• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 8,141 Views, 242 Comments

Imperium - Sam Cole

Just another glorious day in Ponyville, till the nanite infection is activated. Now it's up to Rarity and an infected Twilight to save the world.

  • ...

User Interface

By Sam Cole
Chapter 1: User Interface

Nothing compares to the world of dreams. Nothing could ever hope too. Dreams are where you are in control. Where you are alive. Where you’re safe. So what happens when that all changes? What happens when your most privileged time is robbed from you by unwanted eyes?

[Subject online. Systems nominal. Please identify system]

“What? Who said that? Giant book, was that you?” Twilight muttered to the nearly three ton tome in front of her.

[Invalid inquiry. Please identify system]

“Are- are you asking who I am?” Twilight asked of the odd voice. She could have sworn it sounded almost mechanical. But the mare was having issues placing it.

[Affirmative. Please identify system]

“I- I’m Twilight. Twilight Sparkle…”

[Searching… Match found. Twilight Sparkle, House of Star. System calibrated]

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, mysterious voice,” Twilight demanded of the voice as politely as she could. “What is going on?”

[Valid inquiry. System: Master Control has uploaded new software patch to existing hardware {TWILIGHT}]


[System has been prepared. Time is 0800. Wake up sequence initiated]

“Wait-” Twilight began till the loud ringing cut through her unconscious.

With a start, Twilight jerked up from her bed, eyes wide as she threw her gaze around the room. “Wait!”

“Wha… Wait for what?” Spike groaned from his bed.

“The… the… oh thank goodness, it was just a dream.” Twilight sighed in relief as she shut off her alarm. “I just had the weirdest dream, Spike.” Twilight smiled as she awaited a response, but her expectations were cut short as she heard the dragon begin to snore again. Figures.

Twilight wasted no time on the slumbering drake as she got up and attended to her day. It was pre scheduled as per-protocol, and a very simple day at that. She was planning to run an experiment in botany today, namely finally initiating a small flower garden. After a nice shower and morning nutrition intake, Twilight set out on her mission.

She started to walk out the front door but stopped. “Hmm. Primary Objective: initiate flower garden. Sub-Objectives: acquire seeds and tools.” She paused. With a hum and a few rapid blinks, she continued. “Secondary objective, be polite and cordial to all life forms. Begin sequence.” Twilight happily told to no pony as she set out her door with a smile on her face. Twilight smiled for all the life forms she passed, waved at friends, and enjoyed the day. It was a beautiful day after all, and everything was in the green , operating smoothly and at peak efficiency. Twilight was happy for planning to enjoy it outdoors for once.

She arrived at WAYPOINT: Market at 0900 hours and began looking for Daisy. She had placed an order for daisies to transplant in her small flower garden the day prior. But she was stopped by a familiar voice as she initiated the search.

“Well hey Twilight! How ya doin sugarcube?” Applejack greeted as Twilight trotted through the market.

“Hello Applejack. I’m doing great, how are you?”

“Doin just fine, thank ye. Say, Ah just got in a fresh harvest of red delicious. Want some?”

“Error, request does not meet preassigned prerogative. Cannot deviate from task list.” Twilight said in a clear monotone, her expression blank.

“Perogo what?” Applejack chuckled. “Twi, if yer gonna stay up all night reading physics books again, give me a warnin.”

“Request registered.” Twilight said in a manner equal to her first.

“Thanks. Take care sugarcube,” Applejack laughed as her friend said her peace and trotted away. Once her friend was clear from the stall, Applejack let a sigh. “Sometimes Ah don’t get that mare…”

Twilight though was unphased, carrying on as if nothing had happened. It was such a nice day, and all data points were once again in the clear, no longer plagued by conversation or social cues.

“Oh, hello Darling!” Rarity called out as Twilight was passing her home. “Where are you off to this morning?”

“Hello Rarity. I’m picking up supplies to make a flower garden today.” Twilight smiled her friendly smile.

“That sounds lovely, dear. Would you mind if I tag along?”

“Please.” Twilight chuckled.

“Excellent, let me just grab my purse,” Rarity smiled as she stepped back from her door.

“Error, cannot wait. Carry on with sequence.” Twilight said in her cold voice once more. Before she could step off though, a voice stopped her.

“I will only take a second. Surely you can be polite enough to wait?” Rarity said in a mock polite voice.

“Request registered. In line with Secondary objective. System waiting.” Twilight said in her even tone to the slight confusion of the white mare.

“Twilight? Are you alright?”

“I’m great Rarity. How are you today?” Twilight smiled warmly.

“I’m fine… Thank you…” Rarity muttered as she levitated over her bit purse. “Shall we be off?”

“Acknowledged.” Twilight smiled as she and Rarity set out, though Rarity kept looking to Twilight, trying to figure out what was up with the poor girl.

“Soooo… How have you been?” Rarity asked lamely.

“Since last we saw each other 14 hours ago, I have slept, showered, brushed my teeth, utilized the-”

“Okay Twilight, too much information,” Rarity nervously chuckled. “What has gotten into you? Did you lose a bet with Pinkie?”

“I was unaware something was ‘in.’” Twilight chuckled back. But something was off. Call it timing, or flow, or cadence. Something about her, about that sentence itself really, was incorrect.

“Twilight, something is not right here. What is going on?” Rarity urged as she tried to stop Twilight’s walking. But the lavender mare would not have it.

“Error, cannot interrupt sequence. I’m sorry Rarity.”

“Twilight, stop this!” Rarity demanded. And so Twilight did. A complete halt on all system actions. Twilight slumped to the ground, her stare blank and unmoving. “Twilight!” Rarity shrieked as she rushed forward, grabbing the mare in her mana to look at her. “Twilight, speak to me!”

“Command registered. Hello Rarity. Are you the primary user for this unit?”

“What the hay does that mean?”

“Are you the sole user for system C: TWILIGHT?”

“Twilight, what has gotten into you? What is going on?”

“Invalid query. That information is restricted to admin only.”

“What? Listen Twilight, I’m your friend, and I care about you. So please tell me what is going on,” Rarity said as softly as she could manage, bringing Twilight to her chest to help calm the lavender mare.

“Request invalid. That informat-”

“Damn it, Twilight! Just tell me. I have the right to know as somepony that loves you, alright?!”

“Processing… Request granted. Admin status applied to Grace, Rarity Ann.”

“Twilight, you’re scaring me.” Rarity sobbed as she held the mare close. “Tell me what’s going on. What happened to you?”

“System C: TWILIGHT was activated today at 0000 hours. At 0755, unit software patch was enabled. System has yet to establish default admin. Is this you, Grace, Rarity Ann?”

“Activated? What do you mean by that?”

“Invalid query. That in-”

“Yes, damn it. I’m the default admin!” Rarity screamed as she gathered a crowd of curious onlookers. “If that’s what it takes to get through to you, I am the default admin.”

“C: TWILIGHT. Admin: Grace, Rarity Ann.”

“Stop calling me that. Just call me-,” Rarity pleaded with her still limp friend.

“Miss Rarity, is she alright?”

“Name set, Miss Rarity.” Twilight informed with her thousand yard stare.

“I don’t think so. Please help me get her to the hospital,” Rarity urged as she lifted Twilight up and onto another’s back. “You’re going to be fine dear.”

“Request acknowledged.”

Today had started out so nicely for the white mare. She had a nice workout, a good breakfast, and shipped out the last large order she had been working on. Today was going to be her first day off in quite some time actually, and Rarity was looking forward to it.

So it fit that all of those plans would be ruined by something like this. It was just bound to happen that some insanity would inject itself into her life as if it belonged there all along. So now, after a great morning, Rarity found herself sitting around the waiting room of Ponyville General, tapping her hooves unsteadily as she tried to remain calm.

“Yo, who’s here for the coo-coo one?” One stallion with a limp and cain demand.

“I am sir. Are you one of her doctors?”

“No, I just like walking around hospitals shouting random things like your friend there. Of course I’m her doctor. Call me Horse.”

“Dr Horse, is she going to be alright?” Rarity stammered.

“Perfectly healthy,” Horse nodded. “As crazy as the Everfree Forest, but otherwise she’s good.”

“Can I- can I see her?” Rarity asked. Horse shrugged and pointed her toward her friend. Rarity took off at a gallop, finding the room easily thanks to Twilight sitting inside demanding to be released.

“System has encountered an error in operation of sequence: Flower Garden. Please allow this program to be completed.”

“Twilight?” Rarity nervously asked from the doorway. “May- May I come in?”

“Miss Rarity, welcome back,” Twilight smiled. “Would you like me to continue to perform task: Flower Garden?”

“No Twilight, the garden can wait,” Rarity whispered as she cautiously approached her friend.


“Twilight, what happened to you? Yesterday you were normal?” Rarity sobbed as she reached out and took her friends hoof.

“All systems are well within operational conditions,” Twilight said nonplussed.

“Twilight, please. They think you’re crazy. Please just speak normally for them. Prove you’re not insane.”

“Of course,” Twilight said in a tone rich with concern and care. Rarity jerked up upon hearing her friend so clearly, sure this was all now some sort of joke. “I’ll do as you ask, Miss Rarity.”

“And there we have the crazy again,” Rarity muttered. “Twilight, what happened?”

“I was activated last night,” Twilight said plainly. “Some system settings are still being transferred. DNA can store so much information, well over one terabyte per strand.”

“Why do you only respond to me?” Rarity pleaded, not wanting to question Twilight on DNA in case the mare decided to lecture her.

“Because you’re my default user!” Twilight smiled as Rarity glared at her. “My master, if you prefer that title.”

“A- Are you messing with me?” Rarity snorted in anger, dropping Twilight’s hoof as she folded her forelegs over her chest.

“No. I am incapable of lying to you, Miss Rarity. You’re my user, after all.” Twilight smiled. It was a somewhat dorky smile. A smile that could only be called Twilight’s.

“Twilight, please. Do you remember anything that could help me right now. The last normal thing you can remember?”

“My last memory, pre update, is of a dream I had last night. I was reading a giant book, when this odd voice spoke to me. I was asked to identify, which I complied with. When I woke up, I began to run my new operating system with optimal efficiency!”

“Twilight, you’re not making any sense,” Rarity groaned, taking one of the lavender hooves between her own again in a very fickle grasp.

“I’m sorry, Miss Rarity.” Twilight said with what should have been concern. It sounded like concern. But Rarity could tell it was empty, hollow, artificial.

“Is the real Twilight even still in there?” Rarity managed to ask while tears welled up in her eyes.

“Of course,” Twilight happily sang. “All memories and system settings are being transferred over to the new operation system as we speak.”

“You really believe you are a computer now, don’t you?” Rarity asked, stifling a sob.

“Because I am.” Twilight smiled.

“No, you’re not!” Rarity cracked, squeezing Twilight’s hoof hard. “You’re my best friend! You like to read books and practice magic, and spend time with your friends! You are a living, breathing pony, Twilight! Not a cold, heartless machine!”

“Miss Rarity, I am fully aware of my organic nature and conditions that comes with.” Twilight stated for a matter of fact. “If you would like me to replicate my vocal response settings and user interface settings to mirror those of my previous operating system to best aid in your transition, I can do that for you.”

“I… sure, why not?” Rarity sighed, giving up hope.

“Okay!” Twilight smiled in a very cheerful way. “All systems are now running at peak efficiency. Would you like to register your WINRAR license at this time?”

“What does that even mean?” Rarity groaned.

“I don’t understand the question... Would you like to-”

“No Twilight. I do not want to register anything.”

“Understood.” Twilight nodded as her stomach began to rumble. “I’m hungry. Would you like to get lunch, Miss Rarity?”

“But you’re in the hospital, Twilight,” Rarity urged.

“Problem located. Dr Horse, I wish to check myself out seeing as I am not in any physical pain or a danger to myself or others at this time due to my condition.”

“You’re crazy six ways to Sunday, lady. But, you said all I needed to hear to let ya go.” Horse shrugged. “Miss Rarity, right? I’ll release her into your custody.”

“Yes, thank you doctor.” Rarity smiled. She wasn’t sure why, but seeing Twilight handle that situation as such was rather uplifting for the mare. Maybe Twilight was going to be alright.

“Hello ladies, what can I get for you today?” The waiter greeted as he came around to Twilight and Rarity’s table, two glasses of water in tow.

“I’ll have the romaine salad please,” Rarity smiled as she closed her menu and handed it over.

“A fine choice. And for you Twilight?”

“Miss Rarity, I cannot at this time select a meal. Would you please make a selection on my behalf?” Twilight muttered looking down to the table.

“Twilight, you eat here all the time. What’s the matter?”

“I cannot make the decision. There are too many logical choices, all well within-”

“Oh crap, Twilight,” The waiter finally sighed, “Not this again…”

“Just get her what I’m having,” Rarity sighed.

“You got it,” The waiter muttered as he trotted off, Twilight’s demeanor stripping away his professionalism. Again.

“Twilight,” Rarity urged when she was sure the stallion was gone, “What’s the matter? You always eat here. You’ve never asked me to make a meal selection for you before.”

“You have discovered a bug in my decision process. Would you like to modify this with a new command prompt?” Twilight asked with a tilt of her head. “If left unresolved, this problem could result in less than optimal system performance.”

“Sure. Why not,” Rarity sighed. “How would I do that, exactly?”

“It is quite simple.” Twilight smiled. “Just give me an option to run upon encountering the same error again.”

“Fine, if you insist.” Rarity groaned. “How about if you are at a well known establishment like this, and you encounter this error again… I don’t know, order what you usually order?”

“Processing. My most common order is raspberry tea. This is insufficient for my daily caloric intake needs.”

“Then order your most common dish, Twilight,” Rarity growled.

“The dish I order most would be raspberry tea, cucumber and apple salad, with a slice of toffee cake for dessert.” Twilight recited.

“See, that’s not a bad order at all,” Rarity smiled.

“Order set. Please name file,” Twilight smiled as Rarity groaned and let her head meet the table with a resounding thud.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear, but what is going on over here?” A, to say it politely, nerdy looking stallion inquired.

“My friend has gone crazy,” Rarity muttered into the table.

“Negative. My mental faculties are operating at 95% efficiency. Well above the national average. A virus scan has shown no signs of mental illness, malware, spyware, or viruses.”

“See?” Rarity pleaded of the colt, who turned his chair to better face Twilight.

“Interesting. I’m a computer programmer actually. I could aide you in talking to her, maybe help you get through?”

“Please?!” Rarity almost squealed in delight. “Twilight, does this sound alright to you?”

“Technological assistance would be useful to improve user interface,” Twilight nodded.

“Excellent. Come over to my shop when you all finish your lunch,” The colt smiled. “My name’s Gizmo by the way.” He nodded as he set his business card on the corner of the table.

“Thank you kind sir. We’ll be right over.”

Sitting inside the store Software Rx , Rarity and Twilight took stock of the surroundings. Rarity seemed hopefully, looking at all the properly functioning computers, that this colt knew what he was doing. Twilight though was scared for some reason.

“A computer programmer,” Twilight shuddered. “Something is triggering a biological feedback. In response, he only has system authorization to use my interface. He is not allowed administrative status.”

“Twilight, why do you say that?” Rarity chuckled as Gizmo grabbed a reference book and looked over a few notes.

“This network is not secure to this location alone. I have logged onto the wireless with his password and discovered he is linked to several off site units.” Twilight whispered.

“How can you tell? Can you even use wireless? You’re a pony.”

“Wireless internet can be detected by magic,” Twilight muttered. “Despite the internet connection, he is setup for file sharing with several others only identified as Control 6, Control 4, and Admin: Payroll.”

“How did you learn to do that?”

“The instructions are in my latest update. You could learn this as well, Miss Rarity. Any unicorn can be updated with my nanite operating system.”

“I’ll pass. But pray tell, how long have you known that, dear?” Rarity asked in a hushed tone.

“I didn’t. It’s an active note on the network…”

“Gizmo, how long has your store been in business here?” Rarity called over to the muttering stallion. Though Rarity didn’t believe a word of Twilight’s, she had that gut instinct to follow her. Twilight may be mentally ill right now, but she had never willingly lead Rarity astray before.

“I just got the funding about two weeks ago. Why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious…” Rarity dismissed. She turned slightly to Twilight, fear in her eyes. “I have a bad feeling about this place Twilight. How can I make it so all changes he wants to make have to be approved by me?”

“As the system admin, you would have the option to choose all users and monitor all user accounts.”

“Move me from default admin to system admin. No, all admin positions, if that is alright with you dear?”

“Admin status updated. Thank you, Miss Rarity,” Twilight muttered looking to the white mare. “For protecting me. For some reason, this hardware is issuing an alert to be on guard.”

“It’s called fear Twilight. Your hardware is really smart. You should listen to it.”

“Request acknowledged. Now accepting emotional input into computational data.” Twilight nodded. “Miss Rarity, I believe I am scared now.”

“You’re scared?” Gizmo asked as he pushed his rolling chair over, spinning to look at the mare with a notebook in his lap. “That doesn’t sound very computery?” He asked with a chuckle.

“Well, who wouldn’t be?” Rarity shrugged.

“This is a computer graveyard,” Twilight said looking around. “There, you have taken out the HDD of that unit. I have calculated the possibility that you may need to do the same to me. It has triggered a biological response that Miss Rarity assured me was normal.”

“Well the survival instinct is the strongest,” Gizmo nodded as he set his book on the counter. “Okay, so I’m just going to ask you some questions Twilight. You have nothing to fear.”

“What’s in the notes, dear?” Rarity asked pointing a hoof.

“A theory I wrote years ago for an artificial intelligence interface. I feel she may act more like that than a normal OS, and I would love the chance to check my theories against her delusions. Gauge how to best help her, so to say,” Gizmo nodded.

“Ah,” Rarity smiled, though inside it felt off. The more time she spent here, the more they talked, the more Rarity came to trust Twilight over this ‘happy coincidence’ stranger. For one very observant mare, the signs of a lie were all over the colt. The notes were not in his hoof writing whatsoever for starters.

“So Twilight, when did you start to… feel different, we’ll say?” Gizmo asked.

“I was updated at 0000 last night. I became active at 0755 this morning, and just received a new update from your wireless network within the last five minutes.” Twilight nodded.

“My wireless,” Gizmo chuckled. “That’s a new one. But, I hate to burst your bubble. There’s no way you guessed my-”

“S0ftwar3RX,” Twilight dismissed. Gizmo stared at her for a second before bolting from his seat. He was instantly derailed by Rarity though, as the white mare tackled him, pinning him down with a foreleg bar.

“Now why do you see the need to run, darling?” Rarity asked as politely as one usually does while pinning another to the floor.

“Please, they’ll kill me! I have to get out of here. I just blew everything!” Gizmo cried, pushing back against the white mare, to no advantage.

“Miss Rarity, I have discovered a file named ‘Imperium.’”

“What is Imperium?” Rarity asked kindly of the colt as she pushed a little harder on the colt’s foreleg, threatening to pop it out of socket.

“It is latin for power to command,” Twilight recited from memory, making Rarity groan before she continued. “The program details plans to convert several unicorns into drones for use in a coup d'état to overthrow the Princesses. I was the alpha run for strand 1103268-2,” Twilight finished.

“And they’ll kill me for letting you get that info,” Gizmo cried. Sobbing, wet heavy cries. The cries of a stallion not held by social law anymore, but instead one crying out of true despair. “I never wanted to, but they made me. Said they would torture me! Please!” Gizmo sobbed.

“You are an active member in high standing according to the pay roll,” Twilight informed.

“They send me money to run my lab here and monitor your-”

“Along with a photo of you at the collective’s Hearth's Warming Eve party.” Twilight finished.

“Aww nuts.” Gizmo sighed as his ruse fell apart. “Is it at least a good pic?”

“Focus, darling.” Rarity cooed as she ratcheted up the limb she held. “Tell me everything, now.”

“Ah! Ah! Okay! I’m part of an organization aiming to overthrow the government,” Gizmo sighed. “Twilight was selected as our testing ground for the newest strain of nanites. Her designator was TOC1.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Rarity asked as she furrowed her brow.

“I was to be used a drone command base. I would be the tactical rally point and overseer of all combat ops. A fitting role,” Twilight nodded. “Rarity, I find at this time I must update you to my design. I am an integrated intelligence drone command unit, as it were.”

“A- a drone…” Rarity muttered as she continued to hold down Gizmo. “You sick bastard! That’s my best friend!”

“I did what I must! Sic semper tyrannis!” Gizmo cried as he flicked his tongue over a false tooth, snapping it in his mouth. His eyes were defiant, then defeated. “Aww man, that’s not poison…”

“Then what is it?” Rarity asked.

“Tastes like salt… Yep, it’s a roofie,” Gizmo smiled as his head met the floor with a resounding smack.

“Why would he drug himself?” Rarity asked as she let go of the now limp limb.

“He is too valuable to kill. The drug was intended to act much faster, leading to a false analysis of death,” Twilight surmised. “Units in place throughout town would have insured his removal, and a new cover identity. Units are likely already on their way. We cannot risk taking him with us.”

“How do you hide fashion sense that bad though?” Rarity gawked as she stepped back from the colt. “Anyways, what do you want to do, Twilight?”

“You seem to have an error, Miss Rarity. You are my User, and all purpose Admin now. You are essentially my master, so that choice is yours to make,” Twilight informed as Rarity turned to her. “System update and data transfer complete. Unit is now fully operational. I am yours to command, Miss Rarity.”

“Buck me…” Rarity groaned.

“Request acknowledged,” Twilight nodded as she turned and kicked Rarity. This was not a good day after all.

“Spike!” Rarity screamed as she stormed into the Golden Oaks Library. “We have a slight issue here!”

“Rarity?!” Spike cried upon spying the white unicorn, and proceeding to rip off his apron and stow it behind him. “W-what brings you over?”

“Her,” Rarity snarled at the lavender mare smiling behind Rarity. “Twilight has… been infected we’ll say.”

“Infected!?” Spike shrieked. “Twilight, what’s the matter? Are you sick? Well of course you are, Rarity said that. But what happened? Do you want any soup? A book?”

“Miss Rarity, I was unaware of my viral infection,” Twilight said in what could pass for a sad tone, had she possessed the emotions to feel sad.

"Spike, I only want to explain this once, so go out now and gather everypony else, alright?” Rarity asked after a steadying breath.

“You got it, Rarity,” Spike nodded. He took off out the door as the white mare collapsed to the floor with a heavy sigh.

“Buck me!” Rarity cried at the ceiling, though she had learned from last time. “No Twilight. Only an expression. I do not wish to be struck.”

Twilight paused as she had readied another blow, now dropping the hoof and walking around front of Rarity to lay down in front of her, nose to nose almost. “I do not have adequate files at this time on modern contemporary love making to complete your request, Miss Rarity. Would you like me to search online for the missing programs?”

“... For the love of the Queen, no.” Rarity sighed.

“Request acknowledged. Supplementing previous information to task,” Twilight nodded, as she reached her face forward and rubbed her nose against Rarity’s.

“Oh goddess, no…” Rarity groaned as Twilight frowned.

“Task incomplete. Do you wish for me to-”

“Twilight, just stop, please.” Rarity begged. “I’m tired, I’m scared, and I’m confused. I don’t need you to take everything I say so literally. What I need is my best friend back.”

“Request acknowledged.” Twilight nodded as she scooted forward and hugged Rarity. “It will all be okay, Miss Rarity. I’m here for you, always.”

“That was pretty convincing, Twilight.” Rarity choked back, a slight chuckle to her voice fueled by exhaustion and worry.

“Thank you, Miss Rarity. But your claims of it being sarcasm are not correct. I am being most sincere right now.” Twilight frowned. “I am receiving the biological data to care for you and comfort you. Your mood affects my mood for unknown reasons…”

“That’s the old Twilight telling you I’m your friend,” Rarity smiled, looking to the mare. “Your best friend.”

A crash interrupted the pair, as a technicolor blur shot in through the westward window. “I came as fast as I co-uld… Um… Hi?” Rainbow Dash asked meekly as she spied her friends still in hug, laying on the floor, with Rarity looking up to Rainbow, but Twilight keeping her eyes on Rarity. It all clicked too fast for the white mare just how this must have looked.

“I can explain.”

“I hope so…” Rainbow chuckled while she watch her friends continue to hug. “I don’t think you need me on this one, I’ll just be-”

“No, wait,” Rarity called out as she tried to stand, but found Twilight still holding her hug. “Twilight, please let me go.”

“Request acknowledged.” Twilight smiled while she let go of Rarity, letting the lavender mare drop back to the floor with a pained grunt. Rainbow switched from a grin to a look of shock though as she did, the color draining from her face.

“Rainbow, nothing is happening here, please…” Rarity begged as the multi colored mare watched the two of them.

“I don’t know if I even want to know,” Rainbow managed. “Rarity, Spike said it was important, about Twilight. So what’s happening?”

“I’ll explain everything when everyone gets here, I promise.” Rarity pleaded with the still somewhat standoffish Rainbow Dash. So with a small amount of reluctance, Rainbow sat down with the pair of unicorns, though she was less talkative than normal.

“Miss Rainbow seems to be having an error,” Twilight noted for Rarity, who could only sigh as she gave up on trying to act like nothing had happened.

“Rainbow, what’s wrong?”

“You two are dating now, aren’t you?” Rainbow muttered, not meeting their eyes.

“No, it’s nothing like that,” Rarity said with a small chuckle and sigh of relief. This seemed to have the negative effect on Rainbow Dash though, who drew a sharp breath, and began examining the high corner of the library. “Rainbow?”

Before fate made the cyan mare reply, the rest of their friends arrived, all worried about Twilight.

“Ah knew something was wrong earlier. Ah knew it! Ah shoulda been there to help ya, Rares,” Applejack pleaded.

“Don’t worry darling, we’re all just fine here. So everypony, Spike, I have a few things I need to explain.” Rarity began till she felt Twilight tugging on her shoulder.

“You seem to be delivering a speech, Miss Rarity. Would you like my assistance?”

“No, sit down Twilight.”

“Request acknowledged.”

“Did Twilight just…” Pinkie asked awkwardly as she watched the lavender mare take a seat without a word otherwise. “Rarity, I’m confused.”

With a sigh, Rarity shook her head as she had to explain this news to them all, rather randomly at that. “Twilight has been infected with a… What was it called again?”

“Strand 110-”

“Laypony terms,” Rarity growled.

“... A nanite compound designed to boost my operating efficiency for use as a mobile command base for weaponized drone unicorns placed throughout Equestria.”

Four friends sat about with shocked expressions, unsure of the news they had heard. One was crying already, not meeting any ones eyes. She was the last any had ever expected to see crying.

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked as she noted her friends odd behavior.

“I- I’m so- I thought it was all a sick joke!” Rainbow cried out at last, throwing down her hooves. “I thought that nerd was just trying to flirt me up with some sick story! I thought he was just drunk! I never thought he was telling the truth! I swear!” Rainbow pleaded, crying in a manner none even knew she could accomplish.

“What are you talkin about?” Applejack huffed, turning on her. It might have turned ugly, if not for Rarity.

“Gizmo, correct?”

“Yeah. Last night over at The Bale, he told me that soon this group he was in would- would do this to every unicorn in town, overthrow Celestia. I thought he was just a drunk nerd! I had a chance to stop this, and I walked away,” Rainbow sobbed, latching onto the first available pony to cry into them, much to Applejack’s protests. “I let this happen.”

“Awe, jeez… There… there… Dash…” Applejack tried. “So girls, does this mean this is real?”

“I believe so, yes,” Rarity nodded.

“Twilight… are you gonna be okay?” Spike finally managed, his little chest rising and falling rapidly as his fear took stronger and stronger root.

“Affirmative.” Twilight confirmed. “I have merely been upgraded. All systems are now operating at 225% previous operational values. Mage output has-”

“Enough, Twilight.” Rarity groaned as Twilight stopped, smiling and waiting patiently for Rarity’s next instruction.

“Why does Twi keep doing whatever you say?” Pinkie asked with a furrowed brow.

“Miss Rarity is set as my System admin.” Twilight informed before Rarity could.

”That’s another thing. Why do you keep calling her Miss Rarity?” Pinkie asked.

“The name was set today at 0932 hours, local time.”

”Oh… Okay!” Pinkie smiled, nodding greatly. “Wait! Backtrack, does this mean we can be made admin too?”

“Negative,” Twilight supplied to a frown.

“I set myself as her admin to protect her girls. I would also rather not make Twil-”

“The proper term would be users,” Fluttershy interjected, zipping in front of Twilight with a large grin. “Twilight, set user: Fluttershy.”

“User set. How may I help you, Fluttershy?”

“Can you connect to the internet?” Fluttershy beamed.

“Affirmative.” Twilight smiled. Apparently she deemed it worth a smile to tell her friends she was an unnatural computer simulation of a pony personality now.

“Eeek!” Fluttershy squealed with glee. “Search online for my new ponyhoof page ‘Simple Cottage Animal Rescue!’”

“Fluttershy!” Rarity snorted. “Twilight is still a pony! Don’t make her-”

“Search for playmare!” Pinkie cried jumping onto Fluttershy’s back and leaning in over the mare.

“Searching… I’m sorry, you are not authorized to access such content from this unit. Safesearch enabled.” Twilight informed.

“Drat!” Pinkie pouted. “What about Red-”

“Pinkie!” Rarity snapped. “Stop it this instant! Twilight is still Twilight! You will not, I repeat, will not treat her as such! I will not stand for it one bit! She is to be respected and treated equally, understand?!”

“Wow… Go Rarity.” Applejack nodded in approval.

“Command set. Sole user access limited to Miss Rarity,” Twilight smiled as she turned to her user. “Would you like to register your WINRAR license at this time?”

“So what are y’all gonna do about her?” Applejack asked Rarity in the kitchen whilst they watched two of their friends continually try to abuse Rarity’s orders. Rainbow Dash was still broken over her fumble, and Spike was still just shell shocked.

“I haven’t the slightest idea. I don’t even know if there is anything we can do…” Rarity muttered to the floor. “I just want to help her so damned badly. Is that so wrong? Why must this happen to her?”

“Good ol’ Rarity,” Applejack chuckled to an angry stare from the alabaster mare. “Always puttin others before yerself. Ah have faith that with somepony that cares as much about protecting her like y’all do, she’ll be just fine.”

“Thank you, dear,” Rarity smiled. “Twilight? Come here please.”

“Yes Miss Rarity. How may I assist you?” Twilight asked as she basically snubbed her two friends still trying to use her as internet access.

“How many ponies are affected by this… curse, shall we say…” Rarity asked as delicately as she could.

“I do not have that information at this time.” Twilight nodded. “The delivery system is still unknown to me, housed on a different server of the Collectives I am yet to gain access too. But it would appear the spread was 90% effective in Ponyville. I am reading several units in town that are yet to be activated.”

“Yet to be… Oh holly berries, no.” Rarity swore. “Is Sweetie Belle infected? Am I…?”

“Negative. The strain is only active in adults here in Ponyville. Also, it is to be noted that you possess no nanites at this time, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled. “Alternately, would you like to-”

“I don’t want to register anything at this time, Twilight!” Rarity snapped.

“I was not asking you such a question.” Twilight corrected as Rarity blushed and apologized profusely. “I was asking if you would like to learn more about the units infected?”

“Yes, please!” Rarity nodded.

“The nanite stream was initially designed to interact with all creatures in Equestria that have or are capable of using magic. This limitation was modified by the Collective for reasons unknown at this time. The original design was theorized by Dr Hans Olo, head of molecular genetics engineering at the University of Beaklin, Griffony.”

“Dr Olo?” Spike asked, hurt. “I- I thought he was our friend, Twi. How could he do this to you?”

“Dr Olo merely theorized the strain used.”

“So why does this Collective only want to target unicorns?” Rarity asked, stumped.

“Hypothesis: 72% of the Canterlot Population as of now is Unicorn. If the strain was marked for all races with magic, there would be many more errors. Knowing what we know of their plan so far, the group only needs these unicorn soldiers to accomplish their goals.”

“So it was removing unwanted accessories,” Rarity surmised in thought. “Getting rid of the excess allows for easier use more than likely.”

“The conclusion is sound, Miss Rarity.”

“Ah’m lost…” Applejack admitted. “What are y’all sayin about Griffons and what not?”

“The creator!” Rarity snapped as Applejack reminded her. “Twilight, you said the doctor at the university made the strain in you, correct?”

“Negative. His work in the field is still strictly theoretical.”

“Well, shoot. But he is still our best choice. Spike, come here and take a letter. We need to alert the Prin-”

“Don’t!” Fluttershy screamed, throwing herself between Rarity and the quite overwhelmed dragon. “Princess Celestia is surrounded by unicorns! If they get wind their cover is blown…”

“They’ll go on the offensive!” Rarity anguished. “Oh heavens…”

“Why was Fluttershy the one to think of that…?” Rainbow began to question as the yellow mare jammed a pack into Rarity’s hooves.

“Miss Rarity, the next train out of town leaves in 20 minutes,” Twilight informed. “I have already purchased two tickets for us.”

“Two?” Pinkie asked as she trotted over. “What about the rest of us?”

“Yeah, we wanna come with!” Applejack snorted as their friends gathered around, showing their support. But Twilight was unfazed.

“Twilight? Our friends wish to come with us.” Rarity said in what she hoped was a tone conveying that they were to come along.

“I cannot allow this, Miss Rarity. It is easier to create false travel documents for only two ponies rather than six, along with a young dragon. They would raise too much suspicion to our true objectives.”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Rarity asked sharply.

“The Collective is wide spread as we have seen already, Miss Rarity. I cannot confirm the presence of your friends would not compromise your safety.”

“But-” Rarity began, but found Twilight’s cold gaze was cutting her short. “Alright Twilight. I don’t like this, but I don’t have your insight on this group either, so I’ll trust you. But what about Spike?” Rarity asked as the dragon looked hopeful. “He can’t just stay here alone! No, that will not do. Spike, go stay with my parents please.”

“Damn it.” Spike muttered.

“Um, sugarcube, yer folks are unicorns. They might be… infected, already…” Applejack pointed out. “Spike should stay with me. That way y’all can communicate with us secretly at the very least if we can't go with. Can you send messages to Spike there, Twilight?”

“Invalid In-”

“Twilight, answer.” Rarity ordered.

“Affirmative, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled.

The ponies began to head out, trying to look nonchalant as they all took up points just out the door.

“Twilight, be safe, okay?” Spike pleaded with Twilight, tears brimming his eyes. “I love you, big sis.”

“Command registered.” Twilight nodded coldly.

“Twilight, tell him you love him. The real you, not the computed version.” Rarity whispered to the mare.

“Spike, I love you too. Always.” Twilight said with what looked a genuine sad smile, one of regret. But it was brief. “Miss Rarity, there are new updates for the Imperium strand. Would you like to restart your system?”

“No! No new updates Twilight!” Rarity ordered. “As your admin, I order that all updates must be approved by me in order to be utilized. Understood? Those updates, regardless of whatever they tell you, do not have the proper clearance!”

“Miss Rarity, this is in conflict with my-”

“Twilight, I do not take any joy out of giving you orders as such, but you leave me no choice. Those files are not allowed per my command. They may very well be trying to turn you against me for learning all of this. Or worse, they could be trying to control your mind. Destroy what’s left of the real Twilight…”

“Miss Rarity, the update contains several important security details I will need in order to remain at-”

“They might hurt you!” Rarity pleaded, taking Twilight’s hoof in her own.

“To remain at the tactical advantage. I will not run or install the updates, but will search them from a remote server system.” Twilight pouted rather meekly. “I was only attempting to follow your orders. Please forgive my incom-”

“I’m sorry!” Rarity interrupted with a hug. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, or order you around so. I’m so sorry, darling…”

“Miss Rarity, our train leaves in one minute.” Twilight interjected. “We need to run now.”

So it was now with a gallop and a wave, the girls were off, striding headlong into town to make their date with destiny. It would take all their luck, but these two had to try.