• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 6,876 Views, 407 Comments

Sideboard of Harmony - FanOfMostEverything

Because ponies and card games are too much fun to confine to a single story.

  • ...

Luna, See?

After a thousand years of madness and isolation, the dullest, most prosaic events are as manna from heaven. (Miraculous food, not magical energy. Note the double "n".) However, after months of overseeing the mundane minutae of the Night Court, Luna caught herself longing for airless silence and austere craterscapes.

This night, some nine months after Luna's purification, was proving especially arduous. As far as she could tell, the stallion Practical Problem had devised an ingenious device that had revolutionized wheat farming. His employer, one Corporate Ladder, claimed ownership of the invention and all revenue therefrom. Problem insisted that he had designed it in his own time. Ladder cited a vaguely worded contract more insidious than anything the denizens of Tartarus could scribe.

And so it went, save that the two earth stallions apparently had to hire other ponies to make their cases for them. Ladder was championed by Escape Clause, an unctuous unicorn who Luna distrusted the moment she saw him. On the other side, Ethical Problem spoke for his brother with a conviction at odds with his name. The two stood at tables placed before Luna's throne of silver and black granite, talking incessantly, trampling over one another's sentences, and pausing only to catch their breath.

Blessed deliverance came in the form of Trixie, who scampered in from a side door of the throne room. "Um, Your Highness?"

"Ahem." Escape Clause drew himself up into an indignant heap of self-importance. "This is most irregular. I move that this mare be removed from the courtroom or—"

"She is Princess." Ethical Problem smirked. "Ah'm sure she's got more t' worry about 'n this li'l spat."

"Nevertheless, we must observe proper court protocol, or this entire trial will be naught but a farce."

"It'd already be a farce if it was any funny!" spat Ethical.

Escape sneered. "Well find me a cream pie and I'm sure I can meet your high standards."

The room went silent. Everypony stared at the unicorn, expressions ranging from the Problem brothers' baleful glares to Luna's quirked eyebrow to Corporate Ladder's naked horror.

"Ah'm gonna put that down t' ignorance," Ethical said slowly, "but next time Ah'll be treatin' it as threatenin' assault."

Whatever Escape Clause thought of this was cut off by Luna. "ORDER!" She slammed her hoof against the arm of her throne, neither needing nor wanting a gavel. "We have been appraised of new information, and thus We shall dispense Our judgement!"

All four stallions boggled at the news. Escape Clause recovered first. "B-but, Your Highness! We haven't even moved to closing arguments!"

Luna smirked. "Oh, but we have. Hear ye the only closing argument that matters: Ours."

Escape could feel protocol, precedent, and years of legal experience fall out from under him, along with the bottom of his stomach. "But," he sputtered, "but you can't do that!" He covered his mouth, wide-eyed and trembling.

The princess's grin only grew. "If We could not, thou wouldst not have asked Us to judge this dispute." She turned to Clause's client. "Corporate Ladder. Thou hast the dignity of a jackal, the tact of a rhinocerous, the morals of a cat, the—"

"Princess!" hissed Trixie. "Modern diction! I don't think he knows he's being insulted."

Luna blinked. "Truly?" she murmured. "How would you put it, my student?"

Trixie told her. The moon princess nodded and smiled. "Elegant in beauty and message alike. Very well!" The last two words were said at full blast, throwing Trixie back a few feet and making the stallions jump. "Corporate Ladder, thou art a greedy oaf who hast likely spent more in legal fees than thou wouldst have earned in royalties. Thou hast no more ownership of aught thy employee creates in his own time than my sister does her pet's plumage. We find in favor of the defendant." Again she slammed her hoof. "Dismissed!"

"Wha..." Corporate Ladder stood stunned for a moment, but soon grew livid with rage. "Why you disrespectful—"

Escape Clause put a leg over his client's withers. "Mr. Ladder, may I advise you—"

Corporate shrugged it off and stalked towards the throne. "Nopony talks to me like that! I could buy and sell this whole crummy palace ten times over! Who in Tartarus do you think you are?"

The other ponies in the room, their self-preservation stronger than their egos, tensed. Escape Clause crept away from the expected blast radius as quickly as he dared, which wasn't very. All braced themselves to witness the wages of mortal hubris, to feel divine wrath crash down like a meteor storm, to hear the invocation of honors and titles long forgotten to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the land.

Instead, Luna gave a small smile and a pleased "I am on break." With that, she vanished in a flash of negative brightness.

Witching Hour, Champion of the Moon and bailiff of the Night Court, stirred himself from the throne's left hoof and began herding out the petitioners. "All right, folks. Show's over. Nothing more to see." He backed up his words with a slowly advancing wall of force.

"You think that's it?" railed Corporate Ladder. "I'll sue for libel! Corruption! Emotional damage!" Froth flew from his lips as he pressed his muzzle against the barrier. "I'll bankrupt this whole damn country if I have to!"

Escape Clause tried his best to drown out the ongoing rant. "My client is speaking while in a state of extreme passion and bears no ill will towards either diarch or the government of Equestria as a whole. Any comments he makes are—"

The doors slammed in their faces. Witching Hour wiped his brow. "Ugh. Worse than barnacles." He blinked as he realized the population of the room was still twice what he expected. He nodded at the Problem brothers. "Huh. Still here, then?"

Practical smirked. "Y' didn't fill th' room. We jus' walked t' th' side."

Witching gave his own smirk. "You're the first ponies to notice. I'm sure you can figure out why."

"Well, if that barrier's airtight, y'd be pushin' all th' air in that part o' th' room, which'd be quite a load." Practical's expression softened to a grin. "Also, Ah reckon y' wanted t' see if anypony'd notice."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, pistons and samoflanges and such. Why are you still here? Her Highness is long gone."

"An' you'd be?" asked Ethical.

"Trixie Hobbitses, Princess Luna's personal student." Trixie shamelessly puffed out her chest. She'd earned this pride.

Practical considered the vacant silver throne. "So she ain't jus' invisible?"

Trixie shook her head. "No, that was a teleport. And a big one at that."

"How can y' tell?"

"Um..." Trixie could almost feel her ego deflate. "I'm... not sure if I can explain to a non-unicorn." She held up a hoof. "Not because of any tribalist horseapples! There's just some feelings I don't really have words for."

Practical snorted. "Ah've studied magical theory, an' it ain't near as complicated as what me or my brother do fer a livin'. Try yer best, filly. We'll fill in the blanks."

"You'll fill in the blanks," countered Ethical. "Ah know when Ah'm outta mah jurisdiction."

"Well, okay. Let me just organize my thoughts a little." Trixie sat and pondered for a brief time. "Okay, so a teleport works by making a sort of tunnel between two points and going through it before it collapses."

"A wormhole. Or a Gedankenexperiment-Rosehips Bridge, if'n y' wanna get technical." Practical pursed his lips in thought. "Now, there's bound t' be some kinda ætheric distortion as that thing closes back up. Ah'm guessin' yer horn lets ya feel it?"

Trixie nodded. "Exactly. It's like a tug in the direction the pony went. More distance makes a stronger pull."

"So how strong was this'n?"

"It..." Trixie faltered. After a few false starts, she shook her head. "See, this is the part I wasn't sure I could explain. It was like... like something was trying to use my horn as a drinking straw to suck out my brain."

Ethical gave a low whistle. "An' how far'd the princess have t' go fer a feelin' like that?"

"Several dozen miles." Trixie looked at the ceiling. "Straight up."

Luna smiled, the wind whipping through her coat, her astral mane and tail streaming above her as they yielded to more mundane winds. There was something incredibly relaxing about freefall. The concerns of one pony, even a pony responsible for moving the moon, seemed far less pressing when that pony felt weightless.

Still, she hadn't sent herself into the thermosphere just to get a breath of fresh air. As Trixie had reminded her, the day of the vernal equinox had technically begun. This day, the night would yield majority to the day. And for the sovereign of the night, that meant a symbolic day of rest from midnight to midnight, the first Black Sabbath in a thousand years. Before Luna's return, Equestria had all but forgotten it, save for one.

Alas, Luna had still been reconciling the return and apparent reformation of her darker self when last summer had turned to autumn. Celestia would have to wait until next year for her noon-to-noon White Sabbath. Still, Tia had made it clear that after a millennium with none, one more year spent going without was a small price to pay for the opportunity's return and all it meant.

A familiar mental itch interrupted Luna's woolgathering. It was one she'd not felt for a long time. Half-buried memories unearthed themselves, scenes of droning, ominous chants reaching their climax as obsidian blades were raised high before plunging into—

Luna shook herself and forced down the feelings that came with the old recollection. Guilt and regret would do her no good unless she actually did something with them, something to repent for their source. She looked down upon the living tapestry of Equestria, trying to track the tickle to its source. Neigh, sources.

At first, Luna thought the strongest pull came from Canterlot itself. She frowned, dread and indignity welling up in her breast. The city was so old, so complex, so built upon itself that the only sure way to deal with the problem would be orbital bombardment.

Thankfully, further descent saw the signal shift. Luna's destination was not the Canterhorn, but close by in the Everfree Forest. She made the slightest of wing movements, steering herself towards the wood. She couldn't help but smile as air began to burn around her. The light of her descent would make a fine banneret, announcing her approach with a flag of fire.

A shooting star blazed above the clearing, matching the zeal of the robed ponies gathered there. Only the light of a solitary torch dared stand before the countless stars and waxing moon. Though the cultists stood in three orderly rows, the area buzzed with their barely restrained anticipation.

Sinister Will smiled, the torchlight giving his features a fiendish cast. "Tonight, brethren," he called, "tonight the true queen of Equestria will reclaim her rightful throne. Tonight, the last desperate ploy of the Sun Tyrant will collapse around her! For months, our queen has been feigning obeisance to her depraved sister. In her foolishness, Celestia has given our queen her full trust.

"Now the Black Sabbath, spoken of only in the most ancient texts, is upon us. Now the Nightmare shall once more slip her bonds, and then she shall slip within our midst, that she might smite the mares who dared to stand against her. They will learn the consequences of hubris!"

This was met with cheers, stomps, and ebullient whinnies, but these were silenced when Sinister Will raised a hoof. "But," he intoned, "she will need our aid." He let that stew in the herd for a moment. Us? What can we do? How could we help?

"The Nightmare knows the hated Bearers' hearts and minds and souls. Carefully has she watched them in the realm of dreams. But she does not know where they live." Sinister's hoof emerged from beneath his robe once more, this time with his fetlock wrapped around a wicked knife. He waved it wide, wild arcs as he continued. "We do, my brethren! We can strike at them for our queen! We can sever the link between their sleeping minds and their helpless bodies, and then they will be the Nightmare's playthings for all time!"

Whoops and cheers surged through his audience. Sinister Will soaked it in. The enthusiasm. The exultation. The love.

Crnch crnch crnch crnch

The crunching? That wasn't right. "Who's making that infernal crunching?"

"Sorry, that'd be me." Everypony froze. All but Sinister turned around. "I'm afraid I don't have enough for everypony." A shiver went down every spine. All of the robed ponies had been there for that fateful Summer Sun Celebration. They had not, could not forget that voice. "Also," it added, "did you mean 'infernal' in a positive or negative sense? Just so we're clear on your attitude towards Tartarus."

Cultists backed away from the speaker. There, with dragon's eyes, in soulsteel clad, sat Nightmare Moon. She levitated another kernel of popcorn out of the bag and into her mouth, then smiled. A bit of her snack had gotten stuck between her fangs. Spake the Requiem of Sanity: "Hi."

Sinister Will's pupils shrunk to pinpricks. "Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni..."

A rather literal-minded mare who had restyled herself Cool Name pondered the bag. "Where did you get the popcorn, my queen?"

"Laughter magic." The black beauty smiled. "You wouldn't think it, looking at her now, but a thousand years ago, Celestia was quite the stuffed shirt." She lifted a few more kernels before adding, "Not that we wore shirts, but you get the idea."

Sinister managed to collect himself. "But Harmony is a false and blasphemous power before the Nightmare!"

Nightmare Moon's smile waned to a crescent grin. "Silly me, then." Her words had an edge just as thin. "I guess I spent a millennium in the moon for nothing."

Sinister Will's mind raced with the speed and creativity of a born theologian. "Impostor!" His voice burned with righteous indignation. "You dare mock us with such an obvious illusion?"

The Void Queen's smile disappeared entirely. She spread her wings, leapt two feet into the air, and hovered, her wingbeats were slow and steady. "Oh dear," she deadpanned. "However could I have thought you would be so gullible? Oh foalish, foalish me." The breeze from her flapping ruffled the hems of the cultists' robes.

"Then... you.. she..." The fire drained out of Sinister's voice as he sank to his knees. "You're really here?"

The Nightmare rolled her eyes. "Are you always this surprised when somepony answers your invitation?"

Another mare edged alongside the shaken stallion. "Cinnamon," she said gently, "I think it's time to admit that you're not a prophet of Nightmare Moon."

"Cinnamon?" echoed another cultist. "Cinnamon Swirl? That weedy colt who works at the ice cream parlor?"

At that point, something important in Sinister Cinnamon's mental clockwork went "ping" and flew off into a corner of the metaphorical room. He turned bloodshot eyes to his fillyfriend, screamed, and raised the dagger still clutched in his fetlock. It sliced through the air, plunging towards—

"NEIGH." A cloud of midnight blue magic encased maniac's hoof, making it as immovable as a mountain. Those ponies standing between Nightmare Moon and Cinnamon Swirl bolted out of the way. "NEIGH," the alicorn repeated, her voice amplified not with mundane volume but terrible purpose as she approached the offender.

Throughout Equestria and around the world, ponies and other creatures who swore by a slit, turquoise eye paused in their lives. Sleepers found their dreams interrupted by the object of their worship. The waking were caught in a trance, held so still that even gravity looked the other way. None who held the Nightmare in their heart were spared. None would forget her words.


For most, the dream ended there. Sleepers returned to their own dreamscapes. The waking resumed their lives as though no time had passed, though those whose trances were witnessed would find their lives much more interesting in the near future.

Cinnamon Swirl was not so lucky. Nightmare Moon stood but a step away from him. He thrashed in panic, trying to distance himself from her, but held fast by his own hoof.

The Nightmare waited as the stallion wilted under her incandescent gaze. Blind animal panic curled in on itself, becoming quiet, juvenile terror. Those eyes, shining with cold starlight, held neither hatred nor mercy. They were as utterly, terribly indifferent as the universe itself, offering nothing, promising nothing, forgiving nothing.


A burst of green flame, and a chitinous horror stood in place of Cinnamon Swirl. It flew away as fast as its tattered wings could take it.

Silence reigned in the glen, but only for a moment.

"What did you do to my Cinnamon!?"

It should have been absurd. A little unicorn glaring up at the Mare in the Moon. Yet the onlookers scarcely dared to breathe.

The Foal-Gobbler shrank, her coat lightening, her eyes shifting, her regalia transmuting. Luna enveloped her challenger in a hug of regal proportions. "Forgive me, my little pony. That aberration was naught but a leech, feeding on your love."

"But... but then where's... Is he...?"

"If there was a place the creature told you never to go, go there. If not, hope that there never was a Cinnamon Swirl, that the beast wove him whole cloth from your desires."

Luna's head darted up. "And where do you all think you're going?"

Some of the retreating ponies froze at this. Some bolted, only to find that the clearing now stood within a cylinder of yielding but impassable force.

Luna released the distraught mare. "Fear not, good ponies, for though I wax wroth, it is not with you. The changeling manipulated you, as they are wont. It fed on the hope in your hearts and sought to leave hatred in its place, hoping to shape you all into a weapon of assassination." She met their horrified expressions with a solemn stare. "Or did you think it would be harmless to 'sever the link between sleeping mind and helpless body'?"

One mare fell to her knees. "I didn't want to hurt anypony." Once they began, the words tumbled out of her. "I didn't want to hurt anypony! I swear to you, Princess! I just wanted to belong to something! I'm not a bad pony!" Her rant halted as she felt a soft warmth settle over her. She looked up and saw Luna's smiling face from beneath her dusky wing.

"No," said Luna, "you aren't." She looked about the clearing. "None of you are bad ponies. You were lonely, frustrated, jealous of those who seemed undeserving of their great fortune, but not bad. And now? Look around you, my ponies. You have found others like yourselves. This night, you stood united in purpose, of one mind, one heart, one soul. If that is not friendship, I ask you, what is?"

She rose, urging the other mare to her hooves with her muzzle as a mother would her foal. Luna beamed. "Come with me, everypony. I will guide you to your homes. Come the morrow, your new lives begin. Not as lonely souls or a parasite's thralls, but as befriender and befriended. If such power even brought me back from the deep darkness, then you have nothing to fear."

The walls of Luna's royal suite were of her own design, a thick, symmetrical composite of many materials and magics that could withstand almost any assault imaginable. The door did not exist in the usual sense; one needed permission from the moon princess to enter her sanctum, at which point one could walk through any point in the walls. However, such permission was not given lightly, and was rescinded soon after it was granted. The only windows were illusions, the ventilation shafts narrow and lined with spikes.

All in all, it was nearly enough to block out Luna's snores.

"And she's been sleeping since she got back?" asked Trixie.

Celestia nodded. "And that was around four in the morning. I was just waking up. She poked her head in my room, told me good night, and five minutes later, her little bunker was sealed up tight."

"And here we are, some thirteen hours later." Trixie frowned. "She's going to sleep through the whole Sabbath. I know it's a day of rest, but this wasn't how she planned on spending it. Not from what she told me."

"Well, whatever brought it on must have been important. I could feel how much magic she was using." Celestia sighed. "She still hasn't fully recovered. She's insisted otherwise ever since her mane was full of stars again, but..."

Trixie bit her lip. "May I speak freely, Your Highness?"

Celestia nodded. "I extend the same courtesies to you as to my student, Trixie. Just because Twilight insists on speaking formally with me doesn't mean you have to."

"Whatever you're thinking of doing, even if you're telling yourself it's for Luna's own good, don't. Whatever she did, it needed doing."

"Oh? Are you certain, Trixie?"

A voice echoed in the unicorn's mind still. Trixie held no special love for the Nightmare, for she knew it was just a part of Luna. Luna, who had given her everything when she had nothing. Trixie looked Princess Celestia in the eye and said, "I'm certain."

Celestia smiled and dipped her head. "Then I defer to you on the matter. Thank you, Trixie."

"For what?"

"My sister and I always watched each other's backs, but we have each been the other's blind spot." The smile widened, and Celestia gave a little laugh. "It would seem our students are quite skilled in rectifying such oversights."

Trixie pondered this for a moment. "There's probably a friendship lesson in there somewhere. Want me to take a letter for Twilight Sparkle?"

And then the sun laughed long and loud.

Somnipresence 4UU
Draw a card for each tapped creature on the battlefield.
To dream is to enter Luna's realm, and she knows all her subjects well.

Author's Note:

I even have cults! Do you have any idea how much fun it is to have a cult dedicated to you? It's like having the most adorable fan club filled with ponies who will do anything if they think it will make you happy!

—Nightmare Moon

This story's rough draft was in a notebook that had been missing for more than a year until I found it a few days ago. Turns out it was in the basement. :derpytongue2:
So, yeah, this would take place roughly around "Winter Wrap-Up." I freely admit the chronology is several kinds of snarled here, but it's not like Season 1 was a perfectly linear sequence going from cause to effect.
Seeing how much has been Jossed in canon since this was written was fascinating. Well, as Lyra can attest, that's what alternates universe are for.

Also, I couldn't think of a good ponification of "Einstein," so I applied a little lateral thinking.