• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 23,627 Views, 325 Comments

Dumb Luck - Wild_Heart

Rainbow Dash makes the worst mistake of her life

  • ...

The Princess and the Pauper - What Have We Learned

Tossing and turning restlessly was not how Celestia normally wanted to spend her nights. Yet now she couldn't sleep, and she knew why: She simply couldn't reconcile her explanation for her thinking of Rarity with reality. That bothered her far more than the lack of sleep, for she wasn't really tired. The disguised alicorn slipped from the bed slowly, giving up on sleep entirely. Perhaps more work will keep my mind occupied, she reasoned. The irony of having to do work to relax when she was on vacation was not lost to her, but she pushed that to the back of her mind. Celestia turned to the bed, silently examining it. The sheets were hopelessly out of order, and the mattress cover had popped from a corner, facilitating its removal from practically the entire thing. Oh, if Rarity saw how I've mussed her... AGH! She slammed her head down into a pillow, the mental scream turning into a real one. No! No thinking about Rarity! Stop that!

Celestia practically galloped into the bathroom, and jerked the faucet in the tub to the on position, then turned and charged to Rarity's work-room to flip on the lights. She sat down in the very same chair the unicorn sat in while she worked, stared at the same sewing machine the element of generosity used to sew, and just hung her head. It had been a long time since Celestia was given to melodrama, but she flopped back from the chair and onto the floor. Just like Rarity. "AAAGH!" The thought was driving her mad! She rushed back to the bathroom, where the tub had filled just enough for the alicorn to dunk her head into it.

The water was freezing cold, and a gasp escaped the princess's muzzle, it rising to the surface of the water in a stream of bubbles. Despite how she shivered, the water had done the trick: it had cleared her mind of all thoughts for the moment. Using her magic to turn the faucet off, Celestia turned and leaned against the bathtub, slowly sliding down. This isn't me, she told herself. I am calm, I am collected, I am stoic and not taken to such silliness. Celestia took a deep breath, and as she let it out, she closed her eyes. It was time to use a trick she'd taught herself ages ago, long before Luna had left her. It had always helped her collect her thoughts, and work through her troubles. She just couldn't do it when there were others around.

Ignoring how her mane draped over her face, dripping onto the floor, Celestia focused on the cool of the water. She took another breath, this one softer, and slower, and so was the release. Three times she repeated this, each time growing even more soft. Once she felt relaxed, she waited for a few moments, before she spoke. "Why am I thinking of Rarity so?" Asking the question out loud helped her to focus entirely on it, the only noise in the silence. Her reply was a mere thought: Because she is a wonderful pony.

Celestia fought down the urge to resist that answer, to deny it. Now was not the time to allow her emotions to get in the way. This was progress. "Why is she so wonderful?" There was something a bit off about her own voice, but she couldn't afford the distraction. It is as I told Fluttershy: She is beautiful, she is intelligent. She cares for herself, but for others more. She winced slightly at that. I must remain impartial. Yet, she couldn't deny it.

Rarity was truly those things. There was no harm in admitting that at all. No bias was present. It was time to continue. "What does this mean?" Celestia was afraid now. Perhaps this was a bad idea. Perhaps she should stop now- No. "No," she repeated out loud, firmly. She was not abandoning this meditation simply for this. "Is it love?" The silence followed, her mind slipping back into turmoil once more. The alicorn had to regain control. She turned, and dunked her head into the water again.

This time, it was only half as effective, but it was enough. She leaned over the side of the tub this time, just in case she had to do it again, and she lifted her head up. The shock of the cold wouldn't help a third time. "Why is it a bad thing that you might be in love?" There it was. The ten thousand bit question. She focused as hard as she could, already knowing the answer but having a hard time getting it out. Eventually, she put her thoughts into order, and answered, I can't. It would show favoritism. I could perhaps do that with one of my other subjects. Any stallion or mare at all, but not one of them. She took a moment, before clarifying, Not one of the elements. It creates a conflict of interest, besides. The elements must do what is right for Equestria and the world at large, not just for me. I don't know if I could resist the temptation. Then, fear was introduced into the mix. The next question was obvious.

"Why are you afraid?" She swallowed, and began to tremble. How could I not be? Her thoughts put it forth bluntly. I don't want to be put into that position. If I were to start a relationship with her, I would eventually be that selfish. I would eventually make that mistake. Would she not curse me? Would she not call me a tyrant and leave me? She took a deep breath. Tears were coming to her eyes. I would have to control myself still, to PRETEND, and I want a pony I don't have to do that with. Somepony I can be free with.

"What about my sister?" Her voice was beginning to crack, and so was the princess. It's not the same. She's my beloved little sister, who I love dearly, more than my sun, but she is my sister, not a lover! Celestia clung tighter to the tub's edge. Somewhere along the line, she'd dropped the disguise, and those pink eyes gazing back in the water's reflection shocked her with how tormented they were. She let herself fall to the ground, and she curled up as tightly as she could, her eyes shut so tightly, no light came in through the lids.

"I don't want to pretend anymore," she began to wail, but she suddenly stopped before it could go any further. Her eyes opened again, wide as saucers, and she gaped for a moment. Celestia figured out what had been wrong with her voice the entire time, now that her concentration was broken, and she began to laugh. What started as her motherly, gentle chuckle turned into giggling, then outright guffawing! The alicorn had not laughed like this in years and years, and she laughed out loud, and long, until she cried. The voice she'd been speaking in this entire time was Rarity's, and it felt WONDERFUL.

The alicorn struggled to her hooves, still overcome by laughter. The tears had soaked her cheeks, and dripped to the floor, and yet still she laughed, until her cheeks turned blue. Celestia pulled in air, forcing herself to breathe, but that threw her into a coughing fit. At least the laughing had stopped. The coughs continued until she was hoarse, and only then did she begin to pant for air, smiling widely. "Oh Celestia, you are a silly pony," she spoke to herself, in her own voice. "What are you afraid of anymore?" Her magic grasped a towel, and she began to dry herself when she stopped to check a mirror. Bloodshot eyes, tear stained cheeks. "That won't do. I must look my best for tomorrow." She stepped to the sink, and began to wash her face. The water was cool, but not shockingly cold. It felt wonderful, and cleansing, though the alicorn suspected that was due to the torment of her mind ceasing.

It had come to a conclusion, and there was really only one possible outcome of this situation. She smiled to herself after drying off, and she went back to bed. Tomorrow, she would go back to Canterlot.


"Thy blubbering hath reached a level most unacceptable," Luna called through the locked bathroom door. In a reversal of the more common situation, it was the alicorn who was in the bathroom, not Rarity. The doors could be locked from either side, and could only be unlocked from the side from which they were locked in the first place. The unicorn laid upon Celestia's bed and bawled into it, as she had all night, and was showing no signs yet of stopping. At first, Luna had felt the sobbing mare had deserved what she had gotten, but now she was beginning to doubt the wisdom of her form of punishment. Or, rather, she had hours ago, and her guilt had faded into a deep-seated annoyance at the melodrama. "Thou wert foolish, as was our nephew. Surely, however, this is not as cruel a happenstance as thy grief entails?" That only made the crying louder, and Luna rolled her eyes. She knew she was terrible at cheering ponies up. That wasn't her job! Her job was just moving the moon, peeking in on dreams, and in general doing paperwork in a never-ending stream. That didn't give her much time for providing therapy.

Still, it was almost time for court, and Luna banged on the door with her hoof in an almost desperate attempt to bring the unicorn to bear. Rarity, to be fair, at least did not ignore it. "Oh, your highness, please just leave me to my sorrow! I have been such a terrible pony! The worst!" That last bit was wailed at a pitch that made Luna wince, and she could swear she heard a window behind the door crack. "Bar none! I should be thrown into a dungeon, never to see the sun again!" After a moment's pause, she added, "And the moon! It would also be terrible to not see it again!"

That didn't exactly help Luna's mood. We shall throw thee into the dungeon if thy whining does not cease, she almost said, but she bit it back. "Rarity, listen to us, and listen well. Your behavior aside, there are duties to which you must attend! Whether or not ye should be cast into a stone cell, there is court to perform, and Equestria needs its Princess to be there, whether or not that Princess is the one our subjects expect. Should thee fail to meet their expectations, we shall see quite clearly how deserving of royalty thou art!" It was a low blow, and Luna knew it, but she NEEDED Rarity to cooperate, and it worked. Or, at least, the crying stopped. The princess of the night took a deep breath, and continued a bit more softly, "They saw Celestia fleeing the party, crying. If they do not see ye this morn, they shall doubt her ability to rule, and it shall be thine own doing." There was a soft thump from inside the room, and the click of a lock unlatching was heard within it. Luna stepped back, allowing Rarity her space once the door was open.

She looked terrible. Her eyes were red from crying, there were clear dark circles under her eyes, and her mane was dulled, and matted. To anyone who could see this guise of Celestia, they would recoil in shock from how different she looked. Luna bit her lip as the unicorn stared at her silently, until finally, she spoke. "I must get cleaned up for it, first."

"Of course," Luna replied. That was all she could say. She had assumed Rarity was just being as overly dramatic as usual, but the look on her face was one of actual, genuine despair. She'd seen that look before, on her nephew's face. Usually after a party, and a few drinks. "We.... Shall wait in our room for thee," the alicorn barely managed before stepping out. Surely freshening up would help, and surely she would not be needed. She heard the water in the tub running just before she closed the door, and sat by the entrance, wondering if, perhaps she had gone too far after all herself.


Rarity was at least capable of playing a convincing Celestia when she arrived in the throne room. The nobles were a bit put off at the lateness of the event, but to Luna's relief, they seemed more glad to know their beloved princess was well. Rarity was not so thrilled, but she didn't want to show it. More for her sake than theirs, as she wasn't sure she could stop showing it if she began. She smiled warmly to the bowing crowd of nobles and commoners alike, though she couldn't keep a sad note from it. One of the guards tapped his spear on the floor and called out, "Their Royal Highnesses and beloved sisters, Princess Celestia, ruler of the sun and the daytime, and Princess Luna, ruler of the moon and the night-time, have now officially begun the period of open court. All rise, and bring your business to the throne in given order of appointment!"

At that, the first pony stepped forward, a noble by the name of Glimmer Dust. The pegasus's coat was beige, and his mane sandy blonde. He took a bow before the throne, and "Celestia" nodded to him with a smile, but couldn't help but notice the concern on the stallion's face. "Your highness, is... Something the matter? You were very upset last night, and-"

Rarity cut him off as gently as possible. "I am fine, my dear subject. It was merely a folly of mine." She gave him as reassuring a smile as possible, under the circumstances. The pegasus didn't seem convinced, but he at least left the subject alone, and went on with his business. The rest of the appointments went the same way: Each of the ponies, whether of high or low birth, expressed concern and their condolences for the Princess's troubles, but Rarity felt worse with each one. They're all sorry for Celestia, she thought bitterly. Not for me. They wouldn't feel sorry for ME, would they? She immediately felt ashamed of herself for it, but the sentiment was still there. She clarified to herself, I don't resent her highness! How could I? She is patient, kind, refined... Wonderful in all ways! It was sincere. Rarity adored the princess, as all her subjects did.

Luna noticed the foul mood Rarity had fallen under quickly, and raised a hoof to stop the line, before standing from her throne. "We realize that our subjects are all busy, and that some of ye hath waited long for thine appointments, but we must request a short break." Her "sister" started to object, but those present quickly left in a surprisingly organized manner, sneaking worried glances over their shoulder. Such was their love for their princess. The protest was forced down in a choke, and when the princess of the moon offered a hesitant embrace to Rarity, the latter began to cry again. Thankfully, it was far more subdued, this time. Just quiet weeping, rather than the epic whines of last night and this morning. The alicorn allowed if for a few moments, but Luna's patience wore thin quickly. "What troubles you? Is it Blueblood yet again? We have already forbidden him from entering court this morning on the grounds of last night's events."

Rarity managed to cease her crying, though a soft hiccup interrupted her. "N-No, I... It isn't him at all. It is just that... Oh, look at me! I don't belong here!" She stamped a hoof down onto the throne, and hung her head. "I've always had aspirations of being royalty! To be a part of what I thought was a wonderful, on-going drama! That there would be a sweet prince to sweep me from my hooves! But I was foolish, so foolish! I am but a common pony, and I simply don't understand the woes of royal life, how busy it is!"

Luna cleared her throat a bit awkwardly, and rubbed at her "sister's" back slowly, trying to comfort her. It was the only thing she could think of to do. Well, not the only thing. "Thy decisions hath been prompt, and ye hath shown thyself to be more than capable of completing royal duties. Thy only flaw is thine lack of emotional maturity." How the moon princess might say something of that nature with a straight face would surely just become a question for the ages.

Still, it made the disguised pony smile just slightly. "Thank you, your highness, but really... I am nothing compared to Celestia." For once fed up with pointless drama, Rarity wiped the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief she had stowed away behind Celestia's tiara, and looked to the door. "They all love Celestia so much, I can tell! But if it were me in this throne, they wouldn't have a single care." She quickly added, cutting off the inevitable blunt reply, "I know it's selfish. Horribly so! And so are my reasons for wishing to be royalty, and it makes it even worse that our dearest Princess Celestia is never so selfish!"

Luna shook her head at that, and removed her hoof from Rarity's back. "Our elder sister is quite often selfish. After all, she hath left her duties, put an untried unicorn in her place, and all for a small vacation." The alicorn rolled her eyes. "Ye hath proven thy worth, surely, yet such a decision was folly to begin with."

"I suppose." Rarity felt unconvinced, but before she could deliver a retort, the doors crashed open, and some of the petitioners rushed in. She recognized them after a moment: The one in front.. And the most distraught, was Fowl Play, from the night before. The other two were those two nobles from yesterday's court. She had already forgotten their names, or whether she had even been TOLD their names. But that thought was put aside for something far more disconcerting: All of them were utterly soaked, and covered in a mixture of tar and feathers. After them rushed in guards, though they were obviously there to deliver a message, not stop this intrusion. "What is the meaning of this?!"

The reply was a mix of voices from all of them at once! "We have a messa - broken and its EVERY - WHY DID THEIR LIVES HAVE TO END SO TRAGICALLY?! WHYYYY?!" That last wail, far over the volume of the other ponies, caused them all to stop and look at the lone mare amongst them. "What? It's horrible! And nopony cares!"

Luna glared down at Fowl, causing her to shut up almost immediately. Rarity, for her part, just decided to let the actual princess handle this. "We shall hear thy grievances one at a time." The princess of the night pointed a hoof to one of the guards. "We assume this is an urgent matter. Thou shalt tell us." After a pause, the alicorn leaned forward a bit. "Begin."

The guard took a deep breath, and pulled himself up into a far more disciplined stance so he could deliver his dispassionate report. "Your highnesses, there was a breach in the aqueducts underneath Canterlot's streets. The breach occurred in a warehouse that was, disturbingly, packed to the brim with crates of chickens, even though said warehouse was already occupied almost to it's maximum capacity with paving materials. Tar, to be specific." The corner of Luna's mouth turned up. "The breach flooded the warehouse explosively, causing it to collapse, and the chickens unfortunately drowned." Luna's smile got wider, and Rarity's pupils slowly shrank more and more as the guard spoke. A wail from Fowl cause him to pause in his report, but he still bravely marched on. "The containers holding the tar were breached, and a large wave of water mixed with tar, combining with the feathers of the lost chickens..." He stopped, trying to think of a professional way to put this. "... Crashed into the noble quarters of Canterlot, and vandalized property and pony both via..." He struggled again, for a few moments, before giving up. "Every noble in Canterlot has been tarred and feathered, your highnesses." Luna lost it at this, and nearly fell out of her throne from a sudden fit of giggles, much to the frustration of everypony else present.

Save for Rarity. RARITY was panicking. Ohnoohdear As soon as they find out how this happened, I am finished! She glanced about at the group, from pony to pony, trying not to look as distressed as she felt. And then the nobles broke out into arguing...

"This is all YOUR fault, with your overly indulgent swimming pool - My fault?! Your illegal reservoir is the cause of ALL of this - MY POOR CHICKENS, ALL DEAD - If you had a brain in your head at all, you would realize what a waste of time and bits your blasted garden is - My garden's absence wouldn't have prevented this flood, you nincompoop! - Who's idea was it anyway to put the chickens in there?! - PRINCESS CELESTIA TOLD ME THEY WOULD BE SAFE!" With every angry remark, Luna laughed harder and harder, but that stopped abruptly at Fowl's proclamation. She slowly turned her head to look to the disguised unicorn, who was now shaking.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry. I had thought the warehouse was empty, I must have missed a report..."

"Come to think of it, Princess Celestia gave use the solution to the water problem! - Yes, and the rerouting passed through some long unused, weakened pipes! She should have known better, she knows this city even better than I do - YOU PROMISED, PRINCESS!"

"I'M NOT PRINCESS CELESTIA!" Everything went dead again. Luna's eyes widened. The gathered petitioners gasped. The guards stepped forward, ready to pounce the imposter. Rarity... Didn't care. "I can't let her good name be besmirched like this! I am Rarity, the famous fashion designer, not Princess Celestia!" She was in tears again, and didn't even notice how confused the nobles were that they'd never even heard the name. Oh Rarity, if only you'd been more wise, more careful, more attentive... "I'm sorry, I did my best! I did everything I could to make things run smoothly, and it seemed like it was going so well! Then, last night, and I... I..." She hung her head, the deception now revealed. "I made a mess of EVERYTHING. Go ahead, arrest me! I deserve to be locked up, and the key throne into Tartarus!" Luna's eyes rolled as Rarity went into full on drama mode.

Then things got even worse. "Well, well, well," came a voice from the doorway. "What a SURPRISE, that my dear aunt's replacement is inadequate." Blueblood. He had a look of triumph on his face as he trotted forward. His head was held high, and he felt PERFECTLY vindicated now.

"Oh, it's TRUE," Rarity wailed. "I've destroyed Celestia's fair city - "

"The noble district only, and there are immense amounts of insurance involved," Luna corrected.

Not to be taken out of her roll of self-deprecation, Rarity continued with, " - managed to stuff a warehouse past its limits - "

"To be fair," Luna thought out loud while looking over a letter that had just appeared in front of her. "This warehouse was supposed to be empty."

Rarity actually smiled just a bit at that, but she forced that smile down. No! I don't DESERVE to smile! " - And I had water rerouted in a dangerous and irresponsible way!"

"I reviewed the report on that decision. It was a sound, wise judgement which benefited both parties," Luna reassured. "Really, it is mostly the fault of the one who rerouted it." She peered at the golden-maned stallion, who shrank back with a gulp. "Perhaps he did not know the aqueducts as well as he believed."

Rarity realized something, and turned her head slowly to Luna, blinking a few times. She ran over the last things the alicorn had said, questioning whether she had heard right. "Your... Your highness, you're speaking mostly normally. How can you be so calm at a time like this?!"

"Because she knows I am here to fix EVERYTHING," Blueblood proudly proclaimed. He opened a saddlebag with his magic, and began to fetch a quill and parchment for the coming task. "Whatever falls through the very few cracks my capable aunts have not plugged of course falls to me. I will begin immediately."

"Hurrah! - We're saved! - Oh, my poor chickens!"

Luna's expression had been very thoughtful since Rarity's rant had begun. She had gotten an idea, and was mulling it over carefully. Now, she had decided it really was the best decision. She straightened up, and stated, "No, you won't." There was no hint of unkindness or spite in her voice at all: it was just matter of fact. "Rarity was left with the full power and responsibilities of Celestia's position by my sister herself. I cannot overturn this decision, and neither may you, nephew."

"Oh no! - We're doomed! - They will never cluck again!"

Blueblood's face was frozen in shock, and Rarity leaned back, eyes as wide as saucers at this decision. "Wh-What?! But I can't... I don't..." She shook her head rapidly, which was an amusing sight: she was still in the guise of Celestia, as she was not quite sure how to turn that OFF. "There isn't any way I can think of to fix this!"

Luna frowned, and turned her head to her "sister". She stared for a long moment, making Rarity more and more nervous, before the alicorn turned her body fully to face her. An encouraging smile, an expression Luna did not often wear, appeared on her visage. "Rarity. You can. You must. Just think, consider your options."

"Yes, because as we all know, thinking through things is her strong point," Blueblood scoffed. He pointed a hoof at the disguised unicorn, and jabbed it a few times. "I know mares of her type, and they're all the same. They want what they can't have, and if they couldn't handle what they wanted if they did!" Rarity shot him a mournful look, but that sadness was beginning to be replaced by annoyance. "Sure, she may have made some good decisions, but they were marred by her haste! She never once considered the consequences of her actions! And furthermore-"

Something inside Rarity snapped. She'd taken enough abuse from the stallion last night, and whether or not this was deserved, there was a specific statement in there that struck her as incredibly boorish. And she was not going to let that go. "Now, hold on just ONE moment, you self-righteous cur!" Blueblood was stunned into silence, his mouth hanging wide open. Good, let the flies in, you brat! "I should consider the consequences of MY actions? MINE? Why, did not Princess Luna just not vindicate every decision I have made so far? It seems this is more an unfortunate series of events than any incompetence on my part -- And thank you, your highness, for not letting me linger in my self-loathing." Luna simply nodded, still smiling as the plan she had made begun to spring into action.

"Yes, but-"

"They'll never crow at the sun again, never to eat delicious corn and-"

"SILENCE!" The volume of that rang through the chamber, shutting Blueblood's reply down, and also finally ending the depressed rantings of Fowl Play, who had been mumbling the entire time. Rarity's look of anger cooled down slowly as she watched Blueblood actually tremble a bit. "Your highness, Prince Blueblood, I don't know who the mare is that hurt you so, that caused you such grief and rage in one. I cannot imagine what would bring any stallion to distrust and revile any suitors he may have, and I will not try." The unicorn's expression changed from one of sympathy to a stern glance, while Luna's horn glowed. Rarity didn't notice that her disguise had been utterly lost. "What I will do is tell you, in no uncertain terms, that whether or not we deserved it for being so selfish with our desires, we are not that mare."

She half-expected Blueblood to interrupt, but he was instead looking down at his hooves like a scolded colt. Reassured that she'd struck a chord, she continued. "Sometimes, ponies can be very selfish. And honestly, sometimes you need to be selfish. When the world bears its weight down on you, it gets very tiring. Sometimes, you just need some time alone, with your own thoughts, to get your bearings! Or perhaps to reward yourself with for a job well done!"

"But when you hurt others with this selfishness, that is when it becomes dastardly. You never thought of how we might feel anymore than how we thought of how you did!" The accusation made Blueblood wince, and close his eyes in shame. Rarity didn't feel satisfaction, just pity. "You simply wanted revenge. I can understand that, I did the same thing! It was just so much more easy for me to just take out my frustration on you than to learn about you, and why you did what you did. Revenge is easy, but it's also not satisfying! It just made the both of us feel worse about ourselves and each other."

"I don't blame you for being upset," Rarity concluded. "And right now, I need your help. I need the help of ALL of you, to get Canterlot through this crisis. Will you forgive me, and help me?"

For a moment, there was just silence. Rarity realized that she didn't need to do this by herself, she had the authority to have help. She could get through this only with the help of all those that had caused this mess in the first place, herself included. And it was that help she would get. Blueblood lifted his head, and gave a short nod, a smirk spreading on his muzzle once more. "Of course. If my aunts can't keep things running without my assistance, there's no way you can."

"I'll help for the sake of my garden! - It was my grievous error that caused most of this, I must help! - I'll help in memory of my poor, poor chickens!"

Rarity was beginning to be a bit disturbed by Fowl's obsessiveness, but Blueblood ignored it, clearing his throat. "I have to ask your forgiveness as well. In fact, I have a lot of mares to apologize to, really. I still honestly believe that they never wanted anything more from me than my title, but..." He hesitated a moment, before nodding. "You, at least, understand."

The unicorn smiled and hopped down from the throne. "Well! I forgive you, but I must insist we care for this matter! It's quite the disaster, and I would hate for us to be caught red-hooved in this matter. I just sincerely hope Princess Celestia doesn't hear of thi-"

The soft "ahem" rang through the throneroom, causing all those present (except Luna) to jerk their heads to the source. The TRUE Celestia was at the entrance, with an amused smiled on her muzzle. Rarity's eyes widened, and she immediately bowed, too terrified to even form words. The nobles followed suit immediately after, and Blueblood even had a look on his face that clearly showed he expected to get at least SOME form of punishment for this mess. The sun princess strode forward, regardless. "I see you have a bit of a problem?"

Luna was the only pony who could form words. "Hello, sister. I received your letter." Rarity glanced up, incredulously. How had she not gotten the connection?! "Yes, there has been a disaster, but one easily solved. And of great amusement!" Celestia chuckled at that response, and she lowered her head to nuzzle at the top of Rarity's own. Luna smirked just a bit. "I believe that this pony has been put through Tartarus and back, to use the modern vernacular."

"I can see that. Rise, Rarity. Do not fear. I already know what's transpired, and I agree with Luna. You did your very best. We have something very important to talk about, but first..." She looks around. "I want the flow of water to that area shut off immediately. A supply of solvents can be found in with the tar shipments, just in case, and the crates likely held when the tar did not. Have the disaster relief teams apply this solvent." Celestia's eyes locked on Blueblood. "You, nephew, are in charge of these efforts." Then on Rarity. "Rarity, that was a wonderful lesson you learned. And taught Blueblood, to boot." She smiled after the stallion as he left to attend to his duties, with the rest of the nobles. "I have something very important we must do, however.

"There... Is?" Relief at the princess's lack of anger turned to alarm. I don't know if I can handle even more of this! The unicorn looked nervously back at Luna, who was busying herself with some of the reports from the incident already. She'd be no help. "I do have to say, your highness, that I am exhausted, and I don't know if I can-" She was cut off by a kiss. A gentle kiss, but one to the unicorn's lips. Rarity's eyes flew wide open, and her heart began to race. The princess, THE Princess, of the land of Equestria, the most powerful and influential nation in the world, was KISSING HER. A million emotions ran through her all at once, the chief of them being confusion, surprise, and... Joy. Oh yes, this was definitely not objectionable, Rarity decided, and she closed her eyes to press back into it. It was a few moments before Celestia pulled away, and smiled warmly. The smaller mare was left a bit overwhelmed. That kiss hadn't been a passionate one, just a simple meeting of lips, but... Amazing...! "T-To what do I owe this very unexpected honor, princess?"

"Rarity, I am deeply, desperately in love with you, and I hope that you will stay in Canterlot just a bit longer, else my heart may burst." Luna rolled her eyes. Rarity was certainly not the only pony here sometimes taken with drama. For her part the unicorn blushed furiously. That declaration was something she had always desired to hear, but from a PRINCE, not a princess. Still, the mare wasn't sure at all that she disliked this attention, or the feelings behind them,

"I believe," she said after a moment's deliberation, and only then slowly. "That this is something I think I can do for you, princess." She smiled, that wonderful, sincere smile that Celestia had before admired, and the alicorn blushed. Rarity decided she liked that. A lot. "I never thought I could attract the attention of an alicorn, if you'll.. Pardon the rudeness."

Celestia could understand how overwhelming this might be, and drew back a step. "If you're uncomfortable, I will-" It was HER turn to be cut off by a kiss, and this one was a bit more... Involved than the last! That caused the blush to turn into an all out flush, and the princess eagerly returned the gesture. Rarity considered that the sudden passion might just be an expression of her frayed nerves, but she just didn't CARE right now.

"Get thee both to a room," Luna proclaimed with a huff. "Some of us have actual duties to attend to!" That caused both ponies to pull back immediately, embarrassed, while the princess of the night went back to the reports. mumbling about obscenities and public displays of affection.

Her older sister watched Rarity as the latter looked about, nervously scuffing a hoof on the floor. Truly, she was not handling this with the best of grace and poise. Celestia preferred it that way. "So, do you still wish to be royalty, my dearest subject?"

The way she had said dearest made the unicorn even more nervous, but she gathered herself in time to reply honestly. "Perhaps, but..." Rarity took a deep breath, and let it out explosively. "I still feel quite inadequate in this duty you provided for me. I think I understand why I shouldn't aspire to royalty, now. It is a great deal more work than I had thought, and I don't know if I am ready, or will ever be so, for something like this to be an everyday occurence!" She paused a moment. "That IS what you wished me to learn, wasn't it?"

Celestia chuckled softly, and winked to the unicorn softly, speaking as she lead Rarity out of the throne room with a wing over her back. "Oh, no, Rarity, not at all." There was a beat as the unicorn looked up to the princess, wondering where she possibly went wrong. After a moment's pause, Celestia laughed, and looked down to meet Rarity's gaze with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I just wanted a vacation!"

Comments ( 24 )

Commence read.
Lol. That was something that most people took time to get. She just wanted a break.

> After a moment's pause, Celestia laughed, and looked down to meet Rarity's gaze with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I just wanted a vacation!"

Yep. Saw that coming a mile away. Doesn't matter though, since the chapter was a thoroughly entertaining read.


That's amazing, since I didn't plan it that way at all. It just came up as a whim while I was trying to think of a way to finish the chapter.


It's Pinkie, Man. C'mon. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by SpeederClaw deleted Jan 3rd, 2013


I'm glad you're giving critique on my stories, but what I really would like feedback on is the STORY and CHARACTERS, not nitpicky details.

I'm still fairly baffled by how Rarity supposedly wronged Blueblood. She approached someone at a party whom she was attracted to, and flirted. He purposefully (according to this story) sent mixed signals to her all night, seemingly keeping to and desiring her company, but repeatedly treating her as beneath him and ultimately ruining the dress that her friends had made her as well as the entire evening that she had been looking forward to all year.

He justified that by arguing that she never considered what he wanted or who he really was beforehand. How are you supposed to know what anyone you've never met wants for themselves, other than introducing yourself and striking up a conversation where such things might come out?

It's certainly naive to assume that you're going to be compatible with someone before you talk to them, let alone that you'll get along famously, but it's hardly a selfish offense to simply try introducing yourself to them in the first place. She truly is the spirit of Generosity for accepting a share of the blame there. Thank god he finally got dressed down some.

Oh, and that everything else worked out too, of course.


It's because she didn't really see him as his own pony, with his own dreams and ambitions, desires and needs. She just saw him as an object, a trophy to be obtained. She wanted to marry him not because she actually LOVED him, but because it made her royalty, and gave her bragging rights.

She could have ASKED about him, but she DIDN'T. She just assumed.


That just shows how good you are. You planned this without even knowing you did! :rainbowlaugh:

i just love the laughs i get from reading this stuff.
awesome job


Not to belittle your work, but that kind of ending is something the FiM fanbase likes to use (because it is sensible) for a plot line where Celestia concocts a scheme and returns in the end after the lesson has been learned. The idea of an authority figure returning after all the dust has settled, only to pretend causally that the trials and tribulations weathered by other characters was of their own doing (for their betterment) and not some shadowy manipulation with good intentions. A slightly snarky but semi-endearing kind of end that makes you wonder whether its just straight comedy, or it leans more to a subtle hint that Celestia trusted the other characters to get everything right by the end. You know?


Celestia honestly didn't think that Rarity would do badly. And she didn't. What happened was basically just coincidence conspiring against the poor unicorn. She didn't just run off laughing at the misery Rarity would no doubt have to learn lessons from. She thought everything would be fine. And were it not for some badly kept records and the laziness and over-confidence of a certain noble, it would have been. I know I never even hinted at that in the story, but that's the way it was.


> I know I never even hinted at that in the story, but that's the way it was.

Since it's your work, obviously you decide what the point of anything is then. Either way, it still was an entertaining read.


I'm not really sure why you thought it was a bad thing. ... Or even if you did. :twilightblush: Your comment confused me a tad, I suppose. But it's no matter! If you enjoyed it, that's what counts. :twilightsmile:

... Then again, I more than hinted at it. It was outright stated that Rarity did just fine, and it was mostly the fault of others that caused the disaster.


> I'm not really sure why you thought it was a bad thing. ... Or even if you did.

I assure you I never did. If my comment sounded like that, than it is my mistake.

To summarize the whole story:
I d'awwwed so much during this story, it's... well, just a little bit (and by that I mean VERY MUCH SO) scary... :rainbowderp: But what the hay, this story is so awesome one does not simply not d'awwwwww at this story!!! :rainbowkiss:


Thank you very much. The enjoyment of anyone who reads these is why I do this. :twilightblush:

Wish the same could be said for the author of Scootaloo and the School of Ghouls... :raritycry: he's considering discontinuing that story!!! :raritydespair: (As pathetic as it is) I'm tearing up IRL cause of it!!! :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry: Vampire Scootaloo am 5th best pony :raritydespair: (4th am Rainbow Death, 3rd am Woona, 2nd am Nyx, 1st am Rainbow Dash) What? I have lots of best ponies. :ajbemused: Don't judge...


Goodness. You certainly have much to say! :pinkiegasp:

Eh, you should see my journal I started recently (not really. If anyone looks in there without my permission, I'm going Jason Voorheez on them with a Bowie Knife :twilightangry2: ) The first entry is 5 pages long :rainbowlaugh: Then again, I was venting emotions and opinions that have been bottled up for my entire life, so go figure
That, and I've always been a writer at heart :pinkiehappy: Just haven't tried writing any fanfics yet (Well, none that've been published, anyway)

Whelp, as my father so eloquently puts it, "someone was a numb-nuts!"

Great read. Update sooner. (Insert generic phrase here). Have fun.

Love and such,

Ps, this reminds me that I should get off my lazy a** and sleep.

When I read the kiss part O_o
(LOL my kindle being stupid there no faces on screen)

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