• Member Since 28th May, 2013
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It's been three weeks since Octavia's smash hit, I am Octavia, and while the cellist's career is on a high note, that's about the only thing that is. Vinyl and Octavia are a complete wreck without each other, but repairing such damage to a relationship isn't easy, nor is it always possible. This is my answer (even though I know it's already been done here) to the question on everypony's mind:

Will Vinyl and Octavia be friends again?

NOTE: If you haven't listened to EileMonty's amazing song, do so before reading this.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 176 )

Hrm....I am intrigued and wish to see where this goes!

Yay! First comment! I just finished up Octavia's chapter last night. I need to proof read it and do editing, so it should be up in the next few days.

Both of them heading too Ponyville and neither is aware the other is going...I hope the mayor has the insurance up to date. Great chapter!

You're making me head swell and I had the dumbest grin on my face when I read your comment. I set out to write this with the goal of having at least one person like it. If just one person liked it, I'd be happy. Goal met.

Wow, some serious feels. And this song 'I am Octavia' I've been listening to it since i started reading her chapter. serious feels. keep writing.


I will do my best. I'm utterly thrilled that you're enjoying it so far.

I am glad to read something new with Octavia and Vinyl and look forward to the next chapter(s).

I got quite a few looks of confusion from my class while I was reading as I made faces, laughed, and at parts almost cried. It's a beautifully moving piece, but how will it end in flames or forgiveness? They both clearly have feelings for each other, but how will they react when they meet? Vinyl clearly has a lot of work to do to get Octy's forgiveness so please don't try to cut it too short. ;)

So once again, thank you for a new fanfic and you've got me sitting on the edge of my seat. I look forward to the next chapter(s).

Oh and one last thing, Thank you for mixing Rarity in, she's done a great job so far, though it feels a little odd for Lyra and Octavia to be getting along so well after reading so many other fanfics where they clash.

I've been writing my own fic lately. Octavia centered of course, because best pony. So naturally I've started reading like every octy fic out there for inspiration. :3


I will attempt to not make it too short, but I don't want to drag it out to the point where it gets to, "Oh jeez, just make up already!" I am glad you were laughing at parts, because that means my humor worked. Enjoy 'the feels!'

As for Lyra, I personally never understood why everypony makes her fight with Octavia. Lyra always struck me as such an easy-going and playful mare that, if anything, she'd be a friendly rival at worst. That's why I mentioned that they didn't start out as friends, but once they realized how much they'd have in common, they'd grow close despite differences.


Then I wish you the best of luck. Octavia and Vinyl are my favorite background ponies by far and I hope I'm able to help you in any small way.


Well it's great to hear that they will make it up in the end. <_< Though I probably should have guessed that by it not being tagged under tragedy. :twilightblush:

I'm sure as the writer you'll know best what to do with the story and when dragging it out will hurt the story more than help it. I'd never looked at lyra that way before, so I guess that I was a little close minded to the change. Though it does appear to work for the better

Don't get it swelling too much, you'll pass out. But yes, in that goal I would say you are extremely successful. Can't wait to see what happens! :raritywink:

I get the feeling that there is a conspiracy a brewing in Ponyville...and I can't wait to see if I'm right. Great chapter!

Another fantastic chapter. Now lets see Octavia's side of this time frame. :eeyup:


Why, I have no idea what you're talking about...:ajsmug:


Working on it. She's going to ask a question that some readers might have picked up on regarding cell phones. See if you can guess what it is before I post it.

Yeeeeeeahhhhhh...... I'm gonna call horseapples on that statement and look forward to the next chapter :raritywink:

So, every time I thought it couldn't get better it did. Thank you for this and please keep writing! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us through the next few chapters or what other stories you could create. :raritywink: This one was much better than I'd hoped for, I can't point to a single point that i liked the most, it was all spectacular.

On a side note, I'm going to assume that you have read Allegrezza as that's the only other place I've read of compassion = magic changing colors. It's a shame it's not cannon, nor more widely used.

“So, um, is she any good?” Yeah, Vinyl would say that. :rainbowlaugh:

Great job on the characters, Applejack was great and interesting info about Bon Bon's previous name... It's interesting what one can find when they explore archives of the previous generations of ponies. Now if only I could like something twice...


I'm glad you like it. I'm glad so many ponies like it actually. I have two more stories tumbling around in my head, possibly three if I can get permission for it.

As for Allegrezza, I have not read it. I'll have to add it to me list. I actually got the idea for magic changing color from Ask Vinyl and Octavia: http://askvinylandoctavia.tumblr.com/post/27277776441 I adore that blog, but really wish he or she would update it. The current post breaks my heart every time I see it.

I'm glad the "So, um, is she any good?" line made you laugh. I was hoping that would get some smiles.

fun fun. I have been enjoying this one. I especially like the dual perspective. Seeing from both ponies views.


I was a little worried that some ponies wouldn't care for that, but it was a deliberate choice. I'm trying to show that, even though Vinyl and Octavia are vastly different, they are actually quite similar. I don't know if you caught it, but the first two chapters are nearly mirror images of each other. Both ponies miserable, both missing each other, both making the same mistake with the phone, etc...

I noticed. :3 And I am using some of that same idea in my own fic, they are simmilar in their differences.

Saw this coming, but definately the right plot move. Brilliently written, and nice work with the saddle arabia bridle explination. Can't wait for the next chapter.

"Brilliantly written"? Thank you kindly. The bridle thing was something that was bouncing around in my head. I noticed that several of Rarity's mannequins (ponnequins?) wearing them, but the Saddle Arabia horses were the only time I ever saw them on living creatures. So I thought, "Why?"
There are only two official chapters left. Three if you count the alternate one.


Er...I'm hoping that's a "Oh my gosh, this was amazing and I loved it" wow and not a "wow, that was so bad I can't believe I wasted my time reading this" wow. :twilightoops:

It would seem that my phone cut off the remaining part of my post and I didn't catch it... :fluttercry:
Yes, that was definitely a "Wow... just...wow... " was for the amazing job you've done in this chapter and with this story in general. I know people who have been in Vinyl's predicament where something bad happens and they start to question not only their decisions up to that point but everything about themselves and everything they have ever done.

At this point, I can see this story going in one of three directions (there are always a minimum of three options in my not-so-humble opinion, sometimes more but never less, after all) and honestly, each and every one of them would both make sense and work for the story. We'll have to see what happens but I am very much looking forward to finding out what is going on!

Seriously though, I do feel sorry for Vinyl, but I also think that the idea that she's now realizing just how Octavia felt when Vinyl missed her shows is a very strong point and an excellent bit of work.

I've always seen the two of them as friends, mostly because I dislike shipping in general. That said I wouldn't mind them being lovers but ending up as friends after this. A fallout like this never mend everything and I find it unlikely it would, especially when it takes over a month for them to speak with each other.

Lovers -> Friends is my personal thing, but it's not even one of your options. :unsuresweetie:


What's this? A pony on FimFiction who does not like shipping?! Burn, heathen! :pinkiehappy:
Kidding, of course. I get what you're saying, and you're probably right. The real world can be cruel when it comes to relationships and fights. However, I am a romantic at heart and I like to believe that love can overcome almost anything if it's strong enough. It would kill me to have them be lovers and then never get back together. Too sad for me I'm afraid.
So the first vote goes to the 'Friends' ending then. Thank you for commenting :raritywink:

That was very nicely done. Good job!

I vote for love :heart:

also your story is amazing, keep up the good work.


Yay! New pony with a comment! :pinkiehappy: Your avatar is adorable by the way.
So as it stands, one for friends, one for love.

Care to break the tie?

I say redemption and love! Mostly cause I'm a sucker like that mwahahahahahah

They will always be together, mayhaps not together completely at first but they are still in love.


There you are Isaac. Okay, so far it stands at 3 for love, 1 for friends. I'll wait a week, see if anypony else has any votes, then I'll post the first epilogue.


Would you make that 4 votes for love?

I guess the song does say, 'friendship' doesn't it? I'd always viewed it as a break-up from a relationship. I guess that was a little narrow minded of me. :pinkiesad2:

As always great job writing, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.


Not narrow minded at all. You are not the only one who views the song like that--just look at the comments on the vid! Plus that song is filled with enough pain and anguish that it can easily be about a breakup. I just took it as Octavia being 'professional' about the breakup. That, or she didn't want ponies overhearing the fact that she's dating a mare. The scandal! :pinkiegasp:


And what a scandal it would be!

2817355 2822503 2816624 2838494 You all cheated on me, you should feel bad. Very very bad. :ajsleepy:

All joking aside, I said my point before and to be fair this chapter felt pretty weak. I know you said my preferred chain of events were too sad, but I expected at least a little more impact from the entire ordeal. This took place four? days after the last chapter and you just don't patch up a month-long break up in that time. Not even if both of them really want it to, it takes longer than that.

It's a shame for everything else felt really good but for all the emotional build up until now not much of it really got through this time around. I've read the rest so I know you can do it. I would advice you to go back and reconsider things, add a week or two of just getting along before this. Not a lot just something that shows that it ever happened at all.


I was afraid of this. Yeah, I knew this might come across as rushed for some ponies. The reason being is because I don't really consider this a chapter, but more of an epilogue sort of thing. It always bothers me when stories end saying that everything works out, but you never see it. Like Rango. The official movie ends with water bursting from the ground and that's it. Bothered me to no end. The extended ending gives you about a minute or two extra footage showing that the town is okay. That's what I was going for. I didn't want to write another complete chapter about them slowly getting back together because the whole story is about that.

You are right on the time frame though. Only a few days after the fashion show is too short. I meant to change that, but forgot. I'll go back and edit it when it's not 1:30 a.m. here. :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you though for the critique. And for the praise in there as well. I'm certain you'll like the alternate ending more, and I'll try to keep in mind what you said. But it will be a short one shot, just like this one.

2847223 There is nothing inherently wrong with a short epilogue chapter like this one, if you say the right things during it. I see what you were going for, but I think the time stamp on it really removed any form of emotional impact for me.

The chapter is fine as an epilogue, I won't argue with that. I will say that either lessening how forward they are with each other or stretching the time frame will make it much more enjoyable.

I slept on it, and I think I may have come up with a solution. Give me about three or four days to figure it out and then we'll see.

i see a 2k word chapter that needs a password. o.o do want to read.

Oh, is that what un-publish does? I thought it just took the whole thing down. I was thinking over what Quite Quiet said, and I think he, or she, makes a few good points. So I took this chapter down to add and rearrange it a bit. I'll send you the password so you can read this current version though.

I know you dread this answer Zeck: both. you'll mend their friendship, and then you'll launch into a sequel story for all the shipping goodness. oh yes, I've already planeted the bait in your head for your next story. now get to finishing this one :trollestia:

oh, and that counted as two votes. friendship for this one, and :heart: for your next. unless you think you can do both in the same story? I have total confidence in your writing talent and extra nights spent with more writing than you planned.


Yay! A new fan! Nice try, but there are already too many stories in my head. They must be written down soon or I will go insane. :pinkiecrazy:
There won't be a direct sequel to this story, but the events will be referenced in other stories that I write. I'm glad you like it though and that you took the time to vote...even if you did try to cheat with said vote. :ajsmug:

This version both reads and feel much better than the previous did. There's a lot more emotion behind the scene now that we've seen what happened right afterwards and not just later. I'm glad you worked in the initial chapter into the story though since there wasn't anything wrong with it to begin with, just not enough.

Another thing that I really noticed is that the last time I read this, Vinyl didn't quite feel like the same character as you had shown her to be before. There wasn't any real doubt or second guessing at all in how she acted. Now though none of that matters because she feels so much more whole as a character, both of them do. There's motivation and reason behind both their actions now, which is great.
It became quite a bit longer than I imagined, but that's not a bad thing. And you're right I like this ending far, far more than the old one even if they're the same. :twilightblush:

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