• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 2,805 Views, 68 Comments

Seeing Pink - Alto Spark

Cheese Sandwich goes back to Ponyville after a slightly odd Cheesy Sense.

  • ...

Around Town

Cheese Sandwich watched as Pinkie Pie was looking through her closet busily. Many miscellaneous objects flew from her hooves on the floor next to him. A large inflatable boat, a blue and yellow present costume, a yellow and pink pegasus costume, many silly accessories like a one with large eyebrows and some kind of nose, lots and lots of streamers and even more confetti all lay on the floor. Even Gummy somehow flew from the closet looking dumbfounded.

Eventually Pinkie found what she was looking for: two baskets full of heart-shaped confetti.

She gave one of them to Cheese and couldn't hold in her giggle. She was so happy to be with Cheese again, the stallion she had been fantasizing about for so long after his last visit to Ponyville. And this time he was her coltfriend. He was all hers at last.

"So, we're gonna go out and spread this confetti while you show me around?" Cheese asked.

"Yeah! We'll spread our love around town!" Pinkie said while nodding her head vigorously.

"Sounds fun! Where do we start?" His enthusiasm seemed a bit fake.

Pinkie pulled out a detailed map of Ponyville. She looked at it quizzically and started pointing her hoof at places as she thought about it.

"First we could start here, and then we could go here and do U-turn to head over there and jump over that river to go there... You know what; let's just go where the wind takes us!" She rolled the map up and put it away.

"Let's go then!"

First they headed to Rarity's since Pinkie wanted thank her most of all. Pinkie bounced happily through the street and Cheese tried to bounce like her, but his version of it was a bit lackluster compared to hers. They threw the confetti around from a seemingly endless supply of them in the baskets. The Carousel Boutique gleamed in the distance.

"So, that's where... Uh..."


"Rarity lives, right?" Cheese said and felt a bit guilty for not knowing her friend's name.

"Yeah! That was also where I was hiding this morning!"

Cheese smirked and raised his brow at Pinkie. "Why there, exactly? Did she give you tips?" He tried to make Pinkie blush.

"Yup!" He failed.

They arrived at the boutique and Pinkie knocked on the door with both of her hooves downright slamming it. A faint sound of magic could be heard as the door opened much faster than earlier in the morning.

Pinkie immediately threw confetti at Rarity's face and yelled: "Hello yello! Happy ordinary day!"

Rarity spat out some of the confetti that had made its way to her mouth. "Good day to you too, Pinkie. What brings you here this time?"

She noticed Cheese and her eyes widened for a second. She looked at the confetti closer. "Oh... I see", she said as she lowered her eyelids and put on a smug smile. "So things did go as planned", she said quietly to herself under her breath.

"Um... Hi?" Cheese smiled and waved his hoof awkwardly. Rarity's expression was making him feel uncomfortable.

"Well hello there, Cheese Sandwich. Nice to see you again in Ponyville. You do know that I assisted Pinkie this morning with her –" Rarity coughed "–dilemma, right?"

Cheese nodded. He knew what she was getting at.

"Great! So are you together now?" Rarity's eyes were filled with stars. She, of course, knew the answer already.

"Yup yup yup! Thanks a bunch for your help, Rare!" Pinkie pounced to her and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Happy to help, dear", Rarity coughed out. Pinkie backed away.

"Now we're going around Ponyville telling everypony about it! You're the first one we've visited! We gotta hurry so we have time to party afterwards!" she exclaimed and was ready to leave.

"Oh, OK... If you have time though, could you perhaps come for a cup of tea later?" Rarity asked with a sheepish smile. She was really interested in hearing everything about her friend's new relationship.

"Sure thing, Rarity! Bye!" The couple waved as they departed towards Fluttershy's cottage. They hopped over the river, because who needs bridges?

Rarity shook her head and smiled. "They're perfect for each other."

Fluttershy's reaction to Pinkie and Cheese was neither surprised nor uninterested. It was just a simple, quiet "OK" and that's it. Though she did get startled by all the confetti throwing. Once the party ponies had left, she looked at her yard and sighed. It was full of confetti.

Next they felt like going to Rainbow Dash's house. She was the only one of Pinkie's friends that Cheese remembered by name, he had hosted her birth-iversary with Pinkie after all. The rainbow-maned mare sure loved to shout her name around a lot.

Cheese couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Rainbow's home. It was like a gorgeous, white palace made of clouds with rainbows dripping down it. A huge softer colored rainbow came from the top and settled on the fluffy clouds. Even a picture of her rainbow cutie mark hung above the door. She seemed to really like rainbows. Some ponies had such beautiful houses, which made Cheese feel really jealous for some reason. How were they going to get Rainbow's attention though?

Pinkie took out a megaphone. Oh, that's how. He put his hooves on his ears by reflex.

"Rainbow Dash! Come out for a minute!"

After a few seconds a frantic blue pegasus flew out the door, yelling: "I'm awake! I'm awake!" Rainbow Dash looked down and her face turned to an annoyed expression when she saw Pinkie. She came down slowly. "Oh, it's just you, Pinkie and... Cheese Sandwich?" She raised her brow at him. "You planning a party or something?"

"Well, not right now, but we have good news!" Pinkie put a hoof around Cheese. "Guess who just became more than friends!"

Rainbow wasn't expecting this at all and her jaw dropped. "Are you being serious right now?"

"Yeah!" Cheese chimed in and also put his hoof around Pinkie. He was getting a little used to this kind of thing.

"Well, that's... cool..." Rainbow said, uncertain with what to say at this point. "What are you here for then?"

"Just telling everypony about this. Sorry that we woke you up", Cheese said and chuckled.

"You woke me up for just that?" she said, starting to get angry. "Uh... I mean... I wasn't asleep! Where'd you get that idea?"

Pinkie and Cheese looked at each other and shrugged. "Bye now, Dashie! We still have places to go!" Pinkie said and threw an unsuspecting Cheese on her back. She started galloping away with Cheese and left Rainbow behind still a bit confused about the whole thing.

Next up was Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie was a bit nervous about this since Twilight was one of those ponies, who would talk to you about being all responsible about things. Pinkie cringed just thinking about the lecturing.

Cheese had gotten off Pinkie's back once he realized that Pinkie wasn't going to stop and put him down herself, which was when they were near the Town Hall. They threw confetti around it and ponies stared at them curiously. It wasn't near Hearts and Hooves day even by stretch, so all the love themed confetti confused them. Before they could ask the couple about it, they had already hopped onward to the library.

Pinkie knocked on the door of the Golden Oak Library in the same loud and door breaking way she knocked on Rarity's door. This time a small purple-green dragon opened the door.

"You don't have to break the door, you know. Just come in", Spike said irritably and stepped away from the doorway.

"Woah, look who's a grumpy pants today", Pinkie said before hopping into the library. Cheese came behind her and observed the habitat of an alicorn princess.

"Does your friend live in a library or is she just really obsessed with books?" Cheese asked while looking around.

"Both! And she's read all of these books... I think."

"Dude..." Cheese couldn't think of any reason he would read this many books... or even one for that matter.

"Twilight is upstairs... reading..." Spike said and started mopping the floor reluctantly. He yawned and almost fell asleep on the mop before it collapsed under his weight. He groaned and Pinkie giggled silently with a hoof on her mouth.

Pinkie hopped upstairs like this was her own house and Cheese walked once again behind her.

Indeed, the lavender alicorn was reading a book on her blue-sheeted bed invested in her book of quantum physics (she had a lot of those). On his travels Cheese had heard in passing about her being the newest princess in Equestria. He hadn't believed it until he saw her the last time he was in Ponyville. Though he didn't care much about all that fancy royalty stuff. She was just another pony to him.

"Twilight!" Pinkie yelled enthusiastically from behind Twilight's back which made her jump a bit. Cheese stood beside Pinkie and smiled, teeth showing.

"Pinkie?" Twilight closed her book and looked behind her. "And Cheese Sandwich?"

"Hi!" Cheese said.

"What are you doing in Ponyville this time?" Twilight asked while looking at Cheese.

"I dunno really... It's complicated?" He shrugged with one hoof.

"We have good news!" Pinkie yelled.

"In what way?" Twilight ignored Pinkie and only looked at Cheese.

"Don't ignore me!" Pinkie yelled disgruntledly.

"Wait just a moment, Pinkie." Twilight looked at her calmly and lifted her hoof which implied her to keep quiet. Pinkie sat on the floor and crossed her hooves angrily. Cheese looked at her with a look that said "I'm not happy either".

"Well, I got this Cheesy Sense last night that told me to come here, but there wasn't a party being planned here so I'll be staying here for a while I guess?" Cheese knew he told the story really vaguely, but hoped that Twilight would let it go.

But of course she didn't.

"You got a sense and there wasn't a party here? Is that possible?"

"It has never happened before... So, I dunno."

"Hmm... I've been intrigued by the Pinkie Sense for a long time now and your Cheesy Sense has made me even more curious about these weird senses you seem to have naturally. I've been putting up many notes about them and how they operate, but I still need more detail about them. Lots of detail. Please tell me more." Twilight opened her drawer and levitated out a quill, an ink pot and a notebook filled with information about the senses. "Sit down, please. This might take a while."

Cheese sat on the floor next to Pinkie. He wished this would be over with quicker than he expected.

"Do you want me to tell all I know about my sense, or...?"

"All of it." Cheese cringed.

"Alright." He took a deep breath. "It all started when I decided to become a party pony. First thing I did after visiting Ponyville and getting my cutie mark was wander around, looking for a party to plan somewhere in Equestria. I didn't have to look far for my first party, which was in Appleloosa. I wasn't guided there by any senses, it was chance. Shortly after the party I got my first Cheesy Sense and somehow I knew where to go. I remember it like it was yesterday... Small shivers all around my body, my cutie mark playing a quiet tune... Then the name of the next town just came to me. I was so confused and didn't understand it at first, but after I went to the place, it hit me." Twilight wrote everything down hastily.

Twilight asked many more questions and always demanded a clear answer. Cheese could answer most of them fine, but there was one question that Twilight always asked quietly to herself every time she had put down a few notes after some answers from Cheese: "How does it work?" Nopony, in the room at least, didn't seem to know an answer to it.

Twenty minutes of detailed questions and answers had passed when Pinkie yawned from boredom.

"Almost done!" Twilight raised her hoof excitedly while writing down notes and conclusions. "There!" She raised her look out of the notebook and saw Pinkie, who looked like she could start snoozing any moment, and a bored to death Cheese.

"This isn't your kind of thing, huh?" she said with a pitying smile.

"Nope..." Pinkie and Cheese said in unison.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Well, I wouldn't like to lecture you any further but I've just got to tell you that Applejack has mentioned to me on a whim about some tiny but noticeable senses she has also experienced thorough her life. So I think it's safe to say that this might be an earth pony thing only. Investigations shall go further!"

"Yeah, very interesting Twi..." Pinkie was on the brink of sleeping when she suddenly remembered something and her eyes shot open.

"Oh right! We came here to tell you something!"

"Huh? Has something peculiar happened?"

"Yes indeedy! Cheese and I are together!" Pinkie pulled Cheese in for a hug, which made him snap out of his half sleeping state.

"Together? As in a... couple?"

"Yup!" Pinkie's smile went from ear to ear.

"Really?" Twilight looked at Cheese.

"Yes", he said in a rather monotone voice.

"Well, that's great, but didn't Cheese arrive here just yesterday?"

"Technically today, but so what?" Pinkie said rather angrily to Twilight and let go of Cheese.

"You mean you just met up this morning and got together just like that?"

"It's a little more complicated than that but yeah", Cheese said.

"But that's-"

"We better get going now, we still have to visit Applejack", Pinkie interrupted Twilight just in time before the discussion went into a territory she didn't like.

Twilight was a bit mad for being interrupted, but remembered how she had held Pinkie from talking before. Then she saw a great opportunity to help herself.

"Oh, you're going to Applejack's? Could you ask her some questions about her... Appley Sense? Here I'll write them down." She once again took out her notebook and wrote something down quickly. Then she ripped the page off and gave it to Pinkie.

"Well, alright... We'll ask her", Pinkie said unhappily and put the paper in her confetti basket.

"Thank you!" Twilight smiled brightly. Pinkie threw confetti at her and she laughed at her friend's suddenly bewildered expression.

"Good bye," Twilight said in a serious tone and pointed them out to the stairs.

Then Pinkie and Cheese started heading towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

Once again this map was great help to me: Map of Ponyville by Aurek-Skyclimber