

7725037 If the story is indeed dead, then you could at least make a decent ending and switch the mark to Complete or just switch the mark to Canceled

But it's neither complete nor dead. I don't have time to work on it, so it's in hiatus.

Just when I thought I'd found a perfectly lengthy read about batxhuman, it's cancelled.
Oh well, hope you're doing alright irl, I really appreciate what you did give us and I've got to check it out now, so thank you.

so this hasn't ended? this seems like a good-ish ending. I loved the read. now then on to another great book to read.

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