• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 13,629 Views, 1,059 Comments

A Feeling Of - Nuke

A slice of life story featuring a human and a bat-pony as they get to know one another.

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A Feeling of Renewal - 2

I am awoken by a hoof prodding my shoulder. Looking up and blinking the sleep from my eyes, I take in my surroundings. A large library with thousands of books lined up on oaken shelves. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling above me, providing light to any that would find solace with these books. It takes me a minute to remember where I am, and the kind of exhaustion I feel within tells me that none of this is a dream.

"Good evening, Anonymous. I take it you've found everything you were looking for?" I look from Celestia to the table. Aside from a small puddle of drool, the table is littered with papers containing notes and dozens of tomes with subjects varying from ecology to economy. I can't say with confidence that I have read every single word in every single book; I have never been a scholarly person. I can, however, say that I was able to gather enough information from them to deduce quite a bit about this world.

"Aside from some things in ancient lore and history, I believe so."

"Would you care to detail your findings?"

"Well, where should I start?"

"How about with some basic similarities?" She takes a seat beside me and pulls my notes to her with that wondrous magic of hers. If, someday, that stops amazing me, I can only hope that it isn't near.

"From what I've read about this world's flora and fauna, most of it is incredibly similar to Earth's. I think the only real difference is that this world has a lot of creatures that were only considered mythological on Earth. Manticores, hydras, dragons." I take a moment to realize what I just said. This world has dragons. Actual fire-breathing, village-pillaging dragons. For the first time, I smile.

"And what of technology?"

"Really, all I can tell is that your world's inventions run more off of pony-power and magic than it does electricity. Though, I've found some interesting things about the Pegasi, and how they'll use their thunder-clouds to power machines. On Earth, we've done similar things, where we take massive metal rods and affix them to machines' electrical components. That was long before we invented other ways of generating electricity."

"It sounds like your world actually did have magic."

"Sort of, I guess. We mostly called the physical aspects of our world 'scientific,' where the intangible stuff was called 'paranormal.' There was a lot that science couldn't explain, so we chalked things up as supernatural, or even divine."

"Our world is similar in that aspect, Anonymous. We do call a lot of experiments and technologies 'science,' even those done with magic. We do have paranormal activity in this world, what with being magic ponies. There are some things that even my sister and I cannot explain."

"Interesting. It seems that our worlds are much more similar than they are different. Except... What bothers me is, I can't find much in the way of religion. If you and your sister are immortal rulers of these lands, and can even perform miracles that other ponies can't, why aren't you regarded as deities?" I watch her shuffle over my notes, specifically the ones about the Angels she had mentioned earlier in the day. Can she read my writing?

"My sister and I were regarded as such, a very, very long time ago. However, over time, and with my sister's defeat by my hoof, the ponies began regarding us just as they did each other. They still respect us as rulers, however, they don't give constant offerings, or make pilgrimages to Canterlot. I like things better this way."

"Wait, your sister's defeat? I didn't find anything about that."

"Oh, it happened some thirteen-hundred years ago. I had banished her to the moon for a thousand years, and on the thousand-year anniversary, she escaped. Luckily, my student at the time was able to defeat her with the power of friendship. As a matter of fact, if you'd like to learn about the whole ordeal from a reliable source, she's still alive today. I expect she'll be back in Canterlot within the month."

"So she's been alive for three hundred years? Did she find some kind of spell to keep herself alive?" Celestia giggles before passing my notes back to me.

"Not exactly. I had chosen her to become an alicorn, just like myself. She had proven herself to be exceptional in her special talent. Twilight Sparkle, the princess of magic."

"Huh... So your student defeated your sister with the power of friendship. It's safe to assume that she was mad, since it seems like she's just fine now." Celestia nods. "Did Twilight Sparkle give her a hug or something?"

"No, actually. She had banded together with five other ponies she had met that day. In Equestria, all ponies are connected by fate. Whether to be friends, or rivals, or lovers, they will all eventually meet those they are destined to meet."

"Did her friends become alicorns, too?"

"Unfortunately, no. I felt so horrible about that, and Twilight suffered so much." I sit back in my chair and look away from her. Even the gods of this world aren't without weakness. "Gather your notes and come with me. I'd like to show you their final resting place." I collect the pages of notes and slip them into my journal. I make a mental note to do more research on Twilight Sparkle and her friends.


We walk outside, into a garden enclosed by four walls. Stained glass windows decorate the walls, depicting six colorful ponies in various situations, mostly defeating something. Cobblestone walkways lead from five entrances, including the one we just left through, to a large fountain in the center. The fountain has a large six-point star standing on a small pillar in its center. Water erupts from each point. Five large statues stand in the grass between the walkways. Each one depicts a different pony. I walk away from Celestia to examine each one individually.

Rarity, the Element of Generosity. The statue stands in a regal pose. A stone marker beneath it displays three diamonds. An epitaph reads, "In memory of a pony of utmost generosity, to her friends, her family, and to strangers alike. She now walks among those of days past, weaving beautiful garments to hang in the sky above Equestria."

Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty. She strikes a grand pose; one that shouts confidence and daring. A cloud with a lightning bolt is engraved into a stone marker. This one reads, "In memory of a pony most loyal and brave. She flies with the pegasi of legend, creating rainbows for all of Equestria to see."

Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness. Her stone effigy lays, wings folded in, with a shy smile on her face. Her stone mane hides part of her face. Three little butterflies are imprinted into the stone under the statue. "In memory of a pony so kind and so innocent, she never scorned or forsook her pony-kind. A true saint to the end, she watches over ponies and animals alike."

Applejack, the Element of Honesty. A stone pony stands tall and proud, a stone stetson rests on her head. Three apples are etched into the stone beneath her likeness. "In memory of a pony, honest and hardworking, who valued each and every pony she met as her very own family. She rests with an even larger family of ponies long past, resting until the next harvest."

Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter. A stone giant in the shape of a poofy-maned pony stands tall, a large smile eternally etched into her face. Three balloons are engraved into her own stone. "In memory of a pony that could make even the grumpiest creature smile. A saint of laughter, and a wonderful party planner, she sings, dances, and plays with ponies of days past."

I walk around the final statue and look up at the fountain. A small pedestal with a golden plaque sits in front of it.

The Elements of Harmony Memorial Garden, the final resting place of the legendary ponies of yore, who, without fear, saved Equestria countless times. They watch over these lands, an inspiration to thousands of ponies far and wide. May they rest in peace.

I turn back to Celestia, who smiles at me with tears in her eyes. I look to the ground, my face ready to betray my sorrow for these heroes.

"They were some of the most incredible ponies I have ever known, Anonymous. Better than my sister and myself. If I could have had things my way, they would be ruling and protecting this kingdom instead." She looks up at the sky.

"What happened?"

"They turned down my offer. Each and every one of them. They all had so much to live for, and they lived to the fullest, but when their times came, they chose to leave."

"What about Twilight? Why would she choose to become an alicorn?" Celestia sighs and looks away from me. I see so much shame and regret on her face.

"Equestria needed her to become an alicorn. There was so much darkness looming over us, that I knew only she would be able to clear it. I wish I didn't have to do it, Anonymous. I didn't know what to do." She threatens to start sobbing. I do the only thing I can. I hug her. I don't say anything, because there's nothing I can say. I don't think it's okay. Forcing another to do something like that isn't quite right, but she had to if her land was to stay safe. If she really did make the offer to the other five, then she tried her best to make it right. Maybe there's something she isn't telling me, but I don't think I'll pry into it now.

My stomach grumbles at me as she nuzzles against me. She giggles softly, her tears dry, despite the sadness she holds within.

"I suppose it is getting late. Unfortunately, I was unable to procure any kind of meat for you, but I believe our chefs will be able to make something to your liking?" I think for a moment. A world with legendary heroes, magic, and amazing lore. This is something right out of a fantasy book. What's a little meat in exchange for a world as amazing as this? Besides, I actually feel much more invigorated just breathing the air here.

"Forget the meat. I think I'll be able to live without it for a while. Let's go pester Chef Boyardee." She stares at me as I start to walk away.

"Did Luna tell you his name?" I turn and stare at her.

"You're joking right? Is that really his name?"

"Yes... It is. How did you know?"

"I was joking. That's the name of a canned food product we have back on Earth. Nasty stuff when you get older, but kids love it. That's really his name?" She nods slowly as I start to laugh.

"You are a strange creature, Anonymous." The first, and definitely not the last, time I will hear that statement. We continue back into the castle, but as I hold the door open for her, I look back at the fountain. I wish I could have met those heroes. Real heroes who have actually saved thousands and fought monsters and the things that go bump in the night.


"You know, Anonymous," Celestia says between bites of her salad, "I did notice you staring at those statues. Reminded of your own heroism back in your world?"

I stare at my untouched fruit platter before poking at the chunks of fruit with a fork.

"I think they were more of heroes than I ever was. I mean, I've had my fair share of adventures, and fighting, and all that, but I think your heroes were much better than I was." I plop a piece of mango in my mouth and chew for a second. I sit for a moment, wide-eyed with my mouth half-way open. Celestia clears her throat as Luna enters the room.

"Are you okay, Anonymous?" Luna asks as she approaches the table. Chef Boyardee trots out of his door and places a bowl of salad in front of her as she sits. He bows and leaves as I start to answer. I notice a pasta-colored circle on his flank. Something red, like pasta sauce, is splattered against it.

"What's up with the pictures on your butts?"

"Oh, our cutiemarks? They represent what our special talent is and who we are as ponies."

"Ponies get them after finding what makes them unique, and special." I roll my eyes as Celestia speaks. I tune her out and take another bite of mango.

"You know... this is the best mango I've ever had in my life." The princesses smile at me, despite interrupting Celestia.

"They're imported straight from Hollow Shades. It's a quaint little village settled in the forest of a basin to the east."

"Speaking of villages. Your heroes lived in Canterlot, right?"

"No, they lived in a small town to the south, called Ponyville. It is a peaceful town, though, in the past three hundred years, it has grown quite large. There used to be a castle there, but Twilight grew to despise it. She removed it and replaced it with her old tree-library-house, expanded on that, and dedicated it to her friends after they departed." Celestia takes a sip of her tea as Luna silently eats her salad. One question picks at me.

"Am I going to stay in Canterlot for my entire time here?" Celestia chokes on her tea and Luna drops her fork from her magical grip. Apparently that was not a good question. They both stare at me.

"Why does that matter?" I shrug and take another bite of that amazing mango.

"It's just that we already have no idea how long it'll take to find a way for me to get home. Why keep me cooped up here? Luna's even said that she trusts me and doesn't think I'll do anything wrong. Plus, I'd like to see this world before I go, if I go. I'll even be on my best behaviour." Celestia sighs and sets her teacup down.

"Luna? Do you have any reason to object to Anonymous's departure?"

"I do not, sister." I smile wide.

"Very well. We'll make arrangements for you to begin traveling, on one condition."


"You will deliver to us, once a month for the next year, or until you leave, one letter of contact, along with something you've learned about our world."

"Deal." They made their decision rather quickly.

"Then we will begin preparations for your departure tomorrow. In the mean-time, it might be wise to study up on pony etiquette and general culture. Will you just be wandering from town to town?" I sit back in my chair and look up at the ceiling.

"No, I think I'd like to visit Ponyville for a while. See what's there, learn more about your heroes, maybe even run into some of their descendants, if they have any."

Celestia and Luna smile at one another as I lean forward to take another bite of my food.

"It is just like when you first sent Twilight there, is it not?"

"Quite the opposite, actually. Twilight was opposed to the idea, while Anonymous actively suggests it." They chuckle a little bit more before falling silent. We finish our meals with few more words exchanged.

I walk with Luna through the halls after we depart the banquet hall. Celestia had left through another door, presumable to retire to her bed-chamber. Luna leads me to the balcony I stood on with Celestia earlier in the day. I look up, opposite where I saw Luna this morning, and find Celestia standing on another balcony. Both alicorns use their magic, and the sun is soon pulled from the sky, to be replaced by the moon. It is just as breath-taking as it was this morning.

We depart the balcony as Celestia disappears through the door on her balcony. Luna leads me past the library I was in, up a flight of stairs, and down another hallway. We stop in front of a door near the end of the hall.

"You will sleep here tonight. Preparations will be ready for you by lunchtime tomorrow." I only half catch what she says, because I stare intently at the door. Every single door I've been through today was either already open, or opened by either of the princesses, who would enter before me. "Are you alright?"

"This door is safe, right?"

"Of course... Why wouldn't it be?"

"Doors on Earth hide things. Sometimes good, most of the time bad. It's never easy to tell." I am legitimately afraid of doors. It's stupid, I know, but it's terrifying to me. One can't always know what's behind a door, or what lies in the darkness behind it. Maybe they take you to different worlds parallel to your own. Maybe that's how I ended up here.

"It's safe, Anonymous. Would you like me to walk you inside?"

"Please." She opens the door with no more question. The room brightens as she enters, candles magically lighting themselves to her presence.

"See? Completely safe." She turns back to the door as I enter the room. "Sleep well, Anonymous."

I wave to her as she closes the door. After looking around and finding nothing of note, I climb onto the bed. It feels like a cloud. Perfectly soft, perfectly plump. Even the pillows are perfect.

As I look up at the ceiling, I start to think. I'll miss my friends and my family, sure. But I'll make new friends here. I'll probably have more opportunities to be successful, since I'm so different and can possibly do things these ponies can't. This won't be a bad experience. But the more I think, and the more I try to convince myself that this can only be for the best, I find that I only make it worse.

And I start to cry.

Author's Note:

Changes from the Pastebin Version:
None, this is completely new content.

OC Count:
New OCs:
Chef Boyardee

Added some information about cutiemarks.