• Published 18th Mar 2014
  • 995 Views, 3 Comments

The Forgotten Invasion - zoruatrainer66

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Small talk

Chrysalis watched as her family called out her name, not straying far from the fruitcake walls of their home for fear of what was going on around them and not hiding inside for fear of Chrysalis' safety.

She watched as a squadron of giant flying banana cream pies came soaring low over the village at the snap of a claw, dive-bombing houses and unsuspecting ponies...

She watched as the creature cackled with sheer glee at his insanity turned reality...
She watched as her mother who had raised her and her sister on a nurses wage and her sister who just turned eight-teen were soon to be engulfed in a creamy doom...

Chrysalis just moved... All she could hear were the creatures cackles of glee as more pies landed... All she could see was the look of panic her mother had as she moved to shove her sister out of the way, her sister had mixed look of relief at spotting her and shock as she was shoved away from under a huge shadow.

All she could feel was fear for her mothers safety...
Then the pie hit...

"-Mother Queen?" Chrysalis, startled out of her memories. Looked around and noticed that by the position of the sun, that they had been walking for half an hour and that there were three hours till night fall."Um, I'm sorry if my question was to personal. I was just trying to make conversation." Scarlet said nervously looking at the ground.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, I was lost in memories." Chrysalis said shaking the thoughts from her head.

"Memories of when?" Scarlet asked curiously, nervously wondering if she just crossed a line.

"Of Discord's rise to power." She said simply, grinning on the inside as she decided to have a little fun with Scarlet.

"Last year? What happened last year?" Scarlet asked confused. Trying to remember anything significant happening at home during that time. She came up with nothing.

"His first rise." Chrysalis was barely able to hold her grin back at the look of slack-jawed awe on Scarlet's face.

"B-but that was three-thousand years ago!" Scarlet said in a higher tone of voice than was her normal. She knew that her queen was at least as old as Celestia,(one-thousand five hundred) but this was preposterous! Her queen had been around since the beginning of changeling and Equestrian history!

Chrysalis chuckled at her changeling's reaction. She rarely told anyone her true age, it was always a laugh to see the reactions."I was eight when he appeared, it was complete chaos all over the world from what I heard..." Chrysalis trailed off when she noticed Scarlet drooling. 'I think I broke her.'

Walking up to Scarlet, Chrysalis leaned down and looked into Scarlet's dazed stare. Getting an idea she went behind the changeling and hugged her tight.

Getting no reaction, Chrysalis started to really worry. 'Was it really that shocking? Am I getting that old?... Is she even breathing!?' Chrysalis panicked at that last thought. Quickly bringing the smaller changeling to her ear her eyes widened when she didn't hear the rushing of air that was breathing.

"SCARLET!!!" Chrysalis shouted right into her ear, startling the smaller being into screaming and then taking a Huge breath of air.

"AHH-'cough' 'gasp'" Scarlet hung limply in her queen's grip. She looked up to see Chrysalis looking at her worriedly.

"Are you okay? You weren't breathing for a bit there." Chrysalis said concerned, tilting the changeling this way and that looking for any signs of oxygen deprivation.

"Um... I'm fine Mother Queen." She said embarrassed. She felt like a foal right now, being fussed over wasn't a new feeling, as she had been fussed over when she WAS a foal. But, being fully grown and an independent mare. She was a bit out of sorts at the moment, getting fussed over by an immortal queen three times your size can make you feel like a foal again. Her queen was older, smarter and bigger than her.

Chrysalis hugged Scarlet once more and set her down. "Don't do that again, you scared me!" Chrysalis scolded the maroon cheeked changeling. Then sighed and nuzzled her.

Scarlet froze up after the hug, and nearly went into shock again when her queen nuzzled her. "'Cough' um... My Queen? Are you ok? I mean it's nice that you care for me but don't you think this is a bit much?" She felt supremely embarrassed and a flustered at the sudden motherly attentions from her queen.

Then Chrysalis started to nuzzle her again! 'Wha-what do I do?' She let out a embarrassing squeak as she was lovingly hugged and kissed on the forehead,"M-mother Queen? Are you ok?" Scarlet asked shyly.'Is it wrong that I kind of like this', the thought barely registered in her mind under all the embarrassment.
'This feels right, I just want to hold her! I want to teach her and protect her, I want to--' Chrysalis, who was lost in the feelings of bliss, blinked as she stopped and looked at the embarrassed changeling in her hooves. She noticed a bit of tussled fur on Scarlet's forehead."Did-did I give you a kiss?" Chrysalis asked incredulously.

"Yes... My queen are you ok? This isn't like you. Hugging and kissing is a bit embarrassing you know. It's fine when you watch over the young ones but this is unlike you." Scarlet all but mumbled in her embarrassed state.

'I hugged her and kissed her!? She's right this isn't like me... I only do that when a foal is hurt or crying to make them feel better, not out of the blue to an adult.' Chrysalis was worried, those thoughts she had been having a bit ago were strong and felt 'right'. 'Did that shield do something to me? What about the others, are they acting different?' "Scarlet do you feel different at all because I'm feeling very motherly right now..." Chrysalis said carefully.

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