• Published 1st May 2014
  • 2,544 Views, 78 Comments

Tears of Fire - Silentpegasus

After a strange Unicorn stallion with a knack for fire magic crash lands on the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight takes him in to help him cope with the horrors he's seen. Will this stallion ignite the flames of passion for the scholar?

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Chapter 1: The Blue Star

Tears of Fire

Chapter 1

The Blue Star

Lonely. That was the only accurate word to describe the purple Unicorn mare as of late. Since the incident between herself and Hex, Twilight Sparkle spent most of her days cooped up in her library. She would venture out to have a very brief chat with one of her friends or to buy supplies. Even though the orange farmer and blue performer had forgiven her. Twilight’s mind was still riddled with guilt at the betrayal of one of her closest friends.

The small dragon constantly kept watch over the mare, praying that she’d turn back to her old book smart, happy self. Even though she smiled, Spike knew that beneath the mask she was hurting. No words of comfort could be offered by the number one assistant. The mare sat alone in her room at her desk with only ‘The Fundamentals of Magical Physics’ for company.

Twilight sat by the candle light trying to focus on the book, but felt her mind drift back to the kiss she had stolen from the blue stallion. The look of pure anger on the farmer’s face and the overwhelming guilt that she had wrestled with from that day on. The mare let out a sigh, making sure to blow the candle out before putting the book back. The mare laid down in her bed and stared out the window. She felt small tears form in her eyes as she buried her head in her pillow.

Oh Celestia, why? Why did I do that? I knew he was with Applejack and I still-. Her train of thought was cut short as something bright caught her eye in the distance. The mare wiped the tears from her eyes and saw what looked like a comet. A shooting star? No, and it’s too small to be an asteroid. She thought to herself. As the object collided with the ground, Twilight saw that it landed just on the outskirts of the Everfree forest. Hastily, the mare jumped out of bed and ran out of the library towards the crash site.

The cold outside air whipped at the mare’s exposed fur. She felt the small amount of frost on the ground bite at her hooves. The mare panted as she raced towards the dark forest. As the scholar made it past the tree line she saw several burnt trees fallen over in a row.

Twilight could smell the smoke from the fallen object and gave a cough as she felt the smoke fill her lungs. She reached the edge of the small crater and looked down. She could make out the shape of a medium sized object. Twilight saw a massive flash of blue flames encircle the object and a loud scream coming from the flames. The lavender mare saw the flames die down and an object slump in the center of the crater.

The mare’s horn glowed and the smoke soon cleared and revealed a pitch black object. Twilight gasped as she saw that the object was a black Unicorn stallion with a light blue mane and tail. Twilight also noticed that his mane and tail seemed to be moving like it was pure fire. A groan of pain then escaped the stallion’s lips. Twilight rushed over to him and felt the temperature significantly rise.

“Are you okay?” Twilight called out. No response came from the stallion. As she put a hoof on his coat she immediately retracted her hoof in pain. She looked down and saw that her hoof looked like it had been burned during one of her many failed cooking attempts.

The mare fought through the pain and levitated the stallion as she teleported them both back to the library. The sudden burst of magic woke the baby dragon from his slumber.

“Huh? What? I’m up!” He yelled. Spike then noticed the stallion laying in front of the exhausted purple Unicorn. “Twilight! What happened? Who’s that?” He yelled as he ran towards the librarian.

“I don’t know who he is Spike. I saw him fall from the sky and-” The dragon then saw the mare’s burnt hoof.

“Did he hurt you?” He asked as he quickly got some bandages.

“No....yes...I don’t know. When I tried to jostle him awake I got burned.” She said as the dragon wrapped her hoof with an ice pack. “Thanks Spike. Now we have to work on him. Think you could look him over?”

The dragon nodded and got closer to the unconscious stallion. Spike put a claw on the black Unicorn’s shoulder and felt the heat starting to bite at his nerves. The heat was just slightly cooler than when he went lava diving during the great dragon migration.

“Maybe we should call a doctor?”

“Good idea. We can-” The mare was cut off as the heat in the room rose. The lavender mare looked in shock to see that the wooden floor boards had caught fire. The dragon quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and the bright blue flames were put out. The lavender mare then put the stallion in a magic bubble. Making sure to separate him from any wooden surface.

“What in the name of Celestia was that?” Spike asked.

“I’m not sure. You go get Red Heart. I’ll stay here and keep an eye on him.” The dragon nodded and quickly ran out of the door towards the hospital. Twilight turned her attention back to the stallion who was still unconscious. “Who and what are you?” She said to the stallion.

Twilight waited for a good forty-five minutes until the door burst open to show the dragon and the white Earth Pony mare with a medical bag on her back. Her disheveled pink mane that was usually tied in a bun and accompanied by the bags under her eyes showed signs of pure exhaustion.

“This had better be good Twilight. I don’t like making house calls at two in the morning. Especially on my day off.” The mare said in an annoyed tone.

“Sorry Red Heart, but I found an injured stallion and I can’t treat him.” Twilight said as she looked at the stallion inside the bubble.

“Mind telling me why he’s in that thing?”

“It’s a magic proof bubble and he’s too hot.” Twilight said. The white nurse looked at the mare in confusion.

“Okay, so what if he’s attractive? That doesn’t-”

“That’s not what I meant!” She said as she face hoofed. “He’s literally too hot to touch. He’s in there because he almost set the library on fire while we tried to examine him.”

“I see. Well, open it up I’m going in.” She said as she picked up her bag between her teeth. Twilight nodded and made an opening in front of the mare. As she took a step inside, the nurse felt as though she had stepped into a volcano. The mare quickly retreated and started to pant. “I can’t...examine him...like this...too hot.” She said as she caught her breath.

Spike thought for a moment and an idea struck him. Spike quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and pointed it into the opening. The dragon squeezed the trigger and the white foam hit the stallion making his mane return to normal and the heat seemed to vanish.

“Great idea Spike.” Twilight said as the dragon threw the empty extinguisher to the side. Red Heart let out a sigh and trotted up to the stallion who was still giving off some residual heat. The white mare then saw that the stallion had several fresh cuts and bruises strewn across his body. The nurse put a thermometer in his mouth only to have the red liquid immediately jump to the top and started to melt the glass.

“How is that even possible?” Twilight yelled as she looked at the burnt thermometer.

“I don’t know Twilight. Judging from his injuries he’s been through a lot and I’m scared to move him. Can he stay here?” She asked.

“Sure, let me just go fire proof the guest room.” Twilight said as she trotted off. The white mare looked at the dragon and let out a sigh.

“How is she Spike? You know, since the whole Hex thing?” The nurse had heard of what happened between the two Unicorns from idle gossip around town.

“Don’t know. She doesn’t even talk to me about it. I want to help her, but I don’t know how.” He said in a defeated tone. The nurse put a hoof on his shoulder and gave him a nod. “I just feel so....useless.” He said in a defeated tone.

“Just be there for her Spike. She’ll come around.” The nurse said with a smile as Twilight returned.

“Okay the room is all set.”

“Good I’ll check back in the morning.” The mare looked at the nurse as she turned to leave. “Be careful. We don’t know anything about him.”

“Sure thing Red Heart.” Twilight said as she closed the door. The lavender mare levitated the stallion onto her back and realized that he wasn’t as hot as before. The mare’s horn flared and she teleported them both inside the guest room. She laid the stallion on the bed and covered him. The lavender mare pulled up a chair and sat on it watching the stallion. Twilight soon felt fatigue take her and she fell asleep in the chair.

Author's Note:

New Twilight fic. Hope you all like it.