• Published 31st May 2014
  • 1,580 Views, 9 Comments

Shipfic Chronicles - Vocal Range

A series of short one-shots, based around multiple MLP Shippings.

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Chapter 1: RariJack- "Coming To Terms"

Author's Note:

Hello everybody, this is my second attempt at a fanfic, so I decided to go bigger than the last, so I am writing a large number of different one-shots, which will be featured in this series of stories. Hope you enjoy this story, comment with what ship you wanna see next, and I'll see what I can do.

Ships to vote:

Also suggest any other ships, you want me to attempt to write.

Chapter 1-RariJack: "Coming To Terms"

In friendship honesty is a quality most ponies look for, which is why Applejack has so many great friends from all over Equestria. Except what happens when your truthful with everypony else, but not yourself. Applejack is always truthful with everypony she meets, yet she can't seem to be truthful with herself. Recently shes been having feelings, for a certain pony Applejack has never felt this way about another pony, but shes coming to terms with the fact that its not a stallion. Knowing shes not a good liar, she knew somepony would figure it out eventually. So even with her built up anxiety, she knew she had to talk to somepony about it, knowing the one pony who would know about love, she decided she had to ask even if her secret came out. Applejack left Sweet Apple Acres, late into Luna's night heading for Carousal Boutique, to talk to Rarity. When she arrived she lifted her hoof to knock on the door, but her brain began to talk her out of it. She decided to swallow her pride, and slowly knocked on the door, the door swung open to reveal a snow white unicorn mare standing there. In nothing more than a bathrobe, mane still wet obviously from just finishing showering.

"Uh Rarity. I-I think I think, I better come back later." Applejack stammered, trying to keep her eyes from wandering to certain regions, of the soaking wet mares body.

"Nonsense Applejack, come in come in so. What brings you out here this late?" The door closed behind Applejack, with a thud causing Applejack to jump slightly. "Darling, are you alright? You're never so nervous. Is something bothering you dear?" Rarity said, looking her friend over, the orange mare averted her gaze looking at anything but the unicorn, in front of her. Applejack's face began to heat up, she became flush as she swallowed to speak. Nothing came from the mare's mouth, instead the words only rang out in her head.

Your not helpin' Rares, I'm feelin' thangs for ya that I don't think I should be feelin'. And you bein' all sweet and helpful, ain't makin' it no better. Applejack thought, calming herself down, as she sat down on the sofa beside one of her best friends.

"Applejack dear. Applejack?" Rarity waved a hoof in front of the farmpony's face, finally snapping her out of her daydream.

"Huh. Did ya say something Rares?"

"Yes darling, you don't seem like you're normal self, is something bothering you. I will do anything I can to help Applejack, I promise." Rarity said, taking Applejack's hoof in hers, causing a small blush to form across Applejack's face. She quickly shook it off, before the unicorn could notice.

"No Rarity I-I'm not ok, I feel so weird. I've been feelin' thangs, I probably shouldn' be feelin', but recently I haven't been able to help myself." Applejack, pulled her hoof away from her friend's grip, so she could place her face into her hooves, tears began following from her eyes, causing even more worry to shroud the unicorn's thoughts.

"Well Applejack, I'm here for you, if you need somepony to talk to, I'm always here. Now...Whats wrong?"

"Rarity, ha-have ya ever been in-." A pregnant pause fell over the room, as Applejack sucked in a deep breath, before she was able to continue. "In love before."

"Well um darling, I can't say that I have I've felt crushes before, nothing more than that."

"Oh well, I think I'm gonna leave." She got up to make her exit, before hearing a voice come from behind her.

"Wait Applejack, that doesn't mean I can't help you." Rarity said, patting the cushion beside her, signaling for her to sit back down. She came back to the couch, sitting down beside her friend.

"Now Applejack, you must be having strong feelings for this pony. So tell me about them."

"Well their very charmin', good-lookin', kind and an all around good pony." Applejack closed her eyes, not wanting to look into her secret loves eyes, but even with her eyes closed, Rarity's image still danced in her mind.

"They sound, simply wonderful darling, so. Why not tell this pony, how you feel?"

"Well, I'm really not what their lookin' for in a special somepony." Applejack said, tears beginning to form again in her already bloodshot eyes, her eyes remaining closed attempting to not alert her friend, to her growing depression if she didn't already know.

"Applejack. How could you know that darling? You're a fine looking mare, with great attributes, anypony who would let you go is completely crazy."

"Well thanks Rares, but that's not the only problem." Applejack said, finally looking up from her hooves.

"What else could possible be wrong dear?"

"Rarity, its just its a-." Finally she couldn't hold her emotions back anymore, tears flooded from her bloodshot red eyes, this time Rarity couldn't help but notice.

"Applejack, its going to be okay." Rarity pulled her into an embrace, both ponies began sobbing. They remained in their embrace until Rarity broke the hug, wiping her eyes before speaking. "Now go on dear, you were telling me the other problem."

"Rarity its a mare...I think, I'm a fillyfooler."

"Applejack, don't say something like that, about yourself it makes it sound so wrong. I won't have you degrading yourself, not while you're in my Boutique."

"What the hay do you mean?" Applejack asked, sniffling as she spoke.

"Applejack, liking another mare is completely normal, the term fillyfooler is used by closed-minded ponies to insult something their tiny brains can't comprehend."

"So i-its not weird or horrible." Applejack said, a smile returning to the orange mare's face.

"Of course not dear, its completely natural." Rarity said, patting Applejack's back reassuring her. "Now Applejack. Who is this mare? And why wouldn't she, want to be with you."

"Rares, its just that shes not into mares, shes looking for a stallion."

"Applejack. How do you know that for sure?"

"Well anytime I see her, she always mentions bein' sweep off her hooves, by a nice stallion."

"Darling, just because she says that, doesn't mean you don't have a chance."

"Whatcha mean?" Applejack asked, staring into Rarity's eyes she could feel the love radiating from them.

"Applejack dear, just because ponies say they like a certain sex, doesn't mean anything they may just have a preference. They could be just hiding true feelings, by trying to act like what everypony deems as normal. Or they could be another sexual orientation all together."

"Like, what?"

"Well dear, they could be Gay, Bi, Pan, Ace, or Demi." Applejack heard this making her brain, begin to buzz loudly as she tried to piece all the information together she just heard.

"What does all that mean Rarity?"

"Gay and Bi are pretty common, so I shouldn't have to explain those. Pansexual's are ponies who are attracted to anypony, including stallions, mares and even transgendered ponies. Ace or Asexual ponies feel no sexual desires, towards ponies of any sex. Finally Demisexuality is where ponies feel very little sexual arousal, unless there with a pony they care deeply about."

"Ok so. How do I know if shes any of those?"

"Well, you simply have to ask them, if they've come terms with their sexuality, they won't mind talking to you as long as your friends at least."

"So just, ask her huh."

"Yes its as simple, as that just ask her."

"Well just from curiosity. Which are you?" Applejack began, biting her lip to the point of bleeding worried what kind of answer she'd get.

"Well darling, I'm Ace I've never really cared for sex. I just want somepony, to spend my life with."

Yeah I know what ya mean, except you want yourself a stallion, and all I want, is you. Applejack thought, bringing her sadness to a new all time low, she didn't know what to do or say next.

"Yeah, I know what that feels like."

"So, are you going to tell her, she deserves to at least know. How you feel? Darling."

"Yeah, but I just don't want, to be...heartbroken." Applejack said, Rarity paused never seeing this side of Applejack, she was usually so tough.

I never knew Applejack was so sensitive, I guess I just forget that shes a regular pony, just like everypony else meaning she feels sadness, happiness, and love. Well as Celestia as my witness, I will unite Applejack with her special somepony, if it kills me.

"Applejack, that is always a possibility but you don't want to always think, what could have been."

"You're right Rarity." Applejack grabbed a hold of Rarity's hoof, looking deep into her sapphire eyes. Rarity's cheeks and muzzle began to turn a red hue, causing a small smile to come across both their faces. "Rarity, I-I love you."

"Well, Applejack I'm flattered but-." She stopped, talking seeing the smile on Applejack's face fade, into a sorrowful yet angry face.

"See, I knew I was right you wouldn't want to be with somepony like me." Applejack scowled, tears began forming again in her eyes, Applejack tried using her hoof to wipe them away.

"You didn't let me finish Applejack, I'm flattered even though I've only had small thoughts of being with another mare. I'm willing to try us, if you are." Rarity said, using her magic to levitate a box of tissues from a nearby table, removing two from the box using one to wipe her own eyes, while doing the same to Applejack with the other tissue.

"Rarity, you'd do somethin' like that...for me."

"Well of course Applejack like I said, I'd be here to help you as much as I can." Rarity said, the thought never crossed her mind that Applejack's special somepony, could really be her.

"Thanks Rares, and everythin' I said before about the mare I love was true." Applejack said, nuzzling into Rarity's mane and neck, feeling complete happiness for the first time in months, since she began feeling this way.

"I know Applejack, and what I said was true too you are very beautiful." Rarity said, the blush on both ponies cheeks, intensified as she said that.

"Thanks Rarity I-." She couldn't finish her sentence.

She felt herself being pulled closer, to the unicorn by a hoof on the back of her mane, bring her closer to Rarity's lips before meeting for their first passionate kiss. Several seconds went by, everything felt warm and tingly for both mares from head to tail, they felt like the whole world disappeared around them leaving nopony and no thing but them. Both mares finally pulled away breaking the kiss, neither spoke for several minutes. Sitting in complete silence, just enjoying each others company. Knowing that their relationship is changed forever, finally both mares felt the need to speak.

"Rari-Apple." Both ponies, tried speaking before noticing they were talking over each other.

"You go ahead, darling."

"Rarity." Applejack took a pregnant pause, lost in her marefriend's eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, Applejack." Rarity began, nuzzling her marefriend's neck before giving her a final passionate kiss, before Applejack departed the sofa.

"Goodnight Rares, I'll see ya tomorrow maybe for a date. Love ya Rares."

"Of course Applejack a date would be nice, goodnight dear. I love you too."

As the door closed behind Applejack, she walked away into Celestia's sun heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. Neither Rarity or Applejack had ever felt the warmth and love, from another pony before both ponies began to tear up, but for different reasons. Both ponies crying came not from sadness but from pure happiness and bliss, for the first time both ponies felt complete in life. Filling a hole that neither know was there, finally both being able to be happy in a relationship for the first time ever.