• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 11,303 Views, 363 Comments

You Will Never Be Alone - Matt11

One Day When Scootaloo Is At Home Being Foalsat By Princess Twilight Something terrible Happens To Her Mother While She Is On A Date

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Chapter 9 - Crusading

A week had passed since Scootaloo’s little stunt, she had been trapped at home mostly doing homework, chores and other boring things. It had been a boring week for the pegasus filly, but today was the end of her grounding and she was able to go crusading with her friends.

Scootaloo placed her school supplies in her saddlebag and then she got her scooter out of the closet. and once she finished that she walked downstairs.

She got downstairs and found her mother vacuuming the floor, “Mom I’m going to go and hang out with my friends. Today is finally the day we get our cutie marks!” she said cheerfully, jumping up and down.

Twilight turned the vacuum off with her magic, “Your punishments over already? Huh, that was fast. I could of sworn it’d be longer” she joked.

Scootaloo frowned, “That’s not something to joke about. Do you realize how boring this weeks been?”

Twilight giggled, “Hush now, just go on go and play with your friends, but be sure your back by six o’clock . I have two special guests coming over for dinner today.”

“You do? Who are they?” Scootaloo asked.

Twilight giggled softly, “Oh Scootaloo, I could tell you but I’d rather you find out on your own,” Twilight said as she walked over to Scootaloo giving her a big hug and a kiss on the head.

Scootaloo returned the hug. “Hey mom, where's Spike?” she said looking around the library.

“He went to Rarity’s to help her find some gems.” she said, rubbing Scootaloo’s back.

“Ok, see ya mom. I’ve got some crusading to do!” Scootaloo waved goodbye to Twilight and jumped on her scooter, her wings buzzing.

“Hey wait don’t ride that in the”…. she heard a load crash as Scootaloo broke right through the door not even looking back, “Door” she finished and saw she had to clean the floor and fix the door.

Scootaloo giggled seeing what she did. “Woopsie, I’ll clean that when I get back mom.”

Twilight sighed, “Fillies will be fillies,” she said cleaning up the scuff marks and getting some more cleaning done on the rest of the castle. It had to look perfect for her company.

Scootaloo sped her wings fast as she jumped off a ramp, catching some air and doing an inverted flip. She landed softly on the hard road path to the clubhouse and continued on her journey.

Scootaloo parked her scooter next to the tree and placed her helmet on top of the handle bars. Scooter secure, she walked into the clubhouse and closed the door with her back hoof.

She smiled when she saw her friends. “Hey guys, I made it as soon as I could, are you ready to earn some cutie marks?” she asked as Sweetie Belle walked over to her and gave her a hug.

“Uh, what was that for, Sweetie?” she asked blushing a little.

Sweetie Belle just smiled. “I haven’t seen you in a long time Scootaloo. You have been so busy lately with your new family, I kinda thought you forgot about us,” she replied sniffing a little.

Scootaloo smiled, “Aww, I’d never forget about you guys, you're both like family to me,” she said giving Sweetie a quick hug back. She was about to give Apple Bloom one too, but she declined it, “No hug huh?” she blushed as she rubbed the back of her head, somewhat embarrassed.

“It’s not that Ah don’t want a hug Scoots, it’s just that you seem different lately. What happened to the tough pony I used to know? What happened to the pony that got sick over mushy stuff?” she asked stomping a hoof.

Scootaloo was a little surprised by this. “You don’t think I’m tough anymore? I just haven’t seen you guys in the longest time. It’s just a happy to see you guys moment,” she explained.

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Aw whatever. Let’s get down to business, we’ve got crusading to do anyways,” she said pulling out a big piece of paper with their list of things they wanted to try.

Sweetie Belle took the paper and looked it over, “How about we go swimming? Maybe we could get a swimming cutie mark?” Sweetie suggested. However both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom shook their heads.

“How about we go mining in the Diamond Dogs cave? Rainbow Dash said that place is AWESOME!! Scootaloo said. Unfortunately her friends shook their heads.

“That’s not a good idea. Rarity told me about this one time she went there. She says it was terrible ,one of the dogs even called her a mule. That’s so rude!” Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at each other then back towards Sweetie Belle. The three crusaders kept thinking, but each idea turned out to be a bad choice.

“How about we just go for a ride in Pinkie Pie’s hot air balloon? Sweetie suggested. “Maybe we can get an air balloon cutie mark.” She got up and walked towards the door waiting for an answer.

Scootaloo sighed, “It’s better than just sitting here, besides I’m really,really bored,” she said as Apple Bloom joined her in going outside.

The three young fillies arrived at Sugarcube Corner in no time thanks to Scootaloo’s pulling them on the official crusaders wagon. They arrived in time to see Pinkie changing the cake twins,Pound and Pumpkin. The three filles looked away, not wanting to see that.

When Pinkie Pie finished Sweetie walked up to her. “Hey Pinkie, is it alright if we borrow your air balloon?” she asked sweetly.

Pinkie bounced on her tail.“Sure, but just try not to crash it into the ground or anything. I fell to the ground once, it was fun but not safe. So promise me you will keep all hooves and in the vehicle at all times.”

The three filles nodded and Pinkie took them out back where the air balloon was.

“Here ya go. Have fun, and please don’t do anything dumb. Twilight would be soo mad if I let something bad happen to you three.”

“Let’s move out crusaders,” Scootaloo said getting onto the air balloon, her friends following not far behind. Once her friends were safely in the basket she began to activate the air ballon, pulling on the fire lever making it fly a few feet. As they were moving Scootaloo started thinking; Maybe once we get a bit higher I can test my wings out. They have grown a lot, maybe I’m ready.

The balloon was now ten feet above the ground, the perfect spot to give her wings a test. She smiled but then thought what about what Rainbow Dash had once told her, Never try anything stupid squirt. Especially if nopony is there to help you.

A second voice entered her brain. “They are just trying to hold me back. I can do this without them. I’ll prove to everypony I can fly, and make you proud mom,” she said in a whisper. A small tear sliding down her face.

Scootaloo jumped on the wooden platform. You can do this Scootaloo you just gotta believe.

Apple Bloom And Sweetie Belle were enjoying the view but they turned and saw Scootaloo ready to jump. They both ran over to her but they were too late to stop her from jumping. They jumped out of the basket after her and grabbed onto Scootaloo’s hooves.

Sweetie Belle grabbed Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom grabbed Sweetie Bell and used her back legs to keep the trio from falling to their doom.

“What the hay are ya doing Scootaloo! Now were going to die!” Apple Bloom said as Scootaloo tried focusing on her wings.

“We’re not going to die,” Sweetie said. “I believe in you Scootaloo, even though this was not really one of your better ideas,” she said as she glanced down.

Scootaloo fluttered her wings and was able to guide her and the other crusaders safely above a the hay stack next to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Oh my gosh! I flew us from sugar cube corner to the farm! So awesome!” Scootaloo said happily. For Scootaloo this was a dream come true, but one of her friends was not nearly as happy as she was.

“You didn’t fly, you crashed! Why the hay did you go and do that?! You almost got us killed! Haven’t you learn anything! Flying doesn’t matter!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Flying does matter! It’s more important than anything! Why don’t you try and not be able to fly? Oh wait you can't because you're an earth pony. The worst kind of pony,” she said, challenging Apple Bloom with a glare.

Apple Bloom leapt at Scootaloo and swung a foreleg at her. Sweetie gasped, “Girls please stop fighting. This isn’t the answer,” she said as a few tears slid down her face.

“Ah had enough of this anyways. Until you actually learn your lesson Ah am going home and we are DONE! Our friendship is OVER!” Apple Bloom said walking off. A few tears slid down her eyes, it pained her to do this.

“FINE! If you don’t care about me flying then I’d be WAY! better off without you anyway! Come on Sweetie, let’s go” she said turning to leave. Unlike Apple Bloom she didn’t cry at all, she felt that Apple Bloom had been weighing her down.

“Scootaloo please stop. Is flying really more important than friendship? Sweetie asked. She was used to having to play peacemaker but this was a different type of argument.

“Yes it is. You have no idea how long I've suffered being a late bloomer. Flying is important,” she answered.

Sweetie sighed, “Fine. I’ll just tell Twilight what you did and we’ll see if she agrees,” Sweetie said, walking off.

Scootaloo frowned. “Mom will be on my side,” she said, proud of herself.

When Sweetie and Scootaloo arrived they knocked on the door and were greeted by Twilight. “Hi Sweetie, what’s wrong? You look a little sad”

“It’s Scootaloo, she and Apple Bloom aren’t friends anymore,” Sweetie said, as she explained what happened. Twilight was not happy to hear this, especially hearing that Scootaloo would leave her friends for flight.

“Scootaloo I am very, very disappointed in you. Didn’t you learn anything from the Equestrian Games? I want you to apologize tomorrow, when we go to the farm, ok?” She walked back inside and Sweetie Belle left.

“O...Ok mom I will. I just want to fly so badly. You understand, don’t you?” she asked tears sliding down.

Twilight sighed. “But why would flying be more important than friendship?” she asked.

“I made a promise to my mom before she died, that I would become a great flier. I...I just don’t want to bring shame to her,” she said a few tears sliding down her face.

Twilight walked over to Scootaloo and hugged her. “Scootaloo…. your mom would be proud of you no matter what. Even if you don’t fly she would never be ashamed of you,” she said, nuzzling her daughter.


“Yes, really. Your mother was a great pony she will always be watching over you. Now what do you say you go wash up for dinner. There are two ponies here to meet you.”

Scootaloo wiped her tears away. “Huh? Who? Which ponies would want to meet me?” she asked, walking with Twilight into the kitchen.

“Scootaloo, I’d like you to meet your aunt and uncle,” Twilight said gesturing towards her brother and Cadence.

“So this is the sweet little angel you adopted Twilight. She’s pretty cute,” Shining Armour said, giving Scootaloo a pat on the head.

“Aw shes so cute. This is going to be a fun weekend,” Cadence said walking over to Scootaloo and hugging her. “You and I are going to have so much fun”.

Scootaloo was a little surprised and confused, “What's going on? Why are they here anyways?” she asked.

Twilight giggled. “Well you already met my parents and a few days ago I got a letter from Cadence asking if she could come over, so I thought it would be the perfect chance for her to meet you,” she said bopping Scootaloo on the nose.

After everything was taken care of they ate and soon it was time for bed.

Cadence and Shining Armour decided to put Scootaloo to bed while Twilight did her usual studying, “Would you like us to read you a bedtime story, Scootaloo?” Cadence asked as Shining went to find a book on the shelf.

Scootaloo noded. “Yeah I’d love that, aunt Cadence,” she said snuggling into her pillow.

Shining came back with The Three Troublesome Foals. Cadence read a few chapters to Scootaloo but by the time she got to the third chapter Scootaloo had fallen asleep.

“Nighty night, Scootaloo. See you in the morning,” Cadence said as Shining followed her out the door.

“She is such a cute little foal,” Shining said as they went into the guest room to get some sleep. The fun would begin tomorrow.