• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 11,304 Views, 363 Comments

You Will Never Be Alone - Matt11

One Day When Scootaloo Is At Home Being Foalsat By Princess Twilight Something terrible Happens To Her Mother While She Is On A Date

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Chapter 1 - the foalsitting

Scootaloo sat on her bed, crestfallen about the day. She had been so excited, at least until her mother Dizzy Twister had told her that Rainbow Dash wouldn't be able to make it due to weather duty. The only pony left that could foalsit her was Twilight Sparkle.

Scootaloo had just stopped hitting her Rainbow Dash covered pillow out of anger. Scootaloo lay back down on her pillow “Great! Just great. Dash could've foalsat me, but nooooo! She just HAD to do the stupid weather! Now I'm stuck with Twilight, the egghead alicorn.” Scootaloo rolled over, grabbing her Rainbow Dash plushie, squeezing it close to her stomach. “Tonight’s gonna to be so booooring!”
There was a knock at her door and she jumped in surprise, falling off her bed head first. “Oww!” Scootaloo said while rubbing her head as tears filled the brim of her eyes.

“Scootaloo, sweetheart, is everything ok?” asked Dizzy Twister on the other side of the doorway. She was a mare with a yellow coat and light purple mane. Scootaloo’s mother, and a proud one at that.
“Everything's just FINE! Nothing happened!” Scootaloo yelled rather harshly in response. What the little filly did not realize was that her mother could see through her lies.

Dizzy Twister sighed. Her daughter had been acting this way for three days now, ever since she told her that Rainbow Dash couldn't make it. She opened the door to see her daughter on the ground rubbing her head. Dizzy let out a small chuckle “I thought you said nothing happened? You jumped when you heard me call, didn't you?” she asked with a smirk, Dizzy Twister knew more about her daughter than anypony ever could.

Dizzy Twister walked into the room, picking up her daughter and setting her on her lap. She took over rubbing Scootaloo’s head to make her daughter feel better. She stopped and looked at Scootaloo, “Feeling better, sweetheart?” Scootaloo nodded in response.
“Listen, Scootsy. Just because Twilights foalsitting you doesn't mean you won't be having fun. I trust Twilight. I consider her a part of this family, even if we're not related. She's a good friend, so I want you to promise you will be good for her.”

Scootaloo pouted, crossing her hooves together “But Mom, I don't like that egg-” Scootaloo stopped when she got a stern look from her mother. “I mean I’ll be good, mom. I promise,” Scootaloo said, jumping back onto her bed.
Dizzy Twister giggled “Well, I’ll be leaving in an hour, so meet me downstairs before I leave, honey.” Dizzy Twister left her daughter's room and sighed, “Oh, I just hope this date goes well.”

Twilight was sweating. She was packing many books, toys, and even a telescope. She knew for a fact that fillies love looking into space. At least she did when she was a filly.

Spike was sitting in his bed, his arms crossed, looking slightly annoyed. “Twilight, I know you want this night to be nice and everything for you and Scoots, but you should tone it down a little. I mean, she's just a filly. Play a few board games with her and she will be out like a light in no time.” He looked outside and noticed it was dark. He let out a yawn. He couldn’t wait until she left, so it would be quiet and he could sleep.

“I know that, Spike. I just want her to have a fun time tonight and not think I’m some egghead.” Twilight levitated a plastic bag containing a few daisy sandwiches she made into her saddlebag. “Ok, Spike. I’m heading out. Oh, I'm going to make sure Scootaloo has the best night. Maybe I can even learn more about her.” Twilight walked to the door, opened it and said her goodbye. The only response she got from Spike was his snoring.
Twilight arrived at Scootaloo’s house within thirty minutes. Scootaloo’s mother let her in. Dizzy Twister went by the stairs and yelled, “Scootaloo, get your flank down here. Your foalsitter is here!” The only response she got was the stamping of hoofs. Dizzy Twister smiled and went to sitting on the couch with Twilight. “So are you sure you're up for this? I mean, I could cancel tonight if you want?”
“Please! I think I can handle Scootaloo. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? She likes me. I know she does.” Twilight reassured her friend, and got a few books out of her saddlebag, setting them on the table next to her and smiled “Besides, I'm sure she will enjoy reading with me and then some games and ooh maybe…” Twilight stopped herself, realizing she was rambling again “Oopsie. Sorry, Dizzy,” Twilight said as she placed a few toys down.

The two of them turned their attention to the stairs. Scootaloo had come down and she did not seem very happy. “What do you want, mom? I was trying to figure out what kinds of cutie marks me and my friends could get,” Scootaloo lied. She glared at Twilight. She was not ready for tonight at all.

Dizzy Twister draped a wing over her daughter. “Oh, Scootaloo, don't you worry. Twilight will take good care of you. I promise. Besides, hopefully… if this date with Thunderlane goes nicely you will have a new daddy soon.” It was not that long ago that Scootaloo’s father died in the equestrian war.

This, at least, got Scootaloo to smile. She gave her mother a hug “I… love you, mom. I'm going to miss you.” Scootaloo then galloped over to the couch and sat next to Twilight.

“Aw, don't you worry, my little Scootsy. I will be back by tomorrow. I promise.” She was about to leave when she remembered something. She turned to Twilight “Oh, and Twilight, Scootaloo likes to sleep with her Rainbow plushy. Please make sure she has that or she might get nightmares.” This caused Scootaloo to blush deep red and hide her face.
With that, Dizzy Twister grabbed her saddlebag and a jacket since the weather wasn't going to be so pretty today. She waved goodbye and left, making sure to close the door.

Scootaloo waved as well and said “Bye, mom. I love you.” After that Scootaloo sat back down wanting to get this day done with.
Twilight looked down at Scootaloo with a grin. “Aw, I didn't realize that for such a tough filly you like plushies.” Twilight giggled a little, until she saw tears welling up in Scootaloo’s eyes “Oh, I'm so sorry, Scootaloo. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.” Twilight brought Scootaloo into a hug and kissed her on the forehead “Do you forgive me?”
Scootaloo rolled her eyes “Yeah, I forgive you… I guess. Just don't ever tell anypony I have a plushie or I’ll-” Scootaloo stopped, not even knowing what she would do if that got out. “Never mind! So… uh… what is it we can do, Twi?” Scootaloo asked, wanting to get off the topic of her plushie. Right now all she wanted was a little fun.

Twilight squealed in delight “Well, I was thinking we could read “Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone” together.” She started opening the book until she heard Scootaloo let out a soft yawn “What's the matter? Are you tired?” Twilight asked, concerned.
“No, I'm not tired,” Scootaloo replied, rolling her eyes. “It’s just that books are for nerds! If I'm going to be like Rainbow than I can't read if she doesn't read.”

Twilight tried to suppress her laughter, but it was too late. She let out a good laugh “Oh, you're so funny! Ha-ha”
Scootaloo just looked at her wondering what was going on. Was she being made fun of?
Twilight got back up, “Oh. Sorry, Scoots, but Rainbow does read. In fact, she has the entire Daring Do series in her cloud home.”
This left Scootaloo dumbfounded. “So… Rainbow is an egghead?” Scootaloo just couldn't bare her idol being a nerd, but she shrugged it off. “Ok, Twilight. I guess I’ll try and read it. I mean, how bad could reading be? I guess if Rainbow likes it… heh heh.” Scootaloo picked up the book and started reading.

Scootaloo actually enjoyed it a lot. The two of them took turns reading, and it only took a few minutes before it caught her attention and she was hooked.

The two kept reading for about two hours. Twilight was even surprised that Scootaloo wanted to read more, but it was about dinner time. When they were done it was 7:00 PM.

Walking into the kitchen Twilight got some daisy sandwiches ready for the two of them. Luckily the sandwiches were already made so it saved time on preparation. “Ok, Scootaloo. Time for dinner,” Twilight called with the sweetest voice she could. Soon enough the orange filly came in and sat on the chair by the table.

Twilight levitated two daisy sandwiches onto the table for the two of them.
The two started digging into their sandwiches, Scootaloo finished eating hers before Twilight. She even managed to get some on her face which made Scootaloo let out a few giggles. After the giggles were done Twilight used her magic to wipe Scootaloo’s face off with a napkin. Scootaloo just smiled. She couldn't believe she was having fun with Twilight. Surprisingly… she was happy.

Since dinner was done and it was 8:00pm Twilight had decided to play a little board game with Scootaloo. They played Pinkie Candy Land. After around thirty minutes Scootaloo ended up winning, and Twilight levitated the game back into the box and turned towards Scootaloo. “Ok, Scoots. It’s time for bed.”

“Aw, come on, Twilight!” she whined. “Let me stay up a little longer. I’m not tired at ahhhh-” Scootaloo suddenly let out a soft long yawn. She gave Twilight an awkward smile. Twilight just shook her head at the orange filly and levitated her onto her back, headed upstairs. She used her magic to help Scootaloo brush her teeth.

Twilight opened Scootaloo’s door and was a little surprised her room was very messy. Toys and plushies were scattered everywhere. Her bed was a mess of blankets and pillows. Unable to help herself she used her magic to spruce things up, then levitated the filly into bed, tucked her in, and placed the Rainbow plushie next to Scootaloo. She was about to leave but she heard Scootaloo call for her. She turned and faced the filly, wondering what she needed.

Scootaloo shifted uncomfortably a little. “Twilight… I was wondering, could you… I mean, if you don't mind… I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sleeping with me. I... I can't sleep without my mom nearby.” Scootaloo’s face felt red hot. She felt so embarrassed to admit it. She felt a tear come down her eye. “I'm weak, aren't I?”

Twilight teleported to the filly and snuggled with her, smiling down at the little orange filly “Aw, you’re not weak, Scootaloo. Want to know a secret?” Scootaloo nodded in response, “Rainbow Dash told me she had a hard time sleeping alone at night when she was a filly. I'd say she was around your age. So its okay, Scootaloo. I'm not going to judge you.”

Scootaloo took in everything Twilight told her and said “Wow, I never knew that. I guess you're right, Twi.” Scootaloo snuggled close to Twilight and rested her head down on her pillow “Good night, Twilight.”

Twilight just smiled and leaned down and kissed the filly on her forehead “Goodnight Scootaloo.” She gently rubbed the filly’s mane until she heard the sound of snoring. Twilight levitated one of the Daring Do book’s over to read for a little while.

An hour passed and Twilight was starting to get a little worried. Dizzy Twister was a little late and she had not came home yet. Twilight turned to Scootaloo who was snoring softly. She smiled “Oh, I’m just being paranoid.” She turned to the window and saw the storm had already arrived. The hard pitter-patter of the rain was relaxing her. “I’m sure she’s fine.” Twilight yawned, placed the book on the table and turned off the light. Falling back onto the pillow she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

hope you enjoy this, I got huge plans with this story