• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 4,538 Views, 36 Comments

I love you, idiot! - MrShortcake

Once again, Spike is rejected by Rarity, and decides to head to his dear friend Scootaloo with his problems. Too bad she has some problems with that.

  • ...

Yeah, he's cool like that

"Dammit Scootaloo... why'd you have to go running off like that?" Spike muttered to himself as he made his way through the dark forest. It was a few hours from night fall, and the Everfree forest, wasn't exactly where he'd like to be.

As he jumped over a fallen tree stump, Spike couldn't help but think about what had happened about an hour prior to his trip into the forest.

I never knew Scoots felt that way about me... why, though? Scoots is pretty enough to get, like, any guy she wanted, and I heard that a few guys are into her. So why me?

As Spike ventured deeper into the Everfree, he'd eventually lost where the scream had originated from. He was glad that it hadn't been too long; he didn't want to think of what could cause Scootaloo to scream like that.

Just as he had forgotten, he was reminded by yet another shrill scream that echoed throughout the forest, "HELP!"

The scream was dangerously close this time, and so he began to sprint t it's source.

It would seem his fear had been well placed; across from him lay a scratched up, bruised, and sobbing Scootaloo being backed into a tree by a good five Timberwolves.

"I saw her running to the Everfree, Twi, what if she get's hurt?"

"You're not going to let her get hurt though, are you Spike?"

"No. I'm not." He whispered to himself. Scootaloo has always been there for him when he's needed her, and it was his turn to return the favor.

Unsheathing his sword, Spike jumped out of the bush, revealing himself to, and distracting the hungry wolves. They weren't going to hurt her anymore.

"Scootaloo," He turned his head to acknowledge the broken girl who was still shaking in fear, "Run."

Without waiting for her to react, Spike threw himself at the Alpha wolf, knowing that taking down the Alpha would discourage the others from attacking.

As he and the wolf charged one another, Spike quickly drew his sword from the sheath, parrying a swing of the wolf's wooden paw, and smashing the hilt of his sword into it's cranium. It didn't hurt the wolf as much as he'd hoped, and he was quickly sliced by the wolf's razor sharp nails, leaving a gash on his chest.

Instead of staggering, Spike quickly jumped back as the other wolves advanced, turning to Scootaloo as he did so, "I SAID RUN!" He shouted, charging at the wolves once more.

As much as Scootaloo didn't want to leave, she couldn't stand there helplessly any longer, he was trying to save her, so she did her part and limped away, grimacing as blood poured from her left thigh.

Spike had managed to catch the alpha off guard with his quick advance, and quickly jammed the blade of his sword through it's skull, pulling back and shattering the wolf with a kick to it's chest.

As he went to roll away, another wolf managed to get a hit in, slicing his left arm, causing Spike to scream in pain.

Unfortunately for the wolf, Spike was one of the very few dragon-born in the area, and so he was capable of breathing fire. Wood is quite flammable, in case you were wondering.

Spike was operating on nothing but adrenaline, his muscles were tight, and strained. His breaths, short and rapid.

Any sane person would give up and run, too bad for him running could lead to the wolves finding Scootaloo before she was safe. If he had to die here, then he would; he couldn't live if he was the reason his friend was killed.

He was such a coward.

Scootaloo limped out of the forest, broken both physically and emotionally. Her clothes were soaked in her own blood, which she had lost far too much of to be considered okay.

The last things she saw were Applebloom running towards her, and the ground.

Numb. He was completely numb. In front of him lay piles of burnt sticks, and a pool of his own blood.

He chuckled emptily, and began limping back home.

Heh. I did it.

He didn't even remember getting to the barn in Sweet Apple Acres as everything went black.

Beeping. All he could hear was this damn annoying beeping sound.

Crap... what is that sound?

He groaned as he blinked his eyes open. He was met with a blinding light, he quickly squeezed his eyes shut and groaned yet again.

Did I fall asleep or something? Oh crap, am I dead?

"He's waking up, everybody, be quiet!" That had to be Twilight's voice.

"Where am I?" Spike asked, moving his arm to rub his eyes as he began to sit up... only to be met with a sharp pain from... everywhere.

"You're in the hospital, darling. We had heard what had happened from Scootaloo, and I must say that was rather selfless of you to do Spikey. You could've died!" Typical Rarity, Spike chuckled at this.

As he opened his eyes for real this time, he was greeted by all of his friends, including Scootaloo, who was covered in bandages and stood on crutches.

"You saved my life Spike... why?" Scootaloo asked sadly, which confused the boy.

"Do I... need a reason?" Spike asked weakly, locking eyes with Scootaloo.

"Maybe." She answered weakly.

"Well... you were in trouble... and you're kind of always there for me, so I couldn't leave you hanging." Spike grinned, he was glad she was alright.

"Spike." She mouthed, tears flowing once more as she made her way to his bedside.

Sensing that this was more of a private moment, Twilight led the others out of the room.

"You're an idiot." She teased, resting her head on the good side of his chest, being sure not to cause him any more pain.

"Yeah, I am... you know Scootaloo, I've been thinking," Spike paused as he felt her tense against him, "about us." He clarified, pausing to see if she would reply.

"...And?" She asked, afraid of what his answer might be.

Instead of answering Spike sat up, using his right arm, he lifted her chin so that he could look her in the eyes.

"Spike?..." Scootaloo had felt herself being lost in his eyes, as the world came to a still.

Spike smiled lightly as he leaned into her, finding her wide eyes to be nothing short of adorable, "I'm willing to give it a shot."

With that he pressed his lips against her own, causing the girl to internally scream in surprise.

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! He's kissing me!

Scootaloo pressed into the kiss, moving her lips in sync with his own.

After a minute or so, they parted and Scootaloo rested her head against his chest once more, only this time he wrapped an arm around her.

"You know you're like my hero now, right?" She teased.

"Yeah, totally." He chuckled, whilst grinning like an idiot.

"So we're together now, right?" She asked, unable to contain her joy.

"Yeah, totally." With his reply, they giggled in unison. Actually, Spike chuckled in an incredibly manly way.

"So, what now?" Scootaloo asked, still smiling.

"I have no idea."

Author's Note:

I actually hadn't anticipated anybody 'enjoying' this story, but since y'all does, here's the final chapter! ^w^

Comments ( 27 )

Very good! Glad you posted the 2nd chapter quickly! :pinkiesmile:

A nice and simple story. Good work dude.:moustache::heart::scootangel:

4275215 Hey, fancy seeing you here, and thanks x3
I'm still a total noob at writing, I'm more of a gamer than anything ^^

This was a great story for getting a feel for ones style. I think you might have a talent for writing battles. I would love to see you do another story (about Spike of course in my opinion lol) With more battles and maybe more of a build up to the pairing or even seeing after they get together would be nice. So overall good job, I can't wait to see more of your work. You have me in your corner if you even need it.:moustache:

4275271 I do enjoy some good bloodshed. Also, I know the only way to get better is to continually practice, which is what I plan to do :3

I've always found writing to be fun, and I'd love nothing more than to become a better author. In short, be expecting more short stories as my practice, and junk.

4275390 K can't wait. if I can make a plea try doing some non standard shippings for Spike. It will make your stories stand out even more from the others as well as give you more space to play around with some characters that don't fully flushed out backstories and personalities. (not to mention it would be nice to have some new works for the Spike Rare Shipping group lol):moustache::pinkiehappy:

4275435 Hells yeah, rare ships are awesome. I mean, I've only seen one Spike x Flitter fic, ever, and I've only come across a few other ships with Spike, and a background character, so I'll does a did dun did it! (I don't think that last part was even English x3)

Thanks for the feels, please send more :raritystarry:
I like the idea you had for the intensity of the situation. It makes it a bit easier to get past the shortness and directness of this story. It gives it the feeling of the characters being real people (ponies) who are perfectly capable of making decisions without needing to make lists.
Which in Twi's case would be the opposite, should you decide to ship her in the future.
So please, if you consider yourself a n00b, then keep the n00b ideas coming :raritywink: this was a lot less cheesy and fluffy than I thought it would be, but it was so sweet XD.


It needs a bit of tweaking here and there, and the pacing's a bit off at times.

Still, shit was pretty cash.

4278442 Like I've said, I'm still new to the whole writing scene, so I've had... problems.

Very nice short story. I quite enjoyed it. It really had everything I could have asked for: Romance, Action, Suspense, Feeling, and a Happy Ending! Excellent job and keep up the good work! :D

Very nice fic you got here, and that means a lot coming from me since I despise humanized ponies and/or humans in general in mlp stories.

4280619 Oh stahp it, you're makin me blush ^///^
4281745 Thx sexy face, it does mean a lot to me :3

As a matter of fact, I'd like to thank everybody here --downvotes included-- for taking a look at my story. It kinda gives me confidence to keep writing, and improving C:

I normally steer WAY clear of humanized stuff outside of one story. Scootaloo stuff though seems to be a weakness of mine. This was a rather cute story. You need a sequel though. Anything shipped with Scoots is way too adorable to leave as a one-off. :heart:

It was a little fast but I do rather like your characterization. And that ending was brilliant :yay:

this was cool, i'd ask for more but i'm not entirely sure what more you could put in here!

*WARNING*DEATH BY DAWW HAS OCCURED.NOTIFY THE AUTHORITIES.* :moustache:x:scootangel: is best ship!

Found a typo,

The scream was dangerously close this time, and so he began to sprint t it's source.

You forgot the "o" in "to".

Other than that, this was a great story! I really enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

pretty good work mate.
have you considered a sequel because I can edit for you.
rating 8/10
few errors here and there but good overall and very cute.
Panzer 5 "Panther" tank and a cake.

4523350 Thanks dude, and I'm sure you're just being generous with that rating. As far as a sequel goes, I'll be sure to let ya know because I am lacking an editor.

4527685 I ain't being generous with the rating mate.

I have no idea

Do you mind if I add it to my Scootapike group I started

4770548 You don't have to ask for permission o3o
(If you wanna add it, then go ahead)

Can u please make a 3rd chapter about what happens in the future

Cute and adorable

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