• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 23,632 Views, 325 Comments

Dumb Luck - Wild_Heart

Rainbow Dash makes the worst mistake of her life

  • ...

Writing is Expression - The Druid and the Barbarian

All in all, the visit wasn't too bad so far. It was far too awkward in the beginning, because Fluttershy hadn't been speaking at all, and Gilda could only think about how idiotic she was for actually showing up.

The pair sat outside of Fluttershy's cottage, on the grass. It was a very nice day, if nothing else. The skies were completely clear today, and the high-noon sun made it warm, despite the season. The colors of the leaves were vivid reds and yellows, not having yet fallen from the branches thanks to the Running of the Leaves being post-poned that year. It was the perfect time for a slow-paced, romantic lunch. That was part of the problem. Another part was that Fluttershy had decided to cook, rather than eating out, which made it seem more like she wanted to make this special.

The gryphon desperately tried to think of something to say. Anything. Something to make this less embarrassing. "I need to let her know what this is before she gets her hopes up too far. I just wanted to apologize, not give her a crush on me! Horseapples, does she have a crush?" The avian took a nervous glance over at the pegasus next to her, who was staring at the leaves, a peaceful smile on her face. "Orion, it's hard to tell with her! What do I do?! Okay, small talk. Good." "So, uh ... Nice weather we're having?"

"Yes. It's nice ... "

" ... "

" ... "

" ... Weather team around here must be pretty good, huh?"

"Yes, they are ... "

" ... "

" ... "

Gilda groaned inwardly, and she rubbed a claw over her face. "This is CRAZY. Why can't I think of anything to say?! We might not have anything in common, but this is ridiculous!" Desperate for something, anything, she blurted out, "So what's with the eye-patch?"

Fluttershy blushed something fierce, and glanced down at the plate of food in front of Gilda. "It was some grease. It flew into my eye." Upon seeing the sudden concern on the gryphons face, she quickly added, "it's nothing serious, it just hurts a little." Gilda nodded. Normally she would shrug, deny she cared, but she'd already confessed to the pegasus that she did care; at least about her well-being. She was still pretty thankful for her food choice. The ranger had to deal with a lot of animals, and that included carnivorous ones. In practice, this meant she was experienced with preparing meat, something that surprised a lot of the ponies who knew her when they first learned, and creeped them out long after. Gilda, on the other claw, was surprised, but not one to look a gift platter of meat in the protein.

"You didn't have to cook. I told you, we coulda gotten something."

Fluttershy lowered her head, making Gilda instantly regret that. "I just wanted to make this very nice. There aren't any restaurants in Ponyville that serve meat, and ... I'm sorry ... "

Gilda quickly shook her head, and popped a piece of the lunch into her mouth, swallowing quickly. "Nah, it's okay. Seriously, don't get all emo. It's cool." "It's totally not cool. Stop reassuring her and start making it clear!" "Uh ... Listen, Fluttershy. I think you got the wrong idea about all this. I ... Uh ... " She started trailing off as Fluttershy looked to her, those aqua-marine eyes filled with an absolutely adorable curiousity, made worse by a nervous apology already forming in her mouth.

"D-Do you not like that kind of meat? ... A-Are you a vegetarian?" Gilda couldn't help herself. She fell to her side and cracked up. She laughed so hard she couldn't breath, rolling in the grass. Fluttershy blinked in confusion, but she soon gained an awkward smile, and eventually began to giggle herself. When the fits wore off, Gilda wiped a tear from her eye, panting for air, and Fluttershy shyly offered, "Th-That was very silly of me, wasn't it ... ?"

Gilda smirked and nodded. "Yea ... Phew. That was. You're such a dweeb, but you make me laugh." She sat up, getting a more serious look on her face. "But what I meant is that I didn't mean this to be a date. I just wanted to apologize, that's all. I don't want you to get your hopes up ab-Oh c'mon don't start crying!" It was too late. Fluttershy's eyes began to water. Gilda desperately attempted to console the ranger before it was too late, but the deluge had begun. When Fluttershy began crying, Gilda felt the world closing its heart to her. She knew that nothing in existence could do anything but hate her. As long as hate lasted.

Gilda was the first victim. With Fluttershy sad, all joy was gone from the world. Only apathy remained. None could even lift so much as a hoof. The world became grey, and desolate. Nothing seemed worth it anymore. Fluttershy ascended to a new level of existence purely by the force of her undyingly sorrowful will, and then everypony turned into orange-juice and became a hive-mind for some reason.

Also, none of that actually happened.

When Fluttershy's expression utterly fell, the gryphon knew she couldn't go through with it. "But hey! Look, it turned out great! Sure, it was really lame at first, with us not saying or doing much of anything, but it's starting to be pretty nice now!" As the pegasus sniffled, Gilda awkwardly wrapped her fore-legs around her 'date'. "It's alright, really. C'mon, we can ... We can do this again. Like ... Friday, or something." "Why am I doing this?! If I don't stop this now, it'll only get worse!"


Gilda's Journal, November 5

Orion, I suck. I just should have told her. WHY COULDN'T I TELL HER?!

The last time I saw her cry, it was heart-wrenching. But I was so pissed, I didn't care. This time I didn't have a way to defend against it. It was like getting hit with an Apathy spell, but not being allowed a Will Save.

What? I played Dungeons and Dragons like, once. Or Twice. Okay, so I was really into it for a few years. Don't judge me, asshole!

Gilda glared at her journal, but soon remembered she was the only one who knew what was in it. Also, a book couldn't judge her. Feeling very stupid, she continued.

Yea, well. Actually, that reminds me. I'm starting to write a book. Nothing big, just a short story. I showed it to Rarity, and she helped me fix it up a lot. I can't believe how much I'm getting into this. They say everyone's got to have a hobby, but this surprises even me. I mean, big, tough Gilda, writing a fantasy short? I hope nopony I know ever finds out about this. Maybe I should use a pen-name? I heard some authors do that. Rarity suggested Quill-Weave, but I think that's stupid. Weaving as a metaphor for writing is lame, trite, and an over-used cliche that degrades at the fabric of metaphors in general. It's the same thing as when you use an adjective so much it starts to lose its meaning, its impact and holy buck I am actually writing this! Orion, I'm now a nerd.

Whatever. Anyway, I think Quill-Feather is better. Sure, it's kinda redundant, but I think I want to give hints that I'm a gryphon. Show ponies that we're not all violence, honor, and tradition. We can make stuff too. They might just assume I'm a pegasus, though. Better work on that.

Well, I have two days to figure out how I'm going to handle things with Flutterklutz. I'm not asking Pinkie, she got me into this mess. Seriously, what was that dork thinking?! Does she think?! I have one other choice, and this is gonna suck. I need to talk to Dash's main squeeze. Wish me luck, journal. I'm gonna buckin' need it.


Gilda hadn't seen much of Twilight's library the last time she was in Ponyville, and she'd avoided it this visit for obvious reasons. She scoped out the place from an alley across the street, waiting. Eventually, she got what she wanted: A cyan blur shot out of a window, towards the sky. This was her chance to get in and talk to the bookworm without having that flip-flop staring over her shoulder the entire time. So she took the chance, and darted forward. A swift few knocks on the door announced her presence, while the gryphon watched the sky carefully. The door was opened by a baby dragon, who gawked at the sight of the avian. Gilda turned her head down to him, and smirked. "'Sup. I need to talk to the nerd. She here?"

"Uh ... " Spike gulped a bit. "You're ... Cool." The gryphon grinned. She liked this kid already. And she hated kids. She looked down at her claw, brushing the talons over her chest feathers, then held them up a bit to nonchalantly examine them.

"Yea, I know. So?"

Spike looked over his shoulder. "Yea, she's here, but she's busy with something. C'mon in, and she'll get to you."

"Uh ... I'm kinda in a hurry here, squirt." Luckily, Twilight's voice came out from a side room.

"Spike? Do we have a guest?"

"Yea! She's a gryphon, too!" Gilda just waited, and after some scuffling, Twilight emerged from the side room. The unicorn looked a little dusty.

"Oh hey! Sorry, I was doing a little cleaning, and ... " Twilight stopped short, her purple eyes studying Gilda. The gryphon gulped.

"Why do I feel like I'm on display at a museum?" She inched back slightly, uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Yea. I'm Gilda. Look, I know I was a jackmule last time, but c'mon, I didn't do nothin' to you! You barely even know me! Don't you judge me!" The passing question of why she was being so defensive came to her, but was shoved aside.

"Actually, I-"

Gilda wasn't done yet. "I'm trying to do better, okay? It's not like anyone doesn't change! Hay, I even tolerated Pinkie's presence for more than five minutes!"

"That's great, but-"

"I'm taking lessons from your friend Rarity about how to act right, so I don't want to hear a thing about what happened last t-" Twilight cut her off by stamping a hoof. On wood floor, this was pretty loud. "Whoa!"

"Apparently, she didn't teach you not to interrupt others," Twilight deadpanned as only she could. "Or to assume. I was just going to tell you, you have some leaves stuck in your ... Mane? I don't know what gryphons call it. Sorry."

Gilda felt like an utter moron. That stare had made her feel like she was on review, though. For some reason she couldn't help but respond to the imaginary criticism. "Maybe I do feel kinda bad about all that ... Nah." Gilda was only trying to spend time with her best friend, after all. She kept getting interrupted by dorks and lame-Os like Pinkie. " ... Okay. Uh, sorry." This was the second pony she'd apologized too who wasn't Rainbow Dash.

"It's okay. I don't have anything against you, as long as you aren't treating my friends like dirt anymore."

Gilda hesitated at the somewhat icy tone from this unicorn. On one claw, something in the back of her mind told her she deserved it. Strangely, the other claw did not hold a dissenting opinion. That one was just telling her that this nag was way more scary than Pinkie, and she wasn't sure why. "I'm not. I promise."

"Great!" Twilight sparkle smiled, sitting at the table she had set up in the middle of the library. "Now, what did you need?"

"Okay. So, I heard you were kinda an egghead." As Twilight's expression got a bit flat, Gilda coughed into a claw. "I mean, you're smart. It's not always an insult. But yea, I heard you were smart, so I was wondering," looking to the side as she spoke, Gilda rubbed her left fore-leg with her right claw. "Could you tell me how to break it to someone that I'm not into them?"

The unicorn stared at her silently for a few moments. It wasn't the same kind of stare as before, thankfully, but the uncomfortable look of 'I'm completely out of my league here' spoke volumes about Twilight's ability to help the gryphon. "Actually, I really don't know if I can. I mean ... Look, let me tell you a quick story. It won't take long," Twilight added, holding up a hoof against the protest that Gilda had.

"Fine. But hurry it up. I don't wanna be here when Dash gets back."


" ... Why I'm not really qualified to help you."

"Okay, so, lemme get this straight. You're with Dash because you wanted to give it a try. Well, that's a cool story, I guess." Gilda actually meant it. It gave her ideas for her own story, which was quickly becoming a novel instead of a short. "You're right. Doesn't help me. I don't want to try, I want to make sure I don't break her heart or something."

"I didn't think it would, but it was worth a shot." Twilight had been writing out something while talking, making the gryphon wonder if she could really pay attention to two different things at once. The avian had heard things from a traveling show-mare about just how crazy powerful Twilight's magic and mind were, but it was still pretty amazing. It was also impressive actually seeing it. That performer seemed a little on the obsessed side for a few moments there, so her opinions were suspect. "Why don't you tell me a little bit more, though? Nightmare's in the details, right?"

Gilda was afraid of that. "I'm just gonna get to the point. It's Flutterklu-" She cut herself off quickly. "Shy."

"Flutterklushy? Don't know anyone by that name." Twilight looked confused, and Gilda face-palmed.

"Fluttershy. Don't ask about the name."

The lavender coated unicorn looked very surprised at that. She'd quite honestly expected it to be ... Well, anypony besides Fluttershy. "Oookay. Yes, I really wouldn't want to hurt her feelings either. But you don't really seem like you'd have a problem just saying it."

"Well, I do!" Gilda growled, though not at Twilight. She threw up her forelegs in frustration. "I just can't do it! It's like punching a puppy!"

"How would you know-"

"Figure of speech!"

" ... Anyway, the best thing to do really is to just confront her and say it. Sure, you'll hurt her feelings, but she'll have her friends to cheer her up. And you want to be her friend, right?"

The gryphon hesitated, lowering herself again and thinking. She stared at the ground, her eyes shifting slightly from wood grain to wood grain. She hadn't even considered that. This entire time she'd just been focused on learning from Rarity, working on her first novel, and then apologizing to Fluttershy. She hadn't considered past that what she was going to do after. It felt good, actually. Not having to worry about how she was going to make bits, how she was going to make it in the world, what she was going to do in life. Questions that became a lot more important once she graduated from the academy. Questions that seemed so far away when she was still a student.

But here, those questions all seemed to flow away, again. Sure, the nightlife was non-existent, and the place was way too quiet, but Ponyville was very relaxing. She'd been able to chill and not think about the future at all. She liked that.

She really liked that. "Yea. I do," she finally affirmed, looking up with a smile. "I guess I do want to be her friend. I'm not sure about the rest of you dweebs yet, but Rarity's been pretty cool to me, too."

Twilight ignored the dweeb comment, keeping her smile. "There ya go! You'll be there for her, even if you're not there for her as a lover."

"Heh ... " The bluntness of that made her rub the back of her head. "Yea, well, I'm gonna get going. I got some things to do. Oh, yea, do me a favor and don't tell Dash I-"

"Don't tell me what, jerk?"



Gilda's Journal, November 6

Dash knows I'm in Ponyville now. She walked in while I was talking to Twilight. How was I supposed to know it would only take her half an hour to fix up the weather just right?! Orion damn it all, this wasn't supposed to happen!

She walked in, I tried to leave, she stopped me. Now look, this is NOT my fault. I was trying my best to not start anything. I even ASKED her to get out of my way. She didn't, and then she started yelling. I was trying! I really was! I didn't yell back, I just tried to reason with her. That was stupid. Just made her more angry. The more mad she got, the more mad I got, and then I couldn't take it anymore. I started yelling back. It got worse and worse, and Twilight separated us with some kind of magic thingy. I stormed out, and didn't look back. Dash was still cussing up a storm when I left. I'm glad she had no idea I was hanging around Fluttershy or Rarity, but she'll probably figure it out sooner or later. She'll be watching for me now.

I'm going to get to writing my novel. I don't think I'll sleep tonight, I'm still pissed and I've got this weird urge. Like I need to write. To get it out of my system. I noticed something today, too. Two of the characters in this book are basically made for each other. One's a Druid, the other is a Barbarian. Soft and gentle, rough and angry. I dunno why I think they're perfect, and I really didn't want to go into romance in my first book, but hey. What feels right feels right. Now, how to start hooking them up ...