• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 6,876 Views, 407 Comments

Sideboard of Harmony - FanOfMostEverything

Because ponies and card games are too much fun to confine to a single story.

  • ...

How Pinkie Got Her Cutie Mark

Pinkie hummed to herself as she approached the Books and Branches Library. After dealing with Discord, Twilight had insisted that they talk as soon as they could to answer the unicorn's pressing questions. Once they were finished with the pomp and ceremony that defeating the ancient foe of sanity itself entailed, a date and time had been set, and had now come. With her typical smile, Pinkie opened the library door. "Morning, Twilight!" She noted another pony. "Oh! Good morning, Ditzy. What brings you here?"

"I asked her to come," answered Twilight. "I thought she could provide some context should our discussion cross into your shared... well, weirdness, for lack of a better term. No offense."

"None taken!" gushed the baker. "I'm as weird as the beard of the feared King Leared and proud of it!"

Ditzy chuckled. "I don't know if I'm quite that odd, but I know you didn't mean anything nasty." She frowned. "Still, you never really told me what you were going to ask Pinkie."

"I can hardly believe I'm asking it," confessed the unicorn. "Telling somepony else before the mare of the hour arrived felt, well, ridiculous."

Pinkie dismissed this with the wave of a forehoof. "There's nothing ridiculous about it! It's all perfectly logical."

The other mares fixed surprisingly similar flat looks on her. "Everypony logic or Pinkie Logic?" asked Twilight.

The party pony's grin only widened. "A little from Column A, and a little from Column B."

The student sighed. "I really hope I come out of this with my sanity intact."

Ditzy offered her a wry grin. "Well, as long as one of us does, she can reassemble the other's. Deal?"

"Deal." Twilight refocused on her oh-so-unpredictable friend and sighed. "Might as well bite the bullet."

"We have bullets? Oh right, Dashie mentions them during the song in 'May The Best Pet Win'."

The unicorn took a deep steadying breath, bearing in mind that this was likely but the tiniest sample of the insanity that would soon ensue. "Okay, Pinkie. Enough beating around the bush. What did you mean when you called Discord your son?"

"Her what now!?" The revelation was apparently news to Ditzy.

The pink pony looked from one friend to the other incredulously. Finally, she began, "Well, when a mare and a stallion love each other very, very much—"

The pegasus interrupted her. "We aren't asking you to explain the concept of progeny."

Pinkie pondered how else to interpret that question. "Ohhh. Then you want to know how I can claim motherhood of an immortal embodiment of chaos."

The mailmare registered Twilight's grateful look. "I can kind of understand where her mind goes now and again." She stifled a laugh as she saw the unicorn's expression shift, the other mare unsure whether she envied or pitied the pegasus. "It isn't that bad."


"...We're getting off topic. Pinkie?"

The party pony nodded. "Right. Ditzy, you've heard of Urza, right?"

The other planeswalker nodded. To Twilight she explained, "Imagine if Star Swirl the Bearded was an alicorn with no sense of restraint and the unshakable conviction that he could invent his way out of any problem."

"And if he couldn't enjoy a party if his life depended on it," added Pinkie. "But this story doesn't involve him. It involves one of his students, a much hoopier frood named Teferi."

Outside of time and space, beyond the Blind Eternities, there lived a woman and, for lack of a better term, a man. Out of phase with the rest of existence, they were killing a few centuries as they waited for the aftermath of an interplanar invasion to blow over, at which point both they and their homelands could safely reenter the timestream. They wiled away the years with the easy patience of the nigh-immortal and endured one another with the affectionate hostility of an old married couple. The decades blended into one another, exactly as they had planned.

Then one day, a pink pony stuck her head through a wormhole. "Hiiii, Teffy!"

Teffy, or more formally, Teferi Planeswalker, blinked in disbelief. "Pinkie Pie?"

The woman bolted into action, standing and entering a combat stance in less than a second. "Who is that and how did it get here?"

"Who? A friend. How?" The bald 'walker smiled. "One does not ask such things about Pinkie Pie." This didn't seem to assuage his companion's concerns. With a sigh and an exaggerated stretch, Teferi insisted, "Relax, Jhoira. She comes in peace."

"Sure do!" confirmed the pony, wriggling out of the breach in reality. "It's just like that funny rhyme you made up about me."

"Ah yes," recalled the other planeswalker. "Frizzy hair, not a care. Straightened mane, bringing pain. And you seem to be particularly poofy, Pinkamena. What brings you to our humble pocket plane?

"I may ned an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, lickety-splickety little favor." She grinned. "It'll be fuuuun!"

Teferi matched her smile for smile. Oh, Jhoira was always an entertaining straight man, but there was nothing quite like riffing off of another jokester. "And why me?"

"Well, one, you're funny."

This prompted a leer at the Ghitu woman, who rolled her eyes. "Yes, I heard her."

Pinkie continued. "Two, you're not dead."

Teferi nodded. "Certainly a point in my favor."

"And three, I need someone who's good at timey-wimey magic, and you're the best time guy I know."

The dark-skinned 'walker's smile grew rather wooden. "You haven't been doing anything with time yourself, have you?" Pinkie Pie the chronomancer... Ugh, it sent chills down his spine.

"Pfft. Heck no. I never work with blue magic if I can help it. It turns me into a big ol' boring thinky-Pinkie. But you can cast blue and still be fun, so you're perfect!"

Teferi preened a bit. "Well, I think we all knew that."

Jhoira was less amused. "What if we have to phase back into Dominaria and you're still playing with your horse?"

"Firstly, she is a pony, not a horse. Important distinction. Secondly..." The Zhalfiran paused for a moment to assess the currents of time. "Yes, the conjunction won't be for at least another century. If I'm gone that long, then we'll have bigger problems."

He held a hand out to Pinkie. "Lead on, my friend."

She placed a hoof in the offered appendage and the two vanished, leaving an artificer bitterly muttering about the unreliability of planeswalkers, horses, and men alike.

"Here we are!"

Teferi took in the view. At least, he tried to. There simply wasn't anything to see. There was only a hollow bubble of stability floating in the Bastard Plane, a wholly empty universe. "It's... very austere."

"Oh, it's not done yet, silly," tittered Pinkie. "That's why I brought you here!"


"Yup. See, I had an idea. You know how any plane made by a planeswalker eventually collapses?"

The man nodded. "Of course. Eventually, mana imbalance destabilizes it and the Blind Eternities consume it."

"Right! Entropy in action. Well, what if I could make entropy want to keep the plane intact?"

Teferi considered this, beginning several objections before abandoning them midsentence. Finally, he settled on, "How?"

Pinkie beamed with pride. "Give it a personality! Make it more interested in having fun than breaking everything down!"

The humanoid planeswalker digested the proposal for some time. Finally, he declared, "Pinkie Pie, I have been called mad. I have seen madness both quiet and loud. But you? You seem to have transcended madness and achieved an enlightenment the likes of which the allegedly sane dare not even conceive."

She grinned even more widely. "I'll take that as a compliment!"

"It was meant as one." Teferi frowned as a new question occured to him. "But where do I enter into this audacious project of yours?"

"Well, for the plan to work, I'll need entropy to have an ego from the very first moment."

"Seems a bit late for that."

The pony shook her head, still smiling. "Can't you tell? I haven't started time yet."

With a start, Teferi realized that she was right. With his dramatically heightened chronomantic sensitivity, the inexorable motion of time felt like a constant gentle wind at his back. Here, there was no such feeling. It certainly explained why the plane was so barren, and why so barren a plane hadn't already collapsed. There was simply not yet any time for anything to happen.

Pinkie continued, "I'm going to need my full attention to incarnate entropy, so I needed someone else to start the clock. Who better than you?"

"Who Indeed?" The man sighed and shook his head. "I wish Urza had been more like you."

She looked away. "They messed with his family. They got what they deserved." The moment passed and she turned back, beaming as though it hadn't happened. "Ready?"

Teferi cracked his knuckles. "Whenever you are."

"On my signal, then."

Pinkie closed her eyes and brought her forelegs forward. Her body, only a projection of her mind, grew more simplistic and abstract as her focus moved from self-definition to the task at hoof. Gloomy russet energy formed before her, kept spherical only by having no time in which it could become more irregular. The visible edges of the plane seemed to glow light green, though the human couldn't tell if that light was actually there or merely an illusion of contrast. Finally, when the ball of thermodynamic inevitability was half again as tall as she was, the mare cried, "Now!"

Teferi snapped his fingers. He felt a mental lurch as time began to flow in the tiny cosmos, then watched the aggregated entropy collapse on itself. "Now what?"

"Wait for it..."

Something nagged at the Zhalfiran's mind. After a moment, he realized that the lighting had changed. He needed no more light to see than he did air to breathe, but he could still notice the shift. "Pinkie—"

"Wait for it..." The pony's attention was locked onto her creation, now a writhing tendril on which colors swam as on an oil slick.

Teferi looked up. The spring hue he'd thought he'd seen was very definitely there and very definitely coming together on its own above them. "Pinkie!" he called more insistently.

"Almost..." She was too rapt in the development of the clump of chaos to pay him any mind.

The man sighed and floated closer to the verdant energy. It too seemed to be shaping itself, features indistinct but position clearly fetal.

With a sound best transliterated as "squee," the first children of the new plane were born.

Pinkie cradled the chimera she'd created with maternal fondness. "It worked," she whispered, exuberance tempered by awe.

"Even better than you expected." She turned to see Teferi carrying another young soul, this one clearly equine in form. White coat, red mane, the cutest little horn... and wings?

The mare's jaw dropped. "Buh... guh... zuh... I... pwah?"

"I have a theory." The other planeswalker nodded towards the patchwork creature. "This plane seems to expect a balance. Creation for destruction. Order for chaos. Harmony for discord."

Pinkie's smile threatened to split her face in two. "I got it on the first try!"

"Excuse me?"

"I was hoping this would happen, but—" She noticed his lost expression. "Okay, you know how I was flung so far back in time that when I came out in Guff's library, my home plane hadn't even come into existence yet?"

Teferi gave a wry smirk. "Well, I do now."

"Right. So, according to all the stuff I read, it was supposed to form around now, but this is the sort of thing you can see coming from a mile away if you know how to look, which I do, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so I thought to myself, 'Well, what if it was a synthetic plane?' But that didn't make sense, 'cause it seemed stable, but then I was just a little filly at the time, and then something told me that I was one hundred percent correctamundo. So, here we are!"

Once again, the bald walker had to digest this for a moment. "You've created your own birth plane."

"We both did! We're parents!"

Teferi's mouth worked silently for a few seconds. "I... I suppose we are." He brought up a poker face honed to perfection by long-ago years as a court mage. "I never really planned on having a family. Certainly not like this." His emotions sorted themselves out a bit and he found himself smiling. "And yet I cannot say I regret it. So, did you have some names in mind for these little bundles of predestination?"

Pinkie gave the infant incarnation in her hooves a loving nuzzle. "I was going to name this little guy Malpercio, but I don't think anyone will get the reference. Furthermore, after that thing you said about balance, 'Discord' seems... right."

The man looked fondly at the foal he carried. "I suppose that would make this one Harmony?"

The mare shook her head. "No, that little cutie is Lauren."

"Lauren?" The Zhalfiran smirked. "Seems rather mundane for the antithesis of entropy."

"It's her true name," Pinkie explained with uncharacteristic solemnity. "One that will carry great power, that will be known only to a precious, privileged few. Most will not know of her at all. Nearly all of those who will shall know her as Faust."

"Faust." Teferi nodded. "I like it. Succinct. Punchy. Perfect for swearing." Lauren wriggled a bit in his arms. "So, what now?"

"They'll be waking up soon. I was going to do more, but..."

"But?" prompted the other 'walker.

"I'm not getting a twitch, but I've still got a feeling." Pinkie looked affectionately at the bundle of chaos she held. "They were made to make. We should leave them to it."

Teferi gasped in mock horror. "What, and never let them know their parents?"

Pinkie winced. Despite her friend's joking tone, he still struck a nerve. "Well, I guess a little quality family time couldn't hurt..."

The man gave a peal of warm laughter. "I have missed you, my friend."

The child-forces were a delightful novelty for Teferi. Lauren, upon awakening and leaving his arms, had panicked for a moment, hooves flailing for purchase on nonexistent ground, wings beating against absent air. It took the burbling giggles of her brother, who was already flitting about through willpower alone, to calm her down. From there, the pair played with an ever-shifting blend of affection and enmity. According to Pinkie, this was normal sibling behavior.

The two grew at a rapid clip, their forms shaped not by biology but mentality. Less than an hour after time began, they had achieved one of the greatest accomplishments of sapient life throughout the Multiverse.

"We're bored."

To this, both parents gave the same answer: "Then make things more interesting."

Both incarnations considered this. Discord tried first, managing a rather impressive explosion. This prompted some laughter, but not much long-term entertainment. "Aww... Well, your turn."

"Um, um..." Lauren deliberated for some time, dismissing several ideas before happening upon something intriguing. "Ooh!" She screwed up her face in concentration and a ball popped into existence. "Catch!" called the young alicorn, kicking the toy towards her brother.

After several tosses, Teferi intercepted the plaything. "Kids," Pinkie announced, "your dad and I are going away for a while."

"How long?"

The pony planeswalker's guilt was like a lead weight in her chest. How could she tell them that some inexplicable sixth sense was telling her to leave, lest she negate her own existence? "Don't worry. You've got each other and you've got a wide, wonderful universe to shape and play in."

Lauren deployed weapons-grade puppy dog eyes shimmering with sorrow. "Will you ever come back?"

The older mare nodded emphatically, holding back tears of her own. "You can count on it."

The filly turned to Teferi. "Daddy?"

"Well, I certainly have an empty schedule for the near future. I may even introduce you to... I suppose you could call her Aunt Jhoira. I can only imagine the look on her face when I tell her that I'm a father."

"Be good to each other." Pinkie dabbed at her eyes with a hoofkerchief. "You're family. Family's important." With that, she transmuted the cloth into a pair of heart-shaped lockets, each containing a photo of the strange family. No one had any taken any pictures, but that didn't matter. She put a necklace on each young neck and a planted a kiss on each young forehead. "Experiment. Have fun. Make us proud."

One thoughtful, one melancholy, the planeswalkers left the nascent universe of Ungula.

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie manifested in a burst of confetti and warped spacetime. "Happy birthday, kids! Well, using the arbitrary definition of a year that I learned as a filly and a loose definition of 'birth', but hey! Party!" The pony realized that her creations were nowhere to be seen. "Hello?"

"Mom!" Though the plane was still largely void, Lauren still galloped to her accidental creator rather than simply drift. "Hi! I wasn't expecting you, but, well, you're here! That's great!"

"I know!" The party pony looked over the alicorn. "Oh my gosh, look at you! You've grown so much!"

The other mare grinned sheepishly. She appeared to be a fully grown alicorn now, shaped more like a thin horse than her mother. "Well, Dis and I were messing with the flow of time a while back. I think we may have gone a little overboard with the temporal compression." A realization struck. "Hey, speaking of... DISCORD!"

The draconequus's head poked out of Lauren's mane. "You called, dear sister?"

She rolled her eyes. "We have a guest."

"Oh?" He noticed Pinkie. "Oh! Mumsy! You grace our humble home with your delightful presence. How inexpressibly fantastic!"

The planeswalker smirked. "Neither of you has to eat. How'd you get so full of manure?"

Discord swooned, most of his body still lost in his sister's hair. "Oh, you wound me, Mother, you really do. Is it so hard to believe that I might be sincere? That I might be pushed to the peaks of purple prose by your portentous pink presence?"

"Perhaps," ceded Pinkie, "but it seems a lot more likely that you've discovered the fine art of sarcasm."

"And how," the spirit said jovially. He completed his Athenian emergence and lounged on nothing. "So, what brings you here, mamacita?"

"Well, going by a calendar that technically doesn't exist yet, it's your birthday! And that means it's time for a birthday party!" The enthusiastic mare produced and blew a noisemaker.

"A party? Splendid! I don't suppose dear Father was invited?"

Lauren frowned. "Yeah, how is Dad? I haven't seen him since we met Aunt Jhoira."

Pinkie shrugged. "I can't really visit him all that often. Reaching outside of time too much too quickly can have some really nasty side effects. Like universe-destroying nasty."

"Go on..." Discord was rapt.

His sister beaned him on the nose. "Hey! No breaking the playground, remember?"

"What, I'm not allowed to find a way to make it nonterminal while keeping it interesting?"

The alicorn raised an eyebrow. "I thought the macroscopic was 'unutterably passé.'"

"What can I say? The bloom appears to have fallen from the quantum rose. I can't say for certain, of course, but I could be persuaded to work on a visible scale."

The pink mare laughed. "It's nice to see you're getting along." She looked around and her smile lessened. "Though you don't seem to have done much."

Lauren shrugged. "I'm still figuring out how everything works."

Discord nodded. "Likewise. After all, the best way to break something requires you to understand how it's been put together."

Pinkie blinked, then snickered. "You sillies! You don't have to learn the rules! You get to make the rules!"

The siblings looked at one another, then back to their mother. As one, they asked, "Really?"

"Of course! When I said this place was yours to shape, I meant it!" Before either incarnation could fully consider the implications, she continued, "Now who wants cake?"

Some time after the festivities and Pinkie's departure, Discord noticed something odd. After a moment, he realized it was a light source. He was familiar with light, usually as a byproduct of an explosion, but he'd never seen something shine so steadily. Curious, he approached the phenomenon, unsurprised to see Lauren there. "So, what's all this?"

"Hi, Dis," grunted his sister, clearly under great strain.

The draconequus decided that given his sister's focus, it would be best to wait. Half a second later, his patience ran out and he repeated the question.

With a frustrated sigh, the alicorn allowed the ball of fire to burst, harmlessly engulfing both of them. "I'm trying to make an eternal explosion."

Idle curiosity became genuine interest. "Fun. How goes it?"

"Well, explosions have an unfortunate tendency to fly out in all directions."

"To explode, in other words."

"...Anyway, I can barely keep it together and keep it going."

"Hmm..." The chaos spirit considered the issue. "Well, normally I'd say 'When in doubt, make a bigger explosion,' but that seems like it's going to be rather counterproductive here."

Lauren nodded. "And I tried going small. Got some sparks that held together, but they fizzled out fairly quickly. Not what I was going for."

Discord shrugged. "Well, I'm not sure what to tell you, Laurie. I'm not usually one for making things last."

"That's it!"

"What's it?"

"Well, you know how..." The alicorn grew subdued. "How Mom meant to make you but not me?"

Her brother scowled. "I will not have you using that kind of denigrating language about yourself." The curve of his mouth flipped. "Leave it to us professionals."

This got an appreciative chuckle. "I love you too, Dis. Anyway, the point is that I showed up anyway. I think that's a rule we can't change: There has to be a balance."

Discord harrumphed. A truly immutable law of the universe? Challenge accepted. But not right now. "So?"

"So, I need a counterbalance for the explosion ball." Lauren's horn became encased in darkness so profound that it made the surrounding void literally pale in comparison. Hints of color played along the aura's edge in a conical aurora. Her magic began attracting particles from throughout the universe into a clump before the twins.

"Where are you getting it all?" asked the draconequus.

"All those explosions of yours leave smoke and ash. It adds up after a while." The redhead stopped once the dustball was as big as her head. "Now..." Another ball of fire burst into existence. Its creator beamed in triumph. "It's easier now." The two spheres began to circle one another. "Much easier."

"Excellent!" The chaos spirit watched his sister rather than her work. Her smile was slowly sinking into a disappointed frown. "Er, it is excellent, isn't it?"

In reply, the alicorn stopped focusing. The fireball promptly burst, sending a plume of dust into space. "It's still not self-sustaining." She growled, "I don't get it! I had the balance going and everything! Hot and cold, matter and energy, light and darkness—"

"Order and chaos?" Discord gave a rather sinister grin. "Make them again. Don't spin them this time."

"You've got an idea?"

"I think so."

Gathering the dust again was a simple affair, and its antipode was easily reignited. "Go for it."

The draconequus stuck a claw in each orb and plucked out a pinch of dust and a mote of plasma. With an "Alley oop!" the minute amounts were each placed in the center of the other ball.

The effect was almost immediate. Both orbs started to spin on their axes, collapsing in on themselves. When they stabilized shortly thereafter, each had become a discrete solid of half its original diameter. The fireball had turned pink, the dust clump blue.

Discord poked the blue one. "Squishy," he observed.

Lauren was astonished. "Did you know that this would happen?"

Her brother, now juggling the mystery balls, fixed her with an incredulous stare. "Are you kidding? I was hoping that they would both explode."

The order spirit gave a flat look of her own, then magically snared her creations. Bringing them to her, she chided, "Careful with them."

"Why? You know how to make more."

"Because I don't want to have to make more." She considered the balls. "I get the feeling that these are important." Her eyes widened. "Whoa."

This fanned Discord's sputtering interest. "What?"

"They're absorbing my magic." Lauren watched closely. When she didn't intensify the aura to compensate, it didn't shrink. Instead, the orbs slowly expanded, leaving the outer edge of the telekinesis unmoved. "They're growing with it."

"The pink one's faster," noted the chaos spirit.

"It had more energy to start with." When the rosy ball was half again as wide as when it solidified, it stopped drinking in its maker's magic. A minute or so later (for a familiar definition of a minute,) its counterpart followed suit.

"Well, that was interesting," said Discord, almost meaning it. "Want to go quantum foam surfing?"

The answer was distant and distracted. "I think I'll stay here for a while."

This got a shrug. "Suit yourself."

As Discord continued to tweak, warp, detonate, and otherwise mess around with reality, Lauren stayed with the balls. She soon grew tired of how they tended to drift away from her without constant supervision, so she willed a solid surface into existence. Gravity, friction, and inertia were crafted for the sake of convenience.

As she lay on the solid, orbs staying still at her side, the alicorn considered this new creation. Usually, she was too busy having fun to worry about details, but right now she had nothing but time. The surface was that and that alone: a surface. It had no real color or texture, shape or material. It just was, because all she had told it to do was to be.

It had been enough for her purposes before, but now it struck her as sloppy and unimaginative. Lauren began to consider the possibilities. Suppose it was soft and yielding, like the balls?

She immediately sank into the now unresisting surface, her legs suddenly trapped by her own body weight. Another thought undid the transmutation. "Okay," she admitted, "bad idea."

So, maybe not that soft, but not the obnoxious hardness of something purely defined by being an impassable barrier. But what?

Morphic resonance is a strange phenomenon that can be summarized as a magically enforced version of "form defines function." Though Lauren was a quasiphysical manifestation of order and reason, though she knew of little beyond the abstract and the cosmic, she was still a pony. On an instinctual level, she knew what she wanted. So she made it.

Still chuckling to himself as he returned to macroscopic size, Discord flipped to a new page in the spiral notebook. "Note to self:" he dictated, "Bolt cutters plus gluons equals hilarity!" Satisfied, he ate his notes. They tasted like cake.

"Now, let's see if Lauren's still fussing over those balls of... hers?" The draconequus trailed off, gaping at the enormous orb of rock before him. The scale was beyond anything either sibling had ever wrought. He felt a strange blend of awe, fraternal pride, and a hint of fear.

After staring at the thing for some time, he felt the need to restore some dignity. Preferably with snark. "Well, that's new."

Pinkie noticed the wall clock. "Omigosh, look at the time! I've gotta get going. I need to help the Cakes get everything ready for a big wedding this weekend!

"Now!?" cried Twilight. "But what about the rest of the story? What were those balls? What happened to this 'Faust' pony? How do you know all of these details if you weren't there for most of it?"

The party pony shook her head, a condescending smile on her lips. "Oh, Twilight. Those are entirely the wrong sorts of questions. 'How do I know the details,' how do you think? I asked." She looked back at the clock and anxiously bit her lip. "But seriously, I gotta go now." She zipped through the front door, one last shouted sentence Clopplering in her wake. "I'll tell you the rest later!"

The unicorn groaned in frustration. "Confound that pony, she hinders science!"

"I should probably go too," noted Ditzy. "I'll see when Pinkie and I share a hole in our schedules and get back to you."

Twilight smiled gratefully. "Could you? It's a nightmare trying to work her into my itinerary myself."

"Not a problem."

"Oh, and Ditzy?"


"Did you know about... about any of this?"

The pegasus shook her head. "No, but now that I do, it makes a frightening amount of sense."

Planar Synthesis 6UUU
Each player shuffles his or her hand, graveyard, and all permanents he or she owns into his or her library, then draws seven cards. Each player may put any number of permanent cards in his or her hand onto the battlefield, then draws that many cards. Empty all mana pools. Exile Planar Synthesis.

Plane — Ungula
All creature cards not on the battlefield, all creature spells, and all creatures are Ponies in addition to their other types.
Whenever you roll , you may search your library for a Pony card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.