• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 1,046 Views, 65 Comments

Coming to terms - The Infinity Doctor

Side story to 'The Weeping Angel' collab with The Planyx. Human male sent to Equestria as a Time Lord.

  • ...

The Sands of Time

I stepped out of the Tardis, an ornate room assaulting my vision. The room had a high-vaulted ceiling, the walls decorated with a few paintings.

'Huh...wonder what time period this is...'

A black arm snaked around my neck, pulling tight as a blade was held to my throat. I struggled to breathe as my attacker ceased to release their grip.

"You will tell me what you're doing in my chambers right now" my attacker hissed, bringing the knife closer to my neck.

'Voice is female, definitely not a pony, possibly an assassin'

"Can't...breathe..." I rasped, clawing at the arm.
She released, letting me fall to the ground. I rolled over, and was staring at an Anubis holding me at knife-point, the necklace and gown led me to assume she was royalty.

"You have ten seconds to explain yourself" she said, still clutching the knife.
"I'm simply passing through, Highness"
"What do you know of me?" she asked, lowering the knife slightly.
"Nothing...I took a shot in the dark..."

She eyed me, then looked to the Tardis. Then surprised me by sheathing her knife.

"Stand" she commanded.
I obeyed, scrambling to my feet. I stared up at her, and realized she was almost a whole head taller than I was. (Maybe it was just her ears?)

"Why did you put your weapon away?" I asked.
"A creature such as you has nothing to defend itself with, my race believes in a fair fight"

'This is new...the show never said anything about Anubites...'

I must be in the equivalent of Ancient Egypt...

"What year is this?" I asked.
"Of what relevance is that?"
"I need to know" I shrugged.
"It is year 92 according to our calendars"

'I have no idea when I am, great...'

"Why do you ask?"
"Oh...no reason..."
"You are very strange"

'You have no idea...'

"Thank you" I replied.
'I think...'

"Where have you come from?"

'Let's see how far I can take this...'

"I am a diplomat from the far north"
"What species do you represent?"
"I have never heard of them" she said, her eyes narrowing.
"We are very few in numbers, only a few know of us"
"I see...and what is your name?"
"Zero, an odd name"
"What's your name?" I asked.
"I am Queen Nevra, leader of the Anubites"
"Hello, I bear you no malice"
"Good to hear, very lucky, in your case"
"Why is that?"
"I don't think you'd be able to defend yourself, even if I gave you the advantage"


"Well, anything weird going on?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
"Unusual? Out of the ordinary?"
"I know what it means" she barked (ha, 'barked') "why do you want to know?"
"If I'm here, then something must be up"
"Why do you assume that?"
"I don't know, call it a hunch"
"I shall call it what I like, thank you very much"

'Jeez, she must've really woke up on the wrong side of the bed...'

"I think if it pleases her highness, I'll go out and poke around"
"What makes you think you have permission to leave?" she asked, blocking my way.
"I assume you don't want me in your personal chambers, and would much rather have me out of the way"
"You'd be correct- begone, and take that...thing, with you" she said, pointing to the Tardis.

I shrugged, and walked into the Tardis, Irdis waiting on the scanner.

"Did she just call me a 'thing'?"


"Highness, we heard voices, is everything alright?" an anubite guard asked.
"Yes, it is well" she responded "return to your posts"

They turned and left, leaving Nevra alone in the hallway.

'An interesting creature has practically dropped into my lap, claiming to be an ambassador of an unknown species...' she thought to herself 'perhaps the royal scribe will find information on these 'humans''


"Stop him!" the anubite guards called, chasing after a running figure "He's stolen property of the royal treasury!"

Other guards joined in the pursuit, following the offender- they saw a glint of gold from ahead, no doubt from the stolen item, revealing the figure's position. The figure bolted again, the guards hot on his heels, practically snarling in anticipation of catching their prey.

The figure then ducked into a nearby street, the guards following.

"We've got him now!" One of the guards cried "This is a dead end!"

The group turned the corner, spears ready, and saw nothing but the empty alley.



I sat in the Tardis, reading a book- or rather, was. I could still read at a normal speed, but to do so just felt a little wrong...and speeding through it like the Doctor does...ugh...don't get me started, it makes my head spin just thinking about it.


I jumped at the noise.


"Looks like somepony's ticked" Irdis commented.

I rolled my eyes as I got up, walking to the doors of the Tardis.


"Can I help you?" I asked, yanking the door open.

A black, furred fist clutched my throat, an angry Anubis queen attached to it.

"You...have much...explaining to do..." she seethed, her eyes boring holes into mine.


Author's Note:

Another chapter! Yay!

Please give your feedback.
Don't forget to check out my other stuff as well, I could use feedback on those as well.

Until next time!