• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 1,046 Views, 65 Comments

Coming to terms - The Infinity Doctor

Side story to 'The Weeping Angel' collab with The Planyx. Human male sent to Equestria as a Time Lord.

  • ...


My nose wrinkled as I tiredly glanced at my alarm clock, the arms on its face reading 8:30 a.m.


"Oh buck! I slept in!" I cried, quickly tossing off the covers as I ran to the bathroom. I got ready as fast as I could, taking a quick shower as I struggled with my uniform as I practically hopped down the stairs to the lobby.

My jaw dropped as I spied the Hearth's Warming tree, looking vastly different than it did last night. There were actual presents under the tree, not just the ones I'd put there for decoration. Speaking of decorations- lights and decorations lined the tree, creating a dazzling
effect to match the mood of the morning.

At least...for some ponies...

I shook my head as I ran into the small cafe attached to the lobby, expecting at least a few angry and hungry ponies waiting for it to open. I was surprised for the second time that morning as I saw Zero and at least one other waiter were taking orders and occassionally
switching off duties, Zero heading into the kitchen to prepare the meals as Silver Tray took the orders.

"Tray? What...what's going on here?" I asked.

"Serving the guests, ma'am" she responded, as if it were obvious.

"But- but- how? Why?"

"It was Zero's idea, ma'am, he said it 'might make a good Hearth's Warming present'"


"Ma'am?" Tray asked.


"Would you like to take a bit longer getting ready?" she asked carefully "things are a bit slow right now..."

"Er...yes...I think...I would..."


'Alright, let's see...eggs and toast'

I set down the slip with the order on it, and dished out a good portion of scrambled eggs onto a plate as I grabbed some freshly made toast.

"Order up" I said, ringing the little bell on the counter as I set the plate down.

"You don't need to say that every time" Silver said, taking the plate.

"I know, it's just fun to say" I replied.

Silver took the plate as she set another order on the counter.

'Oh goody...let's see, pancakes...shouldn't be too tricky'


"Um...Zero? Do you want me to do kitchen duty for a little while?" Silver asked, watching me wipe pancake batter off of my face.

"Uh, sure...careful though, I think the stove is broken..."

She laughed as I left the kitchen, still wearing my apron. I walked to a table that seated two ponies and their son.

'Let's see...slight fidgeting...appearance is attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible'

"So...what would you folks like this morning" I asked, pencil and pad in hand "Pancakes? Eggs?"

"Um...I don't think we're quite ready yet..." the stallion said, looking up from his menu.

"How about a nice big helping of love?" I whispered.

The mare's jaw hit the table as the colt shrunk back.

"How did you know?" the stallion growled quietly.

"I had an idea, but you just told me" I replied.

The stallion stood up, discreetly scraping his hoof on the ground. I took it as a challenge and I held up my hands.

"Hey pal, I don't have a problem with it- if it'll make you feel better, I won't tell anypony"


"Yup, why not? It's Hearth's warming, and you haven't done anything"

'...that I know of...' I thought.

"Th-thank you" he said, shocked.
"Nothing to thank me for" I said "now, what would you like?"

They ordered a small breakfast, and I took the order to the counter as the owner trotted into the cafe.

"Hey there boss, sleep well?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah- what's...going on here?"
"I thought this might make a good Hearth's Warming present for you"
"Happy to help"

I set the order on the counter as the mare prepared to take a notepad from the counter.

"Things are pretty slow right now, I don't think we'll need three waiters" I commented.
"Happy Hearth's Warming" I said, taking a finished order from the counter.


"Well...breakfast is over, now what do we do?" I asked, removing my apron and hanging it as Silver Tray, Notes (the owner) and myself exited the dining room.

"Presents!" one of the foals cried.
"Ah, yes, the presents- how could I forget?" I said, doing an overdramatic face-palm.

"Were in Equestria did you manage to find presents?" Notes asked, barely restraining her voice to a whisper.

'You'd be amazed at what kinds of things you'd just find lying around'

I put some distance between Notes and myself, walking towards the tree as I stepped around a few of the excited foals.

"Alright...is there a...Silver Bells here?"

'Oh god...the puns...'

A small blue filly with a silver mane stepped forward.

"Here ya go" I said, handing the box to her.
The filly took the present by the bow, and trotted a few feet away to open it. She tore into the package with heart-stopping cuteness, quickly removing the wrapping as she removed a small stuffed animal from the box. The filly let out a cute squeal as she hugged the toy.

The rest of the presents were soon passed out, each foal getting the corresponding present from under the tree.

The rest of the day went by, as holidays often will do, and I spent much of the day helping out Notes and Tray around the hotel, learning how to celebrate Hearth's Warming along the way. We sang carols, ate a big meal, (which we prepared for the guests, naturally), and just generally hung out. Notes still couldn't get over the redecorating I'd done to the lobby, how I'd managed to do it all before morning baffled her to no end.

The three of us were currently sitting on the couch, in front of the fireplace, myself seated to the far right as the two other ponies occupying the couch sat on the other two seats. The other guests had long since gone to sleep, leaving just us three awake- we passed the time by simply talking, enjoying the company.

The fire crackled as the three had remained silent for some time, staring into it as we sat watching it.

"Silent night....holy night...all is calm....all is right..."

"That's a beatiful song" Notes commented softly "I've never heard it before"
"Family tradition" I lied.

"Well...*yawn* I'm going to bed...I'll see you in the morning..." Notes said, getting up from the couch.
"I guess this is goodbye, then" I said.
"You're leaving?"
"Yes, I'll be gone by morning"
"Oh...well...goodbye Zero, thanks for everything"
"You're welcome, both of you"

They both said goodbye and goodnight, and left the room.

'Sleep in heavenly peace...' I thought, exiting the hotel as I made sure the doors were locked.

The snow crunched beneath my hooves once more as I walked down the street, towards the Tardis. My eye caught a particularly large snow drift, and I ignored it, thinking it unimportant.

That is, until I saw it shift.

Almost automatically, I reached for my Screwdriver as I approached the snow drift, unsure of what might lay inside it.

I dusted away some of the snow...and a tuft of someone's mane popped up. I moved more of the snow, the ice biting into my hands as the weather took its toll- I cleared away enough to find a shivering foal- her greenish mane wet from the snow. I sighed as I removed my jacket, and picked the filly up, carefully placing her in the jacket before picking her up and continuing the walk to the Tardis.

'Still need to get some new clothes...' I reminded myself as I walked.

The little girl shifted in my arms as the jacket did some good in warming her up.

I unlocked the door to the Tardis, and stepped inside.

Author's Note:

I think I'll have to actually start writing something in the way of an actual plot....I feel like all of this is just filler- but, what're ya gonna do?
Hope you enjoyed it!

'Til next time!