• Published 12th May 2014
  • 35,205 Views, 6,699 Comments

Mente Materia - Arad

Twilight’s trip to Earth and friendship with the humans brings new friends and enemies to her peaceful world. With the specter of war hanging over them, Equestria will have to form an alliance like no other to fight the menace from the void.

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44 -- Much Ado about Alicorns (Part Two)

“Forgiveness is the truest test of character anypony can ever face.”
--Written in the margins of a Hearth’s Warming history book in the Canterlot Library, author unknown.


While nowhere near what it had been prior to the invasion, a degree of normalcy and even celebration had taken hold in Canterlot. The good cheer from recent victories still coursed through the city, not to mention the return of Princess Celestia. That enthusiasm bled into literally every corner of the city as the various races celebrated the holiday season. Decorations and iconography depicting the events of Hearth's Warming hung from nearly every window and lamp post in the Equestrian portions of the city. Every griffon that was old enough carried a lit candle while outdoors in homage to their ancient ancestor who brought the warmth of fire during the Windigo’s winter. The minotaurs and zebra were less obvious in their observation of the season, choosing to adopt the customs of their hosts, though more than one was seen wearing one of the funny red and white hats that some of the humans had brought with them.

The optimism and genuine happiness was infectious, and Twilight willingly let it take hold as she trotted through the corridors at a leisurely pace. Even the once-disturbing clack of claws from the Myrmidon wasn’t enough to chip her good mood, especially since someone had the audacity to place one of the griffon’s seasonal candles atop the armored guard’s helm. The young princess still had no idea if this was done out of mischief or tradition (or if the griffon even knew that the candle was there), but there hadn’t been a single head tilt or other movement that would jeopardize the flickering flame for the entire day.

I wonder what traditions the humans have? Other than those floppy red and white hats, of course, Twilight pondered as her gaze drifted from her silent guard to her surroundings. Pursuing that line of inquiry would have to wait as her destination was on the opposite side of the castle. The humans' compound was situated near what had become the central ready area for forces being deployed around the world. Her destination was a suite of offices and apartments far from the noise and bustle of the operations area or the general public: The quarters given to Princess Cadance.

“Cadance must not be in yet…” Twilight said to no one in particular, noting the absence of a guard posted at the door. This was the time she said to meet, wasn’t it? Perhaps she got wrapped up helping somepony else… she pondered as she approached the door. The Myrmidon, to its credit, needed no prompting as it silently took up a guard position near the door. It extended one talon to push the door to the next room open but didn’t otherwise react as Twilight passed by.

The guest room was well appointed for a traveller visiting Canterlot, similar in most respects to the rooms that Twilight herself had used when she found herself in the capitol. To a newcomer it would have seemed a pleasant place to rest and recover from a winter trip, with a pair of wide seats and blankets near the fireplace as well as a small selection of snacks and drinks on a low table by the far wall. A tasteful and curated selection of books dotted the shelves built into the walls with decorative bookends keeping the islands of literature separated.

But it lacked anything that Twilight could identify as a personal touch of the other princess. There were none of the flowers that she loved or the bits of art she collected, or even a single volume of the scandalous pieces of trash that her mother insisted were ‘romance novels’. I really shouldn’t be criticizing; she’s only been released from medical for just a day. It’s not her fault that the room doesn’t look like she’s lived in it for years. I’m still a little surprised that she isn’t here. Shiny said she gets really tired as the day goes on. Though if this meeting was so important, then why isn’t anypony here?

Just as the thought crossed Twilight’s mind, footsteps from the doorway leading to the next room in the living suites caused her ear to flick in its direction. Her gaze immediately followed on reflex, a greeting already forming… and she froze. The person standing in the doorway wasn’t Cadance. Or Shiny. Or anyone else Twilight expected to see in this place.

Judging from the wide-eyed horror on his face and the way a book fell from his grasp, there was very little doubt that Victor Spiegel was experiencing that same shock.


Victor’s book struck the hardwood of the floor with a loud report causing both to wince.

Rationally, Twilight knew that there was no danger. She was in the heart of Canterlot, in the personal chamber of her sister-in-law, with a very deadly guard outside the door. She was also a Princess of Equestria and the Element-Bearer of Magic, a force to be reckoned with in her own right. But Twilight could not deny the very irrational feeling of panic that gripped her, or the phantom pain from a wound that had long since vanished. The impulse to run away, to escape to somewhere else, to think about anything else very nearly overpowered Twilight.

The one thought that took root that quickly overpowered the panic was the realisation that this meeting was almost certainly not an accident, but by design.

The young alicorn took in a deep breath and released it before forcing herself to look at the man who had nearly killed her less than a year ago. “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met… officially. My name is Twilight Sparkle. You’re Victor Spiegel, correct?”

Twilight’s question and calm tone appeared to have a similar effect on the human as he took a breath to steady himself before answering. “That’s correct, ma’am.”

The brief silence that followed that short response was suffocating.

“I’m assuming that meeting here is as much of a surprise to you as it is to me,” Twilight stated, as much to confirm her suspicion as to breathe some life into a conversation that was trying its best to die and stay that way. “Princess Cadance means well, but she likes to meddle. I apologize on her behalf for her deception by omission in bringing you here.”

“It’s not a problem,” Victor answered quickly. He ground his teeth and glanced down at the book he dropped before kneeling to retrieve it. The act wasn’t as simple as it should have been as Victor’s right arm was wrapped in a sling that immobilized it and kept it tight against his torso.

“I also wanted to thank you for your bravery at High Peak. Shiny—I mean, Captain Armor told me that it was because of you that we were able to free Cadance,” Twilight continued, her previous anxiety disappearing even further as it was replaced with instinctual annoyance when Victor replaced the book on the shelf seemingly in the closest open spot rather than its proper place. Silence rushed back into the room to fill the void as Victor didn’t immediately respond and instead chose to busy himself with inspecting the bookshelves.

Twilight had nearly resolved to politely excuse herself to escape when he finally did speak. “I’m sorry about what happened. On Earth…” Victor said quickly, his words spoken in a rush. “I just had my fighter shot out from under me and being on the ground and possibly surrounded by enemies is every pilot’s worst nightmare. I saw movement I didn’t recognize, and I… I fired.”

Hearing Victor’s hurried confession was both uncomfortable to witness… and a relief. It made things clear for what Twilight needed to do; what she needed to say.

“I understand, Victor. I was aware of some of the circumstances, and what happened was unfortunate but not intentional. I forgive you.”

The words were enough to cause Victor to halt mid-ramble and look directly at Twilight. A moment passed before he let out a slow, ragged sigh; something that the alicorn also did almost in unison. “Thank you, Twilight,” Victor finally replied, his expression one of relief. “For what it’s worth, if there’s anything I can do for you in the future, all you have to do is ask.”

Twilight opened her mouth to politely decline the offer, but the words caught in her throat as she hesitated. After a moment of careful consideration, she finally spoke. “Well, there is just one thing I would ask you to do…”

Comments ( 162 )
Arad #1 · Jun 15th, 2019 · · ·

Evening folks!

This chapter was, if anything, the REAL writer's block that kept me from writing since 2016. When I write, I find it easier to let the words flow and the scene to unfold if I can slip into the proverbial shoes of the characters in question. Feel what they feel, think what they think, and so on... and it's because of that that this chapter took so long. The crux of this chapter is avoidance, or more properly Avoidance Coping. Twilight and to some extent Victor both had been doing this since their unfortunate meeting on Earth... and Avoidance Coping is something that I myself have problems with in the real world. I would sit down to try and write this chapter, empathize with what was going on... and immediately trigger my own avoidance coping mechanisms to do something, anything else.

If I’m being honest, I’m not completely satisfied with this scene… but I’ve spent the last THREE YEARS attempting to write a chapter with this scene in it.  Much Ado About Alicorns was supposed to be one chapter with three scenes. With this out of the way I can finally move on to part three and begin the endgame.

Thank you to everyone who stuck with me for so long.  Stay tuned for further updates!

Edit: If there's folks who didn't see my blog, Stardust hardcover copies are going up for pre-order at the Ministry of Image. See my most recent blog for the link!

Holy fuck, I thought you were dead!

Great to see you back.

Just happy to see this around again. It is a fun story. I don't mind a short story and just applaud you getting over the block! :pinkiehappy:

jesus i saw the name of the story and thought i was seeing things, good to have you back mate

Yee! Xcom ponies lives!

Now I'm reliving memories of my EU playthrough with Matt and Lana... Matt got killed during the base invasion, Lana survived till the end. Not quite what happened here, huh? :rainbowlaugh:

9680366 Not hardly. (from Big Jake)


That feeling when that old God-tier fic updates~

I wonder if the Chosen will ever play apart in this story?

Y'know, that actually makes a lot of sense as to why the chapter took as long as it did to write.

Good to see Twilight and Victor start to heal from that unfortunate mishap.

1 Unread chapter? What upda- Mente Materia. Well my heart just stopped for a second.

I believe - perhaps inaccurately - I was just as shocked to see this update as Victor and Twilight were to see each other. I can appreciate the apprehension with actually writing this scene in particular too, given the build up to this that's lasted all story. And while you may see it as brief, I see two characters who've already grown past what happened. The only people that didn't know it were themselves.

Victor grew past it with Luna and with the other Elements and with Matt's - if uncertain - promise to look into helping Victor with an uncertain future. Twilight through her several actions since, in general learning to process everything involved with the invasion and working with XCOM.

All this scene needed to be was a closing of that door - of Victor having shot Twilight in a moment of terror. And I think it did that wonderfully.


Apologies for the mass reply. I forgot to mention it in my first comment. Stardust hardcover books are up for preorder at the ministry of Image's website, see my last blog if you're interested. I'll reply for real tomorrow.

This chapter was, if anything, the REAL writer's block that kept me from writing since 2016.

Sooo... does that mean faster updates?

So good to see an update to this after so long. I had worried we might never see the conclusion to this. Welcome back.

While their avoidance of each other is completely understandable, I'm glad Victor and Twilight finally spoke to each other and are acknowledging what happened in the past.

Its been Three years? Holy crud, I lost another couple years again. :pinkiesad2:

That Myrmidon definitely knows that candle is there. He also knows the betting pool on when he loses it, and is looking forward to collecting. To prove a point? :trixieshiftright:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! This fic has been on my mind lately and lo it updated! I'm glad you kicked that villain Writer's Block's behind. I really enjoyed this chapter, too. Now Victor doesn't have to have that Sword of Damocles hanging over his head anymore, but I wonder what Twilight wants him to do?

Welcome back. Heres hoping you stay.

Well, isn't this a coincidence. I just got back from seeing The Dead Don't Die (a great zombie movie with a tongue-in-cheek nod to pretty much every trope of the genre) and find out my favorite Fimfiction story just updated after a year. Happy coincidence or narrative necromancy? I can't decide.

So, this chapter felt long in the making since the end of Stardust. I think if Victor and Twilight had met in these circumstances earlier in this story the forgiveness would have been more difficult to come by. Both were still dealing with more trauma than one individual could hope to process all at once and trying to reorient their lives during a crisis. Not the best mindset to have when putting things back together. By this point they've both come to terms with their own actions and circumstances surrounding them, making it less painful for both to move ahead.

And while that quote at the chapter's beginning (probably written by Celestia after a remorseful night of alcohol and thinking about her past) neatly encapsulates Twilight's approach to Victor, my fanboy theorist side tells me she'd have a much harder time forgiving certain individuals if she knew the full extent of what they'd done. Maybe she'd find the moral strength to make peace with them, but something about all the circumstances you've placed Twilight in lead me to believe it would be the last straw for her. Might even lead to something like this:

We now go live to an emergency press conference with Princess Twilight Sparkle on the impending Armageddon.

Princess Twilight - Inhabitants of Equus and Earth, I won't mince words. We are boned. The Ethereals and their EXALT lackeys are poised to seize power, Princess Celestia, Equestria's pillar of wisdom and mercy, is actually a genocidal eldritch abomination teetering on the brink of relapsing to her role as apocalyptic planetary enforcer, and to top it off, Discord and an unknown number of arcane horrors have been manipulating us from the beginning. That last one is probably my biggest personal gripe, but that's not important right now.

It's at this point that my friends and I usually unlock some powerful aspect of harmony and friendship to thwart such evil, but harmony's been pretty fickle in the help department lately. So, I've decided to borrow a page from mankind's book and take destiny into my own hands... hooves. Whatever.

So, thanks to a sh-:yay: load of arcanite and combining XCOM's Kaleidoscope teleportation chamber with the deus ex ass-pull enchantment, I've been able to assemble a team of heroes from across the dimensions to brutally annihilate all our problems! The team members are as follows:

Myself jacked up on 20 thousand metric tons of purified elerium.

The Doom Slayer.


Harold "Coop" Cooplowski and his MEGAS XLR battle mech.

Commander Shepard.

Spiral Energy God Simon.

Jackie Chan.


Every single Power Ranger.

And Derpy Hooves.

There they are, everyone! The heroes that will save our universe by blowing up a small part of it!

No time for questions or concerns. You all have 10 minutes to gather your belongings before I teleport you to a safe pocket universe. After that, everything within a 100 thousand multi-dimensional light-year radius is getting demolished.

I'm very excited to see this return and i really hope you continue it.

Great to see this updated!

Yay! Thanks for the update! :pinkiehappy:

It's alive! :yay:

Ending the chapter like that twice in a row? Oh you tease!

It's good to have you back.

I literally opened this story yesterday to check for any updates I missed over the last year.

I said it befor and I say it agin:

What a wounderfull time to be alive!

Huzzah for updates.


See, the trick to handling this kind of procrastination is to take up multiple projects. Whenever you run from one, pick up another. That way you pinball your way around in a circle and can't help but be productive.

Wooot. An update is a perfect excuse for a reread!!

So glad to see more of this amazing universe. Looking forward to seeing Twilights love life bloom.

An.... an update!
I have a long train trip in about 1 hour and you give me an update?
Arad.... you are a marvelous, highly intelligent, person who dresses well and perpetually smells like success.

Oh boy, so glad to see an update! If this continues I'll probably go back to the beginning and read again to freshen up.

Glad to have you back, coming back to this story is like coming home. Not to put pressure on you but this story is the only reason I come back here anymore, holding hope that this story would continue.

<about to go to sleep>

<nightcap of guava nectar juice>

<Checks Fimfiction for a soft read before bed>

<takes 1 sip>

W....what? An update?!

Yaaaaay! :pinkiehappy:

Don’t worry about the wait, I know exactly what it feels when the need for a perfect chapter for an XCOM Fic gives you writer’s block for more than a year. Now that it’s passed, everything’s gonna be a little bit clearer.

Seeing this updated is the highlight of my entire week. I was quite worried it'd be an author note saying the story is dead and am thrilled to have been wrong.

I love seeing how surprised everyone is that this is back.

Pretty much mine and the other editors' reaction when we suddenly got sent a link to the GDoc of this chapter just out of the blue lol.

It is horrible, horrible, to get stuck in a single scene.

Thank you so much for the update! Very glad to see you back

Time to start from the beginning again.

I know everyone is saying it, but GEEZE! I was not expecting to see this when I logged in today! Good to see it hasn’t been abandoned! Nice to see you back Arad!

Yay! This is going on again. Good to see the story picking up. And it's nice to see that there is a respite from the pain and anguish that they all have had to fight through.


Yay it's alive! I'm so glad Arad is still a part of this community after so long!

Too short need moar!!

That was just a stump, what hold you 3 years in same place? Chapter itself was predictable and not very interesting, we know what both Vic and Twily thought and feel and what will happen when they finally meet and talking. I hope flood ar now broken and last chapters coming faster :)

While nowhere near what it had been prior to the invasion, a degree of normalcy and even celebration had taken hold in Canterlot. The good cheer from recent victories still coursed through the city, not to mention the return of Princess Celestia. That enthusiasm bled into literally every corner of the city as the various races celebrated the holiday season. Decorations and iconography depicting the events of Hearth's Warming hung from nearly every window and lamp post in the Equestrian portions of the city. Every griffon that was old enough carried a lit candle while outdoors in homage to their ancient ancestor who brought the warmth of fire during the Windigo’s winter. The minotaurs and zebra were less obvious in their observation of the season, choosing to adopt the customs of their hosts, though more than one was seen wearing one of the funny red and white hats that some of the humans had brought with them.

I thought that Chrysalis had been impersonating Celestia for most of the time?

yaknow therse a group for the dead fanfics to go to be risen, I believe theyre called the Dark Story Necromancer Society

Don't you think that cents the 1st book is getting a printing, you should kinda try to finish this is a more reasonable pace?
I mean I would think getting your stuff to paper would motivate you to want to tie up this story, so the readers can feel satisfied with not only good storytelling, but a conclusion?

That's the theory. As this chapter was a major contributor to the writer's block I was feeling, I'm hoping I can finish Mente Materia at a rate better than 'one chapter a year'

Well, I, for one, am glad to see this pop up again.

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