• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 7,906 Views, 511 Comments

D=S-M - MegatronsPen

Twilight Sparkle’s world crashes around her as everything she once believed in, crumbles to dust. Does she rise above it to fill in the shoes of her mentor? Or does she allow it to bring her low…

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(Guest Chapter) Speaking Unto Nations

Author's Note:

All thanks to Lord Inquisitor/Cpl_Chaos from The Writers Group, for this chapter. It is pretty much all written by him! Thanks man for the collaboration, your the best.

Check him out on his own fanfic! It's a Teen rating! Access the link at your own risk! But do it. It is a damn good fic. Read it! READ IT HERE!

“We have a problem.” Luna’s voice is as cold as the moon that slowly drifts across the sky outside her office window.

“We do.” Quill’s talons click uncomfortably against the arm-rests of his seat, and whilst his plumage is as smooth and unruffled as a millpond, his eyes are hard and flinty.

Luna contemplates him silently for a moment, wondering as she does so where her sister found the wellspring of patience required to deal with these overgrown pigeons. The feather-care oil he uses is so pungent as to nearly make her eyes water, his voice is shrill and abrasive and his manner is as brash and arrogant as any of his race.

Your dissidents… we are concerned about your lack of progress in hunting them.” Luna says flatly, and Quill’s beak clicks softly, before he reaches one taloned hand into his bag and pulls out a sheaf of documents.

“You have nothing to be concerned about, Your Highness. Progress has been made, we have swept through the Mazar-Zavelan mountains, through the traditional heartland of the insurgents and we have uncovered nothing relating to the death of your sister, though we did break the back—”

“No one was harmed during this I take it?”

“—of several dissident cells…”

Were they?” Luna remarked.

“No one on our side, your Highness.”

“I expect a fair trial… My sister would want that.”

“She did, and we are all poorer for her absence.” The gryphon bows his head slightly and Luna frowns, not believing his condolences for a moment. “They got the justice that they deserved, your Highness.” The gryphon continues, “Which brings me rather neatly on to my next point.”

Go On.” Luna’s eyes are flinty and her tone is cold.

“You need to rein in your new toy—”

Luna’s eyes narrowed into a blaze of anger, “Toy?”

“The murderer, Twilight Sprinkle—”

“—Sparkle.” Luna corrected with a growl.

“Yes, her. She butchered one of my citizens in your throne room, before your eyes.”

“You kill your own people by the hundreds every week.”

“That is not the issue here, he’s scum and we’re glad to be rid of him; the issue is that your moratorium upon the use of the death penalty is still very much in force.”

And?” Luna growls, putting the pieces together herself.

“My government does not like the notion of an Immortal Princess who considers herself above the law of her government; that is in fact insane.”

“Ambassador, you forget your place.”

“Forgive me, I apologize.” The gryphon’s tone makes it clear he means nothing of the kind. “The point remains, she’s dangerous. Who will she be unleashed upon next?”

“That situation is in hoof.” Luna says, her tone making it clear to the Ambassador that this topic is not open for continued debate. Wisely, the Ambassador takes the hint.

“Moving on, we’re also a bit concerned by the behavior of several of your councilmen.”

“I see, what has Prince Blueblood done this time?” Luna rolled her eyes.

“It is not just Prince Blueblood, though his vitriol has been increasingly virulent of late—”

“I apologize for my nephew he is—”

“Prince Blueblood is his own stallion, we cannot hold you to account for his actions. Our concerns are with the other male in the extended family.”

Shining Armour? He’s a perfect gentlecolt.”

“I’m sure he is. He also commands the Crystal Empire’s military forces, which have all been put on alert. Five regiments have been moved to within one hundred miles of the border. That’s the thick end of eight thousand soldiers. His comments, both in public and in private likewise suggest that he holds our entire nation to fault for failing to find those who maimed his sister and killed his commander. This has naturally caused concern among the inhabitants of the Eyrie.”

“I see. I shall have words with him, and try and control any retaliation he may consider.”

“He is not the only one in favor of war. Blueblood may be a bigot but he is a darling of the tabloids. He must be… Amused.”

“He would be, his father owns many of them.”

“Yes. The tabloids are whipping your ponies up into a frenzy, your Highness, as I’m sure you’re aware.”

“The populace has concerns.” Luna admits, and the gryphon scowls.

“The masses can take a short walk down a long cliff. The proletariat are a mob with the memory of a goldfish and a brain fitted firmly between their hind-legs. They only do what suits them in the short term, that is why we ignore the people and concentrate power in the hands of those who know how to make the right decisions. Those that are capable of doing difficult things, and accepting of material gain… We then disseminate the truth that we have prepared for the masses. Essentially, lies like the ones you tell. Lies you feed your own like we do ours.”

“The populace is not ready for the truth, that is different—”

“No. You are not ready for the truth. Your sister was murdered. By our rebels. I understand that much, and I understand we are in a difficult position, but what you need to understand your Highness; as much as we want to aid you, we cannot give you what you want.”

“They would be in an advisory position; non-combat only.”

“We have this situation in hand, we do not need, or want more Equestrian interference in our affairs.”

“Our interference placed your uncle on the throne.”

“I think we are done here if that is all you can offer.”

“If I discover that it is the Empire’s fault, know this, and tremble well… I will not rest until each and every one of you is dead.”

“We shall bear that in mind.”

Make it your every waking moment."