• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 2,794 Views, 68 Comments

Seeing Pink - Alto Spark

Cheese Sandwich goes back to Ponyville after a slightly odd Cheesy Sense.

  • ...

At Sugarcube Corner

Cheese had fallen behind Pinkie a lot. His blush was fading away by looking away from her and thinking about something else.

Then his thoughts wandered off again to what was happening right then.

Actually, he thought it would be really fun hanging out with Pinkie. If he could control his feelings, that is. That would be hard, but it was worth a shot. He let out a small grunt while trying to think about her as just a friend.

Did she mention a pajama party? Do most ponies even wear pajamas? His thoughts wandered to something fully different.

"C'mon, speed up! We're almost there!" Pinkie exclaimed, looking at Cheese while hopping.

Cheese speeded up to a trot. Eventually he caught up and was next to Pinkie. He looked away.

Pinkie was really worried then. Doesn't Cheese like being with her? She's got to find a way to make him smile!

"What are you thinking?" Pinkie asked, trying to make small talk.

"Oh, uhm, you know... stuff..."

Pinkie didn't like this version of Cheese. She looked sadly forward, still hopping.

Cheese hated seeing Pinkie sad like this. "I was actually thinking that why do we call it a pajama party if we don't wear pajamas?"

Pinkie smiled again. "I was thinking about that too the other day! I asked Twilight about it, but she just said not to bother her with silly questions. She's such a bore sometimes!"

Cheese smiled too. They had small talk for the rest of the walk, or hop. Cheese thought it was fun talking with somepony like Pinkie. He was becoming more comfortable with her.

Pinkie was really happy to have made her favorite stallion smile. Yes, her favorite.

"We're here~" Pinkie sang as she stopped hopping mid-air and came down like a feather.

She hurried over to the mail box in a streak of pink.

"Aww, no mail yet. Well, I guess it's a bit early." Cheese smiled at Pinkie's antics.

He looked up at the building. It looked like a gingerbread house with a cupcake on top. Cheese had seen Pinkie around the bakery a lot, but he had never thought that Pinkie actually lived there. He wondered what Pinkie's room was like. Probably pink.

They went inside, walking slowly and quietly and tried not to wake anypony. It was completely dark, so Cheese tried his hardest to just follow Pinkie's hoofsteps.

There was a small creak as Cheese stepped on the floor. Pinkie shushed him louder than the creak actually was.

Suddenly the lights turned on. The mare and stallion froze in place looking terrified. They were halfway through the room standing right after another. Pinkie looked towards the stairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake stood there looking very tired and bemused. Pinkie gasped and lied down on the floor with her hooves shielding her face like they that would protect her from their angry words.

"Pinkie? What are you doing up this late? You might wake the twins!" Mr. Cake said and yawned right after.

"We were very worried when you ran out of the house at 10 pm and didn't come back!" Mrs. Cake said. Worry was evident in her voice.

Pinkie had expected harsher words. She stood up and looked embarrassed. "Sorry for waking you up!"

"For Celestia's sake, don't yell", Mr. Cake complained while holding a hoof on his head as if he had a headache.

Pinkie squeaked and hung her head in shame.

"Now, who's this with you?" Mrs. Cake finally noticed Cheese standing there dumbfounded.

Pinkie was delighted by the change of subject and lifted her head up to look at Cheese's confused face.

"Oh! Don't you remember? He planned Rainbow Dash's birth-iversary with me!" Pinkie yelled... quietly.

"Oh yeah... I remember seeing him around during the planning... We couldn't attend the party though. We had a big order to make that evening. Besides his." Mr. Cake tapped his chin and inspected Cheese's appearance more closely.

"I remember him ordering lots and lots of cupcakes. I just didn't recognize him in that get-up, I guess", Mrs. Cake said.

"I'm not much of a baker, so I have to rely on the local bakeries whenever I throw a party", Cheese explained.

Mr. Cake was still tapping his chin and looking at the now smiling Cheese with a pondering expression.

"I just can't remember your name..." he mumbled.

"I'm Cheese Sandwich", Cheese introduced himself.

"Oh right... Hey, Pinkie, isn't this the stallion you've been talking so much about?" Mrs. Cake said and looked at Pinkie slyly.

Cheese looked at Pinkie, understandably confused, to see her face even pinker than usual. She jumped next to Mrs. Cake and whispered something in her ear.

"Oh, uh, but of course she's been only talking about how awesome the party you threw with her was!" she said smiling a suspiciously wide smile. Pinkie was next to her with a similar smile, still blushing.

Cheese raised an eyebrow, but let it go... for now...

"So, what's he doing here now?" Mr. Cake changed the subject.

"Oh, he's just visiting..." Pinkie said unusually quiet. It was her turn to be shy.

"You're going upstairs, right? Could you be so kind to not make ruckus there?" Mrs. Cake requested, yawning afterwards.

"O-of course not, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie promised, but didn't Pinkie Promise.

Pinkie and Cheese walked quietly upstairs, even more quietly than when they came inside. Suddenly Pinkie remembered something crucial and stopped in her tracks in the hallway.

"Wait here for a moment", she blurred out before zooming into her room.

Cheese took his hat off and swiped sweat of his forehead, when suddenly he heard a loud thud.

"I'm okay!" could be heard from the room.

Cheese rolled his eyes and smiled. If he wasn't so tired, he would already be jumping on the walls from anticipation. Waiting wasn't exactly his thing.

Soon the door opened and Pinkie with a smile as wide as a mile was in the doorway.

"Welcome to my lair!" Only now when Pinkie turned around, Cheese notices that Gummy was in her mane, desperately trying to eat it.

Cheese stepped into the round room carefully. The wall was light yellow and there were two round windows. The floor was wooden and greenish. Pinkie's bed, which had aqua sheets with pink balloon and candy markings, was on top of a lavender carpet in the middle of the room. Some balloons were tied on the bed's posts. There was also a closet, a desk, a gramophone, a shelf, a sofa and a fireplace around room. A staircase led to the balcony. It was nice and homely in Cheese's opinion. Though he had thought it would be... pinker.

Cheese noticed there were marks of something that was torn off the walls.

"Now let's have a paj- uh... slumber party!" Pinkie rose on her hind legs but then got back on all fours again. "Quietly", she whispered while holding a hoof next to her mouth.

"I dunno if I have the energy to party, Pinkie. I'm really tired after walking here all the way from Las Pegasus. And it's almost 4 am." Cheese said wearily.

Pinkie was disappointed, but smiled anyways. She'd do anything for her friends to make them feel happy.

"Okey dokey lokey! We'll just have a slumber then!"

Pinkie pulled a yellow sleeping bag from hammer space and settled it on the floor, next to her bed.

"There you go! Good night!" she yelled.

Apparently she was too loud, because right then the twins' cries could be heard from the other room.

"Oops", Pinkie peeped out. She rushed immediately to the babies' room, Gummy still in her mane.

Cheese was alone again. He decided to look around the room more. He looked at what Pinkie had on her shelf. There were many vinyl records leaning onto each other. Cheese looked at the labels. Half of them were her own songs and the other half... polka? He didn't know Pinkie liked polka, since she seemed more like a pop kind of mare. He found it weird that the polka records were only labeled with "polka" and a number in the end. Were they her own recordings?

Cheese looked over to her desk. There were pens scattered as if she had just written something, but there was no paper to be seen. Well, not until he looked in a trash bin next to the desk.

The trash bin was filled with all kinds of paper. Cheese knew it wasn't nice to snoop around this much, but it was so tempting to know more about the mare he was inspired by. And, for other reasons too... He quickly took one of the papers. His cheeks were burning again once he looked at it.

She had drawn... him. And around him were tons of red hearts drawn with a crayon... So does Pinkie...?

So many things were going through his mind right then. His face was bright red all over.

Cheese had to squint to see little, rushed writing written at the bottom of the paper.

"Note to self: If Cheese comes back to Ponyville tonight, do what we practiced. Wow, talking to yourself is weird, but writing to yourself? That's just crazy-wazy! Anyway, I'm going out right now" The last two words were more rushed than others.

What she practiced? What could that be? The note was apparently written right before she took off last night.

Cheese went to see if there was more interesting papers about him in the trash. He pulled out a large paper, probably a poster of some kind. He turned it around and gasped.

It was a large photo of him from the birth-iversary party. He had green sunglasses on and was smiling wide with his hooves up. Cheese looked back into the fun night full of partying. Pinkie did take a lot of photos that night...

Cheese took another large paper from the trash. It was another photo of him, this time making a duck face to the camera. He remembered when he posed for that photo. What was he thinking?

Now Cheese just sat on his haunches next to the bin and pulled out all the papers, not thinking about the aftermath. He chuckled at all the silly photos of him. His blush had faded away at last. Though he did found it a little a disturbing to think that all these photos used to be on the walls, but Pinkie ripped them off before he came in.

"I wonder where Boneless is. Wouldn't you like to see your predecessor, Boneless Two?" Cheese said out loud and looked at Boneless Two without thinking of where he was. He was so used to talking to himself.

Suddenly there was a squeak. Cheese jumped a little and looked behind him. It was Gummy. And in its mouth was...

"Boneless!" Cheese exclaimed and took the rubber chicken out of Gummy's toothless mouth. He squeezed it.

"Aww! How cute!"

Cheese looked up from the floor. Pinkie had come back and was smiling on the doorway. Her eyes turned to the trash bin and the pile of papers. Her smile turned into a frown and her face was scarlet.

"Oh... no..." And with that Pinkie ran away.