• Published 12th May 2014
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Mente Materia - Arad

Twilight’s trip to Earth and friendship with the humans brings new friends and enemies to her peaceful world. With the specter of war hanging over them, Equestria will have to form an alliance like no other to fight the menace from the void.

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18 -- Supplemental Files, EXALT



“It seems somewhat ironic that Captain Song and Captain Armor brought up discussing potential tactics to employ against a force of human opponents less than a week ago. I know not what prompted the discussion, but it seems prophetic for our worst fears to be realised. Most of the officers that fought on Earth harbored various theories that humanity might not be as unified as we have been led to believe in this conflict. From what we had been told there was the occasional individual that preached cooperation with the alien attackers, but they were by and large ignored on the world stage as quacks and crazy folk.”

“The implications of the organization known as EXALT is as disturbing as it is dangerous. Not only is there a faction of humans that are actively assisting the aliens by targeting XCOM and undermining resistance to the invaders, but by all accounts they are as well funded and backed as our human allies. When we had last heard, all nations still publicly swore loyalty to the cause of defending Earth and Humanity against the invaders, but that can’t be entirely true if EXALT’s capabilities are accurately depicted.”

“The field operatives that EXALT employs will use similar field tactics as XCOM, and we have reports that they have managed to smuggle some of the human airships to provide both transport and close air support. Princess Luna has also shared several reports of devices that are being used to block magic in the towns that they have captured. XCOM also states that their field operatives have been modified to provide enhanced reflexes, speed and strength to rival any Equestrian. They are quick, cunning, ruthless, and possess nearly every strength our human allies have.”

“At the time of this writing, only one confirmed instance of combat has been documented between Equestrian forces and EXALT. During the second battle of Canterlot, four of the most seasoned and well-trained Solar Guard were overcome by an equal number of hostile EXALT operatives without so much as a scratch. Only the intervention by Discord prevented them from succeeding in their mission.”

“I don’t know how well we might fare against this enemy once we are adequately prepared, but there are two things I know for certain: Our allies in XCOM kept this from us, and if they stopped being our allies then this is a preview of what we can expect to face.”

-Cpt T Shield, 11/25/2015 (Date adjusted to meet Earth Standard)


[scribbled into the header is the following note]
“The following documents were recovered from EXALT’s base of operations in [REDACTED] after it was retaken by our forces. I thought I had seen every kind of evil that existed, but what I read here chills me to the bone.” -Cpt. Song

Effective immediately, previous operational directives for the excursion forces have been rescinded. New directives are as follows:

Strengthening the insertion point into the theatre of operations at [REDACTED] through elimination and coercion of indigenous government officials.
Secure the [REDACTED], as described by local informants, to provide additional force projection in the field.
Deployment of Equalizer** devices in captured territory to provide tactical advantages and suppress local resistance.
Undermine XCOM in theatre of operations through false flag operations against Equestrian targets.
Use of extreme force is AUTHORIZED to attain any of the previous directives.

We are here to secure the destiny of mankind, and we cannot allow others to subvert our purpose. It has come to my attention that β class operatives have questioned these directives. Any who continue to question them will be returned to Earth, where your implants will be harvested and provided to someone more worthy.

α Vide

[scribbled into the margins]
“**The ‘Equalizer’ devices referenced here are portable structures that are capable of negating magical effects and and severing the connection to the Field for anypony caught nearby. These, along with ‘Jammer’ grenades, were used across several locations and not only prevented magic but sapped the strength of everypony affected.”



This dossier has been prepared through leaked intelligence documents as well as eyewitness accounts from agents in the field for how to best counter the alien species that are currently aiding our enemies. Culturally they may seem harmless to the point of impotence against a threat, but all operatives would do well to remember that they are currently aiding our enemies of their own free will and are extremely dangerous on an individual level. If open conflict is waged against them, all operatives will need to be adequately prepared.

The primary weakness of the alien species that self-identifies as ‘Equestrian’ lies in their social structures and what is believed to be a low-level empathic link to others of their race. It is most likely they were once a herd-based species before attaining sapience, and will often seek the company of familiar beings when faced with the unknown or the frightening. Group-level reactions (or ‘mob’ mentality) are quite common place, and the groups are often directed by strong-willed individuals that can control the group dynamic. These ‘leaders’ are going to be the key to subjugating this species. Intelligence suggests that the removal of these leaders will render the majority of the species fearful and subservient.

It should be noted that the Equestrians who volunteer for occupations that place them in conflicts (Solar/Night/Dusk Guard) appear to be hardened against this effect, and will likely attempt to assume positions of leadership within the civilian population to lead a resistance movement. As such, Equestrians belonging to these organizations are to be considered priority targets.

1.) ‘Earth Ponies’

This race of equines lacks some of the more defined features and abilities of the other two races but are still extremely dangerous. They are extremely gifted in both strength and stamina, and any earth pony that is part of the armed forces will be trained to close and engage in melee combat. Anecdotal evidence provided by [REDACTED] suggests their traditional form of organized combat revolved around infantry formations. More recent encounters seem to indicate that this doctrine has changed drastically due to their exposure to XCOM.

All earth ponies should be engaged at a distance if possible since the lack any natural ability for ranged combat (with a few notable exceptions). Elevated positions, mines, and choke points are also effective when defending held ground. Combat in open terrain is strongly discouraged if outnumbered, as surveillance footage shows this race can quickly surround and overwhelm even mutons with ease if given the chance.

2.) ‘Unicorns’

Arguably the most dangerous in terms of flexibility in the field, unicorns are capable of gifted warfare in surprising ways. Telekinetic attacks, either directly applied to their targets or through a medium such as weapons or mundane objects, are expected from any that are encountered in the field. Others have more specialized forms of attack that is often related to what they refer to as their ‘special talent.’ Nova Beam (Dusk Guard) is capable of projecting extreme heat or cold into a ‘beam’ against specific targets, while Shining Armor (Solar Guard) is capable of creating defensive fields of varying strength.

The greatest weaknesses we can exploit with unicorns is a lack of situational awareness while casting as well as their dependence on their Gift for combat. Unicorns often require line of sight and staying stationary to use their Gift offensively, which will leave them open to snipers and flanking maneuvers. Jammer grenades will also render them combat ineffective. They are less adept at close quarters combat as the earth ponies, but that should be considered a last resort.

3.) ‘Pegasus’

The flying Equestrian race has seen many roles in the armed conflicts we have witnessed. They are extremely adept with hit-and-fade tactics to disrupt ground forces, as well as providing light air support and target spotting. In the alien theater of operations, they are also capable of rapid and extreme weather manipulation. Anecdotal reports indicate a coordinated team of five pegasi can generate and aim a lightning bolt capable of disabling aircraft in less than two seconds.

As a combat-trained pegasus will rarely, if ever, touch the ground, it is recommended that every group of operatives carry at least one laser weapon capable of high rates of fire with medium dispersal at long range. The pegasi are agile fliers but they cannot dodge laser fire easily. The fixed positions we secure will be hardened with anti-air fixed guns with canister and ‘birdshot’ proximity shells to break up any formations that may appear.

4.) ‘Alicorn’

The ruling race of the Equestrians, all alicorns are speculated to have exponentially higher capacities for Gifted combat. To our knowledge, only four currently exist and their dossiers are available elsewhere. It should be noted that leaks within XCOM have confirmed that the two primary alicorns were capable of not only surviving but defeating both the infantry and the ships supporting them almost single-handedly. The newest princess also defeated several hundred of our allies on Earth before she ascended to royalty.

Extreme caution is advised, but if an opportunity presents itself to slay one of these creatures then all efforts should be made. It is currently unknown how physically robust they are and how resistant they are to damage, but intelligence suspects sniper attacks or explosives will be most effective. It is also currently unknown if they have the capacity to overpower the Jammer grenade, so multiple Jammers may be needed to take one down.

Specific mention should also be made of the armed forces organizations that may be encountered in the field.

Solar Guard

The Solar Guard represents the bulk of the Equestrian armed forces and is comprised of an even mix of all three races. Their role makes them equivalent to the American National Guard, with their primary duties being the maintenance of order within the cities and defense against the wild threats in the wilderness. They lack the flexibility of the other service branches, but they make up for this with strong chains of command and loyalty to their cause. They are usually identified with gold-shaded armor with blue brush-head helmets.

Sentinels (Lunar Guard)

The Sentinels, commonly known as the Lunar Guard, are relatively unknown at this time. Publicly they are a guard division under the command of Princess Luna and are primarily comprised of pegasi with unicorn support. Images smuggled out of Canterlot combined with intelligence leaks from XCOM indicate they are extremely well armed and armored, and are trained for ‘black’ operations. There have been no confirmed hard contacts with the Sentinels, but they will likely pursue surgical strikes and sabotage in favor of protracted direct engagements. They primarily wear lighter armor in shades of gray and purple.

A type of Equestrian known as ‘Thestrals’ have also been reported to be exclusively part of this organization, though their exact capabilities and how they differ from pegasi is currently unknown.

Dusk Guard

The Dusk Guard is composed of six individuals that are best compared with special forces such as the GIGN or SAS. They are equipped with cutting edge Equestrian equipment that rivals XCOM ‘Titan’ armor in terms of both utility and effectiveness, as well as armor modules that allow them greater tactical flexibility in the field. They are a close-knit and highly motivated group, and they are only called in to turn the tide of the most dire of situations. Intel expects the Dusk Guard to be the tip of the Equestrian spear if they move against us. If encountered, α operatives are to be notified as their capabilities are not to be underestimated. They are identified by crystalline armor that matches the coat of the wearer.


The Rangers are not an officially sanctioned branch of the Equestrian military. They are an informal group of survivalists, retired and ex-soldiers, and various skilled individuals that endeavor to make wild regions like the ‘Badlands’ safe for others. Intelligence expects a large number of Rangers will respond to summons at the capital to serve in the regular army, but it is also predicted that the core of the organization will remain behind in the wilderness. Guerrilla-style warfare is anticipated from these individuals, but resistance isn’t anticipated to be substantial once their rally points are sanitized.


An all-pegasus outfit that was known for its discipline and speed of deployment anywhere in Equestria. Intelligence believes this group is now largely defunct because of casualties sustained during the destruction of a major pegasus city. Sources in Canterlot indicate that the survivors are being reorganized to lead civilian weather teams to act as anti-air defense. They are easily identified by their blue and gold light armor.

The Volunteers

The group of Equestrians that did battle on Earth are collectively referred to as the ‘Volunteers.’ These Equestrians were drawn from the very best of all of the previously mentioned branches of service and have significant battle experience to call upon. They are also extremely familiar with human battlefield doctrine after their time serving beside XCOM against our allies. The Volunteers nearly on par with the Dusk Guard in terms of the equipment that they can field, as their armor consists of an extremely heat-resistant undersuit that is supplemented with human-crafted armor plate. A significant portion also retained retrofitted small plasma weapons as well as headgear that is equal to any HUD display we can create. Intel recommends leaving combat with these Equestrians to α operatives, or engaging with superior numbers if none are available. They can be identified by their black armor and the aforementioned headgear.

The other species that make up the motley alliance defending the alien theater need not be mentioned. Those races will be either rendered combat ineffective by our allies, have so little military presence that they don’t matter, or will not actively impede our progress.


Use of extreme measures against the ‘leaders’ found in the field has been authorized. We have seen a lot of positive responses in the field when examples are made of authority figures, and it does an excellent job of weeding out the troublemakers while we are prepared to deal with them. The public slaughter of a few does an excellent job of cowing the majority.

α Vide



PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Insertion of operatives into enemy position to eliminate targets, leaving evidence to implicate XCOM. (see below)


Primary Target(s):

Princess Celestia
DESCRIPTION: White Alicorn, prismatic mane, sun flank mark
Royal Quarters Solar Wing
Last intelligence report states that she has not regained consciousness and is vulnerable. Her elimination is considered top priority due to the morale damage this will incur against our enemies.

Princess Luna
DESCRIPTION: Midnight Blue Alicorn, starry mane, crescent moon flank mark

Various, but intelligence suggests that she may not be present in the capital during the attack.

Direct confrontation is NOT advised. Princess Luna is speculated to have a level of power to rival her sister, and she is more than willing to use that power to destroy her enemies. Recommended neutralization method is a remote Jammer grenade and explosive device to be planted in her quarters after the elimination of Primary Target 1.

Secondary Target(s):

Captain Shining Armor
DESCRIPTION: White unicorn, blue mane, shield flank mark

Various, most likely location will either be engaging in combat during the operation or projecting a shield from the central spire to defend the city.
THREAT: Medium

Commanding officer of field operations for the Equestrian forces. Intel suggests a strong chain of command is in place in the event of his death, which will negate the long-term impact of his removal. Attempts should be made to do so, as this will negatively impact Secondary Target 2 and Tertiary Target 1 as well as cripple the defense of the city in the short term.

Princess Twilight Sparkle
DESCRIPTION: Lavender alicorn, purple mane, starburst flank mark

Various, most likely location will be in the civilian sections of the capital. Intelligence predicts a high probability of her attempting to defend Primary Target 1 in the event of conflict.
THREAT: Medium

Recently elevated royalty, personal student of Primary Target 1. Extreme capacity for Gifted warfare but XCOM documents indicate signs of PTSD. Hesitation is likely when faced with an enemy or the death of others nearby.

Major Yumiko Fujikawa
DESCRIPTION: 5’3”, Asian ethnicity, black hair (short), brown eyes.

Strong likelyhood of being present in the command center of the capital during the operation.

XCOM field commander, possesses Gift potential. Aside from mild telekinetic ability, reports suggest she is no more dangerous than any other XCOM operative. Her elimination will disrupt XCOM’s operations and negatively impact Secondary Target 2.

Captain Matthew Harris
UPDATE: All operatives participating in Operation Undertow are to avoid contact with Captain Harris as well as Sergeant Jenkins. I will deal with them at a later date.
α Vide

Tertiary Target(s):

Princess Cadance
DESCRIPTION: Pink alicorn, multi-hue mane, blue heart flank mark

Most recent intel suggests she has left the capital for a neighboring kingdom. Attempts should be made to neutralize this threat or prevent her return to the capital if at all possible
THREAT: Unknown

Ruler of the Crystal Empire, spouse to Secondary Target 1. Leaked intelligence states having a degree of control over ‘the heart.’ Rumors suggest a capacity to alter the emotions of those around her as well as detect their emotions and intent as well. The true extent of her powers are unknown at this time but for [REDACTED] to succeed, she must be kept from the capital.

Any Element Bearer
DESCRIPTION: The descriptions of any Element Bearer can be reviewed in other documentation

Castle, civilian and medical wings.

Any Element Bearer spotted during the operation is to be considered a target of opportunity as the death of any of them will negatively impact all of them as well as Secondary Target 2. The elimination of any Element Bearer will also prevent the use of the Elements, should they become a factor in the future.

DESCRIPTION: Serpentine dragon-like body, mismatched horns, wings and limbs

Canterlot Royal Quarters
THREAT: Unknown

Recent intelligence indicates the being known as Discord is currently holding position in the royal quarters outside Primary Target 1’s location. Intelligence cannot offer any speculation as to his motives or his allegiance, as he has historically been an enemy of the Equestrian establishment.

It is currently unknown if Discord would attempt to prevent the completion of the primary objectives. Intelligence recommends avoiding him if possible, as his mastery of unconventional Gifted combat is unmatched.

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