• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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On the Willows There, We...

"Are you loco in the coco?!" Props' voice echoed against the nearby treetops. "You'll turn to mush mush from those snake thingies before you can do anything!"

Meanwhile Eagle Eye carried Ebon Mane up the stairwell. The mercenary and cook leaned against one another. Eagle Eye blinked while Ebon squinted into the starlight.

The Jurists were gathered all across the top deck of the Jury. Booster Spice stood with them while a cluster of changelings clung to the skystone crystal and its support struts above.

"EE...?" Ebon murmured nervously.

"Spark alive." Eagle gulped. "These guys again."

"Props, there's a piece of the machine world deep inside that mountain," Rainbow wheezed, hovering weakly in the center of the group. "I've seen this sort of thing multiple times. Where there's a layer of metal, there's a door. I can totally fly in there, draw the chaos creatures after me, and seal them away for good."

"Dashie, not everything is like White Rap!"


Props waved her forelimbs around. "You could be flying into a death trap! Or a dead end! That's the deathliest death trap of all!"

Zaid trotted forward, resting a calm hoof on Props' shivering shoulder. "Rainbow, for real." He gulped. "You didn't find a door in Durandana. So what makes you so darn sure there's gonna be one here?"

"Durandana was a fluke," Rainbow said. "A crater caused the metal layer of the world to be exposed. Nothing else." Rainbow's ruby-eyed gaze swam across the group. "This mountain is different. I see something glowing in the heart of it—"

"Rainbow?!" Props frowned. "Just because some Yogi Bearra symbol is calling for you doesn't make it the same as the flame you've huffed before!"

"You're right." Rainbow nodded. "This makes it all the more important for me to investigate. To find out for sure what it is and what it means." She gulped hard, pointing northeast. "Something's gotta be done about the abominations that are chomping at the bit to fly out of the mountain and ravage every living thing on this continent. I... I feel as if Yaerfaerda is calling to me." She shook her head. "I'm too close to ignore it now."

"The paint bucket boomer has always had her own glimmer shimmer," Floydien said. "This does not surprise Floydien."

"Don't joke, handsome!" Props yelped, her eyes welling up with tears. "Dashie could die! Don't you g-get that?!" She fell on her haunches, shivering. Zaid leaned in and nuzzled her close.

"Or, y'know, Lil' Miss Awesomeness could not die." He looked up, ears folded. "Right...?"

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. She turned and looked at where Pilate and Belle stood with Kera, then at Roarke.


Rainbow looked across the top deck.

Eagle Eye gently placed Ebon down. The cook leaned against a skystone support beam while Eagle trotted closer. "Take us with you! We've fought terrible creatures before! We... w-we could hold these things off while you take your dive into the heart of the mountain!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, EE," Rainbow said. "Whizzball is down for the count. Even as light as you are, carrying you alone would slow me down." A bittersweet chuckle. "Don't even bring Josho into the equation..."

"We really must be going," one of the changelings stammered. "Even as we speak, the monsters are stirring, more and more restless."

"What about th-this ship?!" Booster spoke aloud. His goggles glinted in the starlight as he smiled. "You can fly her there and provide cover!"

"If you're near the mouth of the mountain when the monsters fly loose," another changeling said, "You will all be the first to be consumed."

"They fly faster than you can imagine," explained another. "The only reason they didn't catch up to Rainbow Dash and her two friends this morning is because we collectively distracted them."

"Well, we c-can't just abandon her here!" Eagle Eye stammered, increasingly breathless. "Not with the way sh-she's been feeling lately and... and... and..."

"Kiddo," Josho spoke up, his tone neutral. "We've got the fastest ship this side of the continent. If things go south here in Amulek, Val Roa's going to need forewarning of this catastrophe."

"The fat boomer is right," Floydien muttered. "Nancy Jane may be the only thing to prepare this world for the new spread of glimmer shimmer."

"After all we've been through, we can't let that bastard Chrysalis win," Josho said.

"I don't get it!" Kera trotted forward on tiny hooves. "Why would we be leaving Rainbow behind?! We're gonna need her in Val Roa, r-right?"

Rainbow leaned down towards her. "I'm needed here, Kera. I'm the only pony who can open up the machine world's door. I'm the one soul who can seal the monsters away."

"But why can't you join us in Val Roa?!"

Rainbow Dash sighed heavily. "Because I-I'm probably not coming back from this, Kera."

Every Jurist hung their heads.

Kera stared, her lips quivering beneath glossy green eyes. "No... no...!"

"I need you to be strong, Kera," Rainbow said firmly, squeezing her shoulder. "For Pilate and Bellesmith. They're going to need you from now on—"

"Not without you!" Kera flew forward and buried her sobbing face in Rainbow's chest. "Not w-without you!"

Rainbow clenched her jaw as she gently held the crying filly. It was a tense effort, for the waves of dizziness still plagued the edges of her vision.

Belle sniffled and leaned against Pilate's shoulder. Props rubbed a hoof over her wet eyes while Zaid watched quietly.

"Y-you c-can't just give up like th-this!" Kera whimpered. "You just can't! You're bigger than this! Stronger than this!"

"Kera..." Rainbow stroked her back. "Pssst... Scamp." She tilted the filly's chin up and smiled at her. "The fact that I'm bigger than this is precisely why I have to do what I've gotta do."

"But... b-but..."

"If I was the kind of pony to give up, I'd never have gotten past the borders of Equestria." She smiled. "I'd never have come close to crossing paths paths with a pony as awesome and radical as you." She leaned in and nuzzled the foal. "You have so... so much strength, Kera. I'm super thrilled that you believe in me, but now you have to believe just as much in yourself. Belle and Pilate need it. And so do you."

"Rainbow..." Kera hiccuped, her face awash with tears. "Don't go. Please..."

"There's a spark waiting for me down there, Kera." Rainbow Dash stood up, gently patting the filly's head. "Someday, you'll too find that spark, and you'll realize what has to be done." She gulped. "I just hope it's not in as dark and freaky of a place. You're the kind of pony who deserves an audience." Rainbow heard hoofsteps; she looked up.

Belle and Pilate stood on either side of Kera. They gazed at Rainbow Dash, struggling to stand straight.

"We believe in you," Belle said with a bittersweet smile. A tear rolled down her cheek. "We always have. Please... please f-forgive us for doubting."

"Stop apologizing, Ding-Dong," Rainbow said with a smirk. "I don't want my last memory of you to be slapping your stubby horn left and right—"

Belle lunged forward, engulfing Rainbow in a deep hug. She nuzzled the mare's neck and murmured through her tears: "You will come back... I know it..." A shuddering sob. "I've witnessed it before..."

Rainbow squeezed Belle's back. "If you believe in me, then you'll know not to wait around if I buck things up." She murmured into the mare's ear. "Have Floydien get you guys to safety. Head for Val Roa. Find a place that's peaceful to live for the rest of your lives. I don't care if you have to cuddle up to the Grand Choke."

"We are at peace, Rainbow," Belle whispered. "You've given us that. You've given us everything."

Pilate leaned in, cuddling Rainbow from behind. "We love you, Rainbow." Kera leaned in, rubbing her moist cheek against one of Rainbow's forelimbs as the zebra continued, "You've never let us down. You won't now."

Rainbow tilted her head back and nuzzled the stallion. "Look towards the mountain, bright eyes." A wry smirk. "If you guys see the fog roll back, that means I've done it. If you don't—"

"You will succeed," Pilate hissed, his ears twitching. "You always do."

"Heh... who am I to second-guess my favorite referee?" Rainbow winked while Pilate produced a dry chuckle. "Promise me whatever life you guys live, it'll only have contained explosions."

"We promise, Rainbow Dash," Pilate said. "The world won't be as stimulating without you with us."

"I don't think I've had a sexier compliment." Rainbow Dash said. She backtrotted, her hooves dragging... dragging... then finally slipping out of Eljunbyro's grasp. Belle and Pilate knelt down, holding Kera close as they watched Rainbow draw further away.

Rainbow brushed past Josho. "I mean this as sincerely as I can say it with my own vocal chords," the obese stallion uttered. "You've got bigger balls than I ever did."

"Heh... why else do I have so many colors in my tail?" Rainbow smiled. "It's to distract everypony's eyes."

Josho smiled tiredly. "What are the odds you will make it? For real?"

Rainbow shuddered through a wave of dizziness. "How about this, Josho? You go on a diet until we talk again muzzle to muzzle again."

The stallion's ears folded back. "I might enter a beauty pageant faster than Eagle Eye."

"Now I'm actually sad." Rainbow pivoted. "Floydien. You've got good ears." She gulped and glanced at Pilate, Belle, and Kera. "You know what to do if the fog doesn't roll away..."

"Nancy Jane has only ever tried to mimic the paint bucket's glimmer," Floydien said. His red eyes narrowed. "Floydien only hopes paint bucket boomer isn't attempting to mimic Nancy Jane."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Rudolph. This is all me."

"For that, Floydien is proud."

"The one day I can actually read your lips." Rainbow Dash shook her head with a smirk. "You go on and say something like that."

"Yes yes yes."

Rainbow's teeth showed through a tired grin. She nearly ran into Props and Zaid.

"I really d-don't think this is so swell, Dashie," Props stammered. "I'm just an engineer like my Unky Prowsy before me. But..." She sniffled. "An engineer of the world?"

"I wish I knew how to throw wrenches at stuff and have it make music overnight." Rainbow gulped. "Heck, if you were Austraeoh, you'd probably have fixed Urohringr months ago."

Props giggled inwardly, then sniffed. "Thank you, Dashie, for giving us all new lives."

Rainbow smiled. She leaned in and nuzzled the mare. "Thanks, Props, for giving me a little breath of home."

Props tried to smile back, but she broke into further tears. She hid her face in Zaid's shoulder. Meanwhile, the stallion glanced quietly at Rainbow.

"I don't think I've seen you so serious... ever, Zaid."

"I'm trying it on for a little bit," the stallion said with a weak smile. "I'm only charged twenty bits if I turn it in a day late past the rental period."

"Is there anything in the old Herald's book about Austraeoh taking a crazy stupid plunge into a death mountain full of monsters?"

"No, but I could recite the bit about scrubbing a toilet while a thousand feet up in a skystone ship."

Rainbow smirked. "Never change, Zaid."

"I'd say the same about you, sexy, but..." He gulped. "You're a hard act to follow."

"Yeah." Rainbow nodded and turned around. "I know."

She fell into a tight pair of lavender forelimbs.

Rainbow wheezed for breath.

Eagle Eye snuggled her close, his eyes tearing. "Thank you..."

"For... f-for what?"

"Everything," the stallion whimpered, holding her closer. "I found life... I found love... all because of you..."

"EE..." Rainbow patted his shoulder and pressed them both apart. They looked into each other's eyes. "You found yourself. I only pointed you in a dangerous, kaizo direction, ya feel me?"

"Yeah..." Eagle sniffled with a tearful smile. "Yeah, I do..."

"Rainbow Dash," Ebon wheezed as he trotted closer to the scene. "Is there really no other way...?"

"Look at the bright side." Rainbow parted from Eagle's hug and trotted over to the cook. "There'll be a crapton more apples for the rest of you guys to eat from now on."

"Always so brave... so thoughtful..." Ebon sighed, teetering slightly. "Even when you're not saving us, you're saving us."

"Wish I was saving you more often." Rainbow squinted. "You look almost as bad as I feel, Ebon."

"I feel great, Rainbow..." Ebon smiled with a single tear. He leaned in just as Eagle trotted over to his side. The stallions nuzzled each other dearly. "Just... great." He shuddered, his soft eyes falling on Rainbow once more. "When you come back, I'll f-feel even greater."

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle... hesitated, then said, "Good bye, fellas. Whatever you do..." A backtrot and a salute. "Don't have your honeymoon in the Grand Choke."

Ebon bit his lip. He and Eagle leaned against each other, watching Rainbow trot away with heavy sighs.

As Rainbow came closer, Booster Spice raised his hoof and opened his mouth—

"Hey Booster. Nice goggles."

Booster blinked. He turned and blankly watched the mare as she trotted past.

Rainbow stood beneath the perching changelings. "I'm strong enough to fly, now," Rainbow said. "I guess, in a way, I always was."

"Good. Because there isn't much time left," one changeling said.

"If we hurry now, we just might be able to lead the escaping creatures back into the mountain," another said.

"We'll do whatever we can to make sure you reach your destination."

"But I still gotta lead the creeps, right?" Rainbow said. "I mean, when all is said and done, they gotta be chasing me into the heart of the mountain."

"Do you think you can fly for that long?"

"Dudes, I've been flying for far longer than even your 'Mother' can boast of. Less talk and more flapping."

From afar, Ebon's head jerked towards the scene. He blinked worriedly.

Eagle Eye bit his lip.

"We will lead the way," one of the changelings said as one by one they took off from the skystone. "If your companions value their lives, they will do what the ponies of Amulek refuse. They will put as much distance between themselves and this place."

"The Jury knows what to do. Don't you worry."

"EE...?" Ebon stammered.

"Let's go, Ebon," Eagle murmured, leading the stallion back down the stairwell.

"But... but Rainbow—"

"There's n-nothing left to see here." Eagle fought back a sob as the two descended below deck. "Spark, sp-spare us..."

Ebon nervously trotted along with him, though he gave one last feeble glance over his shoulder.

As Rainbow Dash was just starting to take off, she caught a glance of a brown shape in the corner of her vision. She looked over, eyes bright.

Roarke stood on the starboard side of the ship, facing out towards the forests and mists, dead silent.

"Just... j-just one second," Rainbow wheezed.

"Rainbow Dash, there is no more seconds!" a changeling yelped.

"We must make haste—"

"Will you just friggin' wait?!" Rainbow snapped, galloping over to the starboard side. "Without me, you're not doing this at all! So just hold up!"

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