• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago

Cardboard Box

Boxe doth Write like a Boar doth Pisse, viz. in Jirkes.


War. War never changes. It's sort of durable like that.

Twilight Sparkle has got her friends into trouble. They're in a strange world called the Mojave Wasteland. Pinkie got shot. Now they're travelling with a biped called Haversack Joe trying to find the source of whatever dragged them here. With any luck, finding it will also find a way home.

Currently on hiatus because I'm a) stuck and b) burned out on this dumb idea.
Because war never changes. Harmony Incarnate is not war.

Crossover with Fallout New Vegas. Not a Fallout Equestria tale.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 19 )

Doesn't seem too bad so far, I'll read the rest tomorrow. I'm not really looking for grammar or spelling mistakes, but I can.

4488506 Thanks for reading. If I wasn't cooking down video for my next Minecraft podcast I'd get to working on the next chapter some more.

I always liked Victor. He's a nice guy...bot...thing.

First time I fought a Deathclaw...all I had was Maria, and Benny's suit...I got owned.

I didn't kill Boxcars. I didn't have enough Med-ex.

Alright Legion vs Pinkamenia who wins? Find out next time on Dragon ball Z!

Hey, you finally transplanted this from ff.net!

4544803 As stated, the spirit of Graham Chapman in a brigadier's uniform lurketh, waiting to jump out and declare that something is Too Silly.:rainbowhuh:

The next chapter will probably be the last before they finally get to Novac, and then... well, it's likely Joe will accompany them to [REDACTED] and return with quite a tale to tell. In order to double-check the state of the road, I ended up creating a new character, and the bloodbath that unfolded will probably inform what happens back there. So it's quite likely that [REDACTED]

"If war never changes, then men must." -Ulysses

"So long as there is society, there will be war. When society is no more, there will be squabbles." -Me!

So Rarity sprinted herself ragged, Applejack is covered in piss and Pinkie is about as dazed as Twilight. Fluttershy was the one that got the shit away from the fan.

Where's Dash?

Thank you for Fluttershy, a lot of people like to depict her as insanely fragile, bit forget that she should at the very least be familiar with animals killing each other.

4673456 I get the impression Flutters isn't so much fragile as introverted, or maybe prefers animals to... well, people. Either way, it seems you can press her quite a way before she retaliates.

Dash is alive, don't worry about that.:rainbowlaugh: The fighting hasn't even started yet. :raritydespair:

Oh - Run Home Slow apparently has the original version of Zappa's Duke of Prunes as part of the soundtrack. :applejackconfused:

Will Rainbow Dash be beating anybody up in this story? Will she be reaching Unstoppable Rage levels of anger? Will she be giving out any No Holds Barred Beatdowns? What about the rest of the mane six?

Here I was hoping Haversack Joe hadn't ditched them. It's gonna take one hell of a lot of lateral thinking for the girls to get out of this mess.

5516981 Oh, he didn't deliberately ditch them. Let's just say he's in no condition to be any help to them anymore.

Both in this and last chapter you've had Rainbow talking like Doc, you might want to fix that because, honestly, it's getting annoying.

Maybe with the Courier?


You don't find the studio of Radio New Vegas in game.

If you don't know already, the reason you can never find Mr. New Vegas is because he's an AI that was programmed by Mr. House before the war to DJ Radio New Vegas.

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