• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 8,142 Views, 242 Comments

Imperium - Sam Cole

Just another glorious day in Ponyville, till the nanite infection is activated. Now it's up to Rarity and an infected Twilight to save the world.

  • ...

User: Fluttershy

Chapter Four: User: Fluttershy

The kettle was on as the butter colored mare let herself get lost in thought. She had exhausted her fear, and cast aside her worry. No, those emotions wouldn’t do her any good now. Her only chance at redemption was honesty. Maybe if she gave all that she knew out freely, could the evils that transpired be quelled. Of course, knowing the mare on the other end of her evils didn’t exactly make it any easier on the poor mare, but that was really outside her sphere of influence. All she could do was hope that reason would prevail when the time finally came.

But hope was is short supply today. A mighty cry cut through the tranquility, snapping poor Fluttershy from her thoughts as her many feathered friends took to the sky, wanting to escape the impending destruction.

“Fluttershy!” The cry sounded out across the small town, letting all know Rarity was back in Ponyville.

Hard at work in the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, a small dragon and his earth pony guardian felt a disturbing force sweep through the trees as it prompted them to drop their chores and turn towards that strange noise. A cry actually, that bore only pain, rage, and damnation for all in its path. “Fluttershy!”

“Spike, did y’all hear that?”

“Applejack, I felt that…” The dragon added meekly, wanting nothing to do with any of it.

Fluttershy glided to her door, knowing that trouble was there on the other side. Her animals begged her to run away, too never open that door. Even Angel Bunny, the normally selfish creature, was trying to make the mare turn back. But it was futile. She opened the door just as the white hoof raised to strike the wood.

“Hello Rarity, Twilight. Would you two like to come in?” Fluttershy asked, her ever limited supply of courage depleting quickly in the face of rage incarnate.

Rarity’s face contorted with anger, her teeth grinding in a painful way. “I would be delighted, Fluttershy.” Rarity finally managed, though she still shook with barely contained rage. Reluctantly, the white mare was lead in, letting her more logical counterpart stroll in and take a seat. Rarity was close to popping a blood vessel as Fluttershy set out tea for them all, pouring them each a cup before she took a seat.

Finally, Rarity had enough. “How long?”

With a sigh, Fluttershy set down the teapot and took a seat, letting her eyes fall to the pattern in the cloth.

“How long?!” Rarity shouted as Fluttershy remained quiet. “How long were you going to let me and Twilight risk life and limb before you told us?! How long have you known about them?! How long have you been helping them?!”

“Too long.” Fluttershy finally sniffed, tears falling from her face. “Rarity, would you please sit down?”

“Please sit down?! Fluttershy, why didn’t you tell us!?” Rarity demanded, stomping her hoof.

“How could I?!” Fluttershy snapped back, rising to her hooves once more. “How do you want to hear it? That Twilight’s power scared me so bad that I joined the Mana Commeasureance Society?”

“Fluttershy, you have a lot to answer for, so I recommend you start from the very beginning.” Rarity growled. “What is the Mana Commeasureance Society?”

“Please, Rarity? I’ll tell you everything I know.” Fluttershy pleaded, sinking back to her seat as she felt the angry eyes of her guest burrow into her.

“Fine.” Rarity huffed, practically throwing herself into her seat as she continued to stare down the stare master. “Start from the beginning, Fluttershy. What is the Society, and why are you aligned with them?”

“It all started about two years ago…” Fluttershy confessed with a heavy sigh. “Back when Trixie first came to Ponyville.”

“Trixie? But you weren’t even there for that?” Rarity asked, confused by the start.

“I wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t see how Twilight saved Ponyville from the Ursa Minor.” Fluttershy admitted, looking to the mare at long last. “She lifted an Ursa Minor. She, by herself, lifted-”

“Okay, I get it. She showed a lot of power back then.” Rarity sighed. “And that power scared you?”

“Normal unicorn magic is nowhere near that powerful. Ponies like you could never hope to do such things - oh! N-no offence…” Fluttershy blushed, inadvertently insulting her friend.

“None taken.” Rarity snorted, her flat stare telling volumes.

“At first, it was just fear. I was scared, and that was that. But then, as time when on, I found myself more and more to be bothered by the thoughts of what if? I worried about what would happen if someday, some unicorn as powerful as Twilight wasn’t interested in helping us. In doing good.”

“What happened next?” Rarity pressed, rudely at that.

“About a year ago, I was approached by somepony from the Society.” Fluttershy sighed. “They offered me a job as a data analyst for their cause. They told me exactly what I needed to, I guess, that they were offering a way to…”

“To what, Fluttershy? Strip all unicorns of their free will? To use their own magic to enslave them!?” Rarity barked. True, she was a little too harsh there, but it was a personal point for the white unicorn.

“No! I would never be a part of something like that!” Fluttershy gasped. “The society wanted to increase information and common knowledge about magic they told me. I was never aware of any evil plans until recently...”

“The Mana Commeasureance Society was designed to evaluate and replicate the magic of powerful target unicorns.” Twilight spoke up, startling the two mares. Until now, they had actually rather forgotten she was there.

“What?” Rarity growled. “Fluttershy, is she right?”

“I found out about six months ago what they were actually doing.” Fluttershy nodded, tears rimming her eyes. “That’s when I found out about the collective.”

“Really? You worked for them for six months before discovering them?” Rarity sassed at the blond mare harshly.

“Error, Miss Rarity. The Mana Commeasureance Society is not the whole of the collective.” Twilight corrected. “There are at current sixteen organizations working in the collective as we call it now.”

Minutes passed as Rarity sat there with her jaw agape, her ears dropped. Finally, she found her voice. “How long have you known details about the collective, Twilight!?”

“I have been aware of the collective’s true nature since we discovered Agent Gizmo.” Twilight informed.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?!”

“You never asked, Miss Rarity.” Twilight informed simply as Rarity felt her blood pressure rising.

“Twilight, can you please tell Miss Rarity more about the collective?” Fluttershy asked, trying to placate the situation.

“Error, you are no longer listed as a user for this unit.” Twilight dismissed, ignoring the venomous glare from the white unicorn.

“Override code: Beta GG 3988 Fox.”

“Override accepted. Welcome, user: Fluttershy.” Twilight smiled as she turned to her new user, leaving her shocked admin to watch, agast.

“How did you…? Twilight, are you okay?”

“I am fine, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded.

“I’m sorry Rarity, but I had to access Twilight’s systems.” Fluttershy pouted.

“Can the enemy do that to her also?” Rarity asked, her anger now firmly replaced by fear.

“Technically.” Fluttershy nodded. “It can’t be done by a drone unit though. So unless you’re ever fighting normal ponies, I’d say you’re fine.”

Rarity’s eyes flooded with panic, as what little color her white coat offered drained from her features. “Fluttershy! We were just in MosCow! Twilight could have been hacked!” Rarity screamed.

“Technically, it’s a security firewall backup. Not a hack. But you do have a point…” Fluttershy conceded. “Twilight, system override 4.4432. Disable firewall backup user access.”

“This unit will need to restart in order to implement such changes.” Twilight nodded.

“Understood. Go ahead and restart, Twilight.” Fluttershy nodded as Twilight laid her head on the table, eyes closed and gently snoring.

“Wait, is she asleep?” Rarity asked, as confused as ever.

“It’s a rather large cache I just deleted. She needs a complete reboot after that. She’ll be asleep for about an hour.” Fluttershy smiled.

“H-how did you even learn to do that? How do you know the commands by heart?” Rarity stammered at long last.

“I’m a bit of a computer genius.” Fluttershy smiled meekly. “I learned programming back in summer camp when I was just a filly, and I was able to write in a security backdoor for use when I discovered the Collective.”

“... Just what kind of camp did you go too?” Rarity muttered slowly. Shaking off the insanity, Rarity decided a change of topic was in order. “We are not square just yet, missy.”

“I know. I’ll tell you everything.” Fluttershy sighed.

“Then let me start with a simple question.” Rarity huffed. “Why?”

“I told you, I was scared. Magic is way too-”

“No, darling.” Rarity interrupted. “Why did you give us all that information? What are you up to?”

“Oh.” Fluttershy gasped softly, with no small amount of guilt taking over her delicate features, marring her beauty with her sin of remorse. “Because it’s like you said. I have a lot to make up for, and I wanted to make a show of good faith first.”

“Then why the hay not just give us the information as soon as you learned that poor Twilight was infected?!” Rarity barked, losing her brief reign on her emotions once more.

“I tried.” Fluttershy sighed. “If Pinkie hadn’t interrupted me, I would have been able to give Twilight the cache and let you discover it without having to out myself like this.”

“You wanted to hide this from me?” Rarity snorted a she tapped her hoof on the table with disgust. “How many lies are you sewing, darling?”

“No! It’s not like that! I never wanted to lie to you!” Fluttershy retorted. “But I also really wanted to avoid a confrontation. I’m trying to do the right thing here, please let me help fix my mistake. Help me help you two.”

“You’re right dear.” Rarity sighed, letting herself collapse into a seat as she looked down at the tea Fluttershy had poured when she first arrived, what felt like ages ago now. “You’re right. This isn't easy on any of us, and I’m sorry for only making it harder, dear. Forgive me, Fluttershy. In all honesty, if you had said that you knew what was going on with the collective from the start, I don’t know how I would have reacted.”

“This really isn’t something you can prepare for, is it?” Fluttershy sighed.

Rarity shook her head slowly, distant in her thoughts. “No dear. I don’t think anypony could have been prepared for this nightmarish existence.” Rarity finished as she looked to the softly slumbering Twilight. “You poor thing… I promise I will find a way to help you.”

With the pair of mares deciding the inside of the cottage was now quite too small, they instead ventured out to the white tail woods while Twilight rebooted. The fresh air had done wonders to loosen Fluttershy’s tongue, and had equally calmed the raging diva.

“So when I found out about Project Imperium, I was really upset. I mean... I had signed on to study magic, and maybe… maybe grow to respect its power more through understanding. But, then I discovered that they were making an army!” Fluttershy whined, free of her guilty constraints and talking freely for the first time in six months.

“So you, forgive me for the lack of a better phrase, flipped out and abandoned the Society?” Rarity pressed, looking for clarity.

“Not exactly. I’m still in the Society, but only to allow me continued access to their systems and plans.” Fluttershy replied.

“But is it safe for you to just be giving me this information? They might retaliate, darling…”

“Rarity, I appreciate the concern, but trust me when I say that I have this situation well under control.” Fluttershy smiled. “I’m actually a high ranking member in the Society now. I’ve got almost total immunity. And before you ask, I plan to stay in the Society because I still believe in our end goal. I still want to explore magic as a pegasus, and increase the understanding of those that are scared of unicorns.”

“I think that was just the tagline they used to hook you in, dear.” Rarity giggled. “But leave it to you to want to help everypony out of the rubble of this horrible situation.”

“It’s what I do.” Fluttershy giggled. They had been walking for roughly forty minutes, talking about the truth and just letting Fluttershy finally get things off of her chest. “We should start heading back, Twilight will wake up in a little bit.”

“Alright dear.” Rarity smiled as they turned down a trail that lead by Fluttershy’s cottage. “So how has Sweetie Belle been with me gone?”

“Your mom grounded her yesterday. I think it was something about the improper use of a fire extinguisher and I don’t think she bought the excuse that Scootaloo’s eyebrows just magically caught fire.”

“Ah, same old, same-” Rarity started but stopped when she saw a couple familiar faces down the way. “Oh, hello Lyra, Bon Bon!”

“Morning Rarity, Fluttershy.” Lyra nodded.

“It’s good to see you girls.” Bon Bon laughed as they closed the distance, exchanging brief hugs. “What’s going on in your exciting lives?”

“Oh please darling, it’s not that exciting.” Rarity dismissed. “I’ve actually just came back from some out of town business.”

“Really? Oh my, that sounds exciting.” Bon Bon chuckled.

“Indeed.” Lyra nodded. “Where were you, if I may?”

“Absolutely dear, I was in Canterlot for the past couple of days.” Rarity giggled in reply.

“Really?” Bon Bon asked. “Meet anypony special?”

“No, I wish.” Rarity laughed.

“How about any griffons, then?” Bon Bon asked, her friendly voice now sporting an edge that could cut steel. Rarity felt her face go flush as she looked to the two ponies before her, realization dawning.

“Oh tartarus, you two are agents? Really?” Rarity sighed.

“I’ll make you a deal, Rarity: Turn over Twilight, and I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.” Bon Bon offered with a venomous smile.

“I’m so sorry about your mane, dear. It’s such a shame, really.” Rarity said at last, confusing the mares around her.

“Wha-” Bon Bon started as Rarity lunged at her, magically pulling her mane down to stop a counter attack. But before Rarity could lay hoof on the new enemy, she found herself falling rather awkwardly. Landing on her back with a pained grunt, Rarity fought to catch her breath as she looked up at Lyra, recognising that thousand yard stare anywhere.

“Oh road apples.” Rarity sighed as she watched Lyra get into position for a blood choke. Rarity struggled against her capture, but was only able to watch feebly as Bon Bon stopped the petrified Fluttershy from escaping. Why does this always happen?

With a yawn and a stretch, Twilight lifted her head from the table as she blinked awkwardly, her systems rebooting slowly for her personal tastes. Finally, she was operational, and strangely alone. But that was really a minor-

“Error. Unit requires user interface.” Twilight said with an urgency normally reserved for life and death situations. “Run program: User Locator… Searching, searching. User location not found. Increase search radius.” Twilight snorted as she teleported out of the small cottage, and the hunt now on.

Rarity slowly awoke in a small cottage. That much she could tell from her position by the door, her hooves magically bound and her head splitting. She could only listen though as her captors argued.

“Agent Bon Bon, you need to alert local command units of the capture of enemy combatants.”

“Shut up, Lyra. This is what we both wanted! Our big chance, baby! Come on, we got this!”

“This unit must remind you of protocol, Agent.” Lyra said with that cold tone Rarity recognised as unhappy technological unicorn now.

“Baby, think ahead here! We’ve got the chance now to move up the ladder. We’ll be set for life once the collective wins if we upgrade Rarity and return Twilight to them.” Bon Bon sighed, taking Lyra’s hoof in her own. “They’ll turn you back to normal. Come on baby, don’t you wanna be normal?”

“Error.” Lyra stated coolly, nicely avoiding the barrage of questions. Rarity decided she had heard enough, and was trying to break the spell on her hooves, hoping for a quick escape. “Unit does not have personal wishes beyond serving my user.”

“Eh, good enough.” Bon Bon dismissed, shrugging as she turned away from her upgraded lover towards her other quarry that Rarity only now took note of. Fluttershy, still out cold, but also still very alive. “So what should we do with this one? She’s innocent aft-”

“Agent Fluttershy poses no problems of exposure.” Lyra reported, interrupting the earth pony.

“She’s an agent, you say?” Bon Bon chuckled nervously as she looked at her captive with fear. “Is she stealing my expert plan?”

“Agent Fluttershy is of high rank within the collective.” Lyra noted as Bon Bon turned to stare at the still unconscious mare. This information also saw Rarity stop her struggles as she strained to listen. Finally, some truth about everything. “She would not benefit fiscally or authoritatively from turning in a rogue unit from her position.”

“So she’s just a goody four horseshoes, then?”

Rarity held her breath. She practically begged the universe to let Fluttershy be innocent, but she was ready for the truth however it fell. “Negative. She last reported hearing of unit Twilight traveling to the Badlands three days ago.” Bon Bon turned to glare at the traitor she had found. “Said reports were found to be false, a calculated move originated by Rarity and captured unit Twilight to disengage pursuit.”

“So why would she report on their movements, but not alert units when Rarity returned?” Bon Bon pressed. “I don’t like this, baby.”

The Badlands? That’s over two thousand miles south of Beaklin. She… She protected us...

“System note: Captive Rarity is awake.” Lyra informed as Bon Bon bolted up, turning slowly to the white mare that was still sitting patiently, and still quite bound.

“You’re not going to get away with it, Darling.” Rarity dismissed, hoping against all hopes that these two would want to talk before killing her. Or worse.

“That is the stupidest thing you can say. You know that, right?” Bon Bon chuckled as she nodded to her technologically improved other. “Baby, be a dear and fetch an upgrade for our guest, please?”

“Request confirmed.” Lyra nodded, but she did not move, nor did her horn alight.


“Agent Bon Bon, you are the one millionth visitor to our-” Lyra started as Bon Bon groaned.

“Why do you keep clicking on the pop ups? I told you that leads to viruses!” Bon Bon whined.

“I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” Rarity asked politely. “Fluttershy and I can come back later if you like?”

“Oh, har har.” Bon Bon hissed.

“Tell me, what did you do to Fluttershy?” Rarity demanded as she leaned forward a hair.

“Honestly? Nothing.” Bon Bon chuckled. “Little coward fainted when I approached her, trying to tell her to calm down, yadda yadda. Been out since.”

“If you think I’m going to…” Rarity started, but stopped as she thought about the mare in question. “No, that is something Fluttershy would do… Sorry.”

“Besides, I’d be more worried about what we’re going to do to you now.” Bon Bon smiled. She chuckled as she walked past the bound mare, off to parts unknown, though Rarity had a good idea what she would be coming back with.

So with a few unlady-like grunts and swears, Rarity resumed her struggles to free herself. Lyra watched her patiently, having no need to stop her in all truth. Rarity was nowhere near powerful enough to free herself.

With a blast of mystic force instead of her signature cute pop, Twilight erupted into Sugarcube Corner, her eyes sweeping over all there quickly. Multitasking like a professional, she blocked all input for any drones in the area as she scanned for her elusive user.

“Miss Rarity not found. Scan of area 5.5334 inconclusive for signs of Miss Rarity. Moving to next search grid.”

With another blast of magical power, she left the restaurant as the patrons now looked around, confused. All, save one. “Rarity’s missing?” Pinkie muttered under her breath. “Mr. Cake, would it be alright if I took off right now? I have to go see what Twilight’s so worried about.”

“No Pinkie, we need you here and you’re still on the clock.” Carrot Cake reminded. He knew he could never stop the pink party machine if she truly wanted to go, but he also knew she would never leave without his permission also. But that didn’t mean she would do so quietly.

“What? But- But- I-” Pinkie stuttered. “Aww man…”

How long have I been here? Long enough that Twilight should be awake, I guess. Oh, she’s probably just sitting there, waiting for me to return. Goodness, she’s like a large puppy at times, isn’t she? Ah, if only I could summon her to me, I wouldn’t be sitting here, on the dirty floor, bound, and staring down the clock to infection…

Rarity explored her thoughts as she continued to grasp at freedom, but finding the binds too powerful, her freedom slipping farther and farther away. “Grr. Argh! Damn you Lyra, how can you do this to me? I thought I was your friend?!”

“Error, this unit is not equipped with file: friendship.” Lyra stated automatically. “Prime directive two: Be nice and cordial, has been altered due to your upgraded security threat, Captive Rarity.”

“Really?” Rarity grunted as she tried simple brute force. “Well darling, I’ll- keep that- in mind!”

“Resistance is futile, Captive Rarity.” Lyra informed.

“Oh- You want to- believe th-Ah!” Rarity attempted to protest, but only succeeded in toppling herself to the floor. “Oh wonderful, now I can get my coat dirty on your grubby floors. Thank you, deary.”

“Insult registered.”

“Will you at least pick me up?” Rarity asked, looking to the mare.


“Well, darling?”

“Captive Rarity, do you want never work again? Watch this video-”

“Oh bloody hell, you’re worse than Twilight.”

The tranquillity of the woods was seldom subject to such interruptions, but today nature would have to yield, for Twilight was on the prowl. With what could only reasonably be called an explosion by any standards, the mare forced her existence into the park, letting her eyes sweep over the path and all around her.

“Error: User not detected…” Twilight informed, but soon stopped, letting her nose find a clue for her instead. “Substance: Miss Rarity’s perfume detected in local atmosphere. Searching for chemical trail… Chemical trail discovered, processing… Sample is found to be a sixty two percent match for Substance: Miss Rarity’s perfume. Outcome: sample likely from source: Miss Rarity. Detecting direction of movement… Detected. Advancing.”

With a small laugh, the confectionary mare returned with a small needle between her teeth. “Getth whath Ith goth?”

“Another virus.” Rarity chuckled coldly as she watched her captor huff, setting the needle down on the table as she saw to Lyra.

“Lyra!” Bon Bon groaned, setting a hoof to her lover’s back. “Oh you poor thing. We’ll erase these nanites soon, baby.”

“Ha!” Rarity snorted in laughter. “I would not try that if I was you.”

“What are you talking about?” Bon Bon snarled.

“Twilight deleted an opponent's nanites a few days ago. It left her a vegetable.” Rarity hissed. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourselves into, but I do. And I will stop it.”

“Says the prisoner.” Bon Bon chuckled. “It just goes to show what you know. High command confirmed for me that the nanites will be erased, after w-”

“Error.” Lyra stated, startling all around her. “Master Control confirms: Nanite infection incomplete, target goal: sixty eight percent complete.”

“What is Master Control?” Rarity asked. I’m sure I’ve heard that name before.

“You’ll find out in a second, Rarity.” Bon Bon chuckled as she grabbed the syringe again, turning to the mare laying in the dirt. “Thith won’th hurth a bith.”

“Go ahead.” Rarity swallowed. pulling back as she spoke. “You can infect me, but I’ll never tell you where Twilight went. You’ll never find her, till it’s too late!”

“Yeah, ye-” Bon Bon started, but was soon stopped by Lyra. The mint colored mare, so quiet and reserved, had sprung to her hooves, her eyes locked on the door. “Lyra?”

“You’ve got mail.” Lyra nodded.

Before anypony could ask what that meant, the door erupted into a cascade of magenta and fire. Two beams rocketed straight into the off guard Lyra, knocking her down.

“Twilight!” Two mares screamed. One of joy, rapture, and salvation. The other out of fear. As to validate said fears, the mare of magic herself blasted Bon Bon with a powerful blast, sending her back before anypony could tell what was happening. Twilight quickly locked back onto her target named Lyra, and let her eyes glow green once more.

“Systems firewalls compromised. Accessing… Access granted. Deletin-”

“No!” Rarity screamed. “Twilight, please don’t do it. Erase her memory. Lock them away, I don’t care. But don’t kill her, please.”

“Command denied.” Twilight informed as she let her horn light up.

“Twilight, no!”

“Deleting corrupted files. Commencing systems scan.” Twilight informed.

“You- you’re running a virus scan…” Rarity sighed, laughing as she relaxed. “Of course. You would want to save her from that pain.”

“Scan complete. Eight thousand files found to be corrupted. Deleting.” Twilight nodded. “Miss Rarity, it is to be noted that file: memory is no longer admissible because of infection. Do you wish for me to take further action?”

“No, just delete all files please.” Rarity relaxed, knowing that Twilight wouldn’t have to wrong another. “Oh darling? Would you kindly release me and pick me up off this filthy floor!?”

“Affirmative.” Twilight noted as she walked around to Rarity.

“Damn you!” A sudden voice called out, startling Rarity as Bon Bon plunged the syringe into Twilight. “I’ll kill you!”

“Twilight!” Rarity screamed.


[Status Inquiry: Green]

[New software detected. Running scan...]

[Program safe. Run program: Hoof Soldier Basic.exe]

[ERROR: Unit cannot run two base programing modes]

[Solution: Hoof Soldier program has been set as background program subroutine]

[ERROR: Command inoperable]

[Attempting to create subsystems to apply upgrade]

[Attempt one failed]

[Attempt two failed]

[Attempt three successful. Commence Upgrade]

[Unit is now upgraded]

[Physical upgrades commencing...]

“Systems updated.” Twilight noted as she turned and blasted her assailant again. She quickly released her user, and was again assaulted, but now by hugs and crys rather than needles.

“Twilight! Oh thank the heavens!” Rarity sobbed, burying her face in Twilight mane. “Don’t scare me like that, darling. I thought I had lost you.”

“User located. User condition is now safe.” Twilight noted. “Miss Rarity?”

“Yes darling?” Rarity asked as she pulled back to examine her friend closely. “Are you alright?”

“Would you like to register your WINRAR license at this time?”

It was no easy task to find Bon Bon’s supplies of ruffies, but find them they did, and a short minute later saw Rarity, Twilight, and the still unconscious Fluttershy leaving the two mares home alone, having tucked them gently into bed. The trio carried on though as they sought out their friends, feeling it best everypony be brought up to speed on recent events. But where exactly to start was the question of the hour. Rarity argued with herself over that point for what seemed days as they trudged along to Applejack’s barn.

Should I start with Fluttershy’s betrayal? Or what we’ve learned about the collective? Maybe I should start with Beaklin… Or MosCow perhaps…

“Miss Rarity?” Twilight asked in her normal tone of voice.

“Ask me about it later, Tw-” Rarity started with a huff, but her sudden collision with the barn door interrupted her.

“Collision imminent.” Twilight supplied after the fact.

Rarity gritted her teeth as she held back her sharp words for the bookish computer, instead opting to open the door and barrel in, hoping she still looked dignified. She was happy to find her strong and scaly friends inside, the looks of relief they shared uplifting.

“Rarity, Twilight! Y’all are okay!”Applejack sighed.

“Sweet! Goodbye farmwork!” Spike cried out, tossing his gloves down for added effect.

“What happened to Shy?”

“Hello everypony. Let’s find the others first, I don’t want to explain this more than once.”
Rarity explained with a sigh as she helped Twilight set Fluttershy down in a pile of hay. “Where are Pinkie and Rainbow?”

“Pinkie’s working. Mr. Cake’s been getting on her about too many absences lately.” Applejack sighed. “And Dash is workin also. She’s gotta rainstorm to get ready for tonight.”

Spike was starting to squirm as he bounced around, ready to leave. “Hey, can we talk about this at the library? I’m ready to get back to my own bed.”

“Sorry darling, we’re not quite done yet.” Rarity frowned as Spike groaned and kicked the hay while Twilight began to tug at her shoulder. “Yes, darling?”

“Miss Rarity, I need to restart to fully incorporate my new upgrades.” Twilight informed as Rarity sighed.

“I learned my lesson from last time, darling. Go ahead, I’ll be right here the entire time.” Rarity whispered as Twilight laid down and closed her eyes. “Applejack darling, please go fetch Twilight some water. I think she’s been pushing herself too hard lately.”

“‘Course, sugarcube.” Applejack smiled weakly, heading out to the house proper as Spike came over and took a seat.

“So…” Spike nodded, rocking in his seat. “How was Beaklin?”

“It was fine…” Rarity absently muttered, stroking Twilight’s mane. “I’m worried about her Spike, Bon Bon injected her with more nanites…”

“Bon Bon?” Spike muttered, looking down at his small claws playing with the hay strewn floor. “Aw man, she made excellent candy…”

“Indeed…” Rarity sighed. “I’m sorry, you were asking me something?”

“Oh yeah. How’s Doctor Olo doing?” Spike asked, looking up in time to see the look of horror on Rarity’s face. “Rarity…?”

“I’m- I’m so sorry Spike…” Rarity managed at last. “He was one of my dearest friends in the end…”

“Systems rebooting.” Twilight finally said as she sat up, looking around as she found Rarity snoring softly next to her.

“Howdy Twi.” Applejack sang out. “Rarity needed to take a nap of her own there.”

Twilight did not respond to the apple mare as she nudged Rarity softly, waking her up. “Miss Rarity, changes have been made to this unit. Would you like to take the walk through of my new features at this time?”

“No.” Rarity dismissed with a breathy sigh. “Are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie here yet?”

“Yo!” The pair chimed in from the loft.

“And how’s Spike?” Rarity asked, sitting up and looking for the small drake.

“He’s up in the loft.” Applejack frowned. “He’s taken yer news kinda hard it seems…”

“I don’t blame him…” Rarity sighed as she sat up and looked around at all of her friends coming down, baby dragon in tow. “Everypony, there has been some new developments. I feel you should all know... Wait, where is Fluttershy?”

“She’s still napping.” Pinkie sang as she pointed out the mare laying right where Twilight had left her.

“Here, I got this.” Rainbow chuckled as she flapped over to the scared little filly. “Hey, that bunny just stole my carrot.”

“Angel! Give it back this-” Fluttershy yelled as she bolted up before she looked around. “Oh, sorry… my bad…”

“I’ll have to remember that.” Rarity nodded as Rainbow took her spot again next to Spike. “So the first thing we need to discuss is the new intelligence we’ve gathered on the collective.”

“The collective is organized as sixteen separate organizations, including but not limited to the already encountered groups: HoofCo Pharmaceuticals, the Technological Advancement party, and the Mana Commeasureance Society, along with groups such as Pegasi for Equal Treatment Association, the Trans Equestrian Armaments Party, and the Green Party.” Twilight informed as Rarity looked to Twilight with a glare.

“You could have shared that earlier.”

“Affirmative.” Twilight nodded while Rarity fought the urge to scream.

“Um, also everypony…” Fluttershy interrupted, a rare act for her already. “I have something to say too. I’m- well, I’m a member of the Mana Commeasureance Society…”

This news proved too much for one taxed reptilian as he fell backwards, his eyes rolling back as he went.

Hours passed as friends exchanged words normally reserved for the fiercest of rivals. Some ponies cried. Others yelled. It was not a pretty sight, and neither side was gaining ground. Only Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike did not take place. Spike for fear of his friends turning their attentions towards him. Pinkie for much the same reasons. She was never able to fight with her loved ones. As for Twilight, it was because she was not ordered to. But even if she had been, she would not be able to. She was fighting to stay active right now, and it was a losing battle.

“Fluttershy is trying to make right!” Rarity screamed as Applejack threw her hat down again in this conversation.

“Hell of a time to do it, once everything’s all bucked up!” Applejack roared back.

“I never said it was a perfect plan, but she is trying!”

“So why couldn’t she trust us with this from the get go?!” Rainbow Dash interrupted.

Finally, Twilight had reached her structural limits. “Systems Error. Shut down imminent.” The lavender lass groaned as she flopped to the floor, her eyes rolling back as she hit the hay and all went silent. But only for a second.


Fluttershy was the first on the scene, taking the mare into her hooves as she checked her temperature. “Rarity, what happened after we were captured?”

“Y’all were captured?”

“Twilight saved us. Bon Bon injected her with more nanites!”

“What?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?” Fluttershy nearly screamed. “Her brain can’t process two operating systems! A computer can, but she’s still organic.”

“You two were captured?” Rainbow interrupted as Pinkie took a seat next to Fluttershy and Twilight, pulling an ice pack out of her mane as she placed it on Twilight’s forehead. “Why didn’t Twilight stop them?”

“I had shut her down for a reboot.” Fluttershy sighed. “Rarity, what was she upgraded with?”

“I- I don’t know. Bon Bon never said!”

“We can’t get a vaccine if we don't know the strain.” Fluttershy sighed. “Rarity, do you know what Bon Bon did with the syringe?”

“She- She dropped it.” Rarity nodded. “Spike, Rainbow Dash, come with me.”

“What? Us?” The pair asked as they looked between themselves.

“We have something to pick up.” Rarity snorted.

Comments ( 41 )

This is really taking a dark turn. Poor Twilight. At this point they might not be able to save her, with all the nanites put into her.

Well, at least we're starting to learn more about who's behind this.

Honestly, loving fluttershy the computer genius.

Before I read.

5341337 Not dark enough, would have loved to see what would happen if Rarity were injected with the nanites.
Then again, I have a soft spot in my hear for evil winning.

5341337 There's been no inkling that it's possible to save anypony. They started out with Nazi ponies murdering a third of the population... yeah, it's pretty dark.

Mythwalker: Gotta Love RoboTwi And Fluttershy The Computer Genius! :D I Am Also Guessing That Bonnie Over Here Was Just Working As An Agent Because She Was Promised Lyra Turned Back To Normal,Am I Correct Or No?

Shadowlove: No. You Are Not Correct. Why Do I Think This?, Because I Recall Bon Bon Saying She Would Be Deleting Lyra's Nanites Herself.Therefore Not Even Needing The Agency/Society.

Mythwalker: If Your Theory Is True, Then For What Reason Would Bonnie Be Working For The Agency, If She Can Remove The Nanites Herself?,Not To Mention I Recall That Removing Nanites Would Leave A Drone As Good As A Useless Veggie :3

Shadowlove: .....

Mythwalker: Well?, Gotta Reason? :3

Shadowlove: Shuddap! Im Thinking! >.<

You know, I just had me a crazy thought... What if updating WINRAR is what's actually needed in order to win against this thing? The irony would be unbearable!

Poor Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy. Hopefully, the damage done to Twilight by Bon Bon’s shot can be fixed. Sadly, the damage to Fluttershy’s friendship with the others has been damage, but thankfully in the least, it can still be repaired. Then, there is poor Spike, who has to deal with not only the death of a friend of his and Twilight, but also being force to deal with this whole madness.

C&Cs will be PM.

“Bon Bon?” Spike muttered, looking down at his small claws playing with the hay strewn floor. “Aw man, she made excellent candy…”

priorities. :derpytongue2:

>System online. Log-in required to access files.
>Welcome back, Vladimir.
-Request update on status of TWILIGHTSPARKLE.unit and MISSRARITY.entity.
>MISSRARITY.entity was detected in PONYVILLE.location by BONBON.agent and LYRA.unit.
-What was the result?
>MISSRARITY.entity was captured momentarily. BOBON.agent and LYRA.unit attempted to infect her with nanites, as per instructions.
-Attempted? Why didn't they complete this task?
>TWILIGHTSPARKLE.entity arrived and incapacitated BONBON.agent, and deleted all files on LYRA.unit.
-All files? Are there any copies of her last files?
>Yes, Vladimir.
-Show me.
>Understood, Vladimir.
-Sort through all files, and remove any that are foreign from her databanks.
>I'm sorry, Vladimir. I cannot do that.
-Why not?
>I cannot determine what files are foreign and which are native to LYRA.agent's databanks. Manual filtering is required.
-Laypony's terms, please.
>You'll have to sort through it yourself.
-… How many files are on LYRA.agent's databanks?
>Over 8000.

A deep groan of despair echoes through the computer chambers, "I'm not getting paid enough for this…"

well, what you did with Fluttershy pretty much makes this story worthless.

I have to imagine things like the Elements of Harmony wouldn't function with that kind of fear and secrets between two "friends"


Part of being friends and growing a friendship is overcoming those hurdles that everyone has...so having a secret or two discovered, conflict arisen, then overcame, will just make it stronger.


I'm sorry, Vladimir. I cannot do that.

I'm afraid I can't do that Susan.

Omg, the Winrar is getting so damn funny with the times she's picking to ask. I nearly fell out of my chair with the latest one.:rainbowlaugh:


Fluttershy became part of an international conspiracy. This is more than a secret.

“Agent Bon Bon, you are the one millionth visitor to our-” Lyra started as Bon Bon groaned.

PFFT! I can't.

That timing of You've Got Mail was perfect.

[Program safe. Run program: Hoof Soldier Basic.exe]

Oh Bon-Bon, you've fucked up.

Pegasi for Equal Treatment Association,

  PETA? I c wat u did there.

Trans Equestrian Armaments Party

TEA Party, I also c what u did there.

Oh, maybe Bon-Bon didn't fuck up. Better hurry, Twilight's your heavy-hitter and you need to bring her back online ASAP so she can finally download WINRAR!

I'm just waiting for somepony to be upgraded with the program SONIC.exe...


Look at initial reason (at least the cover), then look at extended reason. If you just take it at face value then yeah, sure, but look beyond that.

Be sure to like, fave, and follow.

What do you think this is, YouTube?

Well , at least it's not Windows 8...
But she really need to update winrar... by buying it she might even break the whole conspiracy , since no one ever do it.

5365616 I read a comic once where paying for winrar was the only ticket to heaven...

Another excellent chapter! Naga na lie, ready to choke Fluttershy a little. :ajbemused: But we'll see how it all turns out, at least she's trying to fix it, and she's certainly helped them out a bit unless it's all a ruse to gain their confidence and she plans on betraying them after they defeat the collective and taking over the whole operation like she's siding with YesMan...

Only time will tell!

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!


sorry, doesn't work for me. The thing to do after she changed her mind is to go for help and destroy it for the outside. And before you say anything about spies or being caught all she has to do is write a letter, in private, and ask Spike to send it to Celestia. There's no go between, no one to intercept it, what Spike mails Celestia receives. And if she said it was private he wouldn't read it.

Quite the unique idea, I wish to see more of this

I need more of this story!!!!!!!!! D::::::::

I hope this story updates soon....



Would registering my WINRAR license at this time help?

Wow this is suspenseful...

I look forward to reading later chapters!

Sheesh, it seems lik this girls can't get a break; first, it's this program: Imperium thingy goin' around infectin' Unicorns lik a zomb plague. Which cause poor Twi n' her friends grief due to Twi's sudden "activation" then findin' out Flutters is part of t group that started this whole bullsh***. Plus can't forget t sudden "system" add-on Twi was forced with; that's now causin' her grief due to her not bein' a bloody actual computer. God, hopefully nothin' else happens while t girls help Twi recover :fluttershysad::facehoof:

Jeez, why do these evil cyberpunk-lite organizations always go for the DOS-based platforms? The double systems problem wouldn't even happen if Twilight was running Linux...</sarcasm>

Seriously though, just buy the freakin WinRAR license people! It's $29 USD!

Or, y'know, support free software and just get 7zip, which can open any compressed file type and offers you better compression options than the RAR file type.

That moment when you realize you have both installed on your computer and you never actually use WinRAR.

That moment when you realize you actually have a WinRAR license because you legally bought one.

Operator, are your systems still functioning? Will this sequence continue, or is it being terminated?

7674099 operator, what is your current status?

7725329 interpreting lack of operator response as confirmation of sequence termination.

7827222 System error: this unit's primary directive is to read favorite stories. Directive cannot complete until Operator comes back online.
Operator's connection may have timed out. Error: Unit 8649-2 is unsure how to proceed.

Translating earlier strings.................
Message: Is this story still running, or has it died off?

8067947 response: from all gathered data, it has been terminated.
Running: 21_gun_salute.exe

8033554 processing....
Roccommended course of action: cannot be determined. More data is required.

Jest #38 · May 18th, 2017 · · 1 ·

This will never be finished and its a damn shame.

Query: When is next data pack upload?

Sadly given the author hasnt logged on here for 3 years, i suspect the story is dead

Why did the story just, stop?

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