• Published 18th Mar 2014
  • 995 Views, 3 Comments

The Forgotten Invasion - zoruatrainer66

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The only one who remembers...

Chrysalis lay there, tired and weak.

The memories of her childhood playing in her minds eye.

After going through the years of her life, she saw the past three hours with a sense of grief.

Three hours ago...

I just announced my fake plan to Celestia, the plan was to take Canterlot, harvest love and enslave Ponykind.

That was only the convenient lie to cover my true intention. I mean sure, it was a third true, but the ponies didn't need to know that we were only here for one reason... Right? I just made up the other two because I wanted it to seem more complex, evil and fearsome. Sure I could've told them I just needed food for my hive... But where's the fun in that?

We're starving and fading, hence the holes in our legs and the loss of manes from most every changeling as well as the thinner physique... But! This plan is going to change all of that, I swear it! We'll have enough love to last us for a couple years, and we'll be stronger and faster, not to mention we'll look nicer too... And after we pull this off the ponies will be so scared that they'll leave us alone and maybe even surrender. Though I don't need an empire, it would be nice... And don't even start on the amount of love these ponies are capable of! Just Shining Armor alone gives enough love for four changelings to be fed for a week in a day! Can you believe that!?

Oh! I've been staring for a bit!

"-- and now that you have shown yourself, I can protect my subjects from you!!" Celestia bellows as she prepares a blast with her magic, I counter with my own blast... A little unprepared for the strength behind it. I mean she doesn't look like a powerhouse does she? Anyway I adjust my power to her level and overpower her, which was rather easy if I do say so myself. Since I took all of Shinings love for myself, as I couldn't get away from him to give any to my subjects... I had quite the store of power, enough that I could easily subdue the princess, apparently...

As she fell her crown came off, I'm sure all the ponies present are having one of those moments of shock where everything is slow as a snail. It landed rather nicely, bouncing and clinking with a tone of finality. For a second everypony just stared, then those annoying ponies who prepared the wedding came running to Celestia's side. I turn to Cadance, she looks shocked, to say the least... She looked haggard, starving and tired. I on the other hoof was pristine, full, and well-rested.

We started to argue, this took awhile, I turn toward Celestia again and lean in, "you know I thought this would be harder princess... I guess it's all over now..." I giggle as she glares daggers at me. I walk away and up to Cadance, she is still standing in the same spot, glaring at me with poison and hate, I cringe inwardly, hate hurts. It doesn't hurt if we feel it or if we eat it, it hurts if we see it, especially if it's with hurt and resent. The eyes are the window to the soul... They say, and how true those words are, since for a changeling, looking into the eyes of another who hates them is like getting burned by a match... to your muzzle.

"You know Cadance, if you would of stayed in those caves like a good mare, none of this would've happened." I state, calmly."Celestia would be unharmed and your husband would be yours as soon as we left..." I tell her quietly, angry with her for ruining my game.

"What do you mean Shining would be mine again? And what do you mean as soon as you left? I thought you were planning on taking over and enslaving everypony!?" She yelled as she poked her hoof at me.

"What I mean is this is all an act, PRINCESS!!" I seethe as I lean in,"you just had to go and escape! Didn't you! I was this close to wrapping this up! And you come in and ruin it! Just as I was going to say that I had to wait, that this was too soon! You would have been released after we got what we came for! You would have been told what was going on and you would have been compensated for all this! We were going to build you a castle and give you enough treasure to outshine Canterlots treasury, and you would have the protection of every changeling under my care! Do you know how bad you messed up my plans!?" I rant in her face.

"I never wanted to hurt anypony Princess! All I wanted was a little fun! Is that to much to ask!?" I yell as I continue that thought...Just a little fun for a starving people that are broken and fading!? All we need is the emotions of you ponies! That is all we need to survive... We don't need food or water, just love! Love, it's the most powerful emotion of all, and a changeling that has even a little love can survive for a few days... It... It's in short supply these days... "You might've messed up my only chance to save them... " I whisper as my anger is replaced with bitterness and sorrow as my mask fell.

She stood there for a minute, taking in my words at a snails pace... "Wha-what did you say!?" She stuttered as she stared at me with a disbelieving look."Did you just say that this was a joke!? That this is all an act!?" She sputtered.

"I said this is an act not a joke... and you would've gotten a castle and treasure and my changeling army as a guard... But now that's all out the window because of what you did. Now I don't know what to do! I didn't think you would get out. Those caves are a maze!" I hung my head as i said every word and meant it. But it appears the princess wouldn't believe me.

"You can't fool me! Trying to make me underestimate you won't work! You evil lying witch!" She fired a blast that I barely dodged due to our close proximity."You lock me up, take my husband and brainwash him! Impersonate me and try to take my wedding day from me! Then you send twilight down to that crystal prison. And you taunt her!? Who does that!? Not you that's for sure!" She stomped her hoof and seethed at me. I cringe as I glance into her eyes, her hate had doubled in stature during her rant.

I stare at her, for a minute we stare... Me nervous at her reaction, for it all rode on her next move, her staring at me, her hate fading as she apparently thought about my offer.

"I-I will-" she started. Then we heard hooves outside...

"Please just go with the act, it's almost over anyway..." I say as I step back and . At first she struggles but realizes its futile. I smile a little at her, it's bitter and small, she pauses and looks at me."This was fun, but I guess everything comes to an end huh?" "Do me a favor and not tell anyone about our talk, except celestia, I have an image to keep after all." I say as I slip back into the 'Mean Queen' mask.

She gains a fierce look and shakes her head,"you can't fool me, your mind magic won't work on me! Leave me and Shining alone you bug." She says as I shake my head... Oh well, at least I tried yeah?"As soon as twilight gets here!..."

Boom... The doors to the room opened and in walked a group of changelings surrounding the elements.

"Cadance, we're sorry..." One of them said solemnly.

"Ah, this is just a perfect day!"

I sing a bit, finishing my song from earlier...

Then I hear Twilight whispering to Cadance, I turn and see her nuzzling Shining Armor, then out of pure love her weakened magic gives off a love spell... All others present watch the magic heart float in front of the stallions face, split into two with a *POP*

He shakes his head to clear it,"Ugh... What happened? Cadance? What happened to you?" He asks as he notices her state."Twily? Princess Celestia? What's going on here?"

"Hi! Queen Chrysalis took control of your mind and trapped Princess Cadenza and Twilight in a cave and was about to marry you when they came bursting in, and then the fake Cadance laughed and told us a evil plan and then there was a FWOOSH!!! And then the fake Cadance turned into Queen Chrysalis and she knocked out celestia, and then we went to go get the elements to beat her, we fought like FIFTY changeling and we beat them but then we got captured and brought here and Cadance used some weird spell and you woke up and asked what happened then I gave a big long explanation then you and Cadance used- mmph!" Rainbows hoof stopped Pinkies mouth from talking their ears off.

Everypony stared at Pinkie for a second, then after he composed himself Shining said

"I only got half of that, but apparently you have a lot to answer for... Queen Chrysalis was it?" I wince as his fury grew to double what Cadances was.

"Shining your ok!" He stumbled as Cadance forced her hug on him.

"Of course I'm ok! Your here aren't you?" He said with a smile. Then he turns and tries to attack me, only the tip of his horn glowing."gah! I can't... I'm too weak!" He gave up trying and panted a bit.

"My love will give you strength!" Cadance says as she moves forward and places her horn against his,"here let me give you my love..."

"Nice sentiment, but it won't work." I'm soon corrected however, by a bright light as the two float a bit. Seeing this and feeling something coming I dive towards my closest subjects, hiding them from whatever is coming as they huddled into my embrace.

Seeing this her eyes widened. "N-no! Shining no stop! Please not that much, stop you'll kill them! STOP!!" Cadance yells as she tries to pull away to avoid blood on her hooves.

I turn toward her and see she's afraid of what is about to happen, I smile at her "I told you to go along with it? And didn't I tell you it would be over in a bit?" I resolved to myself as I told her that I would go happy that I could protect at least four of my subjects.

"Goodbye young ones, I love each and every one of you..." I say with finality.

"Goodbye Queen, we all love you too." They bow their heads and wait for the inevitable.

"N-no not like this, not like this! It can't end like this! Chrysalis! Run! Get away! You'll all die! Ru-"

"Shh, it's alright, after you escaped i thought this would happen. Shining Armor is currently consumed by fury and hate. His attack will send us flying to who knows where. We might land somewhere safe like a lake or we could hit the side of a mountain. It doesn't matter." As I said this she burst into tears. I looked to my right and saw the elements transfixed by the spectacle. Unaware of our words and Cadances cries to stop.

"Is what you told me true!? Were you going to do all those things?" She asked desperately, my time was running out, I could feel it, so could she.

"Every word, and the reason I came here is because my subjects are starving, were fading from existence... We needed love or we would've died out. And we're alright with this, just let it happen and nopony will know about this, just you and me." "Goodbye Princess, May life find you well." I said as the shield of love and hate came at me.

"NOOOO!!! CHRYSALIS!" Cadance screamed as she felt every impact on the magic shield, every changeling life thrust away from Canterlot into the horizon.

As the spell wiped over every pony, it erased their memories of the changeling attack, all except Cadance, Chrysalis and her changeling kin...

Author's Note:

This popped into my head as I thought of a way to continue The letter.

I wrote it and might do other perspectives...

If you want them of course.

Did some small corrections.