• Member Since 28th May, 2013
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This story is a sequel to After The Bachelorette Party

We all know the story. Princess Cadance is ponynapped, Twilight Sparkle and the others battle the Changelings, Pinkie Pie uses the first Unicorn Gatling gun, and Equestria is saved.
But what about the original bridesmaids? What about Lyra, Minuette, and Twinkleshine? Who saved them? Who came to their rescue down in the depths of the Canterlot caves? The Changelings know. Unfortunately, they had to find out the hard way. Lyra is Bon Bon's entire world, and she will do whatever it takes to get her back. And only one thing ticks Berry Punch off more than coming between her and her drinks, and that's coming between her and Minuette.
Feel sorry for the Changelings. Very sorry.

Sequel story to After The Bachelorette Party

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 62 )

Great job as always! Keep up the good work!


Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Comments always make me smile. Unless they're mean. Then then make me sad.


Working on it. Especially after a certain somepony featured this story on their blog. Pressure's on apparently.

Mmmmmaybe. You don't really want me to spoil it for you, do you? :twilightsmile:

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.



Wow. I think you might be in more danger of dying than Bon Bon and Berry Punch combined. :rainbowlaugh:

The next chapter shouldn't take too long, as it will be action-focused, and I'm better at writing that than...other stuff.


And yes, I am in more danger than Bon Bon and Berry Punch. I mean, seriously! Berry Punch can probably fight very well, cconsidering that her mother instincts will pop up to protect her daughter and Bon Bon has this whole self-survival instinct that will probably also pop up.



So...you liked it I take it? :twilightsmile:
Berry does seem to be pretty good and thrashing Changelings, doesn't she?


Woo! Fantastic story with much arse-kicking, loving it!

Berry smash and Bon Bon bite! ROAR!!!! :flutterrage:

This it what I learned: never threaten a child infront of her mother or you won't see the light of another day. Go Berry Go! Number 1 mom of the year!

next time berry, barstool first

"And now you know, and knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe!" :pinkiehappy:

So you kind of tore through both stories pretty quick. Well done. :twilightsmile:

Barstool to the FACE!
I actually thought about doing that, but I couldn't fit it in properly. Once she got knocked into the drink wall, she was on the defensive the entire time and I couldn't find a way for her to get her hooves on a stool.
A bottle on the other hoof...:twilightsmile:
Thanks for the comment.

4576859 Thanks! It just that when I find such captivating stories, I blaze through them fairly quick.

4576869 honestly surprised you didn't go for the old 'take a drink then splash some on the wound' routine with berry.

So, the bridesmaids are rescued and the wedding was a succes! Aw, Lyra proposing to Bon Bon was so sweet! Anyway, keep making good stories!

THE END!!!:pinkiehappy: I'm not sure who's awesomer. Octavia or Berry Punch?


I am actually writing my next one right now, and I think it will be pretty good. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and that you thought Lyra proposing at the end was acceptable. I was worried some ponies might think it was too cheesy.

Did you ever see 'The Expendables II'? Everyone in that movie was awesome, but remember the end fight? Stallone got the snot beat out of him in his final fight, whereas Statham didn't really have a scratch on him. Both of them were still amazingly awesome though, so think of it like that.
...but if you really need to choose, I'm going with Berry Punch in this one because you actually got to see Berry being awesome, whereas Octavia you just saw the aftermath. :twilightsmile:

Glad you liked the ending. :twilightsmile:

4623231 Nah, it was ok. Elaborated wedding proposal are boring. So, what´s the next story about?

I feel bad for Twinkleshine, she has nopony to worry over her and fight for her, poor thing.:fluttercry:

I thought about that and I know what you mean, but as far as I know, Twinkleshine isn't really shipped with anypony. Plus, that would have meant adding a whole new character to the story. I like to think of her as the quiet friend in the group who isn't too concerned about finding a special somepony.

Yet. :pinkiegasp:

4621105 Well now that's a tough one. On the one hoof Octavia is a trained fighter and it's no surprise that she's very good. On the other hoof Berry is literally as knock down drag out "blood and guts" brawler, so it's a toss up really.

4628172 Yeah, I think I might work on that for my own story. This is great by the way, I really loved that ending too. It's really sweet.:twilightsmile:

You wouldn't happen to be that pony who left a comment on Berry Punch Replies saying that you wanted to read this story because Twinkleshine is in it, are you?

I'm glad you liked the ending. If you do end up pairing Twinkleshine with somepony in the show, let me know who you choose. I saw a story on here a few weeks ago that was about her deciding to break up with another pony, but I never got around to reading it.
Oh! And you can't pick Sea Swirl or Symphony for her! Those two ponies are reserved for me! Mua ha ha! :derpyderp2:

4629907 No that wasn't me, I have no idea who that was. I found this story when I was looking through other stories. I saw it had Lyra and Bon Bon and the tag line about the changelings getting their asses whipped by Bonnie and Berry and thought hey I wanna read this! I however only felt sorry for the changelings for about a trillionth of a second before it passed. Also I want to say that I really liked your idea for what Berry said to that drone. In my story My Little Pony: Echos of Dream Valley I think I'll have one of my protagonists give a similar speech to the changeling queen of that's alright with you. It's great idea. I have no idea who I'll pair Twinkleshine off with yet, but I'll get something going.

4629097 Very tough... there's also the fact that each of them is totally awesome, and I just read the IDW comic where the alternate good Sombra sacrifices his good side to suck the evil out of alternate evil Celestia and Luna and at the end there was a picture of the alternate Octavia and she looked soooooooooo cool. So now my choice is harder to make!:raritycry:

I have an idea: TIE!!!:twilightblush:


No! You may not use any part of my story for you story, or even ideas inspired by my story! It's not like I did that exact same thing with Berry ponyality and Minuette's nickname... (shifty eyes) :ajsmug:

Nah, just kidding. I take it you mean the part where Berry tells the Changeling that they could get all the love they want if they used their talents in other ways? You may certainly use whatever you wish from my story. I would be honored actually. All I ask is that you do what I did in the notes and just make a little mention of where you were inspired from.

4633436 Oh I'll definitely credit you for the inspiration. I wouldn't have done any other way. It won't be Berry delivering the statement of course. It won't be word for word either, but the meaning behind it will be that same.

Your Berry Punch is officially my Berry Punch. Great story!

Official Berry Punch is official. :moustache:

If you like her, you should go check out the blog I based her off of. It's a bit racy at times, but it's where I got her from.

Welp, you probably saw this comin' round the corner...

I've always been a bit unnerved by how people lacked confidence in how they handled their Bon Bon. Everyone wants their Lyra to be wacky and unpredictable and stark in her comedy while Bon Bon is the Abbott to her Costello. You found a healthy and believable way out of that by having Bon Bon's conflict come more from within herself than from Lyra or any other source. She sought to hold onto herself. She drew from within to draw Lyra's true character back out from the spell. You got to play the introvert/extrovert pairing instead of the wacky/straight one, and I still felt like Lyra was getting the good end of the deal in it all. Lyra's proposition might seem totally superficial, but it also provided the perfect response to all that Bon Bon went through for her...even some things that Bon Bon may have not gotten fully around to explaining at that moment in time. Really beautiful.

Your Minuette continues to sparkle. The punctual nature you mentioned in "After the Bachelorette Party" reflects in that silly insistence on maintaining good dental health. After all that her Berry and Pinchy had gone through, it clearly should not have to matter for a day or two--but she remembers and sticks to her guns all the same. Even returning characters with essentially no role can be given life with little touches like that.

I feel sorry for someone who was looking to read this for Twinkleshine. I've mentioned her a couple times talking with others, but she's not really anyone in my head yet. Maybe I'll try to fashion her an identity. I wanna work more with main characters in the future, but BG love doesn't die quickly.

And now I finally comment on Berry. As it seems you're reading my story right now, you should be fully aware that my Berry takes a lot of the old jokes about her to an extreme while being quite cruel/foul and--due to inspiration from my friends in Berrytube, who are quite mature in their drinking habits--not automatically affected in a purely negative manner by alcohol. Your Berry is basically my Berry without the serious baggage she acquires in my backstory. The intense loving, the utter and self-aware failure at refinement, the teasing and unsheepish manner of "romance", her undaunted and resilient fighting nature, her uncouth alpha-dog method of handling new situations--all there. I just add more wrinkles. I'm aware that some of those wrinkles may distance others from fully adopting her, but I don't care. If people wanna say your Berry is the official one over mine, I wouldn't even remotely get bent out of shape. You made her a badass too. And having talked enough with Goldenmercurydragon (who steered me to your fic!) about what makes Berry badass, I can assure you it would be no loss at all. You've done well by him as well.

Finally, I would be more than happy to help you proofread. I am a perfectionist and I went to the National Spelling Bee many many moons ago. I saw some errors here and I'd send you a list if you wanted to make the fixes.

Whee! Another long comment! Glad you enjoyed reading it so much.

I've noticed that a lot about Lyra and Bon Bon too. Too often it seems like Lyra is the fun loving pony and Bon Bon is really just a kill joy, or just finds Lyra annoying, and I'm forced to wonder: why does Bon Bon stay? The default mode of her face seems to be, "Why am I dating/married to this freak?" and I don't like it. So I tried to make it seem like she did enjoy Lyra's crazy adventurous spirit, but still found it a bit tiring at time. I'm glad you liked the way I wrote her, because that's what I was going for.

Also glad you liked Minuette and Berry's personalities too, especially Minuette. I've been talking with M.Dragon on nearly a nightly basis as well, and while we've dug pretty far into Berry's personality, we're just now getting to Minuette...and we're finding that there doesn't seem to be as nearly as much there. I've come up with a few ideas, which actually ties into my next statement.
Like you and Dragon, I like to think that Berry has some serious baggage kicking around in her head. The thing is, in my head and my universe here, she's already dealt with a great deal of it. It's still there for sure, but it's not crushing like it used to be. The reason being because she met Minuette. You catch glimpses of it in this story--mainly when she starts doubting herself walking through Canterlot--but most of it is under control now. I'm planning on writing a long story about how these two met, and it that story, I think Berry is going to be more in line with your version, if I understand it correctly. Sadly, this story is on hold until I either finish Shattered or Bloodlines, because I'm not about to try juggling three big stories.

As for Twinkleshine, yeah. I feel bad for her too, as did some of the other readers. She really is just a cameo in this story. It was done for two reasons. The first, the professional reason, is because if I had included her as a full character (and whoever comes to save her), this story would have been much longer and probably wouldn't have gelled as well. How would her rescuer meet up with Bon Bon? Who would it be? How did she escape capture too? So many questions.
The second reason, the personal one, is because Twinkleshine really, really, really doesn't seem to have any character to her. I mean, even Sea Swirl and Symphony, the ponies I've taken a liking to and have made it my personal mission to make more well know, have more to them than Twinkleshine it seems. I would like to perhaps write about her in the future, and perhaps one of the prompts for this season's Writers Training Grounds will give me a good opening, but at the time, I just didn't know what to do with her. I didn't know what she would be like, who she would be friends with, if she had a special somepony, or anything of that sort.

Thanks again for reading, and I'm really happy you like my take on the characters so much. Feel free to point out the typos, as my brain eventually becomes blind to them because I proof read so many times, but they do drive me nuts. :twilightsmile:

Late to the party but I wanted to state how much I loved this fic. It was simply an amazing surprise trying to find a not mediocre lyrabon story and stumbling upon this masterpiece. Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

7821263 Always happy to share, and even happier when ponies take the time to leave a comment. I'm glad you enjoyed reading about Bon Bon Berry Punch tearing through Changelings to get their girls back.
Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Pinkie Pie uses the first Unicorn Gatling gun

*cracks up* OMG she does... I just never thought of it that way before :twilightoops:

All four ponies froze. Princess Cadance was standing in the middle of her room, her face a mask of displeasure. She was standing as tall as she could, her head raised slightly so that she was looking down her nose as the ponies before her. Her presence screamed arrogance and contempt, and it was all Bon Bon could do to keep from shrinking back. Was this really the same pony that Lyra talked about with such admiration? The same embarrassed Princess Bon Bon had met over the weekend, who had apologized again and again for Lyra’s condition at her party?

But little do they don't know that is not Princess Cadence

“Um, yes?” Bon Bon said. Did she really not remember that Lyra and her were an item?

It's too bad this is during the time before season 5 slice of life came around because Bonbon will detect something is wrong since she's a spy

So it looks like this is during the time of season 2 finale the Canterlot wedding so everybody is getting ready for the wedding tomorrow but unfortunately "Cadence" making things a little harder not just only the Mane 6 but also the Bridesmaids and they didn't like the way how she talked about her girlfriend and so did Minuettes wife and surprisingly twinkleshine they all decided to quit on her but before they could get away from her it looks like Queen Chrysalis have different plans for them and we all know what happened to them

“I…I don’t know. The guard told me to run when that pink bubble in the sky broke. He said Canterlot was under attack. And then green fire started falling from the sky, and these scary looking bug ponies started coming out of the fire and attacking ponies and covering them in this icky green slime and...” Pinchy ran out of breath then and she just stayed in Berry’s embrace, shuddering slightly.

Oh dear it looks like it begins and Twilight and the others are trying to get to the elements of harmony

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