• Published 1st May 2014
  • 2,544 Views, 78 Comments

Tears of Fire - Silentpegasus

After a strange Unicorn stallion with a knack for fire magic crash lands on the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight takes him in to help him cope with the horrors he's seen. Will this stallion ignite the flames of passion for the scholar?

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Chapter 4: Party Time

Chapter 4

Party Time

“Okay now open your mouth and say ah.” The grey stallion complied as Nurse Red Heart stuck a tongue depressor in his mouth. Par Twilight’s request, the two stopped by the hospital and Nurse Red Heart was giving Draft a check up and was comparing it to his condition to the night prior. “Seems normal.” Red Heart packed up he medical bag and looked at the stallion. “Odd, last night you looked like you’d been run over by a train.”

“What can I say? I heal fast.”

“Well, just be careful.” The nurse said as the lavender mare and grey stallion left the examination room. The two Unicorns soon made their way back towards the small town and walked down the street to see Big Mac, Storm, Hex and a few other stallions hauling boards, nails, and other construction equipment towards the burnt out building with Mr. and Mrs. Cake standing outside.

“Seriously fellas, you don’t have to do this.” Mr. Cake said as the stallions put the supplies down. “The missus and I will be just fine.”

“Sorry Mr. Cake,” The blue stallion said as his horn glowed and several boards fell into place. “but we take care of our own.”

“You guys have always been there for us.” Storm said as he held the boards in place. “Least we can do is help you guys out when you need it. Ain’t that right Mac?” He asked as the red stallion hammered the nails into place.

“Eeyup.” The red stallion said in a firm tone. Draft watched as more and more towns folk showed up and offered their help.

“Aren’t you gonna help?” Twilight asked.

“If I tried then all their hard work would literally go up in smoke.” The stallion said in a flat tone.


“Things tend to catch on fire when I touch them, which is why I was nervous when I woke up in a building made out of wood and filled with paper.” Twilight raised an eyebrow at the words.

“Right. Speaking of which, where did you learn that magic? I can do a few fire spells myself, but nothing on that level.”

“Runs in the family.” Draft said as he scratched his mane. “So you’re a librarian then?”

“Yeah, I love books.” She said with a wide grin.

“You must be the egg head of your friends right?” The mare frowned at the stallion. “Oh relax, I’m just pushing your buttons.”

“Well, what about you?” She asked in a snooty tone.

“Don’t read books often.” Twilight stopped walking and felt the gears in her brain stop moving. Draft looked at the mare and her face was like one you’d see on an actress, before she gets violently murdered by the masked killer in one of those cheap slasher flicks.

“What? Why? Books are amazing.”

“Things tend to burst into flames when I touch them, and it’s kinda boring for me to stand still for too long.” Twilight rolled her eyes at the words. “So what can you tell me about this town?”

“Not much; relatively small, everypony’s friendly.” She grinned. “Where are you from?”

“Manehattan. Rough neighborhood, but we look out for each other.”

“Why’d you leave?” The stallion shrugged.

“Kinda on vacation.” The two then saw a familiar white Unicorn with a purple curly mane. In her telekinetic grip were several different paint designs. Twilight waved her over and smiled.

“Hey Rarity,” Twilight then noticed the paint designs. “what’cha got there?”

“Well, since they’re rebuilding Sugar Cube Corner, I decided to lend my expertise by providing the colors.” The fashionista then showed the different colored paint. “I just need to double check the colors with the Cakes, they said that they wanted the same color scheme as the last one.” She said with a hint of disappointment.

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Draft asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“I suppose, but there’s nothing wrong with making improvements.” She said in a confident tone.

“Right. Sorry about the whole ‘criminal scum’ thing earlier.” He said as he rubbed his fire like mane. “Ponies touching my stuff without my permission get’s on my nerves.”

“Oh I’m the same way when someone moves things around in my inspiration room.” Rarity grumbled as she thought of all the times when her sister and her two friends blew through her home like a chaotic hurricane that would impress Discord.

“You an artist?” The stallion asked as he walked with the two mares. Rarity chuckled at the words.

“I suppose I am. I design and create ensembles for ponies who are in need of fashionable attires.” Her tone was filled with pride.

“You’re a tailor then?” She gave a nod. “Forgive me, but we’ve never officially met.” Draft outstretched his hoof. “Backdraft Inferno.” The mare shook it with a smile on her face.

“Rarity, and I do apologize for my words concerning your gem. It’s just that I’ve never seen one up close so I got a bit ahead of myself.” She said with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. “No harm done I suppose. Ta ta~” The mare deviated and got back on course towards the construction zone.

“So how long do you intend to say in Ponyville for?” Twilight asked as she looked at the ash colored stallion.

“Don’t know. I still owe you for saving my flank.”

“Oh you don’t have to do anything like that. I was happy to help.” She smiled.

“Nope.” Draft shook his head at the words. “I always pay my debts and I owe you a lot.” He smiled as his stomach growled. “Heh, sorry. I guess I forgot about breakfast, know a place for a stallion to eat?”

“Normally there’s Sugar Cube Corner, but since that’s under construction we can head back to the library.” The lavender mare took the lead and made her way back to the treehouse.

“Um Twilight, no offense but I can eat fire, not paper.”

“Spike can cook.”

“The dragon?” The lavender mare gave a nod. “I’ve been meaning to ask, how’d you get a dragon anyway?”

“Well, it all started when I was a filly. I was young, gifted with magic and-” Draft held up a hoof, cutting the mare off.

“Short version please. I have a very short attention span. Nothing personal.” Twilight frowned and sighed.

“I messed up a spell while trying to pass an exam and poof, I turned a baby dragon into a fifty foot monster. Thankfully Princess Celestia came by and turned Spike back to normal and he’s been my assistant ever since.” Draft raised an eyebrow.

“Wait, THE Princess Celestia helped you out?”

“Yup, I am her personal student after all.” Draft’s eye twitched at the words.

“Didn’t know you were so well connected.” The two made their way inside the tree house and saw the baby dragon reading one of his comic books.

“Hey Spike.” Twilight smiled. The dragon looked up from his book and saw the two Unicorns.

“Hey Twilight.” The dragon smiled getting to his feet. “Want some dinner?”

“Yes, and prepare some for Draft here.”

“Sure.” The dragon quickly went into the kitchen.

“Do you need any-”

“Nope!” He quickly dashed the mare’s attempt aside. “I don’t want to have to put out another kitchen fire.” The mare scowled as the stallion chuckled.

“I take it culinary arts is not your forte?”

“I’m not that-”

“She burned soup.” Spike said from the kitchen.

“That doesn’t seem physically possible.” Twilight just growled at the words as she walked over and found a book to read. Draft went over to Spike’s comic book and gave it a glance.

“What’s that for?”

“Eh, like the pictures and I like to compare the older X-Mares to the new ones.”

“Old ones are better!” Spike yelled.

“Thank you! Finally somepony...er some dragon that respects the classics.” Twilight face-hoofed at the conversation they were having.

“How old are you?” She glanced over at the stallion.

“Physically, twenty-five. Mentally, I’d say somewhere between sixteen and eighteen.” He chuckled. Twilight rolled her eyes and grunted at the response. “What’s the point of being an adult if you can’t be childish every once in a while?” Spike quickly made them some cooked vegetables and served himself a side of gem stones. The meal was spent in silence until Spike decided to speak up.

“So draft, what do you do?” The grey stallion swallowed the veggies in his mouth before answering.

“Well, back in Manhattan I was a fire pony.”

“So that’s why you rushed into that fire?” Twilight asked.

“No, I was just looking out for some civilians. You’re telling me you wouldn’t do the same thing?” Twilight went to speak up, but closed her mouth. She could have helped put out the fire in some way. The lavender mare looked at the ground. “It’s okay I’m not trying to guilt trip you or anything. I know better than anypony how scary a fire can be.”

“Well, it’s a noble profession.”Twilight stated. “Why’d you decide to do it?”

“Dad did it, his dad and his dad. Stuff like that runs in the family.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“But isn’t your magic fire magic?” Spike pointed out.

“My fire eats other fire.” There was a knock on the front door and Spike got up to get it. He opened the wooden door to see the five mares along with Hex and Storm. Twilight quickly rose to her hooves and walked over to the group. A wave of guilt soon washed over her as she saw Applejack and Hex. The lavender mare immediately shifted her attention to Pinkie Pie who was out of her bandages.

“How are you feeling Pinkie?”

“I’ma all better!” The pink mare reached into her mane and pulled out a light blue cannon and pressed the button on the back. Streamers and balloons erupted from the end and decorated the library in many streamers and confetti. “Now let’s party!” Draft crawled out from under the tableland walked up beside Spike with a confused look on his face.

“Where was she keeping that thing?”

“It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.” Spike said in a serious tone. Soon more ponies from the town funneled into the small library and they started conversing with one another. Draft properly introduced himself to Mac and the rest of the stallions. A little while later a cream colored stallion with a grey mane and mustache walked up to Draft with two other ponies beside him. One was a bright red unicorn that had a short brown mane and the other was a blue pegasus mare with a purple mane. Draft remembered them from the fire.

“So you’re the stallion that ran into the fire?”

“Correct and you are?”

“Sorry where are my manners? Name’s Smokey. I’m the lieutenant of the local fire department. This here’s my son Crimson and our probationary are pony, Misty.” Draft bit his lip and looked at the trio. “Thanks for your help.”

“No problem and it looked like you needed it.” The chief looked at him in surprise.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He said in a defensive tone.

“How far away is your fire house from that shop?” He asked in a bland tone.

“Three blocks.” Misty answered unsure of where he was going with it.

“Right, and it took you over ten minutes to gear up and get to the fire.” Draft frowned. “If I hadn’t been there then Pinky and the foals would have been burned to a crisp. You lot could set a record for worlds slowest response time.” He started to clap his front hooves slowly. A vein could be seen on Smokey’s forehead.

“And who are you to judge us?” Misty hissed.

“Oh you know, a real fire pony.”

“What division?” Crimson asked.

“Manehattan, division thirteen.” That made Misty pause and rub her chin as she ran the name through her mind.

“Never heard of-“

“Lt. He’s a Hell Trotter.” The two stallions looked at the mare and then back at Draft. “My cousin is a fire pony in Manehattan. He told me that Division thirteen has the fastest response times and has the longest running house out of any other in the city.”

“Correct.” Draft smirked. “That fire today was a normal Tuesday afternoon for someone like me.”

“Bull,” Smokey said. “prove it.” Draft got to his hooves and parted the fur on his front left leg to reveal a jagged scar running along the length of his leg.

“That is from a window I had to break on the third floor of an apartment building to get a mare and three foals out. Stung like Tartarus.” He then parted the fur near his right shoulder. “That is from when the floor collapsed underneath me and fell three stories. Landed on a piece of rebar and stabbed me through the shoulder. Those were the least painful ones too. Wounds that real fire ponies get.”

“You smug-“

“That’s enough.” A gruff voice said from behind Smokey. A tall red earth pony stallion made his way up to the group. The stallion had a faded brown mane and tail. “This is a part gentlecolts. Let’s not spoil it.”

“But chief, he was badmouthing our house.” Smokey stated.

“As he should. That response was pitiful.” The older stallion stated as he glared at Smokey. “I take one day off in years and my favorite shop burns to the ground.” Smokey huffed and walked away from the group. “Still, you need to understand that this is a small town. We’re not used to that type of action.”

“That’s not an excuse.” Draft stated.

“Didn’t say it was, just a fact.” He held out his hoof. “I’m Garnet. I’m the chief of the local fire house. Thanks for your help.” Draft shook his hoof. “So you’re from Manehattan eh? Tell me, do you know an older stallion named Viridian?”

“Green coat, brown mane and a pole shoved so far up his flank you can see it overtime he talks?”

“That’s him,” Garnet chuckled. “I take it he hasn’t changed much?”

“Nope. Last I heard he was transferred to headquarters and has been chained to a desk.” Garnet laughed at the news.

“Serves him right. Anyway if you ever feel like coming down to the house you’re welcome to.”

“I might just do that.” Draft bid the fire ponies farewell as Twilight walked up to him.

“Making some friends?” She asked.

“Maybe, I was just chatting with the chief.”

“About what?” Draft raised an eyebrow at the lavender mare.

“Sorry, sort of a code we fire ponies have. We don’t talk to civilians about the job.” Twilight was confused by the answer.

“Why not?”

“It’s just an unspoken rule.” He shrugged. “Anyway, do you know a cheap inn I could stay at? I don’t exactly have a lot of money.” He said sheepishly.

“You can hold up here for a while.” She said the words without thinking at first and a small blush rose to her face.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a pain or anything.”

“I-It’s no trouble. I don’t mind if a friend stays for a little while.” Draft smiled.

“Well, thank you Twilight. I appreciate it and as soon as I find some income I’ll help pay back what I owe.” He said with a smile. Twilight returned the gesture. As time passed the herd of ponies thinned and returned to their homes for the night. Draft made his way upstairs and laid down in the guest room’s bed before falling asleep.

Author's Note:

Wow it had been LONG since I updated this story. So sorry for the delay other projects and real life have constantly been getting int he way and I've been prioritizing my more popular and newer fics over this one.
I'm so sorry!

Comments ( 14 )

What about the other stories that are incomplete?

The dead shall rise again

its cool for delays bro. College and work got me backed up! Still trying to finish a chapter in story from like almost a year ago.

It lives! But for real the reason for delays is understandable, I'm just happy you came back to this series

No worries about anything, this thing is still on my Tracking list.

*whistle* It's been a long ass time since this one has popped up on my list. There are so many stories that haven't seen the light of day for years, especially the stories that are completely pony and not the stories where everyone is a human or anthro.

Hell, it's bout time this story got an update.
- The Emperor Protects.

So this story isn't getting an update anytime soon is it?

Please make more I understand if you are still weighting but I really like this story:rainbowdetermined2:

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